Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Dec 1954, p. 16

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SIEETQ SHELL PUMP black succe black call Gills PPR Chrislmus black mcdn GORE CALF IUMI Mark blur tan MM 10 silk LIGHT CNLII DIWSS TIE luck bluelan AAAA lo CY Illtl l0 l1 Moore 18110138 on P051 0mm EXCLUSIVELY AT call muu AAAA In IN PUMP High Grade Fillings an hceL or black sites In Slurln WI Mn Howard Ritchie was homes members and tour vmwr Saudi Womens Inadmte an evenlnl of Dec Mmjeon nrd Bearde Ist viceprawn hi hhe chair Moun Chrls mas la time 70 Membrane Hall rill childhood memory or ChrMmas Dresan 1m Un Cancer Society were cnlleclea Ammments rm Chflwnasiueau go bemade and dellverodhfllr Med Ill thut While and Mrs George DXnkIrLson repented on the meeting at Bls om Dodge Ordlaua when the SixMoe Oounkv Pedantnon Ac rlculgure bewaconzerma An humcsan contest was conducted by Mrs Vlsey Bum and Mr wEobcm Gm prlzu gain to Mrs Gordon Giflenwd Mrs Menard Rankin thin Chrislma lunch was served by file commutee Santas Plndd wuh ideql wwher Santa arriv edln Elmvale on time at 1301111 Saturday Lashn4 was greeted by big crowd people or an ages The parade formed up the arena Ind marchpd uprmaln street and the thoroughfare Led by 11 band from Camp BardenBuswr Langrmms plpe band at Barfle nnd Elmvalc Clown Band vislflng bands wvre very generous with fireh Iinqmuslc The ma were of very fine womanshlp cred 71 he businessmen and the schools many he Irmen and dealcm lending trucks and Ira Iom Frosxy the snowman and Santa Clan wth his dgm reln deerdcughwd the young All are to be commth or that work and the out Santa had busy dime giving oultmals lo the CHI rcnr The Late Colnncl Bell Cbionci Bell passed away at the home his son Revv John Bail DUntrogn on Dec 10 1954 Fun emi on Monday afternoon 1mm 81 Amirews Presbyterian Chumh Elmvale Deepest sympathy is ex tendcd to Mrs Bali and iamily Whit Giit Snndny 0n Sundaynwrning in St JohnL United Church the Sunday Schooi members met with the congrega tiom ior Wolship Rev Dr Reynolds was in charge He told cent at interesting statid Ind expiatncd their gins at present nr money were gain to the Fred Victor Mission Toronto to make other children happy and In iced many at those that hnve so little Hi this worlds nods Moved To New Home Mr and Mrs Fred Grim and iamiiy have moved to their new home which has jflstmcen com pieted and situated just Wei the village limiis Mr and Mus Clyde reobbmon Hanavcr spam Sunday at Mrs nowals Mrs Paul flown md daughter Diane rclumcd with them In spenda couple wrcks Mr and Mn Fred 03km Nancy 1nd Marne Tomnlo spent the wooch wllh Mrs Martin Beard snlL Mr AILm Gmnl Shawn and Mnlus In oller Impecllon lulled Ihnnu 3111 TIRES LIKE NEW Whvn we lay lhn SllUIlIAN Chick Hlnvlrr II MIDI elllzlemy 1nd we mun Hall 111 hlihly cmmnunlcd rule It IIII morn um rnrrurplckrd lulu rvuy pound and nycry pound cunmm man had chmullll llul rhltkl nerd la straw on hm moth pmlnln more vllnmlnl Ilul mum minwall nm why ml wund HI BIIUflIMN Chlck rlrr modllw ll much lwwlh umll ul mdlmry plnr II lulu ll llw sllUlh MIN Urvnnmlu iun mm turn wnn mlUIlOAIN yum chlrll will ul IJ flylnl III with Illa Illuflnllly when Iu llml mn yuur thick Mm HIUHOAIN Chlck filulu llm all lllnl Ihlmuud uf quullul pmmry WINTER THEM ROBINSON lhon Btnud ll Dolled pr lum flll llmvcr VNI Size 10045 Cost $3900 iéEEBEiVékv+i atavmonens ism WELL Al pri 1px fineVial ac mlnfince hen Sat Mr1indMm Roy mm vackz sons Point spent mo wcekcnd wuh relatives here Mr updrvapouahS D91 Ind deughler Jflnlée 01 Waterde are spundlnuhc week with Mrs Dull when mam WWII and MrL Orville Ed has Ha 1mm spent he weekgnrl wllh Mrlnd Mg Edgar ijgxfi Mr and Mn Bagldty of Baffle were Sunday must Mrs WT¢rry Mr and Mrs James Slatk H219 llmn are visiting Bent Black and other relatives The Late Mm mid1e On Safprdam Nov gr 1954 H1 very sudden pade Miss Mary Enable Rea ol Orlllll mm shock rtohzr relnuvcs and mend In Lhe cammunltyu Death was due to cereberal hemorrhale Mary llltchle waslhednuzhler of Mrs Ritchie and the late Rilchle oi Elmvala She was born on muz 1909 Elmvalé and recclvcd her educallon hm zer graduating 1mm Elrnvalc con lnuallonschml she entered flu schuol 01 nursing the Soldiers Memorial Hosple Orllllu what she graduated as reslslcred nurse and served there In 26 years In her prolesilonr She was member lhe shylerlan Church Followan gfilly ur vlcu at the home 01 ha sls er Mrs Wllllum chmlntElm Monday Nov 29 the lung lun oral coring proceeded Irom her slsims home do Andre Church whom largely anon publlc service was conducted by Rev Dr AMackrnCS 01 lllla assisted by Rev Flnley Stew an Kitchener and mm Cocper or Elmvalc The pall bearers were George Graham Mg TruaXu Reg Cooper Ken Mc Quarrln Dawson CM and Ashe mtchlc Survlvlng are her mmher and Wu sisters Mrs WlLllam Fleming Jran and Mrs John WhHWn Marjorie of Elmvale mm were many beautllul 11ml tokens ol sympalhy 1mm Nuns Alumnae Medlfil Sodety Prlvale Duly Nursiy Grpup 01 0mm Among lhose who attended the sorvlce were Mrs Smth and Mrs Johnson at Uptergrove Mrs Sanderson Mr and Mrs 20m MISS Llly WhltlnnAndy 30$ all of Orlllls Mr and Mrs Lellh Aumra Rev and MrsSlc art or Kilchcncr Llayd Flemlnz Menu Mrownlel lndGuIde Thu Brownies Ind Guich ended their meetings or 1954 on Dec 13 Alter mammal mcelinu pmcnduxe the girls gave gifts to one Another and each received bag candy and an mange Campfire look me form cl carol slngim and It was hcaufllui lo hear the iavcly 471d carols gum in lhc darknus with only red glow tar um Home ram flownll We are happy Ln report um Mu Winter and Mrs Mon have both mlurncd rom hosplhll Mrs Jean Balm RNA ho Wfih Mm More for few weeks Thom WA Ofllcen The Womans Auxlllnry Thnmns Church held me annual rnccllnu rcolury on Dec with rather disappolpunu unend uncc However hc new nlnle ol olrirnr was circled Inflows honorary yresldunu Mrs Wilson and Mrs Huh bQUInl chsldan Mn 1mm Isl vlccprcsldLm Mrs Oliver 1nd Vlccpruldcnl Mrs Pugh sccrcmry Mm Murlran lrmxurun Mn IL Tayl Mercury Vin Mea HIGH EFFICIENCY ma SHANTY BAY mumMrnJMullr Dalfilm hh Welsmnn Mu Gldweu me mnvimerm RI EMnnun= 1m Dr Udmbou1fne yreslded we meelewon whluh wen along qulte quickly Aertha buunasu gmyewt uhrlsunm quncn was Discuss mum Education llama intimhool Asgoclnllml met De 15 Wlull lame mch unce Lenhnvmg heml lnexe pom ol the reglonal carnalcum mn qua Teny nndMr Taylor me bums unenlle odncluazo Kim Mrs lehlboume look charge at panel macumlan on Hellman Edu muunqmra mums muuduced the wnl the panel memous were mrs relwry Mrs Mahln army lvlr lwnsoergcn ulmulalmg dlscyxsnon on chll uouulenmou pmle and enun mp DmKIESSllfl find mum nayé mmlnuea for mpch longerifierl lpd man was allocated Mm hplr nu manch we panel andme meeting cancluded wlm hounlltul Chrlsunas remEmma mm Exuns Marten sludenu BDCI an all turn olnz the hullday preparallom reluctaan In sfiudi im the all im poxtum Gamma examlnallons Eeryed Commandments Ynlelld mhnhnuchvrChfis Chrlsnas makng Convene Commle Supper Annealing of th mnvenm or Ihe commume summqu held an the Maximum of Dec 15 at yum name Mrs Emmi andmll aswnlnute prepamuuns were mad or Lhe mnual csnvny to be held on Smurday Dec 18 lb ighl peanps it merited ruprin In the band our waders at this Christmas Timaly Anlcle Interesung article vms magazine xecenly and or th gn that than an lazymindcd and splrllual 1y listless To most mlnds slandsnoy tor Christ but lar flfle algcbmic unknown Thou shalt nut valu lhy mu bi their cost laryerily ngny Shall signify love that is more blessed and heaulilul than silver and gold Thou shall give myseu with my gms Thy love mypcrsonnl l1y and my service shalllncrwse um value of thy zlttvan hundred lold and he that receivelh It shall unsure if lorcver Ihau mu not In Santa Claus lake the place of Christ tIn many homa Santa Claus super sedes the Chrxgc mum and thflv mas bcwmns dalxymie muier WMyflyy1IUUyvIIIIYuIIViriiliiillglliliiflfllllv unfit Insn won mum 20 OWEN STREET JRCKMHN ELECTRIC WE HAVE ruui LINE or oasvmezz APPLIANCES ANDIMERSON TELEVISION IIIONEH 810 M01 On $undly warning at 930mm their wan lineup peopie wniunz to pincein Trinity Church The building was filled to capaciiyas constezaiiun with their children came to the whiiefliit Service Even he chait seals were filled withfihe congregation and chain wen everywhure so thatmme the 1qu had to sit in the mmhex of the church fxfihujmh iPhcked feri Spetja Servgce Atltlmcs dnrln thcmvxce the glvlnz ol the Wh te Guts toChrlst the Klng there could haw been heaed pln drop in the church The cholr slowly marl thclx way up the 1131 led by the full hoys cholr No me in the church wlll ever oxget thehenutllul readlng of the lesson byr one at the cholr boys Melange Calder And then clme the fiery larthe nhlldren nev Allan Roadkill rectar told the tory whlch was lllustrated by some beeutflul pnlntlngs drhwn for the occaslnn by Mrs Stewart Those wero held high for thecongregntlon to seeby John Kennedy the camel at the chnlr boys The stnry me to cllmnx wlth the rLfiglnz the chlme and there was at least moments completesllence through the vast congregntlun as they 1L9 tuned to the bells ccmlng from afar at screw the skytnd them very rcverently wth eyes filled wlth nwe and reverence th ll Then shall no unnccnéiarily burden the shop girl the mall car rier and lhemnmhant They should rhiavu Lhy comlderaunn mfiu shall nol neglect thy church It Christmas senlow are planned lo help spiritually the Christmas spawn for thee thy Child and manhch thy household ljhou shim nut neglect the needy Let thy bountiful bless fings be shared with the many whn will go hungry and shiver with ooldunlest than an generous in their time at wgm shnl as liulc child Christmas the daily at the Christ Child not umll hnu hail become in spirit even as little child an than ready In cuter into the Kingdom Heaven Thou shan prapare thy soul for Chrlstmm For vcrlly must JrimchANExmmm BARRIE drux clgnh up cojlhe creche and we lnlwlthe manner unh whlle gun for lhfiBlbx Jenn lt mg night which mmawha nw from the Iron of tha will never nevuj turner reqhe was prepared tor the manic by the Junior Guild and may cure andihe oversight wu prnvided by ha Parker tam ily on Kempenfeii Drive Back at the imanzerrwcregbalm oi straw lilo highybovarwau lighted an iei and shining 55 Whfle thn parenfi made their spiritual qlferlns 10 mm thu King the choir boy up French caugldcscrihlng lharjngmz or the be mum the rectcrdurlnx me sarvlccv warnew sKerrlng and twoanar hoygJnnk Gnvu and RonaldBuuerd AL1klng organlzed the sfldcsmen Io handle lhe large cpqgregatlon icpeazsmlée wasvimld to the chillnen at he Coddnglon choolv Thiuyvls the histuric occasion because it marked the holding at the first service in the East End Mission min the service was beauluui iss IISmwnrd assisted hy Miss min Shupou organizer the trans pqflaiion the creche The ser yiue lhcrg likewise was mnsmm préssiye In bnlh schouls great dealo hard wnrk wasdnne by the superintention nndteachers and this coupled with the coop eraiian the parents made these serviced somethiqz to mmcmbru LONDON Ont CF Annua Christmas carol service in Metro puman Unitedchurnh here wilI nature 010 massed choirs truth 20 churches Th pmgram Includes sclccllan from Handels Messiah CHRISTMAS SERVICE Iprmou Opt 99 un and ma sanse to give cm or the IMAKEMOTHERHAPPY THIschsmAs giVehervav LEONARD Came In null It In younell why llme lobuy IIVCW LEONHID llknm hm In new nmenlnr youll find 1n LEONml LOOK IM DUNLor 5T MODELS FROM SMITH SON ERICED Fido Irishman 195 Leonard Features at the héauly at the value 56 ELLEN ST FURNITURE LIMITED 1990o PHONE 2517 LUMBER CQMPANYVLIMITED LHEADQUARTERE FOR ALLYOURJ imam ANDBUILDING mus and wcjv wonduul selecllun GIFT IDEAS TABLE FLOOR LAMPS BIG WONDERFUL PLATE GLASS MIRRORS everylllln you wuuld Klndorgmlon TRICYCLES DOLL CARRIAGES HOSTESS CHAIRS TRILITE LAMPS PHONE 5557 BARRIE Vain

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