11 Large0rowdl3ut Quiet Meeting insRatepayers Turn Out Ini 0m Elections Liker In Innisfil Judging By list Of Candidates AtHNomination Meeting Monday nmw1u mmplclc Inch ponlnivnmul issues npparunl Will probably nne 01 lb quietest nominallon mullst of ény which java been held In Skmcuc County this year school Imam Inembm In whom WB mpmullnlllly must Hm lncmm wn Illvlbulnd by mm mamlzcrl muncll mm In or mu rrltlrlm fhlll mumrnl wcn rm null Ictrplld wrll Incl um my wurv uhllpvl uuld mm nccummodnllnn or will 11w mhlnn mrmbm gl Arr 1mm wlm III MW pcluml umler wmlmcllun veu mlnmvd lIy Icclmnnllum gnuc were Mm wansm 19mm Pruner Ind Jumu minty mum all Flllld Muvouah the wcnlhnr condmons wcrc nnyuulng hut fnvornblc or people balm outuhdoors every ovnlhblc chair in ma hall was ï¬lled or UK mccunn Despite the inciihat it was plainly evident that funny peoï¬le lnoro Township feel that it would be preiembiu to have all municipal posts contested there was no criticism levelled in the sitting members oi council when the nomin ationaild ratepayers meeting took plnec in the Town Hall at Mitchell Squnrc on Monday afternoon Indeed the general theme my remarks made on the townshlps ndmlnlstrntlon In 1954 by the nonsmlngenn dldutes was that Elle councll had completed an excellent 9cm work Thai here was nothing conlnnuws nnuxmmlscd was un HmLMcdly flulnu mark 01 tornch to Smllh Camphclly who We no hnvlnll been mlur and wlwlcnlloua rccvc ad hm mph1M dlaunmhhrll ycflod In omen nl Wanku Sim ouumy 11 By was lllshbrlnxu seemed to be the Bubjccl which bmught out mupuycm to the Xnnlnlll namhmllon meeting at Shroud on Monday The moulan got uwny an cnrly sum nnd went on without brcuk unul ncnrly 0pm with mall or lha wonk ermhom my and pronpccuvc councll memb rn no woll nu the prmcovmngo cumlng In or comment nnu crluclnmn My Wobtlrr luv nummnn In taru mndb by nmr Imunl 1o lawman lur pmweoflw Ill Ivllllble Ila nld nutL nu ma war 01 puplln In Aemwrlryt room nullle Um gompmlon 1an ll line lwhlch may huped waum Iiyjn rebgulg in febiuuy In And Mr Prom In Illfanylu Nnmlmuohv cove Campbell mph nom OFFICERS FOR 1955in the Barrie Branch of the Canadian Legion were installed in oiiicé on Tuesday evening Doc in the Legion Haii Owen Streét Front row ion to righciA MMiiiican treasurer Al Giics past president Cec McMuikin isi vicepresident Norbert Moron president Doug McGibbon 2nd vicepresident Major Truman Auth it new cIu mu romgu mumnbnomvlv lnnlul for Lhe rccvczhlp Also nomlnmud or he posillon Wm he 19M Dvpuly llucvc Llnyd Sam and councillors Kennem Glllmple and Andrew klme umcw NondnaUuns or dcpuly reevwhlp were Andrew Banhul nmcw Kannth Glllrsple George Machy mm Woodrow For 01c thru muncll at seven candldmo won namlnnlcd Albert Forrcsicr Lawrcncr Fmacr Lurnc JLlumon Geumn Muckny WHllam Taylur John andmw and anry Nculnld Cauncnlun An 1050 wrm Kcnnclll Glllcmlc Umrlu Mackay nnd An dnw naruwnunuw Hu 7than umuol trumps Evmu Mchvtn Iluwuxl Camp bell and Hnmhl llualmnd were 0mm Clmpbtll Icceplrd III numhuunn uml lmvevl In this In um Nuclot unlco lu ll tumu ua Ovrdun him who ï¬nd Ian em Ma lllnlunfl Jilted mlM Ind deflnlllly de mm In wllhfluw Ill Ilutlvo Acclamallnn ln hrlc talk Reeve Campbcll refuted equalized uscflmcm Ind said he 1ch that theCounly Amssar Eric Simpsonv had done In excellent ln ruins it up dcspllc he fuel um than Md nccn camphlnLI 1mm cumin quartets rdurncd lo ofï¬ce 61 nnmhcr arm by accinmuuun Tom the nububunn Lhe counly wan going up steadily and flu next 20 years wouId see pwulnllw Incrmse which would match the mwth ovcrmo Wsl cenlury These people howuvcr were nut flying to NW In the rural arcnn They would be uinl down In the urban ccnlrcx new CampbclIJdid um me the heavy cxpcnscl they had 111 um munly was in connection with the money rcqulrcd l0 npcmln he Chlldrcns Md Secluu Today nuny pmnll wnm not ncccpllnu dwlr rusponslbllluu and the CA5 had In Imwo In and Hm lllcn unlnrtunalc chlldrtn wen cured or prupcrly Dcnllnx wllh qwnmlp nHulm In xpmkcr sald Illnl In ymr hcy had undid wllh surplus of 820000 They lhbulll Inlbll Hill ycar nbu wlllx nlcu surplus nllhmlgh llc nMul Hm he dkl not know Just him much It would Turn mgr ch plum Two mhcr nomlnuu wen no pmrnl and II nul knuwn Illry wuuld nl pl Then were Grmxu Yumm leuud Ind Prun cll Cuno llruch Wlw nlw num lnnlrd wuhdfnw Hlnnluy um Frank Cuwnn lurmrr member Um hoard lmvlnu lurvl numlnn ml or comm wlllnhcw hum Hm bnnnl WIIIInm anlrn who lrprm IMfl llm IINNIIEIIHI un Um DC llonrd um luod mummy ol wmk hal hand In lmul llnl ucnml vdurnllun proh WM an no new tour If IVIlllbll whlxh mukl IN ukrn llulvnd mm Ind wnuld unable Um yflplln In ad Hurlr lull Ilcullllun Ilu old UK II III luhm mun hackwnnl nl mnllmn Ilch lhm Hm hurl llv Idvhml Hill mum uu Ill wm In lrml Humvmlnlnn wvnm have la ha lnrlraml He may III unl llul Illlhl Jul whlch no nl xml hmqu lo Idllm He Ind warm hunul bring llu mammal of Ilm hpwmth nm Aunï¬dd hld Ivu ton lullHI nymlnllul la WW him mm In In IuygchlpNgnuml BARRlEpONFABI Wllllams secrelary the Rev Robert Burgess chaplain Back row Calvert sergeanthlvannszM erghtnsslsbanl sergennmtarms Cl Kelly McGlbbon Wally De Sllvafli andji Eldrldgc mgme hey of the executlve The Iolluwlng candldmca have quamkd 1n nnism Twain flcdvc Allan Todd and Gihbin EDIqu Rcevc Blythe MnConkey AV Charles Sprnule nndFrud Graham Council mm seals Thnmu Cnnk Willllm Cnmpbcll Frank many Stan cc Cochrnne School humc or Schanl Arc Na won clcclcd by acclama Hun Jnhn Webslcr Joseph Pros Ind Jame mlney The Inn mx or School Area No were nlso KlVen acclnmnllom nay Goodlellow Genre Clmpbell Francis Crane and Bruce wlcc Thosu wha hlVB qualiï¬ed in Fla annshlp arc Reeve Waller Middlclon And William Archer Depuly flccvc Earl Trace and George Wicklum Council lhrco seals Arcth Wnnlcu Earl Cumming chrue McFadden Frank Cauuhlln and Elbrldzc Spruce The ï¬chnd mslue poslllunl wcm ï¬lled by acclnmntlonl or Clarence Mkln 5on Lorne Archer and Rum Turncr SIMCOE COUNTY QUALIFICATIONS Ora Iowmhlp Thom quallIylnu In 010 Tawn xhlp ware llccvn Kcnnnlh Gillespie and Lloyd Scott Dppuly Reeve Andrew unhol Lch by ncrlamullon Count lhrcc seals Albvn Farrell Lawrence Fraser Grunt Muc kny nnd Wllllnm Taylor VMuIII llllbnur There will be 1m llccllun only or the xccvcbhlm wllh lhu 11 um umnbrr llccvc Jame Slu clnln bclnu onpuscd by Mm Flor cucv flclclwr mnnbn oLlhu 1051 count Arclnnmllunn wvru given In Edmund Wulktr Hub Munuy Emlu Cadcuu und Imlnm Drcmtln lur Ihc our tmmrll will Mu In by nccllmnllun are Hm luur schuol nutcrl Lame my wglrgum 0mm mu llcck Nunmun Nnuuwuma mm qu In an clrcllml lur all Ulllccn llcuu Juan lnllun ll llrluu clmlllnurll rm he rrrvnlllp ml ym by Frail Vmuln wllllo vuly lltcve llnymuxnl Sumuwn will be mcd Ity lwu rumllllulrl Dunud llmwn Ind ll lerlm mm candldalr lmvu uuullnul lur ll hm mnncll Iulll Clarence lllbtk Wllmm Clllpclmm Nur mnn llubnmm Amlmw Munl mn vry Jnmu llrncknJlm SinIll Young and llrk MLqucrL and mum aroukc Continued Cold nu humy umuul lmnuhl mod wlnlu wuum modu 5on Wild rm Emmiy mlldor Dunny wllh umv Ind nln In no umvmon Ind It nluhl nlm In In Inml nun Mon dy ml Innw Ml II llflll whlcln mllnunl Inlu Tuudny Iml It Mum cold ul mm IIIIIII Illppm mdl ll dull Ind Mm hour In lhmugh um um and more moralu Tempenlum wen DR hm Flo Inwium hive Qualiï¬ed Censure at Aiqarman Hersey to his action in Send in telegram in Ottawa asking or the holdup of granting television ilcpnse to qurie1ya conca in chm sub immcby Aidéfmiznvrnrnoonnan nmeeiing of 1m rie Town Council last night The luil report given by Aid goonmun was as laiiows ALDERMANZHERSEY CENSURED REPQRIOVERFIELFEGRAM To OTTaAWAON WaucstE he variiuus ï¬llAim flregardï¬ga levisiog lthon belt guided by On Nov 1951 qommiucc wax appmnlcd by Your Worshlp Jo wnfer with Ralph Snclzmya on him In Barrie prJhc Immediate vicinity and primarily dlmuu lucnuon or he mllon other Umn the one which he had In mlnd flu ccmmmce consism Repve arm chalnmn Ald Massey and myscu us munbcn To summurlwmiefly the ovum lmdlnz up to the appointing 01 um mmnimce so far umy mtmory scrvgs me wuuld suggest the lol lqwinu data are Ir uullln yuum Torunlu mlnln Mr and Mn lvn Idlkah 7W 6hle mmrh wuu mum um lrlday nwmllu In wocnr man on lugmy 1m mud nl on 11qu wm bum unvwn Iran Ilwlr our and lulianlly Hum Mum Hwy run1m hoan In mummm tar mm by Im Aural ol Illllryhun Tnlwu Iu Boldlm Nmmlll llluqllal wn Mn Im mun purluln mm Ihuck and gum Ixva lnfullm Mr Mn in un hum mum hilarth min were an ller way In mud Owlkm VIII Mend nr nlnuvu 1d lhI norm heir mi pichd full at In uninu nu ml at wm mom mun ml various upwswpcn wanted BumIla would be lnlcrlcrcd Mlh by name mllon to far rc ccpllon ths and nutty incul lllu were concernul various people wrolo In um pawn ex prrcming an noinlon and suggest lnu than me granting Bank Dccrrfu rhould be unaftu Invest Imbly In rmuk 01 all thI tvmmvcru yuu wlll menu um Md Hersey lnlmdumd mnllnn wmuk In 1ch askan flu mugmmlm In Ottawa to hold up the umnunz license Io lubh Enclumvrc or Dnrrlc Minn un IH he Illuutlun mu mans clmxj Ilywcvcr during the dluumlon pmod and beliovl In order not mule nn inuynsslun duwn It Dlluwn um um was me doubt whnflmr ur no ha mplo llnrrlo Mum mlluxl ldrrman Mm llnlullmn bullcvo ll wlu hmulrnwnlrd ml nmcmhncm or Innllun 11 III culunfllflu bu wa Killéd ln Christmas Crash 50th of Orillia dc mmd when llm IMkmkh ur skidded on Iry ummum nn rkmc hm um Form Ham mm In In wmvu nldl ul um mud Ind mm lnln um mug This cunnnllrn JIM wll Mr Smlnuv mu SalunLAy Thrn fllll In he multh AHrrmun Im my and mm want uvmu llme III um mum Alderman bullcvo ll wm nmcmhncm or cwunklluu bu Efflllliéthicï¬li Time RééVe ï¬fe nmgtgp Awhich wus mined by ubnnlal major was In mduncd by Alderman 8901 than and sccondqd by Alderman Kinzlc It was that council mum1055 he Increased tar qnd that bylaw be prepared Personal Interest AldermnHE Hgnbey 511111 lhll Members at Bdrrï¬efléwnCouï¬pllwno dgvocated Snoteasing men paymentstor each meemig mm $510 were degenbed last night by Depugy Reeve GlrdWood naybeing egh lealWecause he dqmeniied they should have raisegi mflrmat tergbelore thenpmlrjauon meeglng end notVntterVmey had been assured at their seqts In the1955 couï¬cjl You wouldnl mm lmml you dhlnl ch board 141 nonlln at baud command IBM lnmw Lorne Arthur with Mr Snelgmvc looking at al Icmnu aim and discussing an ad vknulily DI Micaan ho llatlon It some place olhcr than he had 0M glnnlly plnnnmt nonye Greer was Tllp major urlcwnco wu nmung rkclcd errucnlnllvn on um um uclmul hunrd who would have Mkcd la luvu nun Ill nlccllon 1n lhll quurtnr Lack lulucll had bean such lull lrullru had lo nomlnlh each olhrr Emma 106ed751i any Snclzrovc was very cnvpcratlve Ind was Elvin our mggtsLlonl some cumdemlhn lo 1hr point when he sperm I100 Mving mm Ilkmntc lllu considered by tele Nomlnnllonl llmu Willa Mldflluon uln nlnndlnu lvr 0mm lucked he might tum Ilmnl contulnnl In nu union nl tanner lawn Ihlp flapuly mm and cuuuclllur Wullnm Archer who had no at llu In Mn Archer wn Illa Vlmlnllll la 9mm ve non wlm Incumbent dn on Iarllnn our wmmn lvrmer councillor Wan lm Ind learn Mtfllddonlm cvunclnurl Ind OWIII Imflll MW la lwmhlp minim who Indium II lhl nomlnnlton ml lhll miyldjlo gang up uwcvc nd um the paint wllh whim lake but and Mlldl lumu lin muncfl and um pfople 1n Darrle shynld be aware Apparemly prior lo the cm nï¬unc muth with Mr Smlgrvvc but after this cofmdl hnd deddcd we dld not wunl do Anything In the way at mklng mum to hold up the come am Infumnd th dimly commry lo mud ex Nm pan two phase OuietNominaIion Meeling in Hos Township Major Grievance lack 0f lnIeresl in Area School Board Although mlcpnym crowded Elmvnlo Community mm on the nnornoon pf Boxing my or Inn Flux Townahlp nomin nuon meeting the attendance am not rctlccl dlssntlslncllon with the humle of munlclpnl nmurn by lust ycnrn elected counclL Mom at tho nomlncm were 1054 omelnln and critic Iamn were alight enough to make the annual antheran scorn merely nu occurslun tor report In the people 0m VIekm Mh nlm un 1me mom im dcnvl MEI on sitMfr Ii lï¬u novï¬liuihnrhloflni Inn In mummy With not llfllfllfll lot mm mm Junm council mm Nnmlm ed lot 70mm ï¬rm l1 Imam Wu NI Om VIeklum Mm Wnnlm game mm hick lo MI Ili Ind mom Mdhd Wm Ml Month dcnvl marl mull In Hull Ill you In laud WI muma Wn ï¬u WW Wm emfglfli gmm don Thrff ll and Théhks Final Countil Meeiing Thanhlor the cuopenmm which had been extended Jam by the pihu member of cougcll Ind Jun own mu were expreued lashnlxhl by uh Worship Maya Hebe 5mm flml mecun lha954pguncll wou Just llke Iu ax nrgs my gramnda In you for your unsung which bu helpedv man my work so much 53315 he aggled lhermnllnn or Idlaummenl of the llml méeflnz the yen wu presented by Ant William whnreflru from council glow 1h mw conncl will Luke mm Monday Inn It pm dwarluro mm the lam mnflm or haldluxtha gmunml meeting noon hour Tho Inaugunl mil furmule Nan cwug mm Innup vulo Injuvor ths unionin diéalgd counculors mm placlng their persanal interests uhud qt the cullcna they repmqnmd Wu true that theMunlclpalAtz fluted that Lhuy might pas bylaw nth oqidng paymentnot exceeding 10 the to maulHan wa at 00790an wwwma ne aï¬dgd no member aUhla counén 15 pan an hourly wage whlmm must crow In orderxla allend cnuncll or com minep matings ynu wish tu encourage autumn to alter to scr Ve an council Ihen hrflng this mo tion onward at meeting just prior to me next nomination mum at timewhen It will gecelve the nub Ilclly llmorllg Butler stlll lace this szue betorethc people and taelsure 1t vwm sumulale Intelm Inr years clecllon Ald Horny went on to flay Each Ind eveyymoxlnn hdugm 09an cauncu should be mine ml to our town This notion will bendityou and myself rather LhanXLhe taxplyer r5urcly no member council och that the majority 01 Barrie clflicnslwauld lavor this mctlun We should cnndrm their wishes rahcr than lncrcaso our pcrsqnal aroma me in unzlhlcal Eettcrlu receive Ihn thanks obclflwm Dr job well done lhan add tn Yuul persona gain by VaUng hr thl Rumfled Van Md Hersey then naked or re harder vole Only himscl and Dcpuly new Glrdmod vnlcd azalml the mulï¬un Alderman Eyruo was not present Ibuznll qthcr member 01 councll voled In aim it moumn PrJor lu Lhn vole having been Ink un huwuver incrc wax some 115 cusslon allowing Ald Bunnys re mnrks Dcfi Rem Girdwaod vsnld hc wkth lo record Ms dblrcflon in this havlngvbeen hmuizht 1n his llme It Ihould hnvc hccnmrough in heroic th nomlnallon mocking Ald Klnzle sald lhal ru ccntly he hnd Mum port In dla broadcast wIIh other munhm cauncll In can of panel dIscusslon Durlnz lhll dbcusslon he had advanced Ihn much In reply to why herewu no more Interest In the CM elccllonl hm lul councll wu lImIled only In rtIlred people wllh no tlme 10 nerve or Illose mllh sufllclen money Ihcy could like flu llmc all to serve dun hunk um the lime when you He lulng nlcly In your seals ha nddcd do n5 bellnveye nhguld ILmu service on countll to those people he Ilalpd lul mum For nine mi our hue dol lm main dou not mean my mum but do knnw there It mem kllfnuu cmlnmqu and yAxum Arcer and Hum Tumor wrm nnmlnnlcd In III the Hun vac nnrln um Hm ulmul lmrd nluvu wllll Inuth nomlneo Raymund Wud Bundlnl Member um Dun ald anlu Ind flan Ulllnr unhin Iuml Hunknu dunaunt In In vam min Illhuluh nol ml In ulhrr Iccllonl ï¬lm an 0mm had wm munlclpumyl llnlnc at lha lull and 01 II If Tm coude Dun nxpeclod la m6 aul ulmmt nvcnly and ma mm Id In bylnw bul wu bond ll them would evnnmtnl com pennflon or maul so pcmnl laun cumllm Three and had bun wuhed rum vu Ill wvuld luv Iv be Mmlh unly In my mue lmh hid bun vNVI ed Im eon mu Ilmclhru in now nluuml mam but bun want pulgln dvlun we hufflunm Llqulgln Elnlfo warm thiscouï¬cu who armed out lhh year because they could not lyare he Lme tn attend all mecuni worklng man unless his rm ploycr very lenient and pay him or um lbmrhe lakes v21 cannot aflord in 51 bn thll council he Idded donol think the neon Barrie want council in be com posed only 01 vcople with means qr retiredpeople although hav nntnlpgfgaimt rgd penple Md mm Golds said his per sann eellng was that the councll ncedcd men lrmn walnolllm so far numbg menwefé conu tamed unless my could Jun pay hclr expense lens they could not expch to act them The man an an hourlyyvagc just could not kc the time on to attend meet We are losing IhchourIypald man whum we shnnld mummy he added There are very cw hourlydpum men In next years gouncll We are no Increasing our personal lnmme by hls We are merely paying uur expenses AIEL Wimam lnllrjldcd to rcmirk Four years an we ralsed lhp mayorrsalary Irbm $500 to 81000and never heard can plaint abnm maLfl 55 Not Enuilgh Aid LE Williams who is um pioycd at Barrie Works CGE stated that his campuny bud granicd him the priviinze oi unending mcelinzs but thiswa hm nicmariiy me ltnsn aliovcr tnwn die addcdz Vhavn enjoyed Working on council hu do 1m NIan ihai the five dollars we get meeting cover our cxpcnsu think he ï¬ve dollars should be raised lo elahl Dcpsllccve Girdwaod said he was me ppininn that eight dollar was Iii right lie was not saying ihniflvn doiiara was en ouuh hr the time they had to mend bu hev did not nziceIhat they shnuidbring insurh amnion at this nine lugs 1um sum simply canqot go Iqr lhls he added DD Whiyhwas much less than Mm hm yaw wmw Iva Ipllyhllrhld 595 the pan hu snow mï¬ovnlvlm eathad Ilmmk hankruchd the township More St was slamt Ths ychr snuw rc mgvnl cusp wsre mu less rum mvviu Last year the Slurzmn Creek bridge had just been bum Ind wn not yet cmnpleled and he bal unco of lhl cm pnld oil In lhh ycurs cxpcndlturc Ovcr one hall the bylaw had been went by the sprinz the ycar but was hovcd that the sltunllon would chungl this year Counnlllon The 1051 cuunclnwrs Archie Wan lus Gcoxae McFaddcn and Earl Gunmint cnnrplmly rcvluwnd um pxwendhum which lncludcd the can 0m 41h Concemnn vnlupmem rand project not yet cnmplmd Councillar Wnnlcu ex plained lhnl duran the July Ind Auzun lourm muon mad 1mg jwcre buly keeping road in com dlllnn Ind lhat lnlcr In the yur the rennin wcro on wet Wu hopcd um thus wnuld bu another xmm next your lo Ile hc job Tho road had bcnn bum by he luwnshlp through govcmmml muucy Tnm uu his ycu Included lhu hlgh Mlxoolwhlch wan 10 me pru vious ycnr Ind 46 or 1954 plul at dwtnlum 41 Sam mo mcpuycrl In tho nudlcncu all he luwmhlv rc lldcnln wcru cnllllbd lo rucclvc llnunclnl nlalcmcnl mm Elnwnlu lllrlcl llluh Schwl for wnlcll Flo arm 50 perctnl at UN an WIlllAm ll Arthu Thu ltcond numlncn or no rcumhlp Wllllnm ll Archer wu mu neverl Ipnkm me no mlnnllau mman who wanted lIInl Icllvlllcn mu local cauncll nhuuld be given mdfa publlclly Nclmol land The hluxul prublcm luclnroum Ilol luwmhlp School Ann nrd ILLHIIHDK In all Inlllm ll llm hlr Inn cl mmlllltd lucherl lull July wvunl luclml wllh lull le wnclu ul ulnan Iunl been hlml mm Hhflv wu lama trlllcllm par cnunluludnl Inward hm lunch luck utnupemllnu rum pur enu mun luck at mvp¢ullon lrom children commuted HIM lenlnn llumll Tuvnrr spun on lhl hmqu wr lounnm of lucher rohlun whim ll erullnu mm Ilculuu Ivory yur Tnqu Lorne Archer luuulm lhll cllhnr unchm wm Mung mm or walk mm oltuuul wiumm mm to mu ukly Icheduln bvlwun mm Ind Imu nmund dollar yannuml anm Nut hm wand dull11 ur lth was flawed In lhl In mm In nul unuulh luchcnl go around Wu pny Jun II mth Um Imvnl lrnehm Illll wonl mm In no counlxy Pi um KW um Mullsq Eh Luann IIIIOJ In 19an mar whopugumuun