Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jan 1955, p. 10

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Tllr old Ilovc wllll HI lhccl Iron mm has dilapprnrcd 11mm on pnpcr blrda nml bulmlllu on the window lhnl 1n the uld dnyl know no decomllun ullur llmn nu octnllnnnl cobweb ulubc ll null um um lcnrhcrl dusk butllllnncw fllobrlhu map or Ihu mm mm tlllnltd land mm llw boy 01 llw school wen klllvd In llm wnn Ihnl chnnuul lL Yuu lhlnk your Iltuulu ln mnrxnbcr lhc dam lat wan flllll Ilrulhn ul Mull Ind yuu mnld Wrflp or my chlld lcl lu mlulvr lllllll mun Lcii nioncyuu Jim your old sent and ii ducxul stem ihal yuu were the girl whn xui mm yearn nun For more real nu iilc ghosts who vrcscniiy appear In their old pinmgiri with hair ribbon and boys lmouiiIiucud nndxud dy looking just n1lilcy did my year no nvrn though you have mm them since with graying hair and limping Iiiuuldcrl The ion chcru are lime ioo in nod and Ihc noiIoxmud maybe one flu mi who pmhrd iil pup iis along and pcrhnp one never in be lornuucn burn in me call lng who could louk lnio ch 5qu and up his um lmd nucdx the old man tells you warmly remember your inth er and remember team he used to drive He may have more to say about the team your lather drove but the one word was enough to take you back to timejwhcn you too knew the horses that passed your way the chime at every neighbors sleigh bells on winter night the rhy thm ot certain horses hoot beats rattling the little bridge down the road and stopping at your gate though you may havel forgotten the boy who came to see you long ago Other memories come onekfmlsted with glamor throuzh the years until you could pity any girl horn too lateto know the charm of buggyride on stariit summer night Or perhaps you may be only trying to recapture the magic of time that can never come back and that soon no one will remember You go back to the old school Because you want to he alone with your memories you wait un til the children have gone home nd you get the caretaker to let ou in it the caretaker is an old man who knows the schools history more likely than not he will tell you about the smart men the rchoel turned out in the ole daysdoctors and lawyers and uerhaps Member at Parliament These men had brains he will tell you each in his day stood head and shoulders above the common run in the school they deserved good schooling Now every farmers son thinks he should go to high school bus calls at cvorycroswond to make it easy for them And what good does it do lheml Hall at them just come luck to the arm and itly there Yes and they had teachers In those days the old man will assure you men who used the rod and pushed the pupils lionnone at this making things easy that was mailing the youngsters today Have you ever gone hack the country neighborhood o1 your youth nfler on absence lung en ough to make you teal stranger in he Nd place Perhaps the whole towmhlp has assembled celebrate centennial and you leel very much alone in he crowd Then someone intruduges you to an old man you have never seen baton llcn In flu ebuntryn hurt When lha pm In gum awe unnna mutants It eerhu bean So wrote Nanmanna and per hapstn genquLwe agree with him Death at the earth and strength mu have perman ence all thzlrown and country tmdmon dlevhard Still change dour come to th countryas to everywhere else and same or the change at the last few years have come so fast as to be almost confusing jthey sweep us along we may he torn between prlde In our progress and degret at what we are leaving behind lt la hardtoknaw what xhould bu snved rum hr old ways to build Into the new 5V9 Hgar About gr iii Thé cauhliryfs Heérl KIM first of five Articles maimed Old Ways By ETHEL CHAPMAN qupmr vvnlurca numc mpll wuuld Him In lum oul lhe HI wu am Just as wollcnrncd mmlurl was turning lo lhcxc hum wurklnl lnrmrrl the charm of cuunlry we the sxmplo natural thing Ihould be taken Awny Dnvlnu buck In the thy with my lnrmrr frlundl Aha nlzhl wukr or mu We had Iloppcd or II IIhwny will cross nud whtrc nrvlcc anon rd up Um place llkn II My mun muflulnm vlllled Iuch bum in nrxrflnu communlly when men wxu prosperity unknown to runny Inrmcn In my youth new hnuslnz development wnl crowding In 1ch new and scndlnz and mm Ikyrockumnz super mnrku had taken over tho lol ncxl 1mm old churchyard drlvcln IlfllrL kw lhc hlflh way hick wllh cm In lhu cvcn In And hi how mulg Your friends farm home the soltd 01d huusc with maple long the line may look much as It dld when you In nw II but lnsldc yuu may find thing Ihat will Iurprlxc you The kit Chen likely to have hu link and cupboards and coloring magadnc picture and mnny gadget yuud see at home show The one thing thll has nut thansz the kitchen howl tallty at the country Your lrlcnd lets ynu all thin and vlsll whllq ah gel lupplr ready Just as you dld when yau were zlrll together year ago In your Irlenda plant He hit been In re often at sunmung and par and perhaps on more personal vIsHs If your friend hat daughlcr Intermarriage be cuming am of he mostcffcctlv ways nsslmllaunl our New Can ndlamr There may he home that you wam vlsll an old trlcnd you want to see You know that nhe marrlcd boy on am down the road bu they may not be llv lng than now no you lnqulre house along he way It may be that he name on the mil1box new to you lndccd you may not know how to Pronounce ll for many or the name on our rural mallboxes now had lhelr nrlglh In torelgn country But hc woman who comes to the door ls llkcly 1n hnve the inlormamm you want It not She can get mm her chlldren Perhaps she wlll say 11 long walk My son Mlkc wlll lake you lnthe cnr Mike may be Ukrnnlan or Dutch or Pollah or 01 some olhor natlonal orlxln but he has been In Cnnadn or few yuan he is much like any other young Cun ndla Hnknows wall the way Youloel the door ot the old school and atlash of memory Lakes you back to another day when you closed the doorJnd stepped out inlo world thet was your or the taking end you wanted to glve it every gilt you had or thought you had You wonder youth feels the same urge today and you think prob ably net with all the counter in terests ol the times Then the school bus passes and stops at the crossroads to unload ar hull dozen ol it shouting laughing pnsen acre and you see that they are carrying as heavy load of books us you ever took home or nights study us the Janitor said half ui these children stay on the arms the countrylide shuuid have int oi enlightened men and women in low years ty old retards an in lively ynster here and there you nee evidence the new such Itud 1e with the children themselves Arvttnlunttr in Wing commun Hy You remember the Friday night dEbatInx soclety that met In the old Ichool and the young men wha mowed promise as an tors nnd later went Into county uunclu or larger neldl 01 pou tlcs ur who in one may or an other made themselves useful as apokesmnnJor the communlty Thcrels no Fridaynlxht dcbatlug clubln the school now but at tha centennial uflulr young tanner had made speech that wauld have done credit tn one his fathers loneradon You declde that hay must be letting their tralnlng in some other way nowa daysIn junior tanner club or farm forums perhaps ulwuv Mn KINGSBEER Later saw the poverty the wasted land the sell eyoslon and the human erosion that lncvllnhly followed and wongércd what could be done about lt In the old days nmanwhowantcdtohelo apoar nelghbor could land hlm seed help hlmlto get hls crops planted and harvested The only way to hclnnow the nulhurluu tell us ls through big scheme 01 education and planllng trees and dommlng strnams and bulldlng uoll Ind mayh taking over land that would never have been armed anyway But 112 people would have to be back at the plan and somellmcs Its hard to get people to take on new ldca They llkc the old ways will Thats sliil lhu way it is in some purl oi the country my lricnd explained Its all very well or us to incl smug nhdu the way were getting ahead with our better incomes more schooling mor oi the amenities every way But we sliil have our bad lands our marginal inrms where ihings are very diiiernnl And the gulf between the two is widening all the time The Iarmer laughed Most of these cars come 1mm town he said some mm the Inrther back concessions but not many trom this ne ghborhnnd its natural enough H1 eyes twinkled and he asked Do you remember when we were Ida and the Kick npoo Indians came and put an theh show In the village how we benzeng an mm them had to admtt that remem bered wulL But we had so little else to see argued BM people cam so much about such things the sky an sunny night how do you accuum Hm the cars jamming your drive In beaue when the pnstcrsprn mlse nnlhIng but cheap thrill er Well nowy lunny thing about the stars the time said never paid much ntientlnn to theInJillw tank trip to New York and went tq the planetar lurh flnn saw what Id been missinznnd got telescope Often now on emuy night we go out ta little knoll heck of the burn where we can see in all directions The children think Its mat xdei They paint out Venus nnd Jupiter and some never heard atbhey learn about them at schnol hut Im content tust to lank and wonder Seems Is you donhknow how to appreciate whats at your door un you see it mm distance Most of us Around here manage to take trip somewhere every year but were always satisfied to get hack home mu lhh néon signs Would show uphqlter THY lulmlnula null to Mrl at In My home unlu turd In nu to mnrmbu 2171th you bruuzhlnlnn In nnr Inbr You hulax wonl III In rallru Ind mul Idlbchlnd bfnnllll Hal nu melt nl honr Ina chrrk ll llu nlurn cawmnxlm 1nunmmn Molhers Helperr 75 BRADFORD ST me modern farmer while he re lainsa lot of the independent aniA tude his pionm ancestors mesnl have the same attitude to wnrds going it ahne Hz has learned panham fluxth biticr experience that farm organiza tions can ammplish more than Individuals And mm now until early spring he is likely to be at tending meeting 01 some of them nrganimtiuns Cannpe preparation extra simples these days especially with the help the new drained meat you find at Wu grueers in green labelled tins The primary use these meats course ts nourishment lar bdbyrbut smart hostesses everywhere are quickly recognizing that It richnm flnvardls Emnnth uniform texture make good base or adult dishes 51mm lecr anq Bacan or cxa have beensautegd in mclmd butter blended In and you have 1mg rival that any Erench chef meghnlng inea Iasly Ilnger funds beverage 1mm cone table or bullet is man or while you flnlsh last minute details In lhqmselves 10 the appetlzlng tidbits Conv party will lake cargo itscll Its holi euvres StféiquaMyegfi iiepaqafiéh TastyjCahapf by DfOeuvres iskumlng 10m Speaker liday ume fiafly iimo and time WINTER DOINGS AWAITING YOU NOW Ilcru urujual qftw 0f the arching Mm 0050 Zfirm T9 Mnmrmtmnliu awn 1011 UrIlmthNI Cunmlu Limitnl new look distincliOnlanéwfield lvablmlk wimlulnivhl rum nmuml nl lnp mll nu hollmn for ann viuiltllily wlmu yuu mu it most Do Sqln flqy AUurimn 4n uncnuuwu guests can nelp Convcmauon will flaw and the lhrillin power is yours to commnnd in the new Firoflflc and Fire domo on ncs And lowchIitn nulomntic lmnsmission is standardon MI 55010 models De Soto FullTime Power Steering power brnkcs power mats power window lifts Arc uptionnl at alight cxlm cost Every dialinclive line of the 1955 DcSolo fills you that its new cxcitin different You get foclin of cageMono forward motion even ion the car is standing stil DcSolo is Ian and low hnrely live feet from roof to mull Its luxuriously wide and momy to give you more hiproum and more stretchout spucul Rich interior nlvrim and bol5tcr material harmonize perfectly with exterior colours Thrilling power is voum mmmnna um uulluu nlnz the easy way example ls mixed lnushrnom blls llmt utter tablespoon of cognac or brandy flagrant llavnrlul Liver Palq that will The Bank of Canada has been urglng rpcaplu amnlarlzc them sole with the new oldin money In order tn help mlcgwd one Of Canadas most impumnt ladl illes your currch The Lrum Is that the average when is much mare concerned with whn Lhc naw banknolcs win buy and thc stability of their purchaslng power 1hm in any lancy aerJL and engraving Zamp1cmon NH mbunc to pass the canapus and hers served 319M 110 or chmca 11s ONLY MONEY FRENCHMDTORS Mu was my ucsts can help Fltn unlml law In mnunlnl nu Inurulnunl lmnol or HumLII upvrnllou Ilium rm vultnm mow uillco mar nllin wma lnkon on flour Mr nmfi Mrs Clarence Carsnn and Valerie visited Mr and Mrs Lungmnn Allcnwood Newmrxei vuu Mr nd Mysthul Carson Mr Larry Richaran had the ml lorlune to break his right Wm while playing the day beinro Christmas We Ill hope It will soon mend Laxm Babys Arrives Congratulations lo Mr and Mrs Morley Feasby nee Phyllis Car son on the blrlh son Rum Mgfley on ma 23 Mr aria Elks fivBmy spent Clglslmas 5m jummu DODGE DESfllll Glad to hear Mrs Knnls Im proving following severe me bronchitis Visitan at Years were Mr LanmanA hexé Mr nnd Mm Paul cmun were at Mr nad Mrs Hansons Ear gheAhglldgy Mn andUMn Denimk imhm failed Ed Lloyds 1013 Nw en 56 ELLEN ST you nurse nhmul umoolhly lawnrllllu In ruly nutomullc no nod to II foot from newkrutur 81m nu the gun to go nlcp un wholo atop vouu Donaln sofo DIALIEEI BEAVER APTO PHONE 2517 MumHype imllumml pour hnn Iwu lluply mwl uoullonl lwutuuml lo hub monlto lmutlfully wllll llw ollcrlor ha cur 155011 or New nnd Mrs Sam De with MotionDesiglp forVThic LUMBER COMPANY LlMiTED HEADQUme FOR LUMBER AND BUILDING NEEDS FIBBFLITB vn IIIIIBDOME ya Mm Irvin Ca son has beenivlsg Illng her dqughkr Mrs Morley Feasby Uxbrl uncc chrm max and son Doualu1orontn Henry Ind cluence Knnh md Joni PI Toronto Mr and Mn Fred Finland ronr Christmu vlsltan were Mr and Mr George Hnyhmt and amlly Toronto Mr and Mn Miller Amer and Inmllynmle Mr and Mn am Richardson min Mrs Bertha Chatterley Tor onto Mn Ind Mn Chester Etch agdrun and Xamily Mr and Mrs Ed Lloyd ind their daughterandherhusbundflom To rorttavisitlnl thprp mum luaum Mr and Mn Wlllllrn Mgild den and Anne visited relative In Barrie Christmas Day Mrnund Mrs Del McFaddennlw spentthe day inBnrrIg Henry mnhAnlwmukm At the annual ratepayerlj meet lng In the school Henrydmua was returned to olglcclnranothcr term as trustee The fablrtlofisfl955 ind Mn mm Inn Ind Mn Mumy CanoanEnZ Christmas at Wnunu Thorntons Newmaxkeh Christmu Gums Chrlsunu vlsllon me were Mr and MnVnnAyn and children Mgls Blu Kan Inslump num llllIl Lilla Hm Hmflllo VB tho Fimdomo hm lwminpwrl rnloumhunflunchnmlnrnnd 75 lo mmprmalan Hull ulvunnmonthnr nrlorm nncn an lodnyl ucLI Uxbfilda yuu lwo nnu accent that males llm De la llmllllo Hporunnnn mm math out candy qr the mud Ihmd BARRiE Foitqard Look Amount mums Wednesday Jun 12th Open 9301121 600 mm Tlulrsdny Jan 131qu 0pm 930 31m 00 jun mu up gnudihn Ariny magnum AM iflliili¢i9¢f 151199355315 In onewvisif mom 5971 hfiumuny dilljun cu opponmylflu lo nun In lhu up 17 mi 49 45 you alllndy how madJ talk wllh NV Cum dlnn Anny blurxenon 051w will glvygyw Hum Io Idol lhn Amyli lo and WM lhhvflnd hm Io oflav mun why vim up unydu MI bowl

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