trust an January you wlll EH have that lendershlp nd rcspccuully solicit your gupnort iflEleclors ol lnnisï¬l Whh ynn SchuolAre TKIIIIEE experlzncc now ID llcll your Iuppnrl and lnllucnc to elect mu Fnlr um Impullnl Admlnh luflon In all Inwmhlp mal Icrl Am ollerln my Itrvlcu In DEPUTY HEIZVH for 1315 clnlnl ll In my umul Ile llrn to walk or your mum la rellevu Ihn burden at In ulon vupecuully nollrll your vole Ind lnllnrnca ll flu pulll on Man mun ref mm BrunMTIuN 10 mm mm lIIuNI HTROUI flllll SPHOULE Eonnéillor tor 55 T0 THE ELECTHIIS TOP INNISFII ELECTORS 0F INNISFIL No municipal council can be expecied to give better mi minisirniion ihan the leadership niiercd by iisJieeve With Compllmcnts ol the Susan tcmnln slncercly yolllrs Frank Iowan EIilEliTllllS 0F INNlSFII WW CAMPBELL INNISFIL ELECTDBS sAngER clllmcluun run 1955 Your Vale and Influence ls Soliciled ope nndfinflueqce respéctlully jsolfcltcd to eleg Fdr Second Term as Councillor HAPPYNEW YEAR TQ ALL F0 lmjmxliql Hepiesenlnlinn VOTE ro RIBELECT Phone Strand 39r13 or l9r23 FOR TRANSPORTATION Eihhins Ynilr vote and Influence rcsneuuully snllclted tor ciecllon as caunclllnr OBJECTIVE hlllmu Ills nmlm lmmd ltllllm Ilm rlllflonl Io ho polnl ul In mum ll pmble 1955 Jos Cochruna F0 lnnlslil Councii Stanley King weré wimfm ihtjMEi 6i nut M1 Mr and Mrs VGEOIS Gfeen and Murray of Colflnzwaod wtlh her mrsnu Erï¬nd Mm Moqre mammal 31 mug5 Bic Mr and Mrs Steven 5an Kare Mr and Mrs Ross and lamg My 01 Cookstown Mr and Mrs REHXIILJMI and Mrs Sikox and Pamela Tommy Mts floss ï¬znw spgm the Christmas holléiy vim hgg graph Mn and Mn BELLHWARH cANDgDAtEforzcouncIL Towdship ol Ndlluwusljgp our vntn nml lullutnca rupccflullyrnnllcllcd lo METERS 0P NEITTKWKSTIEK WISHING YOU ALL HAPPY AND WONDERFUL YEAR 11 yen expevlcnce In TownMp Idmlnlslnllon lhc pnl union yurl flceve respecuully agks the rateï¬ayerp to halt vote and Influence In hlsclecflnn as Fm cxnerlenced leadership In lhc Admlnlslmllon of Township alfnlrs REELECT STEELE DeputyReeve for 1955 Although have had no past experlence electeï¬ shall to the best my nblllly serve ratepayers equally rispectlnlly snilclts your Vote and influence In the forthcoming election ANIJBEW MONTGOMERY CANDIDATE far COUNCIL TO THE ELECTORS 0F INNISFIL BLYTHE McCONKEY WleoT cflipcnnsn mwlng hnd eight years former experience now respectfully ask for your support or Eluc tlon to Councll on Jun 3rd DEPUTYEEEVE Township of Nottnwusugu Your vqtc and Influence yespccllully sollcltcd nun upetltnu Councillor mu expemnce as Deputy Item mr parlance IBM lleuve lNNISlllf TOWNSHIP ELECTIONS MONDNY JANUARY REELECT ALLAN TODD FOR REEVE Elect Fred VunciSe JAMESPATTI Elecigis otlnnislil Electors oi Nolluwusugn Eleclors of Nolluwusugu REEVE FOR 1955 HAPPY NEW YEAR 10 AIL FRANK BEATTY REEVE FOR 1955 REELECT and sauna admgMm Jack 01 7mm wmmm sister Fen 12th iamlly C1311 aRnwknnd Belle Ewart 11 yea Santa plans loquHe rjuynber mung mwn VInmn dnnmn rs Mwlmmfl as th lldavalm her snipe aegmnm hï¬idays win he Eoï¬Eï¬mï¬ er dguzhter at mdigway cum ymum Mu hawgum at Toronlw Selnand Mrs ucue ï¬dBaHle Mrwand Mzs met Fe er and Wu Santa chin Maher mg M5 Mama vial her mtger whéflll In Town NI chasm vmlm Chrlflmn Holiday visitors Mr and Mrs Rex wnsan Bradford Miss Marie Spam Taramo Mr and Mrs Camdufl Tax0M6 Mr and Mrs Davies TomIto Mr and Mrs Elmer Spam olxlhwon Mkhjmnnwngxmy Gordonnum afafolï¬ir Vï¬ï¬‚f In at Mr and Mrs Em Mchny for holidays Mr and Mrs Charléi Gibson of Barrie Mr and Mri Don Glbsnh with Mrs Gibson legion pm on party on Wednmiayhnd nah child received 1m Echoé Concert The annual achnalmonqert held Tuesday evening in Mmyflau 35mm Isnt ariy bill In Belle Ewan was doddedsuccmthe hall being packed The inched deserve great praise for theflne program It looks if n1ew more Mwlu be needed to take In all the newcomm vhq nqylng Info gawn Mn and Mrs Hmy rEanUng spent he Christmas weekend with Mn nnd Mrs IL Pratt Taranto tummy japan cmsma qnd chk inï¬ll LVhIlintfloLBEr annd Mrs 11 Shem spendlnajhe ChiMm week with his met in Buflalo Mruand Mm mcï¬oweiland mnny épem cmxstmu win be parents In Toronco Seuon Greellnn Happy New Year to all Mm Martin spent Grimm wm her mum Mthe Mme of Mn and Mrs Lennax Ban1e Mr and Mrs Ben McQuay spent Christmas at the hem Mr nnd Mrs Lev Srlgiey Hully also Sunday with their daughtér Mrs Kaumen at Desboro Leave For Flnrldn Robert Harris and Gordon er lell tor Flbflda on Mon wg Dec 21 far mumhs vncn In the Sunny South llolllhy Vlsllon Mr and Mrs Don Newman and Mary Louise are lpendlng the holldny season with Mr and Mrs Jenna Miss Margaret Jenna spend Ing Ihc holiday season at her home Mu mc Mm Mar mm and John week Wishes For 8ch We wish or all who are Ill spceLdy re ry We me plegsed Hal PufsuanHolhe provlslpn of ByLcw No 1993 the first and lnaugual méaling of lhé 1955 Council will be held Monday January 3rd 1955 at 830pm lilhgi Councll Chombcls and havé been rcgugslad by lhe Mayor elect Mr Eldgh Greer toWelcomo all clllzens of Barrio to Members of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Barrie elecled by acclarnalion on November 2SIh are as follows attend this mcctlng Dacembdr 3pm I954 80mg Ontarld Pï¬m Mi IVY WARD Ald Mkhll AM Mn Mavldrlo Hamilton REEVE Mr Glidwood Md Horsey Ald McTuvk WARD III Ald Gold Ald Monow WARD HMr Ind Mrs Adhuï¬ yer hnd 1a telephqne enll at hrhlmal peanuts 1mm the non Edgar in Cllllomfa on Christmas Day was nnouaaywmmiwtm hi mum 110 Mrs pmi Man9 5mm LAC and MrsGordon Dyet and mac Adaulhm Donm me at Trentonspént Chrhmas heyday ht Arthur Dyg Mn and Mn hearse Hnylbck nhd family Cochraennd Mn and Mrs Roy Ktzhuey of Bar gle Lpént 111 Christmas weekend at the home Mr and Mrs Klghfley 44 Brock SL Barrie Mn and Mn Goalie Bentley Tawny and lune or Skinner and Miss Mnigarfl and Mlss Ruth vBenlley Armldlwmle and Thom Schnnaxg of 0011mm spent mums Day wlhh Mr and Mrs Bentley 1711 Road Mnmd Mrs Hancoak en Jenï¬lmed me am In me Bank 01 NW scoq bullet supper Ihelx me me nuy During the M3 2010 flmFï¬ui nhuvvï¬ by Miss Ruth Fleldmlm wha spend ei monthsln EuMpe last summer Miss Lynne Gnibrmh IndKent Gnlbrnflh n1 Toronï¬z are xpgndé In lhéh Christmas holldays with Mr and MuCfl Galbraith ML and Mrs James Hogan 01 In Eugeninvstrcct wmvm enprm hailflanks to their many mend for the numemux gum and and hey received Oxflstmasl They were very plmed be remem bered on the occasionnnd apprec lalcd lhe thuuzhmdneg hose Mn and Mrs Wllllnm Dale of Ban1e wish to announce the en lalemanl their youngest son William Wesley la Muriel form In daughler of Mrs Lena Carm lu and the me Mr Cormlcr or Gallv he muningo to take place On May 1955 Barrie Dnurlo wha ektended seasons menus on Davis at hnme whh their mother Mm Gcrlrude Davis Miss Helen Hutlnn Toronto Mrs Fred Davis Sundrldge with Mr and Mrs DIVI Mrnnd Mn Major of Toronto Arlhur NURSBS RESIDENCE KINGSTON CP Klnytcn antral hospital board of govern an appmved tender at $19400 or cnnytrucmm 54h2d mdl Ilon the Calvin Nurse Home numes rcsldcncc or he hnspual Mi and Mn Henderson Mr and Mn SmythMf and Mrs Bert Belhhnw and all the grand children span ChiEmu week end wllh Mrs Elsie Davis and ENGAGEMENTS NOTICE Mr Eldon Gum MAYOR TOWNSHIP or ORG rMunicipulEleclï¬mzrMonJun comimimém sizAsou TO and Respectfully soilcltégour vote and influence toi éfec thin as Councllloi 1955 AEBERtTroflkésfm 6TQWNSHIPQECJORO VRVAVIVEPAYEVFS 0F aka JAchrTAYLoRr Kenneth Gillespie CANDIDATE for BEEVE ELECTOBS 01 0B0 commmsm THE SEASON COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON Yqur Volaand Influence Respectfully Soliclted by Ald Pchimoulx Md Williams AM Paddison Md Mill WARDVI Ald Johmon Ald Cooke MI Klnxio DEPUTY REEVE WARD IV WARD ll yrs expcrlnnce newly Rceve pt eipeflénee Conn clllor SCOTT BEEVE LLOYD FOR