REXLSlrollaA Chair ulre represnmativp for Rime und durroundlngdlstrlcl Male or Ke mule Contact SLnnlwpc 155 Albany Ava Hnmlllonpuni ETHE nanme EXAM BEL SA ESMAN warlled tor Singer Sew ng Machines Salary and cumin miwlon weeks vacallon with pay hosrflallzalionnnd pension nun Super Sewing Muchï¬nes ï¬rmww plan Snï¬er Swain MEchlnes 22 Owen 51 Phone 47355 In RTE gadfelssing cnvilnpéi typlnu longhand 401 advertis era Mnrllfl or Instrunion Man ual Moneyback uranium Slur ling Dept l578 real Neckiirizg PAY up back biils Earn steam income Several capable women needed or cumin in Barrie and vlclnlu Write ox 30 Hume Examinzr for personal Interview Four hours day requireii CAREER Girl 25 years at over learn pholngrnplly Travel was to toast with mumm phulogm phlc campany month lmcnalve lralnlni in Banla Small sulary whllc trainlng erle glvxng complete lnlonnation about ynur sell nge education marital sta echrlence etc Also address Ind telephone number All replies held in smelt35 conï¬dencel Ap ply Box 54 Barrie Examlrier1 491 REHABLE wnmnn csirm baby shuns evenings Apply norm flame Examiner 2149 smuoumv Engmber mum class egtpericnced all types 01 healing and malmenanne Apply Bax 52 Barrie Examiner 2149150 nunwu ed Hume Have experi ence Age fleasnnnble salary rcqumtc ouflunk Inr Xuturn Emle resident Phone 30 any me 49 150 ppsmgN 01 Srccpuiltajm DEALERSIN SCRAP mou mus was RIDES mas BATTERIES FEAIHERS LIVE EOQLTRY Our tricks will 131 11mm priced paid Splclll price plld dc llvered Slayner Mm nuII AND COMPANY Yard and cum 20411mn 5c 31511 MEN wflh powcrsnw wum wand or logs to cut Edgcrlnn phone BSSrIZ 19154 DRY Body Vflnrdwuod hardwood allb nnd soflwuud slabs Bflwcd my lcnglh and deflvucd Dcnnll Moran phona 2W1 0113 MAMJJSH KOEF Barrie Metal Salvage 015mm Hemu Emman January lhonc On all mos about mu cm Figs 12 wmu uld Apply Pmr Duivcnvoordcn nn No Strand mum ZJrlJ 91094 mu mm luxlnulu horn CW years bml realmred wm he very runsuunlllc Apply John Fmth ml Newmnrkvl 0M DHlIW POSITIONS WANTED THL lrrlon Mm unkiwnllrl int m1 mm ul puny 111w lurn wnu aom Permanent Waving ED Moplu Ave WILL ML awn mufly or Nrw Luwfll or lnlyum knuw In Mn Insent nddmu ul phonn 5m CONSIDEIHNG mlnlnfo mn Iufl errlun Wcflno Spec Illl mu FJIIbllshrd moo On tllonu rlch Iml pour married ll may Scruoulmu umcy 51m mhnI Box 11 Dlrkcm lunl om wlnnlpu IoW WETbCK FOR SALE A3 11 snoum rm DONE Haircuts 50c iIIELP WANTEQ WOOD FOR SALE Dudllno or Copy530 wn weak day preceding In ADLEIS MAY BK TELYJIIONHD T0 Oflicl PIINII II 4c mud minimum 80 Follomnz canmullvo lnmllom an word minimum 000 CASH RATE 3c word mlnlmum 60c 20 word mlnlmum MUM an M11 wrm own RAIES FOR ADlH COLUMNS uox NDMIIEIIB or mum mmud In mm um comma mums 10mm to ma inxnunun AUmlON SALE NOTICES lo mm minimum II mlmmum Ibc MEMORIAM CARD IllIlNlB IN APPRECIATION word mlnlmnm 100 BNQAOBMM NOTICE I1 CAMERON WANTED In mlllnhy mailm II mam 13 lull PERSONAL In mm link hm In Piano 4m MHzmm Slam DMZ9513 UHfl FAMW huge waning arms lmlll an largencreage Please get In louchwkh un trance wlth ml partldulurs as to mutual work am slams buildinfsprl zc Any Informallun wil be In 53 cl eslconfldence LN Lane Raul EstateExoker Dome Park Rd Lorneleh 1304 cm Commerj clalnnd farm land nugaspclilsgy mumsng 29 195 31 FLOOR COVERING Amway Floor Covering Lifloleuw Rubber and Asphalt 1110 mam wan me Huerta Subplled Ind mulled Frée Intimates ï¬erczj SL WOLFENDEN EACKFILLIM EXCAVATENO nmonmom or BUILDINGS T017 SOIL OILIILL STEWART Phbne 5082 Are your fldnfl shabby Rent our High Speed Flonr Sander Ind reflnlsh llkn new Reasonable rules All types floor ï¬nish avnllabie BOYDS PAINT AND WALLPAPER l9 Clapperton St Ph 5206 5161 rkoriakrYwANrsn CHAS moamQN Licensed Auctioneer 108 Wall Street DRILLIA Phone collect on Indian we order to Orfllll 8701 Term reasonbu Vinyl Asbestos Alpha Lino Rubber 51m Plastic WnlL YARD GOODS UNDERLAY YARD PLYWOOD COUNTER TOPS FLOOR SANDING CARPET SERVICE Mntulnl Supplied muffled mu ESTIMATES BOX 53 BARRIE PHONE 2813 51001 mnvmmo IlOiISES comm LOADING GRADING MIMEOGHAWIING AND Pub Smmfln hy nanlu minus Call 011 00 munlu SL mule Ihonu Ill bIMH DEAD STOCK removed ram your llnn pmmvlly Inr unuuy an Basal lhonu collrcL mm 3017 onion Ynunl lellrd Haw bRUCE CAMERON COIKNS Clnufll llnnllr Wflrh on wul nllnrlml dlmrdeu axpunly lrrnlul by Edwin WHA Mm ludmu In Omanline Ind Humel Padlllry Wilton llulld In llanlu lhunn 21 3129 FLOOR SANDERS BUILTIN CUPBOARDS REMODELLING Novéoflbmnnv N6 cnlru nglt Eugen MISCELLANEOUS FERGUSONREID Floor Service TILE COLLECTIONS of Simon Conn TRIM WORK Parchu Shlnlllng MMEDMTR SERVICE mmuzm nmwm Phone 6382 Phnnb 74151 Phone 5135 19 511106 Burle 587 mom 1m Ile isa lot euSier1 miththese HomeAldséH onumn QUEEN HEALTH um owno FLODRVPOLISHER IELNA SEWING MACHINE 11 you would nke deï¬nnmuuns or further details gall New modem chéstemeld sulle green frieze cover End Tables Cotlce Table Table Lamps Cushions 92950 38 Bayfleld St gnu mm exchanged Golds Shun ï¬epn Clappenon SI Bar 151 RED Fox cont size excefl em condluun Reasonnbiy prlned or quick sale Phone 7212 Al on 7141149 FINDLAY elcelflc love flood Cnndlflnn also Kin11 relrlgemlur Days phanc Cï¬mp Bordgln or ADDING Machine nndTypewrlh en Sales renluls repalm Slmcoe Bushes thlncs 66 Torogtousfll DENNISEMORAN phone 43241 USED ElemIr and treadle sew lnn mnchlncs or low as $1905 Phnna Singer Sewing Machine 22 Owen SL Phone 4381 71404 LINCOLR Welgeqlc used welders electrodes accessor ies Arc welding taught or alum 32L Andrndnand Eon hone lDrll Slroud RR troud 29 LOSTChrome inmch fur Dodge can Phone 6329 nowLady Iur 1mm black glove between Oughl Hardware and Robinsons Hardware Plcnse leave Exnmlnnr omen or phone mm 11149 Phone 1119 cu cl Enqulrlu lnvllzd Cumuluu me wm 7110 Do CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS WILLPAY Highest Prices NR CLEAN AmMOBILm Llem mid 1153 mwlll Ind LIVING ROOM OUTFIT 120 nrfllllmd SL To colcbrntu thd completion our Ital year or business in Barrio wu nre oHcrlnu mu followlng spcclnla this Week 15 mo lull price for any one the allowing live our TOP VALUES 38 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 37 NAB SEDAN 11 CHRYSLER COUPE 30 HIEVROLET BEDAN 41 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 11 Chev Huh Coupe llulcl Tuvpvdu dnar Fully mulpped wlul lmmd new mulnr 60 Mnlmxr Cnnv JD Molnar punk ully GRAYELFILQ AND TOP SOIL meron mqu CROSSTOWN MOTORSV mulyped Ilymnulh an 40 Buick Sedln 01 Clulllnc Hrdln Ch Conch HOMES NHAVLA Approved UARAGES GUITAGFB ma Phone om uuu $231 81 Maple Avenue PHONE BARBIE 34 BUILDING TRADES new mu ROYAJTRACY is rouun HONEST JOE ALLANDALE MOTORASALES KUTOMOBILES sons PIECE mums MI s4900 Phone 2843 38 Phnno 5420 1540 71351 71361 cap Ia plumwm munn umva Manama 9mm CHLJIdflO MIS JIM 4m ma Jlfl 983xiyfleid an MondayEdda Snvxurday am pm ï¬namzssmmvzsw RUS canon AL ROSE SPECIALIZING wmaurismrxalow17 Yolm msnm Appnacwmn 151131 flp GORDON STOUTT LTD Real Estate Brokers Anton sumo Ulkvfllfl BAmuz 3157mm NEW Eun alow 20 Caroline All conven encasLuw dawn pay ment Easy terms Phone 801M 1514543 UNIT apartment house No zancv lo Hflxlw Excellentxebenue as investment property Phone 6940 16133 Hoptmï¬ok SALE go thiLACEY gusn Lét snnwooi coda rucc balsam poplar nth Lin espm Apply Box 49 Barrie Ex umncrv 151 50 NEW room hungahw In Angus hot and mlcl waler lace bnth hardwood throughout 4750 H3 rash Cnsh huem accepted Phone mw Camp Borden 15141149 CHOICE yuun lender milk led spring cmcke 68 Ibs 40 per lh Made ovcnrcad yours requait tree Delivery ree Phone call allowed on urchnse Phone Mrs McCartney incsln 53 148150 21100M furnished inpanmem Central Yhone 485 15149150 SMALL uï¬xléhed mm apart mnnL Apply 41 Blake 1514111 FURNISHED 2v room Apirtmanfl heat and Hum vacnnL Phone 33714 151qu ROOM unlurnlshed npnrlmcnl starting Jan Phon 69H 15119 BRIGHT comfortable bedroom Quit hnmc Phone 2319 1514943 Enruxglsnzq Rania Kn miï¬n street Sun Phnnu 4719 15119 mm tummged mm ucggoom mum close to downiown m5 am 15149 GEORGE WRIGHT Phone Barrie V4800 or 4835 Dunloï¬ am Gimme Rama 9mm flea Esme Bond 16451 runmsnm 114m pausekggping 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Illlru Eumlnvr IS lq runmuum hm mlnd mom lmlmnm Ind kllchrn nl mum Avnlllhln JMI Conlrnl Ann1mm Mum lhcnu anon 154mg 00M unhmllplwd human 1th mun nurlll nurlr Ehrlrlc Ind klrphunn Avply Edlnlnn Cruwmllllld 1100mm Innuan Inrnhhurh IquMo lnr mumu muplz No chlldrm Ablllnem lnu up 71 Henry BI lhnna HM 154194 IMAM nll cunlnlnud buhnluvl lplnmull cenlral on leg hulod In nu pied on llonrl Turk nunmm 3qu him ï¬rm NEW lrmenT hi TN 15 F322 Dad nullIll Rm EsLAm Phonc madxuxd 4513 1514945 POULTRY Tmim convcnlnnccs 15143150 Ph 5293 BRUNEDM thg oyal Victotla Hospltll Bnmer nn Dec 23 1954 to Mound Mn Eru net 53 Innlsnl StN daughter June Theresa EUIKTERF the Ruan Vlchrll Hospital Bartle on Dec 1954 Mr and MrsRRulter Sl1nnty BayEuad xon Arm olu Runny CARSONAt the Myal IVIcturlu Huspltal Barrie on Dean 24 Carson 13 cmy St vtdnuzhA terLlndu Joan FEASBY Morley nnd Phyllis neCarson Uxhridge are happy and jhankful to annoknce thesntetnmval n1 Roger lor lcy lhsm4 02 on Dec 23 1854 at ork qutty MPHBL jNawmnrket 149 GILLIEsAt the Royal Victoria Hospltal Banleg on Dec 27 54 to P12 and Mn Wllbur gilllcs 59 Mary St Jon HICKLINGAt the Royal Vlc tarla Hmpltnl Barrie on Dec 15 1954 to Mr Ind Mrs Mlle tugging Shantyvnay daugh er JOBERGM the Royal Vlninrla Hospital Barrie on Dec 195 to Sit and Mn DlJo harmEC Camp Borden sun KRAFTAt the lloynl Vlctnrlv Hnspltal Barrie an Dec 1954 to Mr and Mrs Kelp Knit 101 Eurtnn Ave son Rickey Dnvld MINGAt the Enyal Vlclnrla Hnspltal Barrie an Dec 19 1954 to Mr and Mrs Eur Lalng 11 Newton St sun MELIDNAt the Royal Victorla Hnspltal Burrle an Dec 195440 Mr and Mrs Arnold Mellon Willowdale Ave Ba rle daughter MEHCALFAt the Rvyal Vlc 195110 Mr nd Mrs tnrlaHosplnl Barrie on Dec 291954 to Mix and Mrs Duu la Mom Angus sun Me vine Douglas McCANNAt the Royal Vlctorll Hospital Barrie on Deal 1954 to Mr and Mrs Lea MI Cnnn 132 Dpnkwur ORRM the Rnyal Victoria Hor mm name On Dec 27 1954 In Mr and Mrs J1me On Edgar daughter Marilyn Joanne OSBORNEA1 the Royal Victoria Hnwnal Barrie on Dec 17 1954 to Mr and MN Chulca Osborne 192 Sunnidalc Road dauzhler Susan STEWARTAt lhc Royal Vhlvrln Hospital Barrio an Den 19M 10 Mr and Mn Slnwnn Welllngion St Wast son Ruben RanaId WHEATM lhc Roynl Vlclarln Hospital Banlo on Dec 1954 to Sgt undv Mrs Nurmln thql 58 Parksldu Drive ABRAHA Suddcnly nu Dec 23 ms at Norlh Bay om Hilda Rose Abraham bornc Dear mm of Mn kn Mary at Edgar Abraham Powmsan John Abraham Toronto nml Gourge or DelrolL Funeral lrl dny Doc 31 pm from PclhlckSmllh Funeral Hume Barrlu Interment Barrie Umon Ccmnlcryl BEllblsM Vancouver Gencrnl Hospital on Saturday Dec 25 1951 he Reverend llcnry Al bar Ecrlls hulblnd ol Aylncn math and lnlhcrnxl Rudulfh at Montreal No of Ollnwn and Dough 01 Tor cnln Service and Intermcnl Vunmuvm Tuesday Dec Ill JOHNSONM Slmcou Mannr Beton on Sunday Dec za ID54 Cllnrlu Wllllnm Jahnson beloved hmbnnd ul Lllllc Ann Cnvc and dear nlher Ctlll and llnzul erl Run lJldwcllD In 71 yrllrr lleallni ll he lluKlIrs Funcrnl llama Cunksluwn lur nervlru on ch ncsdny Dtc 230 pm In lcmlrnl Alllxton Unlun Corne lvryl SKINNEflAl lloynl Vlclmln Ilmplllll Dnrrlc on Smurdny Dru 15 1051 Rllph Roy Skim nor ln lrlu 40m yolr beloved llurband of Vlnlcl C00 and dear her of Sharon and Man In Iermcnl Dnrrle Unlnn Ccmnlcry llndtr Mnlnnlc nulplccs Mon dly Drc 27 WILEYM lluspllll Culllngwnnd nn Saturday Dec 23 ID FrInkJ Wllny belov ml hullan ol the Inlv Annlr Flclchcr nml nlllnr Evrrc Uplnndl ClllllI llurull CMCI f0 Ind Clcll nl llnrrlrï¬rrvlcc Unlch Church NUHIIWH on Mnndny allcrnoun Dru 27 Ill 310 udmk lnlcnntm wm daughter ms mm nccummudnllon Idulln um cmlrlnzn or one ur Iwu nmnlllll lhunp pa tour plelrlluol chudnn lrlirc Inlllrnlllml ntcommml Hon wllhln ID IIIHEI Cum Du llrn Irnuml Pub 15 North tlmkuluwn flu AccommodallorriVWnnnd Mimi Cciï¬cluy will emhllnhtd Norlllml Onullu AIlomfllu Jubur hImIInl main Ilinmflln llnu Ind nulln tlerhlrll Ind enhnnllr HQ nqulm In mm nun ulrunln lo 151 god hungry Mm hm IuIolnllln pula unman and hm ur Ruin on pommlmlcn Imll um Ilmlfllnnl umlnx whnull lur Inlml lllfllll uluy INIMIHI Mllty flunp lilo Incplay llm Ill motilel plln AIDbin An In willing Mu 11 gr Mu than palm Im Ill1n gll legl lhla Idverllmnml AUTOMOTIVE JWBEHS SALESMHN BURNT DIED IOX BAIKII EXAMINIB xxmaw DOANLGOODHANDATheImnl Haze announced Mrs Em ma Gondhnnd Bank Mot gun Allenwou SALVEVOFVLANDS FORARREARSOFTAXES IN THECOUNTY on sIMCOE NOTICE ls hereby given that list otvlnnds llnblelo be sald or arrenm taxes in the County or slmcue has been prepared and was ubliéhed In nn ndverllsmenk nvember 1954 mm Ontario Gaunt Coplesu said 11 at lurid or adverflsemem cnn heseen in my nfllce or will he rmalled upon makflnl applicallun tor amu ln qufaull Di flaw of Jan Maui 111 palm or was as sh hat on or helme Mmwa TUESDAY FEBRUAEYB 55 at the hour at two oclock in the ailernoonvl shall at thflt time the Council Chamber Court House Earth Ontario proceed to sell by public auction the said land to pay such tanearls tugeiher with charges thereon 11 1m 7m all sold énFehrumy an adlourued $31 will he held opfrgesday February 12 at two clock ylvyn COLEMAN Trensurer County Sï¬mcue Treasurers Olflce ggurg Hatlag Bax19 aria 5th day November 19 Notice ol proposed Bylnw the Corporation at Town Barrie TAKE NOTiCE lhal rum and alter hu publication hereoi once week for our lucmsive week ln Inewspapcr published in the Town 01 Barrie and known Thu Barrie Examiner the Council of lhe Corporation 01 012 Town of BanLe lnlenm pm Bylnw to close pan of Dunle Street West onnerly Ellubelh sired ad am cent to the North part Lot en 10 on hmwest side 01 Hayï¬eld Strch which is more pnrflculnrly described in the proposed Bylnw which may be seen at lhe Olllce the Town Clerk the Muniq clpal Enlldin 84 Coliicr Street Barrio Onta AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE mac the Council of lhe Corpora tion at the Town 01 Barrie will hear in person or by his counsel xollclloror ngent my person who claims hat his land will be pro iudiclaiiy allowed by In saidby and who Applies la card ergmon nmclntcd DATED ntï¬arriethu 10 day 51K Dcccmber By BOYSSEAGRAM BL ROWE Solicilvrs or flu Corpnrnlon 01 the Town at Dun1r lflZW nu MAITER orsecuam so ngl 63 of Ihum0nhlln Mum um cluplu 262 IN THE MATHS 0F In Ippu nllon ofula CarperInn ol the Tawn or Barrle or Aulhnrlly in dlxpenxe wllh vole 01 mo mlbpnycrx wllh Input to propnsml cnrnnl expendllnru $5 50000 for he purchuc of llndu fur lnduslrlnl aim Approvnl he mm un dcrlaklux and mum ex pcndltum APPOINTMENT lOll HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNCIPAL uomu hmh nu umu Wednes uuynhc 12m ny Jnnunry 1m 1055 ll lhe hour 01 oclock in Iflrmoun mum Clmnborn 01 Colin Shut 1n the Clly of Turomn lur um huh Ink my person lulcruted III lumuurt of or In uppuamon In the nnpllcnllnn my pcrmn or Penunl on Inn to Hm nppruvn by In loud lhu nbuvnmcnilumd Imltcl mud nlr Inch ubjccllunl lh um Srclllnfy I0 nlllrlu Munlll yml Baud an on berm Um mt my Jllluflrr ILL 1955 olhlr who Hm pplmnm mly In Mr pmvrd nu mama mumsan nnmm DATED II Turonhv II 13rd day Dccnmbcr LIX 93L TOWN OF BARRIE MARRIED Hwy Town of innIn 12910W Seminal lBtnIl NO Him 1519 Auction meo Enrms¢ lmplqmenu an flouéehol eels Frapzrtyml Hflrépc La Caucus nu awlllhnhury Autfloneexj Nanci mamas ANDOTHER5 In the Bu VMEEI no DAVIS EESTATEH llhi of by Townshin or Venn VInqu Comm mar dc stpycoe Farmer pemuï¬s In clnlms the Esfl DF Wflhen 0230 Dvls dcmï¬sbd whwdled on or bum uuglardvdny ohms usl 11164 are notiï¬ed telsend xn hmunuerslxned bnfarxbefum he 10m day n1Jfluaryln55tlelr unmet 1nd nddrcsu Ind 4111 partlculuspo 1h the nature anly4heldby1hk mmzdlhmy alter he said lath day 01 January 1955 the assets dlhe laid deceased hedl rlhukdJnmonzrthepa led memohavlngrre rd n1 the claims at which Adm nia 0mm wnh will Innexed shall then have name Dated 111913 day 01nenemher 195 JGLMSTONE CURRIE QC 91 Dunlop Sl$3nrrle Ont Sullcnor torthe Admiï¬lsmmx will annexed JAB2F NOTICE sbeclaygenergl meeting Shanholdersg Noncz IS HEREBY GIVEN flu peclll lenenl Meeting 01 the shareholder of The Barrie Cuxung and Mhlnuc mubUmH Mch willje my me 91115 Messrs Buys Sag ram Ram 13 Owen Street uric Ontario on Wednesday 12m day of Inuary1955 It 7100210 In he evznmg or Jheglouuwlnx furggsagz armovle he memo the ammo he saldCom my To armmrlze Inrnpplcnuon he ueulemn Governoro the Proving 01 0mm 0r an Order hcupung glhg lurrender rnr ghe Charter of lhe SaldComppny TDIPPWVE at me paymentvox all debts qblflnflony or 111mm or he Compnuymnd the ammun uon thehalnnm an hand rut haxehnldersm ofï¬ecéxï¬ï¬rfï¬sg BY 01mm 01 the mm DOUGLAS STEPHENS In DuniopSl EpKL huge gnarl NOTE The ubBvemnfmd Corhifl any 15 ha in Company am has conneg 9n lhe Bér mi nb connenuun with He mrllnngIuhsymmed Thai Baniq Cuiling and Athletic Clyib QUALITY oenlured by menu mum ol lnzrodlnnii mm nlury lrunl mum1 tum lclflnl and became local manu rmme mmm ol producl MEBUII Chick Wrlor HM fllvu lo pcrlnrmlnto roam lrowlh and unpr 19 canvynluu WNW by the SllUflOAIN mudundhlnl um um mm In ell1mm um Innullnl Ind hum chum Mmun alumOth Chick Humr mnnululund fluid In Myriam rgmxlnlly uvlnu on pml yuur cm at Ifrnlucllon ran bu cm Whrnwr you uric nlunnu 60 thick at mo dunk In hrm m1 nllrl Hill 1hr WHIIIIUfl0MN CIUCK BTMHHL Two man WflY undueIN IS YOUR BRET BUY HILLSDALE FLOUR FEED HIEKHTEH CLARENCE CUMMING flu r3 IRA WILSON Jeoquwn HASHALE Allle Exquï¬un our cum Hï¬ï¬‚lflfl um 111 yqu xeservg nw nmoum nl grain need or mm mm nndeJouhavz ngengugh 1m orllhem lohcome No the ninp1nnd sen 1bungl Cmop Qunl uyi Com lemde lur yourHnan nnd Pou Pleuemolemu ens humus uniusihaConp Cunmc 11mg nn ahdhno uwxmnmu rvlce mm look over tumpleted gqn Ic seen mum Mal cast noboyreed ark yrflaky mmihhlh mm 23 12M 01 nd any of you my dadldemï¬ humanoth 1ham=jfl rnuwï¬lo lee bmhyour mug marking runIILhIW by cusfomx mixing Jng Cqop unlit Cunccnuale1n such bunk hes in ypu purchase Coin Luv Malh an 00 ch sr mum 11 en have this YÂ¥Iï¬e Per Dozen Ens as many new cunom gm YPIK that Best rozram gives 5d ycm Loy REmEmbor Cvo esld prove 1r take leï¬s urowhgrnln 19 bring ahu mnrkékbu¢ youll we ml 400 lbs 01 lyme in on every by by adding In Coop flog Con centrate no other Itiflni prion henerl Such hogLnu umnrket just ymklflahnadA lhofls 2d Imth Chlp Budvy ufllet munh Nghervpgrcmune of GE ulnuu Lell nzur ml the Influence bemeeny ha rcen100 lbs Coop Hoz oncgnlrgteclnd the Value 400111 xnlltjlrllm plus weeks your ifl Yea will pa yofltu hmdlef your dim mm In hel nbovewgprMnrg an epd you rain to your camznnd hug nnw poultry unfll yqurgmln are nlmosljm vullmczJt pays nunyyou ng Cphcel to yngu min These séixesliqns nrepashedon oiyougjglh Erie ldexflpmlndz lm wyuu vu um Mu To 1111 ml prbm most Jul your pr udon pol milk cat rk and IE but her the emumm nun all Remember Caiovn Servch to yoursso glscu our uwn yo rx 50 sh gig disc SI Ilzxnmrvuu metmum mm Si cue DRUM perm vpScrv ccmlnnlslu St 111110 gnu11 bggyng ynu did 6m 2429 or orvlcé