Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1955, p. 1

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93m Borden lllleldqunmra the 25m Cm Idlan lnrnnlry Brigade whlrh sun fired In the Kprcnn War is now Camp Burden and Cal Donald Carngton D50 43 bf Aléxnndrln 0mm arinys director 01 inlan gry will ha appolntnd commandu at the Brlgndeahoruy The up IancnI curlns with It the ash rank or bfigadier Wfiiu COLoNEL cmmuoN Thu brigadc stranth ln Karon wuufirccqnlly cul by twothirds wllh two battalions bchix brought home and leaving one in the Fu FE Major Inlamry unlls In tho hrlyv Mn ah the 2nd BallaHun Black MCIL slallnncd arAldershul Ns hc nalLulIon Canadian Guard tfitloncd Ippurwaxh OnL and if 2nd Dallallun the Quucns Own lllts stillin Karen iAccordinu otticlul suurccs my longrange policy fur the 25h ml ndc has not been settled but ll nosslbln hut may be In nylmud the My Brlxndu ATM Canadian Army nnw has hm brigade lhc Isl In Ger many 2nd nl Edmonlnn nnd lhc ancnrtlcr Que and mu UH slrlklnu orconcumprlsjng lhrcn parachute bullallons Munm IL noumsou QC Mldlnnd who In Deputy Wanker or House or Commons The Cnnndlnn Pnrllamunt 10 Math 01mm Mr nublnwn MP or Blmuoe East $110 me was named Queens coumel In the New Years gym but of me Province ol Onurlo EEFL FREEMFARN Evsnm FARMER FATALLYIINJURED llon to hls harcnls be In lurvlvul by hlx wilt Knyc nnd Qwu ynunz nans Vnynu and Barry James Kerr 33 who lles on hllmthcr mm In lhc Evcrult dlslrlot was fatally Injured in all Wednesday while working on barn The son or Mr and Mrs Wnlxun Km he was placing nicer Ahulhlng uvcr crack ln um barn whuc sufidlnz on supladder the base at chh be had placed Against ruck Hnwcvlf the 1nd dm slipped on the heavy Ice which formnd durln the nIlcrmon and hq 11 on his head Dr IL Pilchvr of Alllslon wnhcullnd and ha took the Injur lnnn I0 Stevenson Mcvnurml lorpflnl Alllsmn In nu car Dur the Ice huwcvm the doctur wnx finnch ln drive cur up Lhn mpllnl unlmnrv and llmlchfl bad be brought uul to lake Knrr Into 1hc bulldlnu Ho mm somu Urge flIlcr Idmllmnqc i9lt YehréNd Deputy Speaker in House ofCommbns The lnlul extension Barrlu ank is pruzrellhlu un ILhud ulu Sluelwurk is up nu nulcx walls nm Murllnx orlsc and mo mu l1 partly On By he cm of January when lllo bulldan finished Harrie Work will have Ilflnl our turn 0000 Squan ch making mum manu Inrlnrlnu nrrn In Clmndn lur lmllll nppHunus Iucal runlrhclur unnu lucnl lnbm Emuly Euulncurluul In bulldlnu In uxlcnxluu Anoumr local mm Emle In doing Ult Lllclrlcal Wurky Hill In no wllh Harrie Wurkl pullry CGE NLWI Up ni Harrie Work lhey sccm have dcveiuped ihu happy imbii adding to their original bulld inu They have already xlurlcd on llmir third mnlnr nddiiion This umu its 5000 square cal iddlllun in ilmir Foundry areal The exlcnalun will also lake in lcmpnrnryhulldinzpul up rcccnlly In huusc conllnuwua oven or Inn curing oi Mcam iron nnrls it is only year or so ago nlncu Ihuy completed lileir Inn Inajor extrusion which included now layoui oi much ui lhclr mnnufnciurlnu inciiilios nil well as Renewal Purl Warehouse Even his nddlliunni space now inndcqunie nr ll increased vol mm of small appliances buinu made at he uiuhl lbdnyl Work already well ahead on yet nn ulhcr new product which isvduc to bc markLlud in me new ycnr The lnlui extension in Barrlu Wnrk is prommum un ILhud ulu Siceiwurk is up ll nulcr hlghuuhl the mccunu was the prLscmaunn at honorary your pins some 22 in all and lntludlng 20year curliflcmc lo Nell Lauriev whu has the distinct honor being the first Llon to he lnlualcd Into lhn club Mr its ornanmtlon Full chnrlur mumbch are Lan Bill Bell Frank leg Art Iugll nnd Tony Saw who are also all mat president Another la be hunurudwn Llun Bur Gunny who Joined 121 St Calharlncs Club on Doc 30 1973 and has been Lion with the ex tcpflnn two ymrs at Hunkvilln before organizalion there or nbuut 30 yours Mccllnl nigh will rlvcrl 10 Frlday starting Jun and with lrsl Barrie Lions Parliament starting witha speech mm the throne by Governor General Gable ThirdMaior Addition CGE lh Nine Years PM Prcsldcnls A21 Pugh and Blll Cmrncr Past Dlslrm Govern or gave rcnflnlswcc club nc quUus esvcclnlly financial trau bles mm the dub had lhlhe past which wcru must anghlcnlng the ncwer members Past Presl dcnu Mlshman and Craig woke 9n the nlgwln Convunuon the event no Burrlu club There are 21 past president living at mum and 17 HI thsc rusldc ln Barrie Two at the numberOscur Shank and Fm Dabt1nhnvc passed an Big Night For Pas Presidenfs Of Barrie lions Despue hullday ncuvluus lho mombcr the Llnm Club 01 Enr rlu héld their mucqu usual on Thursday evening Dec 30 at Omnmmflly House whcn pull pxcsmunu wbru honored Immed lntclhsl Freshlan 0mm RuwcQC presldcd qur very cnloynhle gluthcylng Bllu All mum 0ng lu II UM Iy omen Ever since Dunlu Vulk uprncd In 140 prunmss hm been htll musl Important pruducl Orluln any It gave Lmpluymum venplc luduy HI pcunlu lllu wnrkIurco 1m mun Ihun lrrblwl Wurk Mnnaucr Junk Mlluhln son sums ll all up with lllls com mull Wllh Ms 1mm cxlcnslun the Bnrriu Wurk loam lakes un ulhrr slop an Am lnrll cuumu are am all on the way GLOBE AND MAIL OFFEREDFOR SALEJAN10 Fullowlng um dclcal of leave Montcalm Maurice in Tiny Town shimby Arnmr Downer who md hcm lha rccxgeshlp to nix yLnrs me la 1954 more pw div met msslbilhy ml the Warden ship Slmcce Counly which will be decided al lhn opening sassiuu County Council here latur lhls munLh will see uurcnrnvrcd tuglqsg In uni bcnuflllluu the cummunily wllurcvu pmflblu fluu Ire LMJM yuunj Cum Mm enrolled Iunlur llvd andldnlcs Wm blan monfluncd leave lluy Hicknng Vespra Township nucvc Jumu mum Nutmwusaxn Tow The pamr Imlurd In mm lullldlnl rradlul lnu Hu urpou Um vunm ul mm and nth Ilrull In dnwnlbwn Tmunlu Ind lwnrdlur Mr Vrllhl mum mllllannlr Illllll man whu hatk Id Mr Mxmllnuh In hlt llrsl MW vnpu purchnw Mr Wlluhl dlml 5min 1m Ml Mr Mflmlluh Muxhl Thumb Trxumm In nvrnlnu mr or ammo Mr wmm Telumn Or Wm nm In Juhn llama mm ul wclnlu or an umlmhual Immml believed In muMr cm In lem 000000 um Erpmnlwr mm lulu firm III II pmuul lurm In Nuvtlhhn IIIlu when Mr MlCulhnlll mull1 HI bld lnho wlmh In lmmz le vrck rarllrr Xur SIJLAIJKMI Ind THE MAN Illd Emllhn whkh hr Iruthlel In IIZIHIN ML MECHWIHh dkd Amt BARRIE PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD trustees held their lnnfizuml meétlng or 1955 in Hillcrest fichool 9n Monday evening Mn Newtur was elected chairman of the board In succession LuJ IL Gable who has held this posi Llon for thcrpflst number years Above left to rlght Mr REEVE II HICKLING Vespn Townslnlp Named Likely Candidates for County Wardenéhib gBdlrrié publicgscwfsaaramagma Maytag ship Reeve Albert Guru Tecum scth Township and Rccvc Ilmbcrl lgqghu Wcél walllmbyry Town uwmfi Inxnaranvi mu nm ya clcclfionl nme Hughes was dufcnlcd amf nus ruduccd um like 1y cunlcndus tar ihcmrdéns in three lllcklinu Iaunn und 01 The slumunn now lwwcvnn my rcvurl In brim lnulvcurncrcd clash slncc Arthur Duwncr has won Um Tlnyrucvcmip mncd aluminum in ruunty mun ROBERTSON REELECTED PUC CHAIRMAN 1955 lllilllllJll OXIHHTNUN who uglnnluu nu ywu mrmhrr In Iuhllr unmm InlmnleI wan ruvlltchd cllnlr xxxIn lhv mumme Inmm ol llw cummllann Wwinrdny cv rnhub Dr Fuan Wlltnn wnx lerrhM xlmllmuu lhvumr In ummw nl wnlArwmkn lu ummu In ymr mm In mnunrnv wnbrwnrkn lu mm In 1m ymr mm numnmmt lulu H501 rL nl Inw mm mm wm Inm In nun 2m lmw Uler qlmrlrl xvmm mmnr nznIrM md mrn Inrurr mm makllm Lul ul wm mun dur lm 11w ymr nn rlrdllr Iqmmum Wm lnlul nuL Irwnl Mnth mw Mk leI Ianwr ntnnmupu nummilv llvv Hydro Elvrlxlv Imch unmmm mum Um Inth Nuvrmbu nmwlnx uw murmur nf Mm Mluwnlu wmdu Iv mo Hlu Imam llmu rm xamr nluum pr 10 Ihu Mmu 1hr mlvrwum mmnmvm Huulrevlhnl an wmr wnkwi an hr mlcml Iml he rrguhunm In umnmlun mm In lhllmlnn nl mum In mmly 1an um llslml but ml Um wmmmnkm pr rnplln In nu um lmmlclwl 011th ml when mvlm arr nullml ulul llurlva wnler Ivrived 1mm mun wall In rnlu mvlm Ire uul we quilt Ihm umwm while but 09mm lull OnIw only 1510 HERVE Allflllm uownm Tlny Townshlp rllhlJU Linan nuvcmmm On mum 01 mm mm In mnhmhm pger mud umJWunfiu xqu m1 NEW MAYOR 0F TOWN OFBARRIE FOR YEAR 1955 MAYO ELIHIN UIUHJK who wm lnllulled In ufllce on Mmldny nluhl Jun la nl lho no 31 Hm yuunnxl pcrlon rvcr lu Imvn Imld lhlI pollflon In In Mn Darrin an In fourth run In mun mvwl In uncccnlun Ill ulrlmnuu dupuly Arm null mwv Ilnru lu enlvml lhc munlcluullly WVCHIIHNIL err Illwdlnu Kan lullllt Schlml lml Kn tonllnulllull muml Mnyur mm mm In Cnnnlllnn Army In IMO at up wu mnmbrr Um Urnmdlu hmnll ml wan muon Nl nl Mulflrthl Clmn Ulllln Vll Cullen mum Bum and SI John NB bdrm MI unu Nu movrd uvmru In ma llc umd wllh lhu Guard1 Enulmd In imr bola 1m lu mm or bi mullIan whkh he rmlnd In Bwhmber ID He wu lhen lnulmed Blukduwm Bullml when mlned unlll Mu 1m when ra olned me axon1m laud hnd III duelundln He wu burn nu Mrmeu In Hm cvmununny Knll almul CU mllr mum at Ottawa Ihn ymnmml nmlly nl plum In OctobIr mu hr Innnlrd llw lormor Lurlllv MLCurxllrk Nurlh Gumr null lhny hnvn flve cthlmn Inclmllnu lwln lxuyl EuEn M4 mum womisw mark is highly prabahle that ha alumni to secure Lhc high burner 01 he wnrdumhip despite lhl at lnnLhchasbnun 01 counly milfivilforn yflllr one thin 13 certain and mm is that the vlccUnn Jor th office shnuld certainly be Hde this your Ax ths wlll undoubtedly be an lmporlnnl year Dr munly councll wllh lhn conllnucd cxpanslon ox Slmcoc qunly hme ls lllllc duubl lhnl he counly cuunclllnr Gable John Dobson George Langsunesecietary rea surcr Mr NewtonRalphT sneIgroveLLhe Rev Brighb who conducted the dedication acrvlccMrs Ivnn Clcmmens nnd MuoLaren REHVE ALBERT GILBOY US Immigration Dept Seek Man Believed from Oro CoHy Tribble Gels Broken Ankle Vuy cuuqldzucs mm farwuuld cerlnlnlyzhavg um bully fur the wqu whichwnuld be cnlollcd by Him thL mm In Qanad auxm largcfl governing body or 115 reason and also thul each hns popular personal lly hug the ulliymle anc which will dccldc the wardensth could well rcmlvc men to very nar mw margin Mllkr npluulrd In nummmlcs unurl In On LInl April and was mwxcud inn mm worlll 1w chum l0 Orlllln crvlcc xlnllun on mun He was nld $150 and cum an alltrnnuvu 30 Inyl in Jail Amunnmy my nu 4m mm vlslml 1m hank and mlml Mmnwl rhrqllc tor lhr rrqulrul mm 11 thruur um lulrr muvud Im wuan lullu lum Iuru nomth lul MHIcrjlnco Hm llmc and In Wu IHHKVNI have brnl working fur xrmbnr flnn enangcd In ruvnlluu munrnu bun nu lncc Mm mun cm mr Tmnmmum Md of whyah II pmidom Wulbmym MM marl Infinhduiyfiwuom nmn 111 Inland aan no will menu has rlmmi Nuluwfuan valuhlp whn takcs Lhc wardensmpfim znce many impurlnm decisions which WI have to be made Acuurding tn rtccnl Cunnilan Pres new dcspalfih US mum rallnn amend ntc sacking ll mm who escaped last Friday from the Us lmmlgnnlun 5mm dc lcnflvnhumu k1 Chlcllllr cm 01 um Imn was upurltd was CnnudlmL MM be Don MHhr nl 0m Slatlon Pallet lhlnk lhls he John Mlllcr 0rd on or whom they hold wurrnnl fur mxhlun wuruultu AIInII ully IHUhlh wo Illclur Mlyn lumm turm rd lnuluml lrll nuklu Tuwlay mum Ilu Irwin flu rrur II Iuwnlu nllltn lrlvc homo wnm he Illppfll on In Icy upon Thu lnrllln will Id II lwnlllnl and hm mun mmuln ll humc fur wvo ernl mm uuul In ptmlble la wnlkhm mt Gully ls nu nlrnn to broken ban Ih 01 In In pl IM bump flu Mldlnml WWI =0 yum uuu 4nd nulleml Inékm fuel phylnl ImlmIMan may lrr Du Inmyhr Cnnvntlr Mn Trlbhh nn be en mum in huuu nu mum bul In nulan wqrmqq by my In II min to nimrcIu mum mu Manama101mm Proznmlvc Conxcrvagwp party in byelccUnnwhlch was callnd ler the death Dr Jahn McPhec mpbcll was chosen at an East Smcge lecral mount in Orlllla Wednesday amrnonn which the principal spuker was Fnrquhar Ollverlhu mernl 0pm mlon Lender Predicting Hm it the present arm of Gavmunt grnnu can tlnucd municipal taxation would cvcnlunfly brclk downirom over load of services is nskud In ancn ML Oliver said he wankd ta see municipalprovinclal agree ment dlyldu fixaglpn and to pre vent overlapping cuuscd by the gran gyllcm in his nomination addrm Mr Campbcll told an audiencc about 350 that the question tabulnuun of grants to munlclvnimrn on lax hillstwas small puHUca The pracllcchc um caused the clerk and other nmdals Dnt nrinmunlclpalilcs excesslve extra work because the Inlarmatlon was not at the governmznt fingertips Hc added small politics show what they give you back of your own mancy Swen omci canglldnteiwho were nominated maan 16th My Campbell an arwnid as thu un anlmou olcc crnlcmng Hydro Chairman Robert Suundcn management Onlprlo Hydra and he cost Com mission publicity and Ilia Dcpart men of Highways scandal Mr 01 lvcr rgfagrtd go pfovlncial granu when government he said would promise to Illwmunlclpnl 1qu Inch lddlrccl lhnlr own affairs WARDENDySMITHCAMPBELL ISUNANIMOUSBERAMHOIQE IO comm SIMCOE EASTSEAT DrSmnh Gampbell who was Reqve of Oro Townshfipln 1954 and Wapdep Eugene County during the same year was unanimougly chpsen as thIeILIbgral candldnte to corn test Slmcoé Em iii the next provinclnllelbcltlon Hurricane Fund 1160mm 900000 objective has bccn vd the Ontario Hurricane Relic Fund will not collLtt any furthbr lunds tom the public Whlcelln lund sccrptary angounccd yes result 01 thehum np pmlsal no new or av flood victims 01 11than 121 und um confident nimcknl tunda arc nvallablu nwéf Lullllablc rcqplrcmcma Mr Wakclln sun WW am all in mm Attends undo It Prince of Wulu noth bu mm The Examiner on route or the pm mt In hum sum fixation at In will be int um HiI5$50W0Ufl The sure ary ucs that any collccflnns nvw in rozms be 110 lmmccflzrtcly Expression hanks nrc mm pouring In 1m Hood vxgumx hngajd Iloou mun nuulu Mn Wnkclln uld The dim lurl he lund add their hm cll thank lo cvrryonr who can leruIAd so much toward lcvlntlou the mlscry and dis lrcu of lhelr AlHow clflwns He cXWclLd all ch91 or dunnuom la be In the mull by Feb 15 Smith Firm rhn nnmntv Ill mm nu Ilon in beta mum or um put nm by On pmrnt mm Allml IL Hagan qup In new ugh flmo mu nrm look over ll ymenl pnmlm In hum lmn IncInt lur mlny yam belura um on nppollll Ilda Dunlap Haul The pruperty Durflup mm lull ownplzd hy Emllh Hon Flululu lM bu hml leued In lath drpnvlmzm new or ully on 012 It In gun lnmyd The hunlm urlllnally laundtd many run More um by ML Bmlth hum Inu John Kmllh leaié Premises MEET YOUR EXAMINER CARRIER MOO09° MW 5c qingvlolyééphy By scorn Rim Well In all la number year and IImauinn mostot are Jun wondering what nhwdrln tho month to cum It wm perulnly be Interculnz to See what happen lo Barrie whflhrr we le still he town by this time newaar or hothcrwn will become city lmaginc the rcpm mat council asked mm In research cauni lllb ndvlmbllfly makln ha change should be avnllnhln fairly won understood we warn haVI by Nuvnmbrr Than wls ldnny llltlu firm cnl dawn hm unflcdnfldaxmom mu Iflhepw our composing xcom 1wmrdnwa uylnz 40 get all the Ine leuled lnln nna aHht pan jhc was making but just he was already Inlflnhh all this parllculnr mc 41 death notice which had Just been Ill would coma nuL Hahnally he had to Ike wmn type out III page get the notice In Then hu would to work once moresnml the 5am than would happen Main 19 be Ixncl lhls sllunUun was rev lpcnlcd exactly live llmcs muulled by lhcsulnlmunliqnl he finally conlcmd wu lure glad when had that page mad up wu beginning to flunk 0w wuuid be nobody Jen md um paper small of In deathly but at lhlnzt must huv long tam icrcnco with my iciinw Admlrlll Ozzie Rum and Garry M04 Lam hm your mcnlinncd bciarc in his rolumn wc meivod aur nppalnimcnu and Admiral iiawn wu icUiu me that the men ni us would hold lpcclnl dinner cuc brullon In March in memory 01 line Conicdcrnifl Navy victory we lhu Yuukm whrn wn cuplumi um Mcrrlmac Well lhll wu inc iml Hie aihur day received bunk lhmuuh book club II wu callcd This film ilunlcam nnd it is all about how lhu Union Navy wimckcd lhn 1mm dflylllhll out oi nur Nnvy nn Ihl Miuinlppi mull tumult with lhu nlhcr admin in mm ml buck manned nl lubvrulvc mhorwixu mlr illxh rank wlli nnl be rumic with the we with thw lliullill bf Tin only will Ilfll can link hili we ry and iiml mu ir lhvro ll book lhn leill ni haw lhu Cunirdcrnlu beat Iimn Duyunkecn it my uiyou lmUW lutll bunk wlii you picn mu know Ind iii lry and xui Inmu rrprinln fur umcrnl dillfllluiioni l4 quééfwoSetinis 1h FIRST or THE LAST

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