the In yrm nhe 1m dam mm man me my of Imms nu do and olrcu nnlmuh Rho mfmd Myg Wierlvgluen hmnul unlu Em Mlklur Ilulmlulu and Paintings Bring Wide Recognition VCHIHM CW Mil lnllrme Hurley in mm with munllhm mini nl mlmlll ml In nlm umwu lnr Mr pullrllll 01 Ml my THE NEW MAYO lnlcrrnmny watch nob Mnclmnnld wurk rupnlrlnu mm the bus motors In the uurnum An In his own lmnlnm keen pnrnonnl Inlrroat In whnlevor CIVIC GOVERNMENT will take up great deal of Lhmncw Mayors llme In the com lnu your but he will szlll have lullMme job ln operatan hls own buslncss He is AC CALDER CLERKTREASURER IS secn left checking over some correspond ence with His Worship In his Inaugural speech Mayor Oxcer asked the members 01 TI rlmu mlmnh wrh nllnled In Wawz whrn Mr Ildllhcl hm Imm wan uuom um wllh It Navy durlnu HI Emma erhl Wnr mum Imnun 1m Nun rm namnq lmm Jumco mummmuvhuor Chum Wflhre mmmlunmnl lm mu ym an MI mmlur Inle ml ml In numu Chmh mu mount mum whI lhrlv ovum In lhrlr you Im ulvl III work wllh whlchhe Lu cunncclcd mu murk cd lhn program of Mayor Greer during his recent yam In hunlclpnl governmml seen here checking ticket returns with Mrs Mary Reynolds 11 member of the bus llnes sum counclllo do all they could In 1955 for the people they represented ï¬nd for the better ment of the town lmpll wnmm do India Humid In lhllr munn 50 umqu phyummny upland much lhe Ill linxlIJ um for numb wllh dullllml Ind III In mm wen planned mum Mark an Inn lull nm mmr llmnulllun mm anr be Ible la ny 11ml lmlMfll In Any ullm do nun Judy nr 1011 at whalever lhe crvnlurel mm II 11w um you Don and launder II In ulnllc IIIIII mum ml Imp peoplu In My lunkn Ipend lhllr mu Ilmo uniIla Ital1mm Ind nllm Indium The rank WI mum Illn Ink ItIr mom flwy btllfll Ilul flu mldnnu mn mum mull mm murman They try 40 mod Inn mm need hull and um flu blllum ml to mm In Ink mum on In pm IM ray when mm mm In med Mk II not nuly your an mum who wk on Hum when II in noun ll mm Vlewpolnl the any pawl Mm nnnd or III NM In mine In lhmlon II om um mm lwulldnmnl Iluw men in nu he peopla In flu Army My ItllID Aurh ump Thun nipaluth NOflllNfl Io do In 0r TMI muldnl Iv Inch hm pmtlng nnly mu mu 50th ml en IllflnmPM when you ulmlne In lllllLHII In ynllr lunchIr ran mmkln llllnl um ramp wllll um pawlHon llonlrn run pro duce only purple In menu vully urellrnl plny rmm awry mndwlnt II looll bad From If Ihmlpolnt fllnu Itw Mm lum Nl Only ll luvcn nlweklur Imnm Ilnn nl lolr IKHIIImnlllv nhocl llndln ml my Ira pndom lnlnlly mph uhn wont lurn out In dmvn In Me llnt dun Ilu prrlurmnrr me ll utnndnlnl an omen nu Iuwmulnn In lnrwone ml Influx Who hum Ihlln II In ulnylng to pully Mum Infllnlt they In hound II III Honk lnpo la lhlt may lludlully hm la III Inyfllllll Io Ila wllh LImp Invltl lleII III I0 lulu Edllnrlll In TM Camp nomen Citllrn LA chuldly no llarrle Thenlro aunu wanted comedy callcd litre Wu Com mmmnr It the lulzllc School Audllurlum Mom pckrd Iudluke my wmmmle mmnlm II wu In umqu mmay mom Hun Idewlely hnullrd hy foul of polished muleur plays The GMIIIJ Wu Iveln Idjmllrnlnl Ill nlllll Ind they mun mile llm nlnrln Fuuvnl ll wlll only In lmaune my Ildnl III Ila Indian mumry Mn Where Were You FULLY COGNISANT of the busy year which mny inceBurrie in 1955 the new Mayor lost little timeutter his eieqtion in getting down to some of the work which MAYOR AND MRS GREEK nrt seen here with the mem bers their Inmily Mrs Greer holds Jimmy clgmnndn mu montm old while scutcd beside her are Sandra three vlmlm cum on mum mm ulnm wlm mm In wlthoul rhull Whll ll do In Imp hmdl Mun mmhlnmenl yupI luv to In pala In ullmlloul nunmo Ilvll no mum at cnmmufl on unr pull will uh tho luck of ulmmm In pee Mm wnnl wk vulrIy In war lllmmnl but we run hrlp Jalnlnl Idlualnlor III III query 010 mama lorIyuM When um yum yum Darrlc lmnlnnu drngmrdn 52 4mm In Lul mad while Nuwuurkcl Mum In In lhn lunl prrlud Mn Han Juvcnllm ll xl lhr Ill but Cullxnxwmd look lrnd In lhn Irmxm ll walnt mlll nlc In lhe Ihlnl nunm Hm IN vllllnn won uulnx nwuy The 1mm vlcmry mm In the mldm rumunrr whrn Alvln Nur rvnl rllvpuxrll hr1llll1l rvlru hulllr tor 10 minutes um nlm wt mm WIHI mu wlnnlnu unzll on mum plny nnnlml Cxlllngwnud MINOR HOCKEY PROGRAM PROVESLARGE success Barrio lcnm rmuruml with only we vlvlcry um 01 thru Mnxu lml Icy lhuwul mmmm Ilnnkuy mn Ildurlnn he nhnrl nnd lvw prnclhu Irulum If Unm was nnyvdnubl nl um um that the new mlnur hockey mnvrmLnt In Janie wax gulnu be mccm It was lrilsld Wed mgdny nluhl Ilurlrz Lm unmnn In lrlplLAhtndur Harrie Arcnn ML nmllmlum In mllnn Innl new nllh Am 55 mn mn Aphmmum mun mm min custom lid 7min lmnln In at 1949 Mflflflllfll concu mummiifm emu will be entailed through the posh whtch he holds He Is seen here seated at the desk 1n the Mayorsvomce 1x1 they Munlclpal Building 0Ll Exnmlner Photos iWIiéo wml hm and Kidney wun twn handed Midland nl 1mg Mch upd Brand hid one llasn Cnmnmn paced um win wlm Hum will Curb Adam pulr and llnï¬lfl mm In BrIn Wu lml urlln Cooper Alvin Nonn ruthe mid wllh tour In Gerry Mc llrldc ykkul up ml Ind lhm nu Mumhy and Comer mund UI mm with Thr bnnlnml came 1mm bmhul drllcll to down Mhlhmd In lhelr own back yrd hallo Krn Mum llflflld Iho um um wnn Injnrod In the um and WM rc llrvcd by Dflvld Fernmnwuh Um not or Mulld Fnuu mm tune up wuh umncmtmu puckclapping dlrphy or the mmobnck mm Al Mltllllld ml nlnhl Bnrrlc mnlaml nml mldum mummy Midland mlnor him In Illdlnnd nml Inlvazcd wln land Nu nnnlu Iranlnml clnlmrd 14 Victory and lhrrlc nlldloll I7 He The luvrnnr name Illa textural lmrcleu bulk or two period Dub Mlllnr pm name In ronl rly In lhe Ihlrd but Ncwmarkcl me back Mlh Ihrlo In row Iurhnn mu Cain And Nil wmc the norm Corbcll Adam und nos Cam rron Inlllcd or Barrie Coll nul lm Robinson McKav and Mn Kcnzln were the olllnxwuod nurkmcn mu JVIIIU nuu cumin WHO seven years Old Is Worship holds their twln boys 21monthsold Robert and Rodney pai MAYOR GREEK15 wellknown to many péople who travel bybus In Home Although president of Omar Transportation Co Ltd he nevertheless enjoys taklhg over the wheel one by Fave the buses which he operates Thc rmm whldl ll Prolulalll rlvu qunllmllonl lm cvrry mm In mm care Couulu wlm Irc null Inlnmml nil lnmllIK nl lhv rundllln ndnpuml The husbandn Inmmamusl be mquuale and he nnrcnu mum mual be umlll Uul lhu vllal Inc lur In mlnptlvn that couplu Luke rhlhlrln or flu mme renwm lhry would wan 1qu lama Uulr ku myx Mu MrCrrn MONTREAL CPD masons or ndopllng child are much more lmpuxmm Hun Um pmrptdlvr pamus varlfll clrcumunncn my Mn Murlrl Mcha exce Mlvv dmum III Um Jlillllcnl Survive mum Adoption Reasons Are Vital Factor Iuu lhey unu 53x mm mg to my mInny mic Irerlnl Inn rlmlnn boltw aul WOMENS HADFSIZE DRESSES 1349 lfï¬qploï¬ VII ALL BALM NM AND Cowl nmnl dcnnnndlnu wn Cmlllfl lhr 10X child ll nlaugh mus stile prrlnrcnzu or ulrll The agency lrlu In mnzcn urf cukvrlnu or he mud he pruwmllvc mnnll thlellds iim mienst nlxml 60 per mm he cmmmn arr 0m In ntlrpilflnx all mus walalJoa yrar whun Mu McCrm slanlcd hcr career qunrlnmmmry nzo ndopflnz nixmt were unusual and tvery cilarl wax made to pmvlde mom with child who was per xm In appearance and back around Slncc hen wxHarc na wrly brxnn oHcrlnu risks or flopflan Thuc wum chlldrcn will Ind cornMable dnccu np mnach he fluency Iur luvlp art ulvc un llm chlld We found lhzl parcms wcrcni nearly as dcmandlnu we had nnumnd They were luM In mum as we 11 mman the mud or he chll she gun MIN Jelléltiuyluqény wnsecd th more ï¬rmly glvcn to the kid dies with everyone gulllng In clm young and old he llnglng of Auld Lang Sync brought the men succesylul avenan clnse Sharlly an nine ocIMk Santa Claus arrived to lhcncoompanl Inan sham nndlaughlur from me kiddies Jolly 0ch Santa gave out his gm andcandlu to every nnc saying heh1d to hurry he had lot mar to do nhrw than from everwne wen given to San Th smartalnmenl at méEven In conï¬ned carol xipglpg games and tap and we danbcl Loyal True BIUe Lodge Enjoys Christmas Party The L0le True Blue Lodge 33 held II annual ChrlsLm party on Dec wllh ll hall decorated or the onan and bume ll Chrismia rm dmwlng evqryones eyul