Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Dec 1954, p. 8

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x11 Chrinimns wonl come In wrapping of hardship or all these people Poniny for many them tho Yulcildo will be fuller than ll will be or their brothers In the clilm man In boVChrrlena And remtmhcrlnu mm mm lheholldny would bocvcn clam tn the true nplm Men and women will spend chrlsimu in jail Some wore them last Christmas and their Mde will be the stunt next year Slcknm takes no time out and the hospimis will bu Juai as crowded probably more so 8nvesnmo thoughts or the lighthouse kccpcin and the men proddclng Klllmnis nlumlnum and the men goulilnx out Knob Lukes lmn are And for lhu rbushpllou who may Ilnd themnelvcs stranded over the hollday on some lonely northern lake The drop couldr not be averted Bad weather was responsible If reduced the heat crop to less than onehall 1110614 00000 bushels produced In 1953nnd other 9r0ps 0150 suflered Theloss in crop value was almost exactly the $400000000 drop 1n the figure at gross mmbnnl production And there Is Chxlstmns In drphnnnges and In seedy hotel rooms andm auntwo taper colonies TheSpel of Christmas Most of us see dhifitmfisgfi Lilinfiklrfid Chflslmas camps to our farm and ranches dont forget Them is Christmas aboard tugbozns in truppcn cabins nnd weather stations at trading posts and at every whistlestop nlong ouy runways There lschrlstmns on our Xndlnn reserva lions whtle In the Arctic the Eskimos wnl he in the midst of thecelebmtlnx evun If many dont qulte understand the mcnplng of all But except In time war few or us pause to conslder where and how others gre spending hoflday ch should mlrror To own and my dwellers they believe in the magic of the season Christmas falls into pattern of tinsel and Lrndltlon Church bells call to worshlp trlendsmsll and there are Carols on the mdlolurkey nn thctnble wmpplnzs on the floor and decorations on the tree 0n the bflzht note apey yenr begth ngwlylenm with every mile the frontiérs oi the northlxmd nre puShed buck But or all that ghe statlstles show that Canadians spent more on goods and ser vices than theymd In 1953 and they invest ed record nmqunt In housing although they had to pay hlgherJnterest ram or mortgages In national terms 1954 was good year What of the future As the year ends higher unemployment is sobering meter In some Canadinh homes there was lime cause torxalety at Christmas Economists look hopefulljy ahead however They saythey are sure Canada will resume her economic advancennd that gpod times are in pmspect Economlsts talk of gross national produc uonwhexithey assegs he economtcmeulth therhntlon In thbs terms Canadasup pedn littlwppm qhe pigviofis ygnv down about $400000000 toanjesthnamd $23000 000000 That was thasecond highest pro duction figure In the pnuntrys history Enchmdlvjdual bias hls own lden from h15ownvlévipont as to whetheru954 was uhndone Avenged acrosgthe was good thoughlnot quite ns gooduswsa on baking backward 1954mm nyeslr ooh trustsl There mare bhby busineés boom butmcrap allure thgt cut Iarrn jincogne Wages went upforrthose vim jobs but the number unemployed Increased 31mg lower earnings of farmers wen mawheqby heavybuying by anadians generally v1 Itsxtlxney again to put rnéwzcnléndqm Ion thelwall and that tradgclonnlly ls thatchgm to recollectwhnthnppenedlo us mthg last year and try to guess the prospects for the next 12 months Avnm NM MAM Cllruhuan nun MmlhlJMInl MI Thu Wllwn llulldln Im 6m an Harm Onlulm Cvmdl THE MIME EXAM MMflKn PL WALL Prnldenl CIlIlflGK VlceINIIMfl fllem nut n1 ghoul bc rémcmberod cum mum am no nun win It mu nan smug HIM INAVII Clllllh Itll 6712 nnunu or wary npvllunlt And huvy pennluu to drum whu roll nvmle luv In pvrvem nm 1mm ulnl lulu Ihu pnlxhu ulmllnnl Mlmlnm ln wIIvullunu wnulxl he much fillerwk Imhey lhn nmllnr unnllflnl eumlncn lur rar flflnul unnuulfl uuuwnml Provlnrm donnmncnu much mummy hand in Tululnmm mumqnn Ioruwuy townix pull Uuu mendmullunmuhlunuhulhm bum mm ml the undue mm um and Mmllnl Manse II more Impurflnlvlhln making sum 1h 11 monu cnnl ar nlguancmc II proficrmcflonJo curry MumI navolvcr mum pm not hum Indhulmln mly Ind gel we vunlute to that man purple klllrd nth war by warlan 1m lnd Iholuuqn nun by ryvolvmu Thu min In um um ulmou awry Tum nlck Harry Ind Jam Allowed lo cur lhq Apnrunx lypef flmrm hul In uvnlvm In con14ml lo be unuemm wrlprm ennlly tlmtcnhd and maxclam 1mm lo humn llvel ever ton ulvm by avcrnmznl nulhmluvrto he nurly bllnd1he lemlnded um um crokpull whn Am nllnwm to wandor nl lurlc ullgl welvon mu The term human many orcaurle when Implied la nllpeople whnmro hereud to car aun In Me bum vAhunlu 4min uhoalllrg an uk Iquelflom unerwnnh auduurysur Tho accident lull India 1051 hunllnn msun nlrendr rccurdq mumbor gl gm nnd woundcu nnJT mnlu xjcgcrIbm human winningJinn Pm Evcry polludnn whntevtr party and spend lng manayln maltme populhr thing 10 db In modern democmgy dugrq can Mn nlnt Jn mcndlna only evcrynne undtm ml at ouch gxgra Mem popular though mu be Inllself will have ha lnnlphgdvby Miller lam rwhlch mun populnr Thntressenuul restraint wlll become In onernuve peapln dhxm Keyncshm economics Into the convtnknt balm thnrnjbn nfienclus nmhlnx In worry about And In ml 12 done In hose clrcumxhncLs canhe mum an xurn Inlo haircut EXaminé HunTéfs KelawnaCoutlcr ii 11 must come un surprinlo gle who Ihirflv classical music lsslrlcllyvjnr file lynxhalts Inf learn um Ihere more money 51th on not mush than ontbuelmll onhhlsxomlnenLXSomd Memomore Jnn¢ quaymgmenb 110 1013 Innahula Jhe vIncreasingwimnh retina mum siehnsbccn one olllhn not 17 moment our times qunrler at 1a ten ury Iann wu Mel dlmd that treeymuslcrvhmldlo woulfi map nudll ante out of he cnnberlyhnlll ThEgravt uh happened Mote pebple hentdnhd uked cuslca mmlc than ever before OPINIONS OFOTHERS Classical Zlvmsici Higher fTéSfies With unemploymgnt alreadyfin schnqs problem lncunndn siguutlpn crented by vsmklng warlgprséeeklng ten1pomry Jobs forms addedcompHcatibnJ Erle LetterRévlevz Cqmpetluoptbrpbs Vbelcomes Akeengr wprl porunltles 10 those unemployed throuan mum of their own are clrcumsprlhed sfim staking work qrs are willingzoyaccenmowpr pay forumI pamry employment guhplemeMedpyfitrlké pay theggnernl wnge IEVEIJSEFIEDIGSSM the Ontario Milk DMrlbu AssogziutlanY mcently in Tornmm Mr Oldwellgnldmnre navelUsing dollars fire apent gln newspapers than in mm othermedia comblnéd Giff10 knpw your newspapers Vaéqomethlnx man than just the papersjyouread pdiiaed business men Get $0 kno ernns selling tools or your productst in the parllainent tin pieSiam eveljy man represents comtltuencyvot thetpynat5 James Russell Lawn Néwspapers are Lhetinckbohe Iocpl merchandising Evans Olgiwen LClnclnngtl lief snldlp ntfnddress to mheire is $1 hxngiéigh thinking mpkps spenm new eyes 3mm Chflmrhoy In mum Msz 01 their dmIIIIllr Mn lhllnflfl lhflr MM mum 1mm Mr III Om OmJkk Junkm rolls and In and Mn Wflllun hmlmn and mm 1mm 0th to wtwum where My mug Mn mum and M3 Indium min the lulu Jdm 511 Lind nut and John 1010 am ulna Mrl lam Jldld Ian lovely mlo Italy Nlahlf um um um In the choir mallard al Llruuu nl Ohmtmu rlmln ume 31mm nu ma mummu 0570 wudu wherg guy Mulchuun Vhllor 30mm Marrow or Eldomdu Bank In vllHlnl hll home Oahu Chdsuml mun wllh Mr nnllerl Murmw wrre Mr and Mn Norman Cnxwonh Mr and Wlllml Hilbert and family blrt null Ind Hula Anne vaw ol Nowmrkcl whn ll mud vlhc work them vmmnnlon Mules flw Olrlnmu Gamma vlca In St Jude Amlimn Church wnp we nllcmlnl The church Wnl sumhly dzer with ovu mtm Ind nuwm Thn udtvr Nov rexleller In Ml amnxm ul Im 1mu mmnln ol 5mm wan uh nu 1n Nevdon Robinson Rev Mar lin Ind Mrs MalIn with their wn lnwacn Sound Mr and Mn Black Marian and Wailacc Mr and Mm Curr Margaux and Mary with Mr and Mrs Makeuflnrric Mrs West wth her slslerlninw Jn Darrin Ind Mu Cousin wllh mm dunphlcr lnBllTlezMr and Mn mum Smnndlcn and chlldnn wuh mauvcs In Minndnlc Mn and Mn flan Shnllswcll with rclnuvpc pmknbown Chumn thlon MJSI mnevltvc Jamlcmn mnmmnmumm week In Jomlelont 15 mu Mlldrédvrllcnd Ton Vkflul lllr brother Gordon lltn durlm 1hr Chrlalmn holiday Juan WA SL duh5 WA will Intat nl it ham Mnule Juhnsnn nlfl day Ill pm lecaz Mr nnd Mrs Maurice ma ahIson and llclle daughter Dr Cameron HIIL Mrs Illllde mth nan hm IMnnax gm 47 vlbrmnrl tor mm was wuh rural lint we road in one the Toronto paper last week at In xudden pnulng Ith Rev Cu Kitcmni of Wedml Mr Kllchlngwns pasm pl Trlnfly Unlled Chumh here 191719204 Return From Alberta nobm PrenMce has mum home ancr spendan the summer on hls ranch In Alberta Town rarermum filejnllawinxml animus Halllhy Vllllon Hoflday VISIer included FS Franan Slcwdrt Mrs Slewnrt nnd John Bl OLLQWI 551 DM Mrs Dmion and Brenda of North Bay Mr and Mrs Elmcr Bunny and children Taranta at Jun Stewarts Mr and Ma Mi Rude at Cun Nnflm Mand Mm Gnome nccr ot Mthmi with reln lhe changlng oia date will not turn us from unhappy pédpleintohnppypeoplef heficontinued the same old you Landihepnmerold me will go into the new year and go out oi liteoJW meaningwo hlma man who obviouslyknew his way around man who looked in il he knew what was whamihe kindidi mnn whq loqked ntlife pretty coldly and realistic allytheredidnt seem tov hennnnswer It wasnt the way Wouldhavetalked yet it seemed so obvious the way he said li Aflndy pnssedihen She smiled slightly indeed he dld not seem to be irangeitn anyane and he returned her greet ing With smegpectiul co rtesy whim was yery fluttering But hedldnt raise his hhtd st touched the brlm Thai wins when recalled hisname It was theyhornx which gave the hat its set yum an puma HWhhtxdlrterexice does date onthecalendar make gaidxwfllfwhat difference 60551 makefxa Its mum systempl measmffing tlmq andnny othemystem would served well1xdeeq better considering the attez which have Seen made and arepelng made evennow to vlsemur célendar Vhfl Dluchlu Mr gnthl 03qu Ian guppgse Jknowhimmnugh it than acggainmnce and wonid lacoumge it ms qfiite oblivious oifm coolnessrand éeems to cultivateme 53 ve Qcogqfléu him utonceynvmen we metbnt many people and we nllhntetq admit min name Waiscome at once 80 we Miked or hwiiile AM ya ihesetoi his hatns insignificant andcrivinln that which joggedimyv memory gmcl recognized himWith BiShOCk bni animmawre ind xyalgeg riew yéafi resolutions he ugly an unmawre mma make new years resolutions he wusladying may germ immature registered very nently wlthmesllaundvmyselr nodding agreemenp he proceeded min dnlnrn 4M am New Yurl ¢y of Mormon Mr and Mrs Ellis and daughters and Mr and Mrs Vcrn an Jenneu and family Ipan Christmas At Orenicl wflh Mr Crawford and mum Bull Mr Hull had all childrm nml unndohlldnn home at lhc day Recenl Vlllion Sunday guests wm Mr and Mn Jrnncu were Davld Jenncll ideal Weaiher The weaiher conditions far Christmas were just pcriecli which added so much in the comfort and happiness all lhusc who had travel in 1nd in in yamke in lhc5peclal days festivities Home From Well Ibnherl Prentice who has spent thu Hummer and all in Western Canndn arrived home Last week Hume an anonlo We are pleated In report ha Mrl IL Jennell home Main mm Tummu and Will able in fiend out ihe scmnn rmmun to hrr Manda lelk Pinnl Mr and Mrs Em Mower Eliz abeth and WMorcer spent Christmas Day Ingmdxand with Mrs Mercirs parents and slstzr Mnand Mn Harry McBride and datuth ball Vliitcd Mr and MrsW lllz Christin Day uuuwmma wy nan and Vermm chnm wéru In Tomnto on Ihum dnyon nupunt we sudden doom 0M cousin Jack Siockwell WA Plrll Meellnz Trinity Unuud Church Womans mladon will hold lhclr lrsl maelan of the new year Jun MCQflchcunx tamer and amny 9mm Sunday Doc 10 Thomas MchLsma In Taranlu Peacock ls spend this wcek In Toronto wlm Mr Ind Mrs Arl Corbett Adams of Mincsing visulng ercd Peacock here this weak Itnlecolhl Ammb of Cuna 10 MULCABTER 81 Allan REV ll IIUIIOEBS PASTOR SUNDAY JANUARY 1036 Trumpel bum Voul Hula and Duel lnnplrlnl Imchlnl ML WEICOME Hand1 LIIL cum Wnndadul Wont liveflu mm Inn PJKI Suvlcu um wnln mm mm Mm um an II pJn ANTI5001 NO EXTRA 205T REV ELDON FORD SPECIAL NEW YEARS SERVICES Belhel Pentecoslul Church THE Sflflmflfll 60 HI mmmfilix system would hnvé 1H the attempts evennow to re RXCMISIVK DEALER iicoN 2461 he made PultlckWalsun On Nov 20 in Marmara On he mamngel took place between Mr Reta Whison and Harry Alex Puttlck Rev Grand all minister oi thtl Baptist Church officiated assisted by RewL Vt BlgciQW The bride 15 the daugh icr oi Mrs Alired Spencer oi Thmnlon nnd the late William Macdanaldi ilhe mom is the son 0L HarryPutticlchn and the lat MIXs Puttick McGrail Avenue Niagarnrlialls The bride chose or the carcmnny ligm biuo suil wiLh rmvy uccessnrks Hu car snge was of nd msebuda Mrs lW CrandalL mianoIlwnor wnre awaryyfsuit with white and nnVy accessofic and colsage yellow roscbuds Frank Hannah was best man receptioniol lowed at Snyders tea room at Mnrmnm Following drip tn Pniorbomugh anfl Perry and Thornton Mr and Mrs PuMick took up rcsidcqgc at 13 Menxie Slrcct Thcnm wukina Canal 10 by Ningum Falls was started 07 1824 VlsltFrlendl Some thosexwhn Ian for the medal holiday wergMr Grow do Enrl fGrosem ana Mr and Mrs Fredersh to Mr and Mrs Bglmqns Mrs Wrugul wllh Orok Barrie and Mr Norman Coxwomh at Ted Marmwfs Mr and MrsReggAeRdd nlAllahdnle and ShnnLy Ban Mrs 12le Scythe wth Mrs Beelhy or Barrier at Harold Lawrcnccs Multan MrwandMrsxAr Mar rlsod ntHnmld Parknra nem csdu Mr nndMrs Jgekxlahnsan nnd childrenul Baffle withMrs Johnsons mrgnu Yhned llen Surge whospentlhe special day here were John Slewnn Frys Mrs 1mm of Barrie ntCccll Hanif Miss Mildred Ken ny Toronto at Gordanv thrnysl Miss Pearl Numun Aufswn at Ernest MCCMCEICDIISI Mr and Mrs Harry Lynnol Barrie WCnrrxMr and Mrszflnn Mennry and Ella Dmls Ruddlck Mrsr FlorenceDenney and hree daughters MrrandMrs Mcrvyn Denney of matter Mr and Mrs rwmsam maderwnv and amHy Amman at Mn Isaac Jenncws Move Home Mr and Mrs Stouand family hive mwcd mm the lormer Andy Corbett residence on fihe mm slrcet here and Scott Sharpes house xvnchtcd byw mm ls ran19d again as at am an Jcnn fennfit determinin the latter homevfor weekfsfioflduy ammFor elmmu SherlnckBarlaw of momma Hartlern Omrfo andTthas at Hemdmulre Mere home during we Chrlslmaxweck FRENCH MflTflflS lo nnrrlcn Laval Exchulvn Funky who malm nnd qu tun only Lmur LEMON mmst DIAL 68 MIDI Remndeillnl Cold Shrug YOUR DODGE mom DEALER 751rafnrd sc mom 51m TORONTO napalm mmsomnbé muons BATlHlALHON GUARANTEED ran EXPERT REPAIR worm mum ALL your Fflfl PBIJBLEMS N0 EXTRA COST ANTIRHIle Clunln AWFDIID Mill IL 1100 mm Ina cnnlrmum SUNDAY JANUARY 1065 ll LuvMORNING WORSHIP nmadcatl uvur mum rumpEVENING WORBHH lhn mlnlllor mm Iancu Vj ll mmFflll TIIIIRUII RUIIOOI COME CHURCH NEW YEARHMEHSAGEH 215 mellolly Sunday School pmuouy Church servlcu NEW YEARS SERVICES mil pmASUNDlY hCIlOOlr pmEVANGELIBTIC smwxcn are welcome the Snlvnjlun Army REV II UNSTEIAD Minister MR HAROLD DEMPSEY Orgnut SUNDAY JANUARY 1055 945 mumSUNDAY SCHOOL IJnfIIEOINNERB DEPT nutMORNING WORSHIP Th Chllggllns lnvcnla umEVENING wowny somn lhlnn We may Know vhal lhlnn nzmaln Hum Church School 945 mrJhvlflel and Sunlnr 1101 ummrlnnen Prlmary Ind Nunery Bcgln me New Year In Church Come and Worsptpx SUNDAY l1 Im0MNESS SERVICE Sf Andrey Prglbytqvlgn mm rmz ninxav wmm Church Owen nnd Worllny Ella REV JAMES RGUSON 11A N0 FALTERING N0 FAHAURE wr wrsn ALL our niman npr new YEAR Mr And tMfl Walgeyh 1an rreon Mohdnyfor flhc tuneml 1MIfl$mnas Minhell Mrrandg Harry filnn went urn19mm 1n Sarnln with the nieceAnd lamfly Mr andIMm Mum Ixéere holeay V3in Willi ngeIr par zoo nlyfleld Bl SUNDAY DECEMBER 20 mg REV llfllmllJ lamHanan Kellen II 730 Practh EVERYBODY WMOME SPECIAL WATCH NIGHT SERVICE Conducled by Sr Major and Mn Mnuflon Orlllh FRIDAY EV NING 1045 pm hrlsllesu Ljonljnd ur Wu inem not oqritlvuiml selves ynur nervznls or Jesus pk Citadel COLLIER STREET 5r Majorvunn Mn Cooper COLLIER ST BAPTIST NEW YEAR snnvicas SUNDAY JANQARY 1955 945 unYr lnler Ind Church sumo The Snflgtiorl Army Com Ind Vonhlp WI Ul CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH BURTONAVENUE UNITED CHURCH FREE METHODIST CHURCH Dunlop 1nd Taranto Rev 02 BrennBL Warrén LMncltln9rggmll FELLOWHIIIP 01 EVANOELICAII BAPTIST REV NULLMEYHR mmn nln llllllJi SCHOOL ILOD munPHOIIT AND LOSS Iwn WWW FEIIOWSflIF ffillllflCHTl BAZAARS AND BAKE SALES nulinlhn 11m mammal 0N nun mm mluncn 1m Mlnmc lNDiIPENbiENT Evmxoyt wnwoiylz My Keelr Rev Nrwlnhfimlth SUNDAY JANUARY um umImmr COMMUNION II nm4lIOL COMMUNION SUNDAY HCIOOL lv NthEVENING IRAYIR 7m niicmn moo MILHunky school 00 Imllnly Commnnlon Hermon Ruth me In Ihlt Rule panEvens and Human Inllhe llnlnulnl The Rev Shrnlnu mufo upm pll ll WNuneryLKiwlunrjm rPShgary mph pmoEVENINOLEBRVICE Thug runaway Wholt Angllcan Calller sm Rev Allin null 3A Kev learn inhumane Mn new cw Dmog SATURDAY JANUARY lo30imIIUIYCOMMU SUNDAY JANUAnY cnanMAs Mo lamHoly Communion Mo mumHoly Communlon Human CLAPIERTON gr wons mm max In mung MNE chGflLlIY Organist and Cholr Made summr mmww 1955 msunngnr SCHOOL um leed xugnu MlnlJIer llev tum MA nn Orgullsl Illll ChdlniIukr LIde mum sumgxnimumnv 1955 ll IJIIrMQRNING SERVICE The Difficulfléq Na Bellcvln InGod FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH an mm wauuer MlflIlX¢l Emma 09mm BA MnuERANKDmHEE omrfist NEW 1mm SERVICES SUNDAY JANUARY 1955 Ms mFqnuncn scnlooy 11 Innhuh for theNeverear pin Happiness or the Newquh pulpYJS 50mm Everynne Welcomq cduflmsf UNITED TRINITY CHURCH SAINT GEORGES Ourunite Nccd Drondcast gum zvnnyonawawom mi cnuficn scnpni ESSKkOAIS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH nmjmms mm

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