Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1955, p. 11

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Am xi Noad Money Bill to Pay Call HFC today t5 ousmou mm CASH When County Council canvenes at theend 01 this mumh there wluoncc again be wqman1n uvadlmzth soliffly male hnlls the court house bundlng Mrs Rea Belchen the first woman reeve evnr elected bylhc voters olVlc tori Harbor not unlammnr wioh Lb atmosphere at muncl pal cuunciI chamber howevfi Her father Eymm Brown was firs clerk at the SimeonCqumy vmageghm has elected her to ob fine He served In that capaeU Inr mmy yuan Mrs Behhcr is the wlle Seaman Her husband Captain Reg Belchcr skippered the Canaman Steamship Lines bulk Irclghlcr SS Covcrdalr Hus summer anddur in thc wlnlcr he iscaptaln the tug 1131er Her son Earl 19 served on 010 CSLs Hochclaga duringThn summer and is wih his mum on the anyng The new reevcs molhcr 80year nld Mrs Byron Brown IcSIdes 1n Vlclmla Harbor and daugmel Mrs Jae llauon and grand daughter llvc in Penemng The second woman county councillor ln Slmcoo Counly me first was Dcpuly Reeve Mrs Evelyn lllrcux nl CollIngwnndl was its elrclcd to her village council duringth2 summer whcn Councillor lBen Mordcnu resigned She had slxlyone vol malarle over the lncunlbcm rccvn ln the clcchnn vlctlm In uncommonly cummon cold Im back at lypewrller spreadlng germs hu cause no amount at rcsl medicine auu nu an cure wha the Christmas and New Years festivilics undoumgdly caused you cant get halter du in nomlng you might sun as well do somethlng while you sulfa thats flu moor mag caustic cum mens DI nLhcrs who do not be lieve 1n coddling hgsc minor ill ncsses have forced me tn 1de Even though am sickglrl sustained only by asplrlns and klccnnx Ill not have you think Im no really well expcck n11 trace this cold lo be gone by early spring Finally hangsy an all over According the Barrie Art Club they are anyway Just hclore me twclflh day alter Christmas lime prior to Twclflh Night ac cording to our calendar experts the club decided to huld an un usual party that would carry out tradition many canlurlu aid on me cvc or the Fans the Epip hnny ihe members held Twrlnh Night Party at the Library Hallnnd this is how th preamp Twcluh Nigm was lormcrly the occasion or Icstivillcs in com mammalian the Visit the Three Kflngs the Magi In It Chrifl Child king um bonn klng of the cast was chasm by bean hlddcn in the Twclflh anu and this ls oxaully whnl the club dld Pan lhc rclrcsh menu duran Lhe evening was In Small cake given to each guest nnd in one cake was Mddcn bun which would dccldc who would be klng nr qucnn ha bean The manarch wuuld the choosna consort and be crowned to load procession and van planned pour lituenunch un Annppmlun ccovdinqo Hunk in pnly who can mu flu wol flu door and 51le 0hr nu day ml Cr lit mm In ply ulmlur hilla um lrluirl lurl rlnlhlng hinplt or mmlrul ymuu nuy Imlmw ml nlpulmr Ewanmm urqulmmuu You rllmm ymlr mm uymem rim Cum In mly In an lulmlly mugIn like Pvnlup lbwII Iunnd flow plum 3520 IAIIII 0N III1 mu ml lha fiudse damn any all the whlle slnglpg the Waslsail Sonz Thai auconflxfi to antlefll tr dMon aznln evergreens werc burned to the tum oX whue Mesa Green on Burned sung around In nre some the nther luneslhe glub members and heir gyeslfixhose or the lesflville were The New Year Now Has Fled Away the tune ct Gwen Ileefiea Twelve Days of Christmas npé We Three Kings Twemh mm was actually not umll yesterday conflch the 51m me Counky recreation director Misbouisc Culley who originamd many the ldaasm the an club main She fepom um lhe Feasi abuse Kings Bea Is on January 51114 bringng loa close HIE hufldzy season was given spmlal emphasis even as late as the seventeenth cnnlury as an of the year mng started of win three thingsgolng on at once as the party guests enteredv pic kure was being nahmedv and each clubmtmhcr udded his or her own impresslnns Twemh Night to the canvass la produce really abstract creation Thurmms game called Art Gullnry hplnz played In another pan he hall and bean bag loss carried out the theme me meme Foik dances included an English dance lavnrcd for the occaslom The Tompesl and dances of var inu countries which observe Twemh Night Gslavs Toast from Denmayk Thc Chime of Dunkh tram Belgiu and Germzmy Later In the evening the gnLh crlnz was divided into twelve Ernups nccordmz to than munths of the year in which they had been born Thcse with no look Mhcr than colarcd paper and paste designed mural illuslmung me hlrlh months All this is Just reading up to pita advicc It you havent taken down lhnt Christmas tree dn so The holiday seaso past And you want to he ran 1y tradl uonnl have bonfire Or least 101 It burn In the lirephcu make la crackunz noise and the pinasant smell of pine 0r spruccmls it may be wSll ill the room as rominder at the pleas um Yulcllde ufjfii Then on with the New Year Mrs Robinsbn 3s Hostess To TecWeLGwill WI chWwGwllI Inshluln held Its Zhrlstmn meeting at the MIME 01 Hrs Jmhn Robinson all WA answcycd by nboul 30 member with mudth they Armoumered Ibo Chrillmas when cth which proved must lnwrvsllng and omical Some rcgular business followed Spuclnl buslncss dlxcusscd wax calcrlm In wcdanu 1n Febru 1ry Sumc hank yuua were rc vlvfd rum Inmlllcs whlch receiv ad Baby Bnnd lay me new mom blrs thnlr lnmillcs The mccflnn was closed ann program and camll and dullclous much was mvud by me mum muunmem Barrie Institute Will Make Quilt Draw on Tuesday Harm Wlununn Inelllule held HI Jan mrnunu the hnmu Mu nu Mama Twcmnvu mrmbcu and mm vlmnr were ulmnnh TM WHO Wu humr lmmr whom lunplncu dch Run cull WM nnrwmd by lurnnl nvrnl humu LI nrln Mn Uuwlu uuvo vary hp mung rupml nn lhr nwnl urvn wuvruUnn amhnlm dnulhed ll ulm lur nmv shut Inl rrmmwucd In the Clulslnn mmm Mn Hum Mn cum mul Mu CHIIMW Mr Juul rmwrnvrn lur Hm kmhru varly 1le Jun II at uhlvh lhn dmw wlll ln made nr nu llurnl uulll Mn 4ka rrclw nml rn Iy whlrh wu enjoyed by In or city good reason Exchange Chrlsimn tux wwm Mn AI Hum nol wéfi Womens Institutes LeU Be GENE 1mm TmSerm holiday ou Jrev Hélps VWIfhQgebléc Short Course smruie mid year In Iuocuslvn Ms Louise Culley Slmtpe Canniy recrmuan dlreclqr hdped with Christmas short coma for rural young people Macdonald Cnl I912 1n SLAnMf EyQanr Mont real The course is held manually or Emumspenklng younrpeople from the Eastern Township in develop leadersth quauuu lp youndpeople The studentsenmlled are taught cemaln iklll l0 helpdhem wllh runan pmziams and leading mm recreation ind mullc Iq addllgon they are Elven lecturu on agrlcuuun Th1 ygar dairy ng weastreued Mlss Culley led 15k tesslon 1n somlncreaflnn eaoh mer noon and planncdrwllh commu tee torflm evenings promum Each evenlng Ihcre win pro mm films mm recreauon jand music he ynunl pmple pm gresslvnly uklng over more and more 01 the leadership5mne call ed mume dance and cum Jed gum1 Pccph obthe communkx Valso took 4m lnlerask 1n the course with Vienna upmarlng each night Lions Auxiliary Enioys chtUre Toqr of Bermuda The ladlu Auxillary lo the Barrie Lions Club heldvlu meet mg of the year on Jan at Com munHy House with he preildent Mrs Brute Salaam presiding Committee rcporu were pm sented The wallare committees rcporlcdon nsslsung Lhe Mon Club in llllng and delivean Christmas hampers to 22 ammes The finance commmce convener MrsxG Woodzar reported that Canadu Packer had cunflrmed the dates of Thursday and Friday March and or the Inqunl cwlcsne 001 Mrs quson introduced he speaker 01 the cvenlnl 6111 in who wok the club on plcture tour by colored mm Bermuda His films were nxhemely enjoyed by an especially an M11 me Lhe yen social haltrhurdxr wasenjéycd with lunch in Harold Webb on babe the club flanked Mn Caitlin Folk and Square Dancing Classes Reopen at BDCI One the first acflviue the Now 11 for he Simzn County Recreation Service willbe the folk and squnc dancing cluxsu nuan xzcd innflilmlud with the Barrie Distrm Collegiate lnsulme nlzht chm program The snwnd semnn classes begins on Thumday Ian 13 and will continué or 10 sgcuuvp Thursdays Folk dancing Instruction in lance Amenkn and cum ands begins at 750 pm Ind con Jnucs until 815 pm more will square danclnz 1mm 815 Morroi tccrcnllnn on the county Vlli wulsu Collcy Mrs Stewart huh accompanist Dancm are asked to wear com mum zlothcs and shoe that may oul nude or use only Indoor Runnina 11109 and bedroom Inp ms nu flnc Mm and women both now omm nnd puple nl Inst mm mm Danie Ind district are wcl We Consldcmllnn ls ulvcn to making the cLm enjoyabxo fur mm mou who are Jun bcxlnnllni md haw who mum exper cumd Several pkch poetry um cnd Mn Adnnu thanked lhc lactic or their klndnua for llowrn and al wcll wish1 recolvrd Shu nipped on an Icy Ildcwllk and woke omI nmL The Innhm clam with om hand Ind Ilnxlng Auld Lml ync xcpcd um the will he cclml acllcr 3mm wnu rubniuy meeting will he Ich MrL Ifinllclrhlomfl The instructor will be the dr Dear Madam mm Illu new year wnh Mommy chn hum roulul yml uhIln Im Q0 II IIIrII LOW PRICE Wm Iln mrrnlnclrd Ilua to flu pm nmulvml wmn Mrlllm MIINI mluru Bur Mot mun mum our pvlm Yuu nu Imy or uh Inan at unjlm layuuy plm ll ynu Wllh llcuw II at llltndn how III II In In II lur rout ml nIIr LAYAWAY PLAN ll Ihll All III Illch III nut In lat II IIIIII II flollln dawn wllh lhq hullmr In In pals dullnl nul II munlhl NU 811le on BMW UIIMIU Illrlul luauIn nlluunnq cm yuur nld lur roll Ind le Iha pllvlllu 01 CHI your old can unlll mm mm lulnlnl II In In MI flu lllowmu Illlflftl nnw llmlnl tum nln nullnhle num In Inn Joelln ch mm tn III tvuy Impr full nun mu II In chum form In Iml Innl nunnd um um Menus runs wlnh lo mourno uur llllrfl JANUMH FUII HAM not In In lulu In 01 IIIluv Ihn Fur Tudc TORONTO Wllu MAKE AND LL runs ONLY ME AND MRS MARSHALL ARCHER were marrled Wye cum Anglican Church at Elmvale The bride isjhe former Olga JawakLoLroromo and the groom is the son ofMr and Mrs 05an Archer VElmvaIe faggwwmogffimgfi Séwing Club Meefihg Head ar McQuay Home The eighlh meeling Cains Sowing Club was held it the home olElalne nnd Mary McQuay on Thursday Dec 30 The mncllng was opened wiAh the club creed followed by min um of the last meeting R011 call was vamdyby Vdghx members The members deemed mag Rpm Nell wauld give threeminute comment nL Achflcvcmem Day Some of as girls sewed on heir drown The mecung closed with me in stituye Odo and lurid was served 151 AllandnlcGIr Guides had their Chrfislmns party and En rolmcnl combined an Thursday Dun 23 They wcrc happy In have he Cnmnlissionqr Mrs Mc Grexor and Mrs Young with mum Ior the cvnnlnz complex colm puny and new color lapped the event as Cap Inin Trcmhlax enrolled Mary Wtbb Shelli Bukcn Marilyn Shophard Sharon Michcrsvn nnd Cnml Hennard The galhcrlnz was plcasod mm the Com nlssloncr enroll her own daughter Second Clns nudge was pre cnlcd to Elva Emms The 1an In badges were given Huston Elva Emms Swlmmm In Joyce Trclry and llnrscmnn lu Linda Lee Slurzrss Elnlnc Mulsv and Elke uomnnn received their palm Irndlrl hat plnx Elflhlcln anvycnr pln wlcrc glvcn out to all whn hm an al lcndance as per null or uvur Guide or the your K011 up JuKood work Emmlalnmcm was pm on hy the Guldu and remslunan wrne served Chrlslmns carol were wnx by all and lhl cvcnlnu wu c1ou wuh um um slnrl Thu Golden Sun Ind Tnl We wm plcusml we momm nnd mm at he Guldrn ml and hope my mm mm mm GUIDE NEWS HARM GIRL Wools Raynm Crepes Novélty chvcs $1105 01 1020 55 ll JUNIOR MISSEIS DRESSES 1698 1298 $1093 Now ONE llllCB To CLEAN MISSESDHESSES CORDUROY JUMPEBS REGUIIAR 2403 In 3293 REGULAR 2250 Io 2400 5KIWANIé5i3éEXY25 Wle TRAVELS THECONTINENT MONTREAL OCT 20 CF Unfll 1130 Menu Mn Dunuld Enldohl oL Spaknne wash Muted her invellluz lo her hus blnds twoweek vacation sap hrr utehasnlt bean the same 111w permusbnnd hecante Inter national pigment ol the Kiwanis Cluh Yr Engdnhl recermy spent week in Montrealbelme leavlnl or Halifax and Newloundland And shewon back to mm Jivlng um nvx August when her husbands tvrm Mace empire The amacuve darkhaired wvmagl travels wIth Mr Enaahl whom lukenayear 211 mm his job as president of me Svpflkane Sash and Door Company Hell vLsLt the mienqt lawnnh dismal unnum out Canada and he Unltgd State in N9 l2 with or alike as In =rnaunnal president Mrs Engdahls hlp flamed in he lale summer and she hasnt Seen her three childmn two hbys Ind glrl nfledslx to slncehcr husband took olflce We cansidzred nuiseivcs lucky mm It tame at ibis time Imam the chlldnnnre sull yuung inc said We wouldnfswant to law than they wgre teenagers Mrs Engdamsaw that constant travelling present many problem Especiallywlth the cloLheL 14b so dmlcult to get things washed and pressed warflcularly youre only stopping overnlgh she said You have Do mamh everything belore you leave Ham and sum and accessories have to be ntudlcd carelully wEnyiqz about one trip Ill be taking In the New Year be going to um southern states where Ill need gummcr glolhqs ad thn on to Mm where will be cold Things like um prggeng dlmcuulgs Mceung 99091 first bothered Mm madam but now its almqst dafiy rouuncm 5119 said women all ovar have things In comma pp ucularly Lhudren You seldom meet woman who doesnt want In Ialklabout her youngsters re gardless where you are Shewlhinlu man women should iravcl with flwlr husbands umlly believe halmnre mBY rlagcswuuld he successlul wives hapcd their hmbslnda in their war Mrs Enmdnhl said It pays on Like an acflve interest It gives you lhinu In common and yuu al ways Imqw what hes talking nboutl She ducknt expect any tmuble Inning back to normal living nnq she ndmlu she dncsn miss mu monotony at houscnold chore win be good to the chudxcn and stay put whleMrs Enydahl wld Regular to $3856 value Shes My lo 20V TIRE STOCK 6N SA mom3 mum 898 Jumon sums reg 898 31093 Various Culnm lcgulnr 598 swnmns Diéconlinued 5er WOMENS tr MISSES REGULAR 30 70 Somp SHKIII ly cnuntcr nollcd EMEBWES 08 In 70 Somp slight IMI YIngiMllIiblihim mini Ilium and mnyyluls afiehlly reauegd 6r um try we Willjfi my mar complete mck of II ntnnonl stylus Wnolx ltnynnl sun wlm erlnullncs mm 1020 WOMENS flu Size DRE SSES to sawovalué zloZlxEN men ON SALE MIL AND MRSz DONALDHGEORGE VAN NATTER whose earlyrwlmer marriagecerembny was performed In candle light Christmas ettlnz 1n Délston United Church The bride is the former Jean Mnglll Watson daughter 01 Mr and Mrs Fontoner Watson of Dalston and the groom is the son at Mr and Mrs Robert Van Nutter Buflalo NLY After wed dlngtrlp tosoubhwestem Ontario they are making their home 1n Bunnlm olluuy xr ml PROPER LANGUAGE Carclul use of wants in their exact shadest meaninguwflhmjl being unnccnssuily pcdanUc would maven Ihe kauflng meanings All 01 us should be VandlellghrgCergrnonryix WB PICKUP AND DELIVER YOUR PRESCRIPTION 398 filiifrieridly IDA Dyug SIEolo BAY LIVINGSTON DRUG STORE 56 Baylleld 16 Loblxgws fiififibhéls um flmhfiimmitx 195511 Vandux Colors Regular 303 md hLu morn carelul to Spcak andwrue acbumiciy We have the riches andxmost varied language on Dial 3537 598 4ch Ont CondorAdvocate 59851

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