Ma Tupllngs Mass presean Santa play and Bobby Cunning ham was heard in recitation deparxmcm chorus hm hm Friendly Dem anda Christmas pageant presented the Mist Beth Wclsh and Dnmthy Inlnson lhg nudinnm Cnmen Small and Ilea lhcr Mchen playcdwlano sums followed by lhc SIMan of When Mother 01 Sulcm by Barbara pm and Why Unwcll Tha songs paitnrm small children Buckle My Sh Vi My Teddy Boar Liuh Tea pul Bamntn Black Sï¬eep Twinkle Twinkle Little 5m Jesus Bids Us Shine BellaHth ln theSlcephJrflt Had Wind mill Im Busy unle Bee Slx 1qu Duck That Once Knew Miss pony had Dolly Away In Manger and Mnxle noussn Susan June wzm pianist The kindergarten ONESUna par program Misjnclrgrgeaf the supenmcndem 01 his ï¬cparunuds Mm Lloyd Smilh misled by Mrs William Mhlcgmson as pianist and the dunlumen teachers Mrswfl liam owes Mrs Pmmmer and Mrs Qulnn limitations by Billy McConkey and CherryloCouch opencdthv pmgmm followed by several dior uscs ems Doves EheLittle Chg dron Bells an old can ShLphcrds have the Hillside Uh who can Make Flawgr Flvc Lmlc Childrenf ï¬nger play Come Sing Song of Win ter My Pigmn Housefl We are the Wlscmcn and SHLM ngh Sanu Claus arrived with book ï¬r enchchild and the Mthering adlournLd co the recreation room where Group 01 ï¬le quans Associatlon served woklcs and chocolate milk Primary Group the WA catered the primary department supper on Thursday evening wmm mm mcnccd an Mrs NLV Mac Auley superintendent was in charge or the pragmm with Mm Edna Tnecdarc as muslzul dlrcclar Chairman furme even in was the church minister Rev The ccmncrl waned with he singing or We W25 Ynu Merry Christmas by the department followed by Hear the Bells Miss Rulh Dangcrlkelds class of 10 my spoiled out fChrIsUnnsl and MLS Marian Frlckga ulna Md um grxsugqsmryg nar mud1n Luke Mrs Maculcys class 0an ed The Christmas Playx and Unda Couch was heard In song radiation Manger Under the Slur was given by Jane Par Takan wrt In on lcflxhllnu canmany were theMlsscs arm null Joanne Welsh mm Clnu uppearrd the he mm with hook or an rhlld Senlnr JInant Christmas pageant with muslc the hlphllahl UN Scnlur Sunday School cclcmeon on Fri day vvcnlnx which Hamd with uao oclock summ uva by the Senior WmnaflnAnSnclaHon The were 175 trackers ofï¬cer hnd pH In ultrnda ct allman or Ihe cvcnlng wnl Mr 10M whflc llnnnld Pilr Sun day Sc no snpcrlntcndcnl wm Yflqximl Xe Dr dlrlcllon Um hnpnSslvn paan Musical LHrrcmr wgna Mrs Down and Mm mum Wilflmï¬n wan plan 5L DUHILAI Mnrrvn nnd JamiI Wllxnr Wflfr pmhrllnnku nmthu cumln wln In charge James hue nndGnry llrwclL chriétmasspagéamjpre meaibySé ¢ri SUndayj SCthllxsfllï¬Ã©hligh bf hlfégiés Dam week lhurjumgay School rabms cl polller Street Unlkd ChurchwLre the selling anglgrae Suï¬day School Ohilslmumnnéds um pmlcs Thonumry and klrh ljlerwmn party on Wednesday afgermxm Dec Ms fqlloweaby the primary céncgrcon mursday and 112 unlor ohlldwnfceleb Man on Frhmy nlghluhlghllghted by the prescnlnflnn oi apageant zNumry and Klndefl The nursery and kindergarten pragmï¬bogan at 330oclock with 1M sumrlmeï¬den of the nursery dopartmemf Mrs Charles Mchvw nY nnd her loacheflrMrs Spence Mrs HS Wheeler Mrsp Ayers Mis Gordpn Habfli nhd Mls flock in rlfmg 1hr curlnln ypcrlvd wllh Mary plnyLd by Juan Mclmlny Gur dun Iiml clam 010 Ann Gub mL played by Cnrul valnn MI Walkrrl rLIx nnd ynnIl er nnurln 1de by rncmlml Min Audrey llnlIynrdu clan all an ulnac The nnljnnrnflpr Wfll Chrisfmais Monlp5pulnr ofllw mm Dick In Um Cantmy fith In 9y nylluh fllvhm unmhtchcd In Ila Md fur ndvmml de power ml pur lnrmnnun Ihu thny nlyllnl for 1055 Mum mphuxly mm and vdu wigleggrgn Hula lyyomdlgeagllbh ml AA wklelgrycn Mlle vhomd headlllbh And mlmlnbumbpr umy dlnhmvt dun wingmargin luu In mull lnllud or um In mm 11 The pagéam llhked the rim Christmas mhny hundreds of yearsfdgownh Christmu ml the presch day bringiugjout the true meaning of the cast ï¬rst the Cub menahe Explnrer then 1he Scout1hc CGITgirl and 1m small boys and small girl ready for bed with candlu came on stage to oflertbï¬rymrs gin and war hlp to he aldm manger scene The Cub brought his good deed ghe Explprgr family Java and hadghdulhm and the Scan precious dcodsbmething he had done that Waswmng and um hequ admitted instead of evndlng punishment by lying The EGIT girls gm was he gm of lndnes and the Due mu chll drcn oflercd Ihchvevcnlng prayer before 1hr manger rhewnanmln man genMAM mugs and elril tendanbportrayed 2y Mar rens ï¬clm 91 boys and m1 present day charactprs Included 31 synthou Cubjwas 2321in by Paul mm mm HSiddausclass and Sandm Sprinywas an ExnIar an Lhny GucnIrumJohn Wln chesterl clnsg Was Scout and can xlrl was partrzlynd by Ann Kcarsey mm Mrs Coopers ms Eniéei Daizlc and Brian Smith lrom IL Marks class wem Lwnsmall boys and Carolyn Pile horn Mr Dalgxes flu wnsa smuflglrL As the Simday Schonl chair stint sunly lwn verse 0h Ultle Town 01 1321mm the cuyuln opened wuh Mary Jand stcph around Ithe mnngcr and small an gels Kneeling in Jyonl Shepherds bringing simple gnu came Xnlrom the aisle Lu knccl the manger as 1hr their sang Awayln 51 Manger and the chair joined the Kids of Three Klngs each Kiri with hismuendnnu crib Med the smgh to prmm gins oi gold lmnldlncense and myrrh Thesu age the gills ynu all can bring These ura gifts that an Chrlstmn Evgbe£orn you go to bed and me you lum hung up yup flagging lhauld be yourlas boughtwhile 15 world Wail he dawning ol the day when Man Peace andGoodeLwl celebrIte the Birth at Our Lord mme cloéc at me pageant Sam in Claus nnlvcdut the party with mg candy and an orange or mch pupil Byron the pageant alumina 0mm and Gordon Ferris played violin duct and Joanne Stephen son and Janet Ouzh sang duet accompanlnd the anno by Les He can piano sale was play cd by Carla Councnny and Cam Young reclch poem Central Junior 53 Presents Annual=Concert The Junior Sunday 50100 de vzmnm1MCm1mlUnllrd Church vmscnkd its annual Chrislmn comm an chnrsday evening Dec lb uponan with an nddrcfl by he chairman and Welcome reunion by my Jackson The min Sunday Schuol um hbnrdin 0101115 Kris Krln x10 fnlluwza by rmlullon by Mmmy Murray and play ch1 dcnllllll Clubtmmlf prrsnmrd by Mm Bumm chm J11 Prl Inulnr mm mumlun and Anna Dome plnyéd mam mlu Whente Shrphcrd Mnldcn thnrus wax hum by hc kln domarlrn under me lemlprnhlp Mm lvluldurnm and MIM Har rndlnt and play Mn pmch by Mlta Vuunll chum clmlun wnzivcn by Slllrlry Hun ler nnd play was waxMm by Mlnv JoAnne mynoldt clam Sylvia Gable plnyul pinyin ncwnlmn mlu and play Thn nmwnl Dlrlnmu wns pmcnt rd by flhhopn clam rulluwnl 5311751012 rtMuss Lewll ch55 while Brianï¬o 1mm FruiMcConkaya than The iceï¬e ï¬reparedfllewnflar lh mumI In scene at lhepNnuvn swflh Joseph playcdv by 1an mawm otMrtles chm and Rabat Sag any classol boys porLraylng Christ Ghryla in tab ea was sung gby the Sunglpy School choir and MNHMargagel Smimajlasg aimsang acéioL Carqls glween ghe genus were While My shew he echo carol sun by the Suhdly School nnaflwm Shéhhurd Inlwlhlg n11 Betweeh the use Indsecblid scenejcnrol£ wgre sungn andn the narrator lahdpfghe BM at£01liérfféefa viiiFm mew fanmm denim Omlury wild In your wan In lullh whom an gay IM pylon In tho auto hulka Freud cm or IM prim In the auto Indka nu lncmnnd in engine mu Ha 230 hone paw fur 1005 11m diallnc Iv who wiÃ©ï¬ www ww new ww 9M jvmnfnmlc wt up nny prwuium ICW we Hunvor Elissa Build New Earn Aboula year no Hunter flux sell 01 MidhursL dcld¢dhl should have nowbamrThe dc islon Wu the result or sit ar an WMch common to many human The human he had were in need renovation and epair In marry ways they needgll be brought upVlodmo an In out 90 as lo reduce chore me and makemnrc Efï¬cient us 01 labor It appench to Russell ny M16195 timeode Gding The Second Mile In mxls Squarewn1enrnad1 that Going the second mile means Willineg and cheermlly dmng Tmom 4th um whichis om duty tordof km Cannibals of Barrie flock of hensï¬mt nr éeralnlx going the sccund mile in pru ducflunh anquan his mad ard Thlnylflve hm have laid 39 6925 in one daercrhnm it should pa examined Lhat Manxmule Her artiï¬cial Ugh lo acnwam the Jam December hours 01 day 3111 xAnd headmks In of mm em arehld bulprc he gels out olibcdfln mémmmg The vbeen 111an on UN poor hcfls ham to Go Lhe semnd mile to wow any pmï¬qover medias that maximum saushcthm he gained Immbufldina new barn uslnz as far 0055le malcrlnl from the old one and In mrpomung all um laborsule 1m mule He now has me new barn 124 feel by 10 ml almost completed Gnlvanlud lron covers the root and sides Material Im the time came from nu former harm or from woudlul PracllcnUy hc only lumber purdmtd wax plank ihz for lhc burn Hom Thc con ncilnllun by Duuulm Kw Icy IL1y Wnlmnn ms boy pru cnludn skit and Elalnc lllshop guvn mutation The momnm Ill Included SH by MW MC L4 IIA nnd Mhl Gnrnl clay and ncllallun by Normn Doldzn plmm Incl was played by Mary lLrkmx nnd Fuy urnnu and Mn Iï¬lrxrrnflclnn pmde plfly Itlur llumphrlca and llllllu Clmidy mle nCHIUOrIl and Ka lmn Grnlnuu sum the Mm IIch of sum lellwuh lhe Sun day School Iolnlnu In vulna 1hr ml lhv mnn The timing rcdlnlllm mm by IMqu MRsE anxlqpmjis vmh smhéy Ana Kaymm In sfll looklnh dverwï¬dngely fonhed trééhear Qiarjggvlllé dhrihg mbtpr lhc €an the Wm San ln Clnu vhltrd Q10 fhldlul wllh Mn nnnuql In¢fui iii SevenJunlursfmm Noth Sim eon Iltcndcd tho annual anln Farmer Loadmhiy Tralnlnk School urCentml 0mm held In Bmmmon onvsaturdny Dec Four mm the mlODon Club Shirley andllcy namdn Kali bins lahn MacDonald nnd Mcl andfley and three lrom Glen nlflv BobGoodIollow Ron Counts and Ralph Hayes made up the wv hens and the med and be nu supplies in the second storey The Unable Irmngement Includes humin horimnmlï¬lo of 300 ion yapicfly The oue wilLbcy flawed xn pep my Wm teed barns mlkcd th the owner belorc pmcedmz whh his build ing Inï¬urn he will helpMasai mum me beneï¬t at his upqu lento any farmers who are tom lemplnllnghbnm rbnqvnllon Junipis Attend TraipingSchool érele foundation and walls but imwlyh plejuy ot clghtilo Ikywxfor theirer powér to mm In cleaning manure mm the stifle Wheh completed the barn will house 100 head 01 heel camennd goohpgs In the lower pa 00 Durlng Mm mnlnlna 503nm he delegath were dlvldcd into small lemma to study and dlscum var Iau problem that arise In Euc ccsvtully runnlnx local Jumrlr FarmLr Clubl In thnd nl lhln Mrlod mch lmup demunstnltd how the vurluu phnsm ol meet my Ihnuld be conduclcd wuy mm the diobymm Minx mnwm 129d sans cegkalnlyygwdmnï¬pmn him to have=tflt9ederpr ppc cattle sï¬uoayflqoun éachol suflicL tgylz mimeln qur conmbu or 10 the farm gncomp To havethem n11 unde one root hasdlsflmt nvdamam 1n 49209111 down overhcadjng 17 Ein cxamplr nnc groun dem nndmlcd haw Inlmducc Ivmktr lromlhlmt was lurned um In web circumstance om would avoid mm mckmycd ex prmlon ms 11 L1 nn honor and IrwinKb In lnlmducc up nprnk er HM mmkcr um no In lroduclkmt The nmkcrn topic nhuuld be magmanun me ouulne nl hln background mould hr ilvrn mpMIItlnl 01m mm which qualify him mmkcr on flu rybjch mm mmnr ml he worked In cream pkmm llmflkphcm and hm cumnan In lelrnflnl anllu fur um npmkrr The lnlmducer dumld nvuld ox auteth ntnlnmrnm and should be lulll nm Ilnrcrc Durlml tho ulumoqn 0m kiln wu min mva mu we mum Fad map plnnmd Junior ianner InnUna union Inc lollowlm lupin wmu wwflu llon lnrm nnd houn mlcty club WHYan manrwm mwymu labor 5995 Mr nasal 0n luamnbllnt ddnllu ha nronnm wrru pronled and lhgdlmlnm n1 um nchqul 0mm wqmllgu Ind cglldxmn Curl floymun rmldomn llm Junior nmwu ul Onuflq Myrna lewul Vtelnsllnl Don Mid dle Pm thlnu wd an mm mu flumn wr Jurdlur Hxlondnn Wumon nub Inn an1 mu Mr pme Iml conductlnu uu Ichml rnnqwlng he mulnlbundud GIN Hovan an an and In an nu rtrvnl Irlu lo an DINKY Tim ï¬ï¬RYs leï¬mw trip Asupimgn Jdnesot AlconaGtitag Baxplaypen dbpearedlrecemly maxenmsgn mew 651 My tubeut aka in one or more yard sepanflg loakmoo flame hlzh one laynuke flat good tlllnmmlgxg Evondu dothuuï¬ha hung winIn my may whflq Bandy Best In may Away goni the dilly urnrm 0ntdtseso Quins unh yew 6nlov on whileglzey val or wgalhu chin cmmns mu mummm DohfASï¬hI On Showersl When phnnlng new Mouseï¬lt Ii advisable to pmvide not only In shawpr hgnd over he hath nuu mm 15 no ems nus smite nmrnia banish In VALLEY TAXI mew nowl EXAMINER LATE Mun up WAIT UNTlllgpm and lfy9ur carrier bOy has not arrived then AND COPY WILL BE DELIVERED In You Home By BÂ¥RG9r VA dlnner tenderedIo Burrle and 1Hde flu andfcasualty In xurnnCe agents by Bell unttSnun dpn anmancg adquten Mr Bell in hlslnik in menu ma them undfllnsmjggl Ions fin the nm qvnlngwaodl nqd Parry Snund where hrgésecflunb the buzlnmï¬lshlcls were wiped uuL Mr Bellhwhu has done consIdEf arable adjusting InJhe rhjgns ad vised Barry and district agéms to press home clleMthq mu esslly 01 swank lpgrcue in ovqrgzes jha present Tdny lacemcpl costa 1m mqny 0L the minus gyeguy ndErlnsured hflennld lnslnnces where the polity hadznot Jiioperly degcflbed thg prwcr lot nr mrflon occupied by theï¬wndr rand 1mm manner was no mm as WaSnDflclpi fed Another instanceot nummy was described where Sam Clam clnwn had beenninlured while acting on the parada The municlpallly had claimed for aq qidcnt coverage hut the Mummy policy did no Include such cav ern Hestrcued ma need of clu and other onmlullons operating public entertainment or shows huuld be sure they hnd pmpcr Insurance protection om erwxse the club mightbe liable for clalmu Car owners who 1mm with cumpanies who allu cheaper ratr because they are writing the covernges direct often ï¬nd that they lunar when they hive chin Mény 01 thege rnarcham whg mm mm through ghe exposure 30 ï¬re trcmx adjacem buunings were so Jeriously undzrfinsured hat theyxwere 1m Wuhan lund lp comipne buslneésJ juï¬e ï¬rm whohad cc qut lnJlunmllle and thenmovcfl 9tu Sound Their uï¬itm hnd requesfed um they urchase musings interruption pollgy Viburwnuiflicoven the lns es uterpdldurml the 11mg lhdr pllding ushflng evinced They up aunt and the pplicnï¬pn Waslyfngjn melr desk be sighed when the 11m in Far Sqund desnoyed thelr hulldlug Ilhroxgh conlnct with In other bufl lugs in the block If It takesfn blg are to make owri Em conscluusloi their insurance deeds ML 8211 emphasized Hrlhelflnivst Cleaner Ind mnkaJlBR Run Why73p cum WhamM LEM Lam mamas srécxmf CHRISTMAS and mm i567 NEWIFILTEI ovum mm QUEEN i9 fnfiémhm hay hnveffolwilithenl unler deflflons In the milky XouJult wha¢19v my for In huyinlinlurnnce auwell run other productfl Mr Bell slated He Immedaealxm low cpvemges mm ï¬allcje as nrecént accid ent with nlxamhnd fdnthe fluid mobile owner lnto un enormous amount of amaze nndthbtvcan juppen whiny canowner In 1yanklng3gll1 Saunders rflrm or their Christmas cam13 Tum Tnflemallnld that Wish hoped lhaz Burrlewould my need bl ï¬re Innkclhe provem owuers cpï¬scinuy ct hc new tax bdéqumq coveragea He tel sure hat thn agents had proï¬ted by ntlalk ng Mr self whvse work was an the plher end 911112 insurance business the setllament punglhey wgre vary appreciaflva at am qin nex tanqexjed theï¬ssoglqtlpn analTn cmpmy umuea Operated by the mm Dan gerï¬eld Molon uniï¬edz 65 Collier St mimic AIJIID IL MI cu II In mm mm an ch gongun Baum ummurr mm niln mug uman niclduuu now In mu Dual I4 hm Im It nonnm omumxn ll cm can In out man am mum Mums now an luv say Mefry Shrfistqus nylon 10 IIUIICI IAIII JLU ormurrmn am Iuh In IIIIIMI InI lldl l1 IllIll Ifl lhm nu by urnm DONALD MuhABIN QC Danie DriVeHCnr PROFESSIONAL DIRECiORY nu IIJMINO VITIIINAMAI Ina IUNIIOI whll II vrï¬nmiï¬un mid ow ma HONI Ilia INSURANCi Jomi utolrmu nouunnx or cAIIAbA VYTERTNKRY smrm mumï¬ OPTOMETRY Ryalbnk Mpriey Orders Availabla for any amounl up In $100 all branchu unu on min in usmnqummn 3Duckbilied glueybésag fan clant apecles ï¬brmmï¬gng mam paxig lncgp 91 your lnAustmun WARREN MuIJMN MIMI mum Aqu Lcnrrnu vmnu munch nocmn or 31inch Own um mm Im cubII DU menu ci rumn ur mum Imomo nd TIIIOII hum mum lu IIIHAM nun um cannula Hum Mum Mu Mum An vimm um 11 nun ml ARTHUR LIIIII mmï¬ï¬ohg flu haflmmrï¬ 0K0 an Ii Mmeiizmr runua ACCOUNTANT ll Dunlll clunnnm AciéumAï¬ murmur AWOUNTANTI III loll 65 II MAIIIIIIN cum ml énhiliiiiiï¬i INFORMATIOII =TEAM ACCOUNYAm Cum mm I7 lonu an Townln IAIIII PAIYNII MMLAIKEN 300M umam muml g4 mum nummm Aunmm Innuan mums 00 Cum hum Amnlnll Tomlo Ind Imm numomu wum nullam rm DIM Mu mumm am MIGIll nun AL NIIDNIH CPI Wednesdqy Decrzrzynd Open 930am 600pm hum mfm Imam Armuury Rattle I1 munu ruonl nu Cunagu Aim Aevloafeug hpu many dmmnm mm chpov md to men bahsen he dguoi mjmw or 45 It you Webdy undo my Wm HeIcing Amiy Inlomadon 9mg yall givayoh Idan mm lug Amyc chukka nhlg mm ha to oï¬urmern who whh lo mvn Cuguda Ad nova ACCOUNfANTS cmnorï¬Ã©fbi MusncLEssous 25 m7 IrW hIm mum rowan 99 lmumou OSTEOFATHY am Imuh ovum Innk 415 in 1M