WHEN LFLYEks TACkLEfHAWKS AT BARRJE ARENA TONIGHT Galt Black Hawks the team Barrie Flyers hope Lo ejlmln ate areat BanLe Arehn might and If there Is any player on thls club whopould put coach HapREmms out alvbdsl nQSSpHS Hec Lalnngie tarwlth pronch scoï¬ng 117111917 Ln lnnde ls Gan chic threat mime Flyers in their hopes to clinch playbtgberth In the DEA Jump At struggle At the thnenl writing the Fly cr enlqud onepoint Edie on slxth and dust playolf pqsthut playlzd Hamiltah Cubs in the Mann nln City last night and the result in lound elsewhere The Flyers could be either three ur less points up an Ihe vlslflng Black Hawkiwho saillnlo tonights cuntcs with two game In hand This is the culumn that could hurt the Flynrs There Is no £15 or buts on his game deï¬nite musk Gun have never aired wellug ninst lhc Flyers either this scasun or any prevlous campaign But just when least expected they could blow the lid righï¬ on This season he Flycrs have won lhrcc in our slarls against the Hawks Bom starts on humc Ice resulted in vlc tary and they havp split two tries In Gallpwinning CH and losing 43 Counting tonights ï¬xture the Flycrs have three more meetings with Gait two here and Due in Black Hawk territory They could be important meetings TelévisinnSetsnlléredrflbnlsévifgns Mlcl fast slarl the Hawks have dropped considerably in the stand 24 Dunlop St ARNOLD RATHBUN MAIL 1MB COUPON 10M To SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA nobm allMlczd Oflim Bulldinï¬ Manual PQ Iltiu mul uilbaul nbligaliml nilah lb Mylar Minna Amtmm or my Ion1g NAME ADDRESS nuugn lhmh lry llul uh tough um Ilu Alrlvn AND unm um jml mu um Ilnuc In cqu1 your ur wm lhumr hum mm mm mm nulmnn nu mom Iluulnp mu HIp Mml Know By means of the Junior Adjustable Assuxancc plan yvu can now make systematic payman on nur sons hthalf which will be of great value to him whm lm Ilnchcs manhood lncsiigalc this xcmarkablc new Sun Life plan under which the assurance inmasc mm 1000 $5000 at age 21 will no increase in premium Many otllurwalunhlc provisions remained in his policy Applicable cllildruu mm om wcck Mum yum ROUGH ROADS Bulstones Tire Service Ever Hear About FAMOUS DUNLOP gTIRES IMIHUE REPRESENTATIVE NUWIAS NEVER BHflflE Yllll BAN ASSURE HIS HHIJRI BARRIE lugs nldcd namrauy by lerrlflc burst 1mm theFlyer who climbed tom deep seventh posltlnnJo staggerinfl sixth It lhlsyépat they hope tuponsolldatq tonight Bu as saidpreviousiy Laiande could bring his mates In here with dilfnrcntideas Gait need victories 1103 and this is Susi as big game Mar them it is or ï¬le Fiyers The zame brlngi one actor to mini Three of the lap our secrets in the group will be on display Danny Pulizlani and Bab Barlaw are second and fourth respectively while Lalmdc is runnlng third For the sccnnd flï¬lc ln as many hnmc games the Flycrs wlll unload beautiful television set onto the fans lucky draw will be mndu alter lhc gnme Elfin vnr Va ey The lead ing early variety is known as the Warba EARLY POTATOES FREDERICTON CF Produc Hon of potatoes far the early market starting 1n midJuly has become an llnporum pm at farm prugfdms In varinys part 01 hc ROUGH ON TIRES KINGSBEER qnonrmsus gnowuu IuwnvnMVuo Phone 6451 ljlllNU fur nmdcnl anuer llll nlumcr Ill 1er umnlnn nu lunu HQ there In vulcr lucrv Tb Train RCAE Ring Persqynnel Jaqucs president at the new RCAF boxing cummuwe at Camp Borden is ready to launch sys kemallc program at Instmchomsu thn hlghlydouled team canbe ormed for competfllon against ROM bnsgs and Mr Service cham pionships Squadron Leader Jaqunx RCAF Camp Borden pmduced lOsmkc this week when he ac quired lacal boxing instructnr Or va Dash at uni Barrie Boxing Club as much 01 RCAJV personnel For scvrmi ycnrsm wurkhorxc with local boy Dash unncd the Barrie Boxing lllib mid since has sxnl many Earn ringslcr wing lug aluug is impressive mitt rc cordSumco£ his ucczs came in ighms like James Parkerv Vic TIBH Don lailacc Syd Taylor and currently he is pushing ah lmclions like Lyle Parker Paul Kenny and Andre Bauld 10 the lop DI the lmnlnur worldi Dash was selected as the instruc tor very uncummun move cun sldcrlng he is hlrcd civilian The move speaks well for the high rc gurd In which Dash is held by lhc lbcl An Fume base kccn ring enthusiasl than will bu In doubt in any mlnd flur flu and district that Camp Burden have mud an idtnl snlCCUDn Dash ls slulLd In bcgin his lraï¬mng pro gram Wednugxdny Members DI the Barrie Boxing Club are nlsu al luwcd train aI Burden Regular boxmg shows are also planan for Bordcn but lhcse are In be announccd lalcr Dash wanu limo Io look over his rccrulu in he buxlnz school Thu sport has hccome nu 1m purlnnl phase extracurricular ucuvniu thoService The pm gram Dmnlnlnnwldc move ment allhnugh bases llkc Huck cllue and Truman an hr advanc ed With Dash cracking hc whip Is safe In say hal Camp Dani en soon will be laps in the game HM LOSSES REGINA Cl mtnl of 12 In wlthpropurly 125 more Umn 1150000 was batted in Saskatchewan the Mist mm mnnllls Ms ymr They waxed Ill deaths Ind Anlurlc lo 91 um 29 MAPLE AVE PHONE 3922 Almul W10 ORV BASIL llr Puvpose the second loan is ï¬ve younler buys 01 the district chance tomrn Lklll as hockey pkyers isacmnpunion league to the xenior Easl Slmcne group In which play all Its game Goldwater at the senior games will receive the Wlllred Mlnfl1hfl Memorial Trophy pul up in mmpeflllon some years ago by Mrs Rose Man nlng The Juniors are nmnpeflng far cup mbe dnnalcd by Moon stoneHockey Clup Tcarn managers ure Moonswne Howard Mblnsang Vascy Raw sen Nnnh River Georg Fa Goldwater Cccil Orton In um um jumur match Vuey laced Moonstone 84 Fax thewln nun Roi Brow aid 13011 Rawso each 13 iodilwlca Jlm Walker andIarrv mauvan the other pr markers 02 Vnsey The one goal to Movnslone was obtained by AL Walker commm East Slmcoe 1955 Lnth league hockey team opened their schedule Cold watcr rink thlx week The bnys teamswereomanized through Korts ol the Coldwazr Lions Club who are opcnunémhg Kink this winter The tab 115 were turned In the secvnd game between Lh older boys which saw Moonstone nul play Vucy5 lo Three of Moonstone ully were Upped In by Keith McElray Sln glc goals were added or the vi lors by John Patter and Don Walker Gael for Vascy wm scvml by Jake Devin and Bob Rawsun Rclcrcc was Bill Kin nmr at North mun 71 9999 HockeyyObéns EastSimbe Thereer we use hmlu sfx to years ppd 12 la 16 Winngr Them was mum arm51m the two games and the fans serm ui to durive as much excitement mm the cumpnliflan as when at hg senior lmgue game Complete Schcdulc the que League allows Jan 3Maansxone vs Vasey Jan ONullh Ichr vs Coldwulcr Jan IOVascyws Coldwalcr 13Munnstunc vs Norm mvcr l7nldwu4rr vs Moonstone Nunh Rivcr vs Valscy llnonslonc vs Coldwnlcr Vascy vs North RJvcr Nrlhjiver vs ansmnu 3Coldwnlcr vs Vascy Feb 7COIdwalcp v5 Nurth River Feb mVascy vs MDOnslunc Three cums In phyofls First series second and third 1mm play on twa games goals In cnum Final 1151 three out 1ch games it weather prrnlus Qualifiers In Molson Eventf Aiiï¬cauhced Eight ladies and two men rum llama quallflcd or he ï¬nals In the Molsonl Bowling Tuurnnmcn be held at Orfllln Flb I2 There an ID unmm be ollcd here and the top Indy and man Mm day are rcglonnl singlu champions nnd will cumnclc the Sportsmen Show In Toronto The next ï¬ve In with lruup will cumpusu the allnut regional teams In compcu in Toronto on March rA onn Jermcy OriIlln last year rcgional winner who did no have In r011 In the qunlllylnl tuund this limo Mary Wllhcy Gravcnhursl lllm Lab Jewel Gruvcnhum um Holly Bennllcm Wnsaun Bunch l0 Mule Mlllrr Wnsnua Drnch 10 Dummy Splccr MILL land 1032 Chrls Drookhnuk Mld land 1031 Ruth Len Graven num Edna Mnhuodhcrgv Pallowmx an lhc lady uunlin tn Shldcy Vcflcry Mldland Ev SL1 Onut Orlllll Mnhul Nfllxmllh Drilllu Rully llnwn Grnvcnhursl Hllun McMullun Alllulon lhllhurfunl Alllsln Mary um mcr Gravcnhursl Smllh Allls Ion Rosanne Duwncy Alllnun Hunl llnyncr nnnlc Han Wright Darrlc Olive Leann Enrrlc Mny Wlllhmuv Mldlnlul Mullull Huhllhuu Harrie SMIILy Slum Hmrlr Vlvinn Jnucll Or mm mm Fcruumm lmrrlc Mln nlo HmHIL Iluvcllhllrll Chum nun Olllhn Jurkiu Mcrltll Hul rl Tmy muun Hunlc lnll ycmu wnnu JnLk Kllby rmla 1511 Ford Husk Midland 1307 Dan Mum Olnnucvlllr 1150 Dunn Hflnrlln Mlulnud HI Joe Ich unlmn Orlllln HID Huh Knux Culllnuwuml 11W Jlm Inflfllllull llulllsvlllu WlluhlIIIVIOII 11ck var CMIIImWWII Dunn hmllll irnwnhuul ern Wllmn nuuunvlllr Zlnm flute Ullmun hm Mnllln nlhnuwoull 5m SPEEDI Cuop Peggys Beauty Salon Culllgnn SupeIIOr Propane Gas Jacksan Grill Queenmes Lakeside Cablnl LADIES TOWN LEAGUE Po CIaxke Clarke was ALSon lVlau Mékbrs Robinmn Hardware High single Mary Carrion Clarke and Clarke 296 high hme Mnry Carrier 663 Marry cériier Palmer 245 LEA Robinson chc Camn when OReilly 177 Maxg Kenny 42 Conp Lakeside Ella Swamflw 535 but clme 209 Ken Earlsh 5067 Felgyj Doris Gnrvln 249 Vt Perry 579 Alma Babb 1184 Mars Humor 438 Culllzans Qucnnotkcs Culligan urlcit third game Shirley Shaw 101 531 Mac Hasken 230 Propanc Jaeksons Kay KXng 135 Pa McLeod 516 Mary Dixon 5n Resulu or Jun Clarke Cinrke Vinu Minor Hockey Schédules The schcduxcsfor Barrics en tries ln banmm midget nnd juven Ile cnmpcmlnn were released this week All home nights 10 Barrie clubs wlll be lriplchnxrlnrs The tol lnwlng schedules are for Barrie lcams only Jan Juvunllcs at Ecclun Jan Culllnnwoad nl Eunlamls Oulllngwoodal Mldgolx Newmnrke Juvnnllas Jlm 11 Bantams Collingwoud Mldgels Val Colllngwaan Juvcnllcs al Newmarkcl 111m 12 Midland n1 Humans Midland at Midgets Bcolon u1 Juvcnllcs Jan 14 Bantams at Elmvalc Midget at Elmvalc Jun 11 Elmvale at Bantams Elmvalc at Mldgcl Alllslon Juveniles Jun 21 Juvenilcs BI Alllslun Jan 27 Juvnnllcs Woodhrldgc Jan 21 Owen Sound Bantams Owen Sound at Mldgct Oak fudge at Juvcnllcs Away names wllhMldlnnd and Owen Sound he arranged or banlam and mldgcm Boom Boom common Mammal Canalflcns highstorms right winger £5 far ahead In he Koal aclllng department lhl scnwn ovchnsL Mlcr 12 games last ma non he ma tallied1wr mm This season am ll games he had lcnrcd nlnc umu In game up 10 he nwrnlnzul Novcmhcr Gcoflrlnn wssthe Nullnnnl Huck ey Leagues loadlng gual qwrcr Bnkogwrzc Orlllln Duul Stud dnn Ornnucvllln Le Maya Or mlu Jlm Crnnncry onmn Cal McAlcc anlCr Dllukl Camp Durdtn Kcn Carson Ornnzcflllc Glen Smlth Mumsva Ros Pu cock Barrie Ell Knvncl Orlllla Burma Orlllln Olln McFadden urncebrldgn Elvin Brawlcy Dr nngcville Jack smlmon Mldllnd Dave Burns Midland SlflnClhfl Dnrrlu SPARESï¬ FAIL Anmm or msr yam It Battle Bowling 9mm lolpm LEGION HALL owau sr Sulurddy Jun8 REGISTRATION FOR MINOR HOCKEY STRIKES FONSUIKIII HY CANADIAN Pnlnls Wflflnï¬ hm 15mm EXAMINER mmydnnmnyq 1955 flaunt Vhlton Rcccnt handnï¬vlflwrs th Mr and Mrs Famed Cantu were Mr Lowery and girl or Toronw M155 mu lawman Wnlawdnle Mu Dave5rflwland Bradford Mr and Mrs Norrie Caulk and lamlly VI Mr and Mrs Bill Ayers and children Churchill and Mr und Mm Elmar Graham andususan visited meniiywilm Mr and M15 Bill Hiilock Recent visilun with Mr and M11 Harry Squibb and Mrl George Squibb var Mr and Mrs Harry Squibb Aurora Mrs Ben nulL Fcneion Ellis Mrunnd Mrs Gaw and chiicirgn Painswick chkend endv Sundiay visitors Nllh Mr and Mrs Joseph Raul lurg were M15 Mae RhuLSlon Bai lc Miss Teen Roulskm Brad ford Mr and Mrs Dcv Caburn Cocksan Mr and Mrs Lloyd 30mm and chfldxjen Baxter At Niecel Weddllll Mrs Harry Squibb nchndcdJhc wuddlng or her niece in Toranlo recently Mr and Mum Wheeler and hlhdren vlsnud Mr and Mrs Heeley 1n ammo nn Frigay Mr and Mrs Harry Hcdse Tu mflw M15 Allce Wagnur To mnlu Mr and Mm Wallace Mn snn and umldrcn Nicklcsan an Mr and Mrs Oswald Jones and hlldrcn soemNcw Years with Mr and Mrs Marling Mls Ann Copeland xs vvlsillng hcrdnuglucr Mrs Stnne Or mgevilla Carl Copeland Lnkevlnw Mr and Mrs Jack Rogers Toronl Sarah and Dalton Sllghl Coak luwn and Jim Molt Barrie vislb menuy with Mrs William Cupcland Mr and Mrs Price Oakvlllc visited Tuesday Wm Mr and Mrs Billthcch Toronto Vlsllon ML llnd Mrs Tom Mus and Doreen Toronto Visited on Sun day with Mrand MN Dan Rudy Mr and Mrs Marley Allan and David Clnton visited ruccnlly wibh Mr and Mrs Sylvcslur Car Ker Mrs Willlnm Copeland 19 Don Rodgers ML andMrs Joznph Raulstnn attendzd the tumml of Lhu late Wmiam Copeland Sn Emnw in CooksLown on Mon Mr and Mrs Earl Gilmurc Le lmy were at Isobel Knccshnwl on Sunday 5L Jnhns Presbyterian WMS me In Mrs Email Bens Thursday allcrnoon pbcnmr Unmd wmsmc1 Mrs Ernest KnotShaws Wednes day aucrnoan Mrs Slclhmm Kneeshaw spent Chrlsums With friends at Gilfprd Purchm Glflen Flrm Everett Knccshnw has purchased Kcnnobh Gmms arm on the mh concrsslan 01 Wcsl Gwlllknlnlry Mr and Mr GlUcn wm be mov in to their rcccnlly purchased hum In Bradford Teacher at Skelen Mrs Jack Hugh Churchlll has LLun engaged as rather Sluclni UJIHLIH Snmol and bcznn her lu on Mummy In Turonlli Ilolplhl Mr llnd Mm Dough Klrkun and Kalhrrlnc and Mrs Slclhcam Knrcslmw vlsllcd Mm Edna Mar mm pallcnl 1n 1mm hazpilnl Mr and Mrs Mull KnLcshnw nnd Wllllam Kncnsï¬nw were Sun day guest at Mr and Mn Robert Leonard Schomhcrg COULSONS HILL BETHESDA Vlslllnz Daughter Allcmlcd Funcml Loum it Ouelbh Iwngld Conn Is In Guelph this week taking short toms In am cuhurc Furum Mgellxlg Midhurst Em Forumwlll meet at the home of George Ooults an Monday Jam 10 nhe mm jAcrlcullural Fm Are They Du the Jobg Afltndlnl Conference MJss Luis Coulis unending Junior Homemaker conferqnce in Toronto this week WA Meetlnr The WAyvlll mcet Mn Montclth1on Jan 12 Yearly rc puru will he give bynll dopam mums allowed byLhe promm in change of Mrsu ankcom Hostages Mrs Lynn missell and Mrs Mason Mealngs wm be held the ï¬rst Wednesday in the month or the winter scamn um and Ethan Mldlhursl Home and School As mclmlon wlllmccl In SS 17 Ves pm Tuesday Jan ll Mr Dork scn wlll be in charge the 170 gram All ladies are asked In hran thclr hu5lxmds and éach mum to brlng small mice at food for apoplucklunch Burn Newmankc Conlratulauons to Mrlnnd Mrs Lou Neilly J12 on the birth nl son PolerAustln on Jan 1n Miss Jean ribbinson Tommie spam cw days at Lou NclLlys this week Mm To mmm Mruand Mrs Wullam Nnnly and Michel moved ouawa on Tuesday this week New yum Gucsl ML and Ma Emerscq Tharpc and Miss Elizabeth Knccsflmw Tannin were New Years guns Mr and Mrs Grenvlllc Hughes Miss Knpcshaw remained for my yaxsfl Irving ML and Mr Andrew Graham and amUy Mr and Mrs Willard Neilly Margaret and Win nMrcd went New Years Day wllh Mr and ï¬gs Nellly Mr nnd Mr Calder and 1mm ily Tarnnla were New Yoars Dav guests Miss Rcba and El mer Rulhwcll The Same Tu You Happy New Year lulhn cditnr and stat or The BarrieExominuL MOVE HISTORY udnrn movlng pchurLs are generally dalcd rum me ï¬rst pub xhawlnl if Edlsonla klnclns now In 1591 IHECalV£tt spurns CflllJMH ONTHO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Alllslull um um may nun rwIylmdv Ihvn nrnlxln mm In mmuuu mm mxuumu mw hmlwlu lm mulml luv mm mm wmn um wn 1mm lhu mm was Um ylnr In vrmvmlrvlul wm the rar Vnnkm wnn mm mm mum wmm mm llw yrnr mnw Dnnrrn uan my wun mryllunu hm Hu Kmhuky why Wu um ymf um lluuzm wuu llw Tum rmn nun Ilw ytur wmn mum muuu parknl lhu mul mlppmu mm numlnn um xnvulrulln whm mun Jmh Imm hlulrll Tum My 1mm lnrwnul mu man taughl mum Mu um Wmmm llnmbuu wun llm raxlrm Umnuvlnn Ihmillml mm In Izuy my IIIII Hi Hull Iml mun ulllrn dunn ll ll Vuv In Iumrmlvtr lu In lullly lmulhvlul II luv Ilw lunlu drum Ill llMlnm Ilia lull Ilnlu III lull Ill mand he rlmlrrlulh II IllInk Imumllln mu when dull ulnnlly lltrlumn nml Illlvghru Ilve nu Imnuwnl llmn Illa lllllulnl Ir lullOI ul lmrhy lrul All llw III lullqu nl Ipnll In uh II or 55 Till cm II pmdun In In nimum ya Remrmbtu GUEST SPEAKERS Mnurlcc Darby Elmvnlc Howard Harper Gnodwood mu wmlbly nmaln of loan 16 ltukh In thlllclfllllll IDS Am the any CHI mil nulllcv nI ullumh when In rm mun am the any Cm nun nuhlcv LHuhr mum hurl um ullumh whch In mm mm nlmnmun mum lewll MLIXIIIIy lulu Hm Ml Illllvlln spring llHlr VII r€ muum umnuuw um puwrfllll mum rhnlnplnn Munrlh vm mu mm Mlnrllmly Mm handy um my mu Inou nnylhhm munnnhJI liml ILmunhrA flu llllluh HHUWI llll lmllnllv lhl Vlll lhrm be nnnlllrr Inch xwlmmlnu ml nu lhnl Mur II llrll lI Ulltrlrlllm 4U mlks nl llv chill Irlltlnl Wllll IAIkI nlmlu Ur nlmlhrr l34l Tllmvl Iumulrmmwd by ll 1le Ifll hnml Wlfllllllflull Ulllrl Sllllrl Kn nutll Inullur Inmullnu wxunlnu llu rlkh Srllunlluï¬uld Cup lill mm mm Ir LAlluulllul mrll null Illv Will Illl he nnulhur Ilrnluhl wnmrr In llu Wurllln Imwlmll KHII Wl mmllwr luull Cu mm wml hl Mflrrhwlrmnhl wrrllmt wll XI iullu II phrk HHHH Iln luuo All IIIkr Depiulmem ol Hgticulluro Allislon Monday January 10130pm ONTARIOPom GBUWERS HSSIJEIHTIIJN Calvert MIDHURST Iw Immmh and wagMon My rollM will In mluml IM MIMI lI Calm Wu Mgo SIM 7th GVILFORD ATTENTION POTATO WWIIRS meeting to discuss the new llvul In upllmhllc mum rallllul Iouk mam um any gun argue ul llfllulhun Ilr IJI I11 nrw year 1955 may llrlng un In ID brim all rEolI In lIIaIIcr Ihlllclrd rctnvd ter Illaml and xllllcrln rnlnnr Im mm Ilul hllm 1H Hullll mllhly mum Ime will he ncxd at the LDISIILLERS LIMITED Minnow leAIIo 5W 7W OffisefManag DUN GARNEE joined mt stat of Dangerï¬eld Makers Limited on July 25 1934 as accountant anq hnsflncc became omen manager lb that ï¬rm nu mm mm Don is well known to Earth eith Inns and waived his cdumlion flt Vipwria Pubnc Schunl and Barric District Collegiate complcugg hls nnlur matriculation at that in ammo He is married 10 the farmer EleanoLManbbjnd has two chnfl dién hey mum in 1th haw ham 20 Queen Street Hs FUN BEING NEWLY WEDS SHE CODKG HE GUEGSEQ WHAT IT IS run It mu nmulnl