The more than hall 11 century since their weddlnz day does not seem loo IOIIE 10 mn the brick or given except They received letter mm Unur former minister Rav Bewcu wha now raided In Har rlsmn and letterjrom the local member parliment Julian Forglson MP Inr Slmcoc North Mr Bowel has made it habit limp in and congratume the cou ple their home ever sinceiheir celebration their golden an niversnry ln mm mu laun mqqml mum 15 imaging In RumRah lodge He belongs to the Candle Order of Foresters Mm Paddlson jolncd the ladlns auxiliary to thcBmrle bunch of he Canadian Won shomymfler World war In which her older snn William Nelsnn Paddlsnn was killed He died at Passchendnlu on 02L31191L msv manna EXAMINERMONDAY mac 201954 Bérï¬Ã© Reéidénfé 60 Years Married Sunday Dec 19 Velvet Vixion Pklwel beaviiful cc Cancun Hall pookor Sluping mth duxï¬ng SAWOnYuinod anlenna Wolgmv leulMuhoauny or timed Oak 145147 Dunlap $2 ham mom N0 flNflmGIFT wml In 1m In an only no Annll ï¬lmmu mm mal 23 BRADFORD Sl mm an 1mm nnl mo in mm moat MI lwa lone blue molar recently nverhauled and NamathEn luaued in nest Chevrolet lndlllnn um kalnu Animal ms Junior mum us new him snnd 5m Middon ram nu Howdy Dnody 556 cu Yluvilaun NIwI mnnalnued mm pagc cue MNGERFIELD MflTOBS LTD 1952 CHEVROLET TWO 1001i Tllm SERVICE IS IHIOUOIIT To YOU THE ACADIAN by Electrohomo Wilh New ELECTROiMATIC CHASSISI WHERE CUSTOMERS SEND mam FRIENDS Used Car Dlvlslnn CELTTV WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 22 Channel Toronto TUESDAY DECEMBER EPLETTS ELECTRIC MONDAY DECEMBER 20 DEAL WITH beavï¬ful comolo TV wilh largo sloping mth glen removabls lor They used to cut masLllmbeX Just south of Lisle Mthé big sailingshlpiand take mum to shlp the winter people lmvelled buggle with the £93 up and bi ur huflqlorobes wrap per around Ihdr knees to muted them lrom ne cold the men In ur 20am The Iourmrcy take an md the table 11m diamond wed ding reception mi Saturday had been made by the bride Presid link Wm ILAI In unm Ilwv ulm Alman maldnd dollar was malan his momy members of the Urn when hrwa mauled He can remupberwhcn Llsle was busy lymhmng cen treywhcn 3eran 91 lumber used lobe taken out everyday and thus were sawmllls busy all around the village He also re mnmberswhen Camp Borden was nnthlnz and aha are lwhere the camp ls WW locaLed was lawwn as Ihe CaLtawamus mm In vm mm my 1M man II on Mumn mu IvMung when all the aw who have pamdnwaymldnz that ï¬ne Mamng to them has been W50 pmposmonl declares Mr Paddlson but annivemdm he remagks mus worse than get dna Vmarrled llenI om nu in TV 0ulvt lam Hudlo um nl Iain 11x Futun rum Mahogany Autumn DIAL 4981 Amnng the beautltul um and tlnwm were bauqu honr Beaver Rebekah Lodge 1114 Odd knows the stall n1Maléomsons the Canadian OrderoI Puréstdrs old friends in Niagara Falls the Omngc Lodge and CentraLUnfléd Church two television lamps 1mm nelghbmandGoldm Star 10 and pair qlankma fromflan old friend Mlï¬PriscllIa Camp bell supermtendenl Chatham General Hospnallonnerly the Royal Vlcloyld ï¬nsth $21 the 4m table were pwudn Mam twomlzh bows MM any Mralhvidï¬qle and tanner numberMmg Cecil me Amanem tea mums were Min Mary Caslde 01 Toronto Mme Irene Mme Clarbonand Miss Mary Faster Port CM Relauvés mid Headsjweu pm ent from Colungwood Shelbume Staynerp AmPon Credit Clarkson and Burqu wflh Jésu 93 in tau lions mm Guï¬pnmmhener ton Mam Cnllander and Pet asburg Fm vv mm In Mlhlnu hh Ken wood Vluwy all wool blun keu but qunllly In vmmm wilhuul mum 1nd wlll wnh Ilh limb um um mum mm for mm to am 1995 flnmcrrn dunllly blanlu our Inaln bed IIUI Mmkfl 80x Ii Imk lvr lhn label evuy lumln Knywmd blunlul PERSONALIZED holllh In uclun Ind heidnt be emtmlvc You or your oldzr children can punt mmulnd IlmDIo denim an Hallow cqrikle pan go no lndl vldml In In TV much or spillcatching when mu CnVlfllMy 91111111qu mmu XIII can hardly nun He nld III lrltml wan TV ah making 5250 Icekl 1350 KENWOOD BLANKETS Texas was an Indepéndenn re public mm 1833 In 1845 whun It enxlererlrzhn Unlled Stach Am er ca Kama hme Tlonlllnl vwmlhlu Ionu um blank null bound with ur wlde lln ribbon bum 71 Famoul Qunllly or mmlnr rm mull and or Inllluz v1 us One flu unly 71 rlldl hound wflh ulu wide mlln rIban lndlvhluIly bond nil colon 1695 Orphaned children in New Zea lnnd under nge 16 are entitled to gaumment benellls up to max lmum of £18 peg nnmlm nasonn ST NICHOLAS 1en meraniaud Station in Metz France on his tradition parade through the streets he stoppr to palk to twoyearold Leslleljehr son off my 1995 souumiN sun omnAN mums lulud Inan 665A HAND mus 249 BEAUTIFUL GIFT ROBES 1mm995 GRAHAMvsa FLEMING SWEATERS 298 GRAHAM FLEMING 1519 DUNLOP ST MIIONB 98c nusms 895 141 Fehrfgot Cgmrose making on at thellert 15 Mrs Fehr Cpl Fehr mataflanea attheRCAFs No1 A1TDVISIOHMEW Frahcé7 Nntional Delenceyhot ummzmms 198 mums 398 PANTIES 59c Bl Selection LINGERrE Home Drum NYLDNS 125 omvns 98c 298 TVPYJ AS 13 KERCIIIEFH 98c ix PYMMAS mums 298 mlousas 298 Lefroy Christmas Cnnéenlo held in Lefmy Community H1 Monday Dec 10 815 Adm 3101 35 115455 Belle Ewan Christin lo be held In Lefrny Hnll hxgsdny Dar Admlsslon 35¢ Will 15 Blyllald sum ORILLIA 32 Mlulsnn sum nu 1nd Floor Emle Iv APNINIMENTMQNE FOX EVENING Houls udumllmlxl Miamim 1m lumdmnyfltmln ECW555417 mus arm 3mm Gin WRAPPING1 ASPECIALSERVICE FOR MEN 3woon numxms 11lele srnmns 510150 698 fkfvï¬ï¬‚ F17f7v isï¬aafui ypuk TABLE cmnié 98c to 1695 98c 159 AVAILABLE F01 ANY AMOUNT IWQGEW0éWW he bxphoning and min xzsvhandunmd ï¬t your canyanience peed Ind in to 2mm write come MLGIUM ï¬rst 1M1 to all Lhempper lake waa built by la salleln mg on me uppe Niagara Ever ma 219zérie muouswéazn Foam llnhber mm 795 up Tunxlzvs mm MAT SETS 298 lxlyuni PHONE 3545