Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Dec 1954, p. 4

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Keep in eyedn tfiosé Myers Slnée Tommy Green entered the netsthey are brandgjaw club and there isnt anything or anyjeam in fineOflmjunlor iA circuit am will keep them out or theyplaynfl plcture good Iekainple so the Green iStlxiiulant fwasf SEMIMay nights LhrflMackedfia victpry overyleaguelendmg Toronto st MlchaelsanegeMajorsm Barrie Manna Puliziiuni TFWHWES Final zscofringggjngims neels Slcrenscopc MEN 68 DUNLOP ST lemd Dial SANTA mm mmsm was mar LOOK umui ELECTRICJRAINSACCE$SORIES TABLEJENNIS BADMINTpN nvrkm NAVWMMASIIE MP L035 0F SWELL REE Iwm ROBIN ow 59m cm MD MA mm sunk Sm 95 your my Hockey Galfias 895 Q95 OATH AUTOMOBILES MIWLANES yllBTOLS 3295 Barlow opened proceedtngs at the eightminute mark the first when he took Blll Hopes relay and walkcd in unmolested 1mm Ihc bluuflnc thc Majors achillcs hull ilhmughoul the night Ten minplns 1am vimAd Smllh there any player more deserv iJJng backhanded 20 lead 1mm NuiJlsmnmblc which was acmnlly Lhc was omyme 1mm tamm dexen oi the season nndmhe lly en lull of power and hustle made the vbflorslook like anythingigu tron runners Dough Hap1mms and hhrejuvenaled squad may to Iwhhln our 901ml 01 Gal Black 11an and the Sixthand last play iou sppL They pun make their Chrlfitmus outlook thatmunh bub tearwith victory aver the Hawks Tuesday in Gall Danny Pollzlanl me rumwhiz specialist mung scoring champlonship picked up goal and three assists to personally lead 4he Flycrsoflenslve on tough custod lafiGerry McNamara asslslrd Bob Barluw and tr nold Smith nthe first pcrlod and iallcr me Majors led up 22 uaxly In the second Ballzlani hlaz ed the flebreaker all McNamaras pads The dual ouchefi DU fluke gonl comeback as the Flycrs held 52 marglnwhcn thé final 30 underway This was we fans like to watch It had weed plcnly it There were rugged bodychcgks thrown from both sides but the the Flynn won this department too And In nclmlnding dmw constanl plaudfls as Green and McNamara took turns halting Ihe seesaw pace We know what Wants and HAVE IT PHONE 2221 llmnx themgr mi In quAAn my The Majors luuck mt rwhui In second stanza upened Dink Dufl broke the mowegg 2L mend gh er he laceofl 1min one high mm the doorstep and less than hm minute later Ken Gribbons dagad ockul the issue Pollzhfil men rescuedthe game when he bmka past SL Mike blueUnu and cauzhi MtNamgrn moving loo mnblulnx from 10 feel out 01 right wing far the shun alde The puck stmck McNa maras pads and rammed Into the nettlpg If put 11 back In fihe local changes and they hemmerl thelh lshvln unm Larry Stacey cuied what waved Lhe IwInner screened blueliher 1min 1hr mint Thgec imlnutés Inter Arnold Smllh 5pm Lhe St Mike dclence and semEd MacQueen Into the clear or the dlnchur Dick Dull on aficauului 5910 after with MacQueen banished or Whipping put theWars within striking distance early in the third but thats where the Ihreal iopped The Flyers stuck to the defensive mm that point nndthé irish had Imqble mgvlng in an Grecn kén LinesYuan had lhe best chance breaking mm the clear OIIA JIlnlol 11ml Arenl D69 18 5T Mums Goal McNnmann deuce mice Wan Pascht Mel drum Gendron onwards Dick Dquv Linesmnn Geronsgilannig an Calvin Anderson Mahovllch Les Dull Bunkmnnn BARRJE Goal Green dcfefice MacQueen Siaccy Hope orwards Bzukiw Pollzlanl KnncgLOVCdnY Glavcr Ranelri Ball Smith Mac iltun Fin Perm ldlarrlc Barluw Hope PolIzlanD ZBarric Sm Vaughan PenalllcsD Dull 313 Anderson 1100 Lovcday 1355 Dqu I599 Second Period 351 Michaell ID Dull IHunnlgan Hum 481 Michaels Gribbon Anderson Wall Hank Pollzlanl Barlaw Knnc Harrie Sunny lPonIanl mm Period Panama MacQucen 351 Dun 101116111 mam Mac Qum 915 Hannlgnn 1w 14mm mammn 5mm Stacey 1347 PenaltiesKane 1m Glover 141511 mm 1450 MacDonald um llflllllliileKKiIflIKIKKKIIIWK¥IK manages 74 BLAKE sw mom 5915 llllullhllhlhInIillIllllilnllhlullhllllll Imam flugfi McLean Barrie St Mikes Smmh BasquvnaLIissn DIAL 3874 155123037 QEJHUWE POW For Skating Outfits HOCKEY FIGURE °PLEASURE at Pleasure Sets 545 895 lIOYB $595 Mb 1135 MENS 860 1050 1495 19 95 2495 MENS and Bovs HocKEY ourms CHRISTMAS PLANTS CUT FLOWERSE CORSAGES TIRES WHITE OUTFITS LOWEST PRICES HIGHEST QUALITY Wkavsncxs 25v son to 325 PANTS JERSEYS GUARDS PUCKS qufleya 312546353 HOLLY FIGURE SKATES mm lo GIRLS URRYS Hah 1037 654 xuld llMIlill With45 smndx mftmlay Mlku pulled Wainn 1m Ii tankers There We ch11 In th Esme and zone but the Irish dlgyljt terlouflyr 111mm the bwoqoal mggln hay Pollzlanlvwa again the object otvcfieckinguc cs He Wok rough hlghnkk rpm L9 mutt in the Hit which drew mnlur penalty 1mm raferee Hugh McLean PM Hannlgnn ihe gent who as me 101 mqu trouble was hisvsame cocky sell but fit didn1 scarenjflyur In jhe sin hln The win marked the Flyers auxh in he last six home alum They tackle Dennis mg gin anddIamlllqn Cubs hare Wed nesday prior tn holldaylng ar the Christmas season St Michaels 5L Catharine GUIth Hmnxlwn Marlboro Gafl Bmle KnWaterlao OHAJunior Slindirggs Sunday new 15¢ Michaels St Catherine Marlabnms Gal 13ml Hmuwn 1Guglph Future Glmes Tuesday5 Catharine Kitch en Ban pg WédnésdayGalf Guilph million It Birth Marlbomx at St Calhnrincs Adams Opposes Jack Kennedy Curling Playoff will be ch Adams versus Jack Kennedy or the first song champkonshlp at Barrie Curflnz Club The rink of Flnk blncr Dr Emery Bramcumbc wm Rldlcy and Skip Adamswnn the TuesdayFriday drawwith slx victories In seven nlghn Bu In the MondayThursday group Ihun was My flu or first each with six and one Harry Armsuongv ullmlnalcd Paddy Mlle In closurplnynfl butlosl out Kennedy Kennedy has €Kcn Trendwel nay leln xlonnnd pears Dan ucrlleid onéhl finkn Amman marwi vxeémmnmc Mmr In lamd Ilnndcrsnn 1whue Mlle his Dr Allrcd Grassland Clarence CImelng and Cldgéncp Winkrovc ThursdayGuéjph Hammad The new achzduln ntnmfih Saturdlyl nuuxu Mlchlel Gm SL Calharlnes LADIES MISTLETOE Allth PHONE 5915 Curler who have not already done so shothd get their name on the buileun bnard khls week so 41m heywill be quigned to rinks Draw fur the TVzel k3 mls Thursday night when Open Home win he held lhecurllnz cluh POPULAR WRITER IS SPEAKERVAT LIONS MEETING Oomlnucd mm page onu skurica told at the smelly of ma klnz fishes and the Amuii cans who Lhrcc the party had brought sonball baLa billy and Luger 1qu Asking the ter had been used the Mary was lhak the owner had taken no chances but had lrcd clgh shaIs Lhroiigh he Qhs headand through the mum of the canoe Donl trike Troubles you can get awaym cottage or camp on holiday dont take your troubles with you and hi told of the old timer horses at the Woodblnc who way on huntlng trip to th nmume while on the watch noted deer come out at the cover and then lull speed down the run Drop ping his mlc hq pulled out stop chh and checking the speed gaspcd hlx tuxlongs In 110 flat must follow and see when Ms stnbln is And dont think you are bun dozer or road breaker you are past 10 and dont lug an outboard motor and boat Amry retard lng in mistaken interpretation ucky signs in betting followed ignbalanccd Illa dozsnt menu 18 13 hours day devoted to ac dpn gndahple acflviflcsfind an ynu go bed wu mama raw the blind uppn all nnlivlllct Next year 52 weekends out lhe back door and he drew piclure casting rm trout wllh all 50 of flies and thenmcrllegea Worm with thevfly and Wham and he went on dLmHhc the vaximx bans which are Iound mm the shthe crnwflxh at he Edie unduj he mm ml the bus stand on thelr news reach them He also descthcd events allow ing the hacking 01a muskle in his prclcrred bachelor mum To be ouldoor has uplm niwcll physlcal mm freedom the freedom Ihnla Flyn hbnhy full hIVBJII exgellent dune Io ylgk up nunmoth Christinr ngkey Wedneully night when Flynnr oppose Hamilton Dubs Burl Arena Tharllnnwlll have dnw or 12 tuxken or lucky mt hulden and In nuke con vunlenl or Ihoppen the downtown hnslngu ucllon n16 openln hceou wont be un Ill us run Ll youarc ca Susy to an fish lnx than you an loo busy he de clared The Flycn hold mnalnx xzovcmm deelslon over flu Cub on the nnly vhlt men but It took hllxtelln 50 shot It all unlode Benn lumn gum tho hick Cnnenlly In annnh glue the an ban many lune In Inna overmelt junior Hull with Illnln nlumln to hls when cm the mung has III the an mull becomln Itemendous 1c sputum fill 105 In $5750 LADIES ALI splrllunl 11 Ind NEWMARKETH Allen Newmarket Optimist scored wa unuuwered second period lnnln In egm 331 mm AlliInn Monuln Nonh yorkjantam Hockey Luau game John Hopper flanked Newmar he with 4wp Kailawhile Larry Bone netted thrtylnx goal Ted Sheppard Jud two anal finnd Wayne Storey one 01 Alluton Ziiri IiesfAlliéjpn Collhwwood MExe forced to score the equalller with less lhun we minum lernalnlnLJo cam 88 tie wlh Barrie In an exhibition mIdle game Collmzwoud Satyr day memoon Barrie Midgeis Tie Collihgwoocl The Menu hum 30 lénd wnhln flu Km 10 minuteso play an Barrie battled back akg Q43 front in the third Gerry McBride with three goals paced the Barrie entry uAlvin Nor rena had pan gnd Ian Game single Binl bantam and midget Jenmi meet Midland nluuday nigh in an thXbmon fiwlgx Midland Camp Borden Citizen Col Dim D50 CD Cum mlndnm flu ECAC School ye umcd to Camp Borden on the Doc He attended thc annual RAC Conference held ak Lull worth Engllnd nu senior Can adian Armoured representative Colonel Dare Returns From RAC Conference Alter the centerencu he visited the MC Training Centre Having on th AEV Research Ind De velopment Centre and the UK Iralning Ede at Cullerlck Camp He then went to Germany when he viailed Erigudlur Anderson 01 the lat Canadian lnlantry 1312 the SHwhen he met Mam Bucklngham the DC and Capt Tommy Hlll He wlll be remem bered armor lnslructor at the MAC School later vls llcd the mam Lancnmnlso sta lldncd In Germany whllu In Enghnd he met Edg ndicr Pangman now with the Cnnadinn Army llnIsun establish ment London wha wlll long 174 remembered by tumor members 61 Wnlnwrlghl Military Camp and participants at Bullalo Christmas New Years TURKEYS Cill Bartlezfla INNISFIL TURKEY FARM Choice W0lHKlZTCII METAL SKETCH II EANIILS PillPITT BOARDS COLORS by MNVAN HOARIIS WW1 with some these quality Argists Supplies for yoyr family and your friends 1WWKACIIIKlllKIKKIKKKKKKKIIV W00lHKlZTCII DUKE Ill META SKETCH IIOXIIS EANIILS PillPITT BOARDS COLORS by new All MNVAN Alllls III II CANVAS mum um Tuurs mu Mcdulml METAL nnusu mmm mummzn uu 5mm mum musrm mumInnannnnnnnuwnnnmnzulmni DELUXE CIIAIT MASTER OIL PAINTING SETS JUNIOR CIIIIII MASTER OIL PAINTING SETS IIOWIY DOOIW OIL PAINTING SEIS MONGOL lENCII WAIEII CI0l TWIN ECOITY OILICOIDII SETH Boyds Paint Wullpu per RefitMaintain First Blaine ln Bord iLeague mCASC5luna to first pluceln the Camp Burden Hockey League stamflnublm week with 44 win Dyer FD MASC duublehegd er Amman Agenu The secnnd gain aéw Edmu pers dalel Slgnau 53 to take over syle messing thfd glue wflh tfireewins and He mé arts George Jinndéll Bob IBouveue Ken Banks and John Humphrles Hook can the scoring or MASC Alex McPhee with iwo and ginn es to Card McKay Cec Cumrle and Tony Sawyer paced the qupen Royce Chaiason GlenCathcart and THANK Y0 111mg inly inn mafiaxx vxcm Dch MercnrQnply ma mam xnalvmmly or bum DUNLOP 5T WEST The exmuve mg memben lhe Ladlesflowxg nownn mguewm on mm 10 muowln Honbnwhn mhutea the minus lo huml Imkey noninplxley 811 Shop Queena llntcl Roy Lia Cuenowllh Anng Allandlle mug united Addlea Commune Webb Ickaons Urn KEENANS MUSié fifbizé Musical Instrumentg Shéet Muslc Harmonicas Guitars Accnrdlons piano Ea nush button mink The Home of Wallpaper and Pain 19 CLAPPERTON STREET BARRIE Phoné 5206 RCA vwron ELECTRICAL ammcas LADIES Tow mungmung CLERSMHNSLOBGE RCA Vlchr Ind Rogers MI jesllc radlnyhnnoznph cnm blmllons mi nunlel ndlos In mlny flylea Good nlenuon Chlldrgn recorle bonus Mmfxr SAN RADIOS TV Record Player $3295 and uh nmlmv ipmr PHONE 329

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