éri Hall on Ta allowe APPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY Farm Suonly Market phone 2082 Purim Chum sm nnd Service uTï¬nt uamc Farm back aver 195 we abundance in Jay 35 for my stall and am most proud and every one In our or ul grpat bang out psnplc to the best of and knowledge nnu suy unbchall ol mysen will lhnrc In nn flner mnperallvc people in hnn our customers the sent nnd Ll my ï¬bnlityfl lhcrc no concluslon my rc odny tram Mollie Roy 2ch Percy Reynolds an 1y may 155 In the big prumnble and happy have ever experienced sun lï¬m 32 aurcr way in be happy Inn at or pcnpln and uy lhls ï¬ne or every lflef am BC flame Salm deï¬ed $4 endum elem ahead to be happlcr min year One hlng vnr mph look back he ms spent But the bright asIong as In that II The tub upporum Ky for grub Ln canfcl the mlslchs INFLowm SEEP 9vg¢miclly EM Ljoouumsiw JARRILQzn miens nur rcalesl hiï¬ wonder ul free ours mum on he thal dark cloud lhcrc sunshine to enlighten that we may smllc 2M0 WINGS we avé lcarncd way another In the president 1th Inr ubt has unprovenl lrrenhly llullrd Illnd Illnod Mln llmnrhtd In Hal urn In In mulmummnluvlly urn VIIIIIIIII lml IIIIII blolndul ulna In nul Illlrluul nutrlllmn Item IO IJI ll OLBL mu at 11 ha or the Anklux minim gum SHINE CAM yr iriï¬mlqshuc THE FOOD BAH twpPar Arm volm 1100 school annrrow lary gasses gm STORAGE LTD held Christxima loyeejs and their Iamllles at Thornton let 18 turkey dinner was served at singing carols Choke hadresséd the group brletly KEMMONES rccypuon In the Ellmbllh Baum of lhu Royal 0101 at Gunlpd attended by the Immed lnu families at the brldc and uuvl un wedding lrip he United mm the bride was wmr In red boucle knlurd lull wnll wlntcr while accessories nnd muskmt Jucktt 0n Lhrlr rclurn Mr and Mrs Howard will be mak ing their home In Guclph Thu brim wre twovplccc dress of pale blue mnlvd silk with crys tal bead rimming and malthing LnEhcr bah or flowers were red mscs She was nucndcd by Mlsl Nora Young of Guam who was In navy llmue fame nnd Ml wear rlng pink feather hat andncces soriu She mrrlcd pink mums Wedding of Wide Interest Held In Guelph Manse The bride who was given in manian by her tamer cn¢md he living 00m to the slmlns at Lohangrlni wedding rmrchsmaycd by Ms Yuunx The orgnnlst al 50 accompanlcd the sololsl Miss Nora Young 1n the singing The Lords Prayer and Emma David uuémd of Sarnmm grqoxrxmanfur his bmlhnr In 1m munbéu he sgnl phlpgncnu mzzofono less lununalc chil drcn In 01h 1mm The vim mom the home ML and Mrs Young Gucmh was lhc swing for wcd ding wide Interest on Monday Dec 27 54 al uncmhlnly ociock in um nucrman when Miss Mary Elllabcflh Poole daughkr of Mr and Mrs Roy Ronald 01 Bank was married to Gordon Djflawardfl son ML and Mrs Jnmm Howard ofierguson Padre Young ofï¬cial nl 1h ceremony with he sigh flng whfle muns and evergreens On Jan IL more wlll be branch endure mply at Web draw will be made on quilt Members are asked on bnlng In Emir bmks Barrie Womens Insï¬lulc wlll men Inc homer01 Mrs Adams McDunald SL an Jan varuo pm Lunch hostesse will he Mm HUIV Mfl Sanders Mrs BMW Mm Harper and Mn Hirldhey Meets Tuesdéy Euchre Jan 11 DUNLOP Extrd Grip mun snow TIRES YOU MOVE THROUGH SNOW SLUSH MUD WITH Junlor valuéé ImlCIulllmu Menn llrv ahlllon 1105 hllslvnnu mmuxe nl mm munch nn Smulny nllrlnmm ox nrnml um hum um he mum at Chrlllmnl wuuld rmIn lhmughuul um nm runllluml by nlulluu lhu nlxulncnnw llmt lho Mury me mm or chrm mmnu Illla New Turk MIL llcllllmy lele hal bum llmzmul llnclur lhc unlur mum un mmmuun In Mr Lennnnl wlm In leavan bu unusc 01 HI IHMIII Vllll Scnlnr loam llcvv Shlllon Vlllhd lln svnlur nmm nl Inc lucnl xuhuul an llm Inn lunclmm duy bxlurc llm Clulnllnn lmlldnya and Mrs Lmnnrd prcmxlld Iwr pup with bugs manly Mlulnn 1mm Sanka Chrhlmaa service wn con ducted nt lhu December mncllnz Burn Mlsslun Band with Manger scam nddlng Io II ccllvuuvu The wurshlp urvlcc Included rmdlng Thu Sccm uI Hunnlnus by Alum Slullz Blbll madlnas by Glurlu Cochrnne GluA rla Lunch and Ellccn Kerr sung Wu Thuu Klngs by Larry Cm ncll llunnlc Kluu und Jacklc Guu Icy urnycr by Dorothy and and Chrlslmm Ilory by Mrs Kerr The nicelan ndjuurmll wllh lhc Mlnluu llnnq Prayer Proxnm Much Enjoyed With George Jaiiray multian oi Home an school as chair man lhe program opened with the slnging 01 Cnnnda and includ ed choruses by both schools as weil as junior and Senior chor uses anu pun carol singing by lhe seniors rccllailons by Bruce Gor dun Brian Jpliray Douglas Hand Lnny Swanson and John leher Chriflmns Acrasl playiel The Christmas Splr an exer cise The Sticking Talk and Rhylhrq Band by the juniors vo cal selection by fiommy Cole Teddy Fllhér and Billy Cnnnell duei by Carol and Ruth McGln my and Dunnu nnd Beverley Buyers vocal sale by Hugh Den ny and piano instrumentalshy Eddlc Robinson and Catharine William The senior boys enn lrlbuled Christmas in 001 Lands and ramp drill The dialogue cm were The Cor The Pnriy Line and Wanled iiousekccper Three the senior girls luvk pm in we pnnlomlmc Silent lehl wlih Durban Illsson ll sulule An added icalure Will Ilia vuenl 36m by Roland Munrou with banjo Accompaniment and muxloal nclcciion by Messrs Munrou Murphy and Denny which were well received Snnm arrived at he conclmlon at he program In assist in distributing the many gill and the bags oi lrcall which um provided unnu nliy by lhe Selloul Am Board SylendldLSchunl Concert An appreciative nudlcnce tilled Baxter Hall on Thursday even inn Inc 23 tor the Chrlslmns concert which was 59 ably prc scnted by the pupil at the Burns schools The committee mm the Home and Schcul and Miss Boyd Who voluntarily planned the pro grnm nnd conducted rehearsals through the companion at Mr connrd teal well repaid for their time and cum in trying to mnkc this impartnnt event of the year or the children success Much credit goes to the pupil themselch who worked in en thusiastically also the parchls or their cooperation ln order that such line program could be pre pared in the limited time avail able on Lhé meanlngot CIilristmas and7tï¬eflepesnf of reéllz ing that mg best Christmas is Ehrlstcgméfed Chrlst mus nun Alter the distrlbutlbn of gifts thq balance at the even lng was given overw games In which everyone pagtlclpnted mad sziwrca 20 IMP AYE clungon um Ccnlru Vuer Jan ry mcullnn wll be hllll nlI WIdnvrAlny Jun 12 luncan Tlluradny Jun III III prcvunuly plannmL in mud Mn Bruce Edgar and baby wn llnxlcr leum Mq and Mrs llundcrson on Suflday Mrand Mn namxd Gllchrlll nnd duuuhlvr mm Chrlllmn wnh nlallvr slnynrr ml AN EXAMINER WANT All Mls Mnrlnn Boyd spendlnl he Chrlslmns Vncalhm Wllll he want Mr and Mrs Lcsllv Boyd cnfnrd Mr mu Mrs Ernnsl Swllznr Vllg lied rclullyc at Crucmore un Sun day Mr and Mrs Arvin Hand Dar olhy and Douglas spent Chrlslmm weckend wxm Mrs Johnston Shulhurne In 1mm Oneal CpL and Mrs Gordon on Chrlslmfls Bay were Sgl Ann Darker and Cpl Be any Campunordon Mr and Mrs Roy Slullz and DUI of Gall spent the Cllrlslmns weekend with Mr and Mrs El mcr Slollz Run Slollz accomp nnlcd lhcm home to spend lhc Iwllquya Holldny guest of Mr and Mrs Ross Wllllams we Mr and Mrs Prnln Toronto Mr pnd Mrs Murphy Mr Ill Mn Mencfl Ind Mr and Mn Dyer Arllrlslon Mr nnd Mm Grills and Jammy spent Chrislmas weekend at the home at her parents Mr Ind Mrs Fuunmn Everlon anlly ElihuIn Mr and Mrs Henderson and family mended In family zalhcrlng at the home Mrs Jenna Thurman on Chrbtmal pg Guests of Mr and Mr McClguI aver rChrllmns included Mrs Margaret McCguc Mn Qummlnzs Mlss Barbara Cum mings and ML Joanne Mchzuc at Toronto and Brian Mfcuuu Mr and Mrs Roland Munroe jand chlldrcnspnnl Christmas Day at lhe farmers name Mounl Forest Mr and Mrs Lorne Buyers and family spent Chrlshnas with rela Ives it Elam Mastcl Jimmy Dick nsoh relumnd to spend hog fly Mr and Mrs Swenson Larry and Sharon spent Chrlnmasi weekend wlln relatives at Osh awa Lloyd McRahbln uf Bow manvmc and Davey Plnglc of Oshawa returned home wflh them in spend an week with lhch uncle and nunt mm hchufli hyflu1ephnrdp and WISE Man The minister ulsa sbokn at the connccuun betwecn Bethlehem 11nd Calvary and chalM cnzcd hls congruxntlonhat as we how belhm the Manger 12 us also think DI HI dcuh on hul Crass and openaurhcarls for the gm 01 love and be proï¬table servnnu we serve Hfs 15mg dom Mr and Butchers Dawn and Vernon spent low days over Chrlslmns wuh rclallvus at Ilï¬dsnn Helghts Quebec CENTRE VESPRA FROM TheSluflol Wilson flsleopnlhic Clinic Qqehec Vlsu WILSON nuuoma mm aonunlo HAPPY NEW YEAR 1m Ellh Inmlly Mumd Chrlslmna sh mum Those mm wnh mwfurd and Hugh Elm were Mr and Mn JcnmIl mm faxnlly Thurman Mn and Mm rm Swum Ind mull Al Mum Mn and Mn mm 1mm and Mr Ind Mm mynnm stumvm Cllunshlll Handy Schoal Mull The nnnual Supdny Sclon mutt lng will be held In 0m church an Jun oclock Illa1 qmmm Communion Service On Sunday Jan Communion wlll be mlmlnblcru In U10 Unll ed Churnh ChrIlmau Concert Th1 annunl Sunday School Uhrisums content was held In Lhe church on mumhy cvcnlmz Dec WILh full home In Mch nncc Evcmnd Harm made Inn chairman in his usual jovial man ner Th4 nhlldrcn put an an ex ccllcm program The camrnIItcc In charge the pmgmm arc to be congratulatch We mm In any well done all taking part 5mm hrrIvcd usual Io give out the gifts WA Mnllnr WA wlll meet nr he home UK Mn Ewan Haul on Jun pm Mr and Mrs James Spears and Roy 01 Thornton and Mr and Mrs Jack Spear and amlly and Mr and Mn Johq Sea and amin Tomnw were Christmas sucsLs Mr and Mr Ralph Houghw Chlldnn Caucen The mo children 55 and Pincgrnvc held their concert on Tuesday evening Dec 21 me Cammunfly Centre The children and Lhcirntcnchcrs Mn Nugem and Mr WIChurL are to be con gratulated or Lhc cvcnlngg 9mg mnmcm lo round cmwd Santa arrived and the children recctved their gilu zsun Annlvemry Quit number from his com munlly Journcycdv Elmvnll to lhc home Mr and Mrs Charm Drgccr an the occaslon chhnlr mrwcddinu anniversary All had most cMoyable evening We cum mngruluhuons Ia Mr and Mrs Drznnr Mr and Mn Garden Madfll and aha boys Strcdlsvxjlln pent Sunday at Waller Andrews Mr and Mr Douglu shanstonc of Oxiawa Mr and Mrs Wilbert SCaple and RobertVSrnflh and Mr and Mrs Sluplesyand Gordon of Tumntor war guest of Mr and Mrs Allan Smith and Mn Leuon durlnz the hulldq wcekendï¬ Mn and Mrs Caisdniln anadlamny Prescu yldled at 7110 Earl wae over holldï¬y Mr and Mrs Buch BEE Miss Al berta enlcmincd he enure Burch mam 21 1le thlglmas Mrf and Mri My 01311101an amfly and Doug Harvey Tu mnm mum Houghmns on Sunday Mr and Mrs Boys 07 Earth mom Ohrlstmas with Mr and Mrs Dalton Mcher Mr and Mn Wanna Halberd and Mary Lynn spénLChflslmI with Dalwn mlaflvcs Mlm Ciamp had Sr ï¬ery succesaJ ml school concert last Tuesday may 1he Sunday School home on Thursday nightwig well mended MrMfdMrL Wane Andrew armted Toronto Irlcndx an Man Mr and Mm borne West and family 011hronm were at Lloyd Cglgurns on Suzlday Russell Rowe wan able to come home tom the hosphal before the war llhgmmvï¬unily exkchdi Aym palhy Mrs Gmnville Halbcn on pthecem dcam her mother wuuam Brendon was home mm Mr Indr Mrs IbrneLClemenlsh Toronoo were Monday zqenu Ham 9° and Mrs Glen Allen are spending mahouldnys In Tomato Mr and Mrs Allan Smflh fol 0maaraï¬spéhdlxig the holidays wlih Legson Mrs John Roblnmn entertained mTc=WeGwmWomenArlnt nu an Tuesï¬ay night Our sympathygoestn the unify of Charles Johnson who dlcd on Mr and Mrs Ivan Beil Cayuga 5115 Sunday ng Earl Benja Mhsymnwpljuqal Ieaoher mendlnu the holidays uivhel lnMealprdtg NTcdiRouiiltéh In homntram Port Daymusie hig hoflg GRENFEI Only Knew Of iflogular Meetings II seems slrnngn that he th 4h nthcrï¬nuncHhrs could draw she amounlsnmy did in Daymcnls mcctlngs If they only knew OI Jnd attended lhb 12 regular meet anI which the publlc Includ ing the press hadknowledge No Trace Of Lost Money We have walkLd over every not of 12de over which HID ruck travelled um morning Calvln Boyd in boy Inlhm said when asked If they had my rice or He my Ihal very Vivid dream the wher nlzh re vnnl¢d person whom he could rcmgqlzeplcklng yp he walch WnUM conlalnlng nbnut $7 In cashjpd choquns as wall as drivan came and olhcr doc umrms whichWallcr Boyd lost an Friday last In misting Deputy Reeve Mchnkcy stated that everyone had as much chance he lo know nbout cuuncIl meetings and there were rm scc rcl mccunxs heldh the 11ml mcellng of Innisfll Council Cllflqfd Luckhar was named as they 1955 rcprcscnlauvc for the Inwnshlp on the board the Barrie andDlsllicl Contglam Institute Wllllam Varnicfl hav lng tendered 41315 rcsignulion hmwyï¬ have gefllved many amour aslng messazel 1min readers qll nyvlng the cuhrgenu made about coupcllflcovemge the nomina Ilorv muting All hnpe hm we will no he dlnéaunged and con Hum knack om andpush on in urmaliun uwe ace IL The has at these Véndedmwlm he cammcm You will alwnislflnd he most slpncs under trLe with the besluiruit on1l Another ixécp IMLwrllci arm worklnlli Icemegi ppï¬mpflnle We also hadv luvciy houquo or flowers dellvcrgyi In lher hnuse cm his mum homo mm meeting at Strand IvMonday Allanhvulcmn luwnshlp otli c11hnr1 the misfortune to gel his carmm headon collision wllh northbuund vehicle Just shurt disinncc south of strand Having driven run almost since mm Vehicle came Into use this Clifford Loekhan BDCI Representativg The driving condlllom were bad ns ireshsnowwas ailing and Mr Allans car had got out hi lane andlhc lwo vehicles collided at he left ironl hééd lights Both cars were cunslocr ably damaged The passengers in the narlhhound car em both inkun lo hospital Mr llnn al though shaken up remained at me scene mlil the police invis uzatcd UnfoflunaievAccident nwun up he says There in N1 M9 Ihntdha bill lold mny have fallen Intmsumc slush and slfllhé onjllie road ar street somewhere It was In lhe pocket at comlzmnuan overall that Walter was wearlnxHc had taken his seasons lurkey many to bank ln Barrle after he had complnled lhe dellvery ol hls cans at milk whlch he plcks up daily or Ihe dalryw ln4Allsn dale he was askcdhy the driver car to xiv hlsychlcle push and he got put to sue ll the bump ers wauld vmoel alrlghtu He had also bécnroul the Ianh where he picked upflhe milk cans could IdJsuncuy EOIIPBAIIIIIE Monday Jun Coop Hardwaré and Mr pllance Store will he CLOSED for inventory Monday Janna wm Caop cusgomers please take notice my Joop mm Dim Will be open or business its usual Jan ROBINSON than Emmi 52 00116 or Barrie 2687 2211 PHONE 2429 FREE DELIVERY ELEVATOR and FEED MILL and that 1955 Wu thought lhnLlh Wand hIVE alien oxyx thu my 01 truck and laler mlledunm MIX lurb waiter why Jutland thefparflal louro oneilez through inlunulemarayysl wen¢1n1n tur keyraining as was me of mu law thllnxs 11m ha could bundle handflcnpped candl The money which his yum merscnrrxlngs is needed vary badly Thllrllso Applies lo the drlverl license and other d9cq mom Ion rme strand hull was ï¬lled nn Wednesday evening cvan though her weather mldc drivjng very hazardous whenlhe stroud cnm munfly turned nut tar ntnrnwcll party to their pnstmaslcr Mn Florence Banting whn complnle her lermm the cndullhe ypar She was presented with aim and the gnadwuhcsol the commun Blig Tilrnout Tb FFY°Y Our Insured Paymem Illn hllunerql nunth leaves In proceadq ur Ilia lnsnnnée lnuc lur other llnhlcltl needs Dellbel nlely Dulxned Johluce Mlnd ID ix comlorï¬ng for family in Imow 10 can grunge or urvica of diiï¬ncï¬on CO in keeping wiih in wish ï¬xamzfy IJMIIJPHIIMH in If mind people in herent good huge