Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1955, p. 10

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Income and SavingsSlight Increase In In bor main and continulng downward trend in mm Income Penanal savings expected remain constant at 1954 luvél while dividend payments would be slendy wnh nposslble slight increase duetogengmlgtnwth 1n the Trends In 118Prcsent upsurge In 118 nconomy bencIIcInI to Canada mm In 1955 there would be nn Increase In vqumQ oI CnnAdInn exports to Ua hIghcr hurls cxpendltum by AmcrIcnns In Canada And continuing Inflow cnplm for Investment TrudeBoth Imports and exports expected to Increase Look for more exports to both me UK nnd the U13 Increased Imports from Europe expected In both at home find loreixnmnrkets Canadians can expect urea er compemmn or exlstlng sales and 1mm factured goods us well an In buslc raw mn tennla where supply In moreVplenmuL Lacking Ahead in 1955 it 15 essexiuauhnt Qanada wake51m neuter primts lgwep cbsts increase pmquctivny and find more markepli 10150qu goods abrqad Préslyi em 015 Thorvaldsum or tgze Candlan Chamber of Commerce pmed In Montrealj To accomplish this will require good nian ngemem good govemment nhd good per fomnnhce by labor hendded sdptained ét farting Vbuslness should be dlrgqted mum greath mclency and aggressive selling 1w cope with the present stage of vigorous chm pemuqn thqt hasvbgen lacking tor many yema when qqmandxxeegded pyaflnble anyway EmploymentAlthough winter employ inent difficultiesrmny be more mtense 1n spots Sn 1955 there will likely be more em ployed persuns than in 954an at the same time more people looking for work Conwmer SpendingExpected the con sumer expandlture on goods nnd scrvlces will remain constant and population lncrcuc will give themlal smnll boost For people In Canada and Mhor land across the mm mm old undon therca npecm Interest In the Intent dluoury am has cxcllcd nrchncaloglata In Britain Mr11floryaldson shlq thpt while esl claw ejlxirlssfshgross natlonalproduc lgvelllngr off uyergllynctlvlty thegwere many slgns that thecountrywaa adjusting ltselt wéll chh economicallyahcl psychgloglcnlly Desplté declines and soft spots1n some sectorsllt ls amounting to note the many Motors 01 strgnghh underlyingiour egonomy he sailtlCnnada still offers dynamlc giowm posslblllglés Dlsppslrble lnconles and sgylhgs are bemg wgll mnlntalned Large capital oqb lays arelnpmspect for 1955 and this ls am or me most importantand constructiveln fluencgs ln the economy Our populating con tlnues to Show lmpresslve yearly gums Tach nologlénl developmentsrwlll continue tq have stablllzlng effect As Canadians go forward Jnto nnother yen chey must eveibe alert £9 threnk to our tgéedém both rum within and without brimguture lay ahead 61 our kountry so Iong ns men and women realized and appreci ated mé valueor freedom and wereprepnr ed boyiork lot it Egghhgms the economic ouglap fprthle yearnhead on the basis expert opinion made Mnilpble to the Canadian Chimber of Commerce were outlined by Mr Thomldsoh us follpwé InveflmcnbResource developinent WIII continue and the outpouring of capital tor Investment and or repalrs may aeLa new record durlng 1055 In me upmaculnr mid of Roman Mm plc hurled III the bombed nrcu arm unclem my temp which ylclded nmanw other manure finely curved head of Hm Ind Mllhm Gross Nnuoml ProductExceed 1954 prof bnblymntgmhg record GNPof 1953 provid ing or pourse there Is no repetltloh 01 1954s partlnlcrop Iallnre Everlasting Values Ecéhéffiylbffcénédé Indifiéteé Stréngfh Expert hm Inbtllcdlhc curvlnl ninu JANUABYJ Whg¢ is or interest lnthesemodein dais 9th 1mm thelmniense valixefita mych Mnhmwad regarded néL only fife god light and strength hit and name god of piohrlty and rightgdgallpg sugh lie was Jonimgd bypoldlprsfipn the pnp hand and Vmerchahgs and meats an othei Thelandon texfifieau déécrlbedby qflrpéq glrécmr or the Ibndap Mqtseum yas build of quhe and map about on teen llu can wr lull um um mmmlulan at In the Cun ho cinnmm Pullmm mull 31375331 rilllENol urlcul Mlumlhlllnl um Imch am can ulna lo km runan In tho lov rrnmem or rrunpimlixnllom Don IL eel hn clllm lu Iublldluflnn our lu prlvm Inhrprlso cumptllmn Llyallu 01 employees nqulnnnuncid by the Grill mum be me relax In mull mn omy mow Thyme ol lhe truuble uu much duper umn hbnr axis 111 lulu of yktl runny in not been mm by tbs unl the CNB do xupply Information In animal member nmmm llu prlvnw onlqu pmnd flu It cln operm In camwllflvu mm warn the lullmid onlrprmrm hm hm Iny doubt lb prim eliterprlu rallwu In Cunldl hu prublunl but mm In dnlnl much bum flu Canan nuluml mlwy Jn Candi hn ll pro Irml and wrlu on dsbu TM Qua mind from Thu rayomlon all man shocklnl Ihc mm at the nuplmlluuan approved by the Can ndlnn Parliament In 1952 under which am load of debt wu Xamven wplch permitted Ihe onmuan show mark pm In new and Cnnndlana who are lqlemlcd In Illa mum at lhnlr country mun hlVe bun Ihocked by lune mtnu made by Don1d Gordan CNR chlrmnn that ll llerv that we shill Ill la met our lnlmu chum on nulslnndlnz dtbl by ll lam $25 million ml yenrl Some say thedty died prlngmy becausr 1213 the day ynu huhybllr presehu ugh Into the quu may to lakgdowmawn aqdexcahgu or summingyou realLv wani Thu 11 nourue Oth er shy 1H and Bonn become 90m hen feellllfia chcnsed inn very noMrueghhérLL 11 phned rrom England tamer Manny flLla named becauselnv the olddlll theErmllm mu were very poor and had Very misnrnbgechrm mus lndegd The dny nflu Clulsimmz tho lord and tho squire and 15munr Mull tlke pity on the tgrls and wquld nluccapnsmujor them In common box 1hc lowly wqulddlvid up mm neprlmary object n2 clutchingauxin Dulb Cannda In 21v III In null fluxe hand7 after buy Oummu mlva Inbuyeu Suabury Star nnynnc urprmd um Ih Sod1m party of Canada has stopped polndnl in ma Cnmdlan uonll Runway In an example of the mucus of luteowned murmur smithsm Recordhemp HNu Mohdny will be obnrvéu as 80316 Day In Smlms Fullannd stores and mm at thubusl nesaplam wll be timed The RecmdNtwl howeyer wmhe open tor hustneglfisusuzl Boxmz Day prxgmmd In Engmnd Yum ago InErilllnd the gnyqafler Chflklmns wuset um 1th day to 1heserlaand the Inwly plople an thin hmle 0mm and ghe m1 havg to an ab work on Baiting Day whxlechelgrds any at me CNR Financial Trduble can can 9M eiarth thaphgslcoveredgt lorben yes mejnpspwourd havebeen the chief centregxbr mum Neilr Vlt lh cornerls timberurgeq well from whlcfiFcémé the wafer nécgssary Itor fellgiaup OPINIONSOFQTHERS Bbking Day Origiri centm Italipnfiuhlefllatedafi Bin Mining lsmum older magnum He 31230 Pity deny centurlé before Thé 191ch cult was mduced to Thé Mgihmehpga ls ant3161an relics Inufixd there and chewholpgtqmug fimbably ormgdmn of group of figures Thls temple obviously was phagweubum shrine pt ngweulnhycornmunny with fine urnlshlngs trbmlthe gmgrn Medxtermh gan Among the Wamppegsv wfgre merch ants palham foielgnersjrom distant pm Whethwas bulltm dlmpm and Iorqenturiesbelore that1mm had qadg cnted themselvés no mummy Mhany to shccess in life It still 151 maul Imfl that in the lulurn Lh amqu In Ihc Lawn Ihlp alllce In lnnlum luck lhl Mnmtlan Inn on the um Uun pup lar ugdldnlu nun hulls cunurnl lawnMy bul II all be tomlru An urban unnuth mm ll Alma mm plan adapted by the round lhnl we may onlny bllfrlud Norman gmpng who are perfume doing thispme reqsonh dolnglt are somewhere more cgercgvemah the Taenhom thermay have heardTheseIolk arevogr gblleginte studentsfinvd the reasqnq fithelueview on pastandwe10pe their reolves on the luture are the examination papayawhich hve bee gemhg back from mg teachers 1nthetflrste ys or School In Jununryi Here Enarked In red pgncfl 13 the assessmentof then work in the 1herelsbhevgroup hip mu emn Outside the fortunnte few W119 khow how to werk rind 110 and the unfortunate few who urelhelng sadly handleapped thelorrgbalztle or Me by havlrrghrlght mlnds whlph let themgetby hovrmore or less brllllnntly without work most or these ming hev cause lor llttle sober thoughv may seem pareht or oneol these yoning people suggested to hlm that he should not try to do any hetterrwhnthe actually salt was Youeant expect to learn Lgvln none otthe sthelr lnmlly were ever my gym at It Whatepaycholaglcel inlllstone to tie mound childs Unullhc Townshin Innlsfll mum that Il takes ndumlal In well Addeuunl new we will continue to sub sIdlm the grow at the Town at Barrie We in Innlsm can phm to MW balanced economy of our awn yflthln ourtlmundnrlu In cope with my Ihlle me 3700 per day In crease at the poyhhtlon of Can nda Let ushold what we have and make use 01 our manmwcr In Innlall Therefore nlncc we mun om ml new In some nth way lhln pawan over the remain the taxpayers of Innlml would 11k rlo the nuw councll up planning and dtvrlopmcnl hoard whlch would work Irvd plan In close human with he plannlnl bo1rd 011 Town of Barrie In Iddrul ma nomlnr flan In Innlltll Mr Cook ruled mu one must die in IR an lwnuld like to nu rmr nylnl all we an not wnnl la brann but Wgagégaghéfiaouflll lsn brcxsnsmmr 19 flfsermonsfiereypreaghed Ls pup weglg orso advis Ing us to revlew ourpast otlgrtun tajsee wherein we might lmptnvepqzselvves 1h thebl newyéar pefqre ya Kai do Vnéloléil the extra walking or sclpah 1qu mdblhcr pfibuc mum whldi must be luppllcd 1o malmaln our updanis ul llvlng in he lawn 8mg wmmw There has been cansldemble dis cusxlon about 19 In Innisnl prlnr and durlng the election campairn and rmmy so Our his brother to meanthl the Town 01 Bnrrle has acquired new growth both mldcnflauy and lnduatrlnlly lg Ihrmn palaymed emnomy la paw1h at me Barrlt ups argur an my ml wc mu nngf frown pains Par 01 L1 1M Indpant otus Is dormant can Vlaunllze am some 11m in the lulum our xrowthymn tho rcsdemhIl districts braking away and leaving to us In Inhbm he dead end was not henllhy nfluuxlon or Canada In be raisin and mm In manpower to he gobbled up by lhu Unned Slum leawlse the nu vde mm residential dlnqld do not aim ghe exlr nc neck nunu kw Schooi wquthesame Eartha waxids workiater on gets done for themasbjpurt by pedals whojust go ahead andvdo it it one asaumes one has whatibiakes it is amazing what one made Remember Beiioca water beetietl ilegildesypon Ihcwaiers face with ease celerityand grace But he ever stopbed to think Olhoyv he did It he would sink Tomaw10r The Barrie Examiner Dun Sirf yvu know wf delenled candidate for ammo Mondays 91mm but wauid llkn to express few opinions regard Xngaur gawnshm INNISEIL TWP OBSERVATIONS fiama 1m Ian 31955 Not oniy should vandals he pun Xshod and made to pay restitution but me nqthurmcs should take olpps to prevent such thing In penlng azaln millemrfivmamowfimm REV EA NULLMEYER mst IS H0 CHARGE FBI THIS 3mm We paid nu nurielvu but mm Jan lheilahimd our selves ynur servant lur qu nke ll Cor 45 29 HIGH STREET lllfll COLLIER 5T BAPTIST VALLEY TAXI SUNDAY MORNING SERVCES 1100 am ALL ARE WELCOME EXAMINER LATE IT TAKESZA MIRACLE Gbristian Science Services LOH TRUE BLUE HM cum FELLOWSHIP enuntn Dlghy NS Comm VANDALB 945 amBIBLE SCHOOL 11 amREDEEMING THE TIME 7pm 2433 INDEPENDENT Cor BEHCZY Ind DUNLOPSTS amW0llip pmEvnn5elisfic EVERYONE WELCOME WAIT UNTIL pm and If your carrier boy has not arrived lhcn AND COPY WILL BE DELIVERED to Your Mom By To The filter The Banl Exam er Demsir Onceln awhlle you read let ter In newspaper byvan Opposi Mon MP jndlcnung thathe In ghe sale cuflofllnn ollhe Liberal Gov ernment pouch as far as horrid lnx they represent in he mntler at various projects findsenvltel which chwa decides ppm Cléim30r5péstifidirf Member KUsuaHy ioutsidéa Ldoking In Cabinet Ministers awaysconsun Ihe unsuccesgul Liberal candidate before any project decided on log rhilng Should the day arrive when Consarvallvn Government 15 in powers 0mm Ind bek am is representing this Hdlng than Ihe Liberal would be thevoice Ihe wHanesL thn you have legnluovern manly power and the lochlxhcm her Ll mumbling Opposlllun he is usually on th ohulde looklng ln Espéclnlly so when he Iago the st type Reznrdlessol Ith uur voice mpy mlllngwoqd clmmsfhe has accmnpllshed of the Arldinl It 11 well lor9mlnd hkxyAV that an nnnunl salary 000 bdng paid Mn and can meet your every qua FRIENDLY HM CLASP AWIms your sunnlw 130 pm mun hum shun mm 29 man 3mm Speaker OSIERMG full ioSpel Prayer Emup Gm of he Haiy Sphl ln operation mm Jan $1956 BARRIE £61 smazxmggcp ENCOVMGEORACE Pfir maternrmhenm MONTREALcmrmmnnnlgl couple pet cuuxnrund seek Amdntlon Cpnadu oenwur in bermlulon kegp bnn nnd hie mice meals lsplaclng mom for exhibltlon purposes dlnlnl lablelm howl MIC Ida nan cards bearingnml navel nine Pmtenanmfln Vn Ind tyrelyhe owes the publlcnm Catholch and Hebrew Hal thing In return French narda have beenv vrln VERN 3HAMLI qr frenchspeaking hallo SUNDAY JAMmg ma whammy SCHOOL 11 nunMum nmdcm CKDD nvnnvour WELCOME 515 umJin Inlet and Sr Church School 11 un PLUS QIIANIITY CHRISTIANITY BatmanMaury church School ma Nunery 700 pm mummy Nb we Wllhdfil Either Pny HI Prey Elmer Play or Pay no umyour PenpienMunnx Mornlnn Service andcastjCKEB SUNDAY JANUARY 91955 unimumps SERVICE 210 magnum SCHOOL pmEVANGELISTIC sumo Wednesdayz pamllme henna Friendly WelcmnewwaXLr you The Salvation Amgy us menollimmr smbpI pmuoly church Service FIRSTBAPTISTCHURCI CLAPPERTON 51 AT WOHSLEY REV LUCK 3A 11D Miniflu sts omucnurv Drunnlsland Chor Lender Tuesdayw pnrFuuawshlp and Pray REV 11 UNSTEAD Minister MR HAROLD DEMPSEY Organul 551mb JANUARY 1955 345 ImpSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 nag1326mm um InnMORNING wonsmr Behold nuke uunn New Sacnmenl of Lordl subner luluEVENING wonsun lleivtn Rev NewtonSwim BA SUNDAY JANUARY 1955 nunow commumun innnon nAmsnl SUNDAY SCHOOL uniEVENING PRAYER Penkrolal Kunming Clflldll 5r Mnjnr Hill Mrs Cups Tmmpct 6311 Von Sulon Ind Dual Inwlrlux IMuMnl 11 And lull flrvvlm ll wtek nlxhl NFL Mm II pm SUNDAY mmmw 91955 REV ELDON FORD zo MUM mmn AR nzv uunuzsu IMIIOR SUNDAY Mqunr I055 SPECIAL SERVICES CONTINUING The Salygfipi Army CENTRAL UNITEb cnuncn Hundlyflun CKM Wnndmul Vanl nmndnul Coma Ina thhlp lelh UI Belhel Penlecoslul Church BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH Dunlap Inn Torbrltu 81h Rev Heel Erin im ernn Mulep Original SAINT GEORGES Citadel co comm ALLANfiAli Rulnr MONTREAL CRAWFORD MI ll FJLQO Ornnm Ind Chanmum SUNDAY JANUAYH 1955 ll AnnMORNING WORSHIP Tlll MAN WHO BELIEVE GOD ING IWOBSIIHI fflifilEacle his Ail In Qur Evyryday World Thu sacramcm wlll be observed tollowlng the evening service Angllcmi 24 Collier smm Rev Alhn IL mud 1111 Rev George Sperrlnl MG V11 Mrs RIme Chair Dinem armmw Januarys 1954 too Impllnlyflummuhlon 910 urnmum ajm Serman moo LlnrSulldiy School 00 am4Mstlns and Sermon am bad Inch nullCouldnan Sunday School pm Evenlnn Illd Speclll Epi yw phany ughtgfierflng ffire mlnlslcr 1H Kain xervlm uniTHE CHURCH SCHOOL COME TO CHURCH SUNDAY JANUARY i955 445 umClllmcll scnodL magma Is For The World The Oh andJlIe New amvunor smlor nalnter medlale ntptx ll minNursery Kinder nigh Primary Deth lamSunny Schovl 1100 730 Proacth Quarterly Muuu Rev Ann Math Preachlnt mav GyMUIREA MIL HANKADUTCHER omnm st pmYPs socmry Bmadcasl Everyone We come sunnw JANUARY uniMomma ismng COMMUNION VSh Andrews Presbyterian Church mzv erqflrgmauson DA COLLIER ST UNITED Blyfltld BL SUNDAY JANUARY 1955 REV BRIGHT Mlnlslqr new 54 Lewln Omnhl and Chnlrmls rv Lloyd Tulrora Owcn nid WarIcy 5m TRINITY CHURCH EVERYBODY mom FREE METHODIST CHURCH 7m cnuncn scnnbb ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH munlei Ministe

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