hanï¬hixhriuï¬Méflflypnzdimizii Elam SponsorSwIIk Following rmeeflng here Ortllla Scouts with thelr lender Coldwnler Scouls have been nmafllzed First regular meeting was held in Ihe Scoutroom In 1h parish hall an mu Rohen Lewej Is the new Scoutmastcr Goldwater Mons sponsor the Scout ant the clubfs committee for the fleet is Jack Tipping chultmnn Reg Tipping and Les Sanford 701mm mm Mlleslolu Mrs Ambrnse flobisun whn has resided in Goldwater or nearly 85 years observed her DD blrthdny on Den by enicrlain lug few close Iricnds Although handicapped by impaired vision Mrs Robinson helps each day wilh lhnuisehold activities and Thelma Inward Ellie luneml service was hKldJn Goldwater Uniled Chuich Dem infHownrd Elliott whn passed qwnyjsl Mam Sheggfgcsld ane on Tuesday mnmlng In his 66m year Mr Elliott came here wllh ms parents in 1893 and was In the grocery buslnesa th ms father and later with brother Ihe llller havjng predeceased hlm In Nnvnmbu 1951 He retired in ew yeaango Mr Elliot servcd lor manyyears an Coldvyatm NIKE an aétlvei Moist 171 and outside mam War 21 lxnuly llutl cuy ml the by and any on In path You tnjny we grant CA Vlclor Iuluru III Help Inna plum Mule Mvnllor rlnull Inn uullllnl Inlxlfll Throat one Hlmpllclly II he krynole in lumlnr mmlnn ublnel nullbl In Illlllhrq of mini mnhouny nr llnml oak Inuhupny Ind llmld Mi Illxhlly uln We lorl lmduInvlrnl nunlur In maulml In In In mm mm elrvlIun JUSTINTlMEFORCHRISTMAS 3y WEN Leman LOWEST PRICED Zl CONSOLE The plclure nt Nu lap lhlu ml nlmwn 5mm Irlud RCA Vlclor Dunlmr TV My brlnx In Junl llmflul mmth In In nuns mu Illrlnlnmn EVER OFFERED BY RCA VICTORTELEVIISION Th lJneVIulon rmnmnnlly lelovlalnn nnlrmm wlll be nvnllnblno Allnudnlr TV nwllml In Ina lnr Ilulllmnl mm In II 7001 nml nlmul ddan nn ohllnuon lo you SPECIAL run cnmsmns MODEL 21TC147 FEATURED AT IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS ALLANDALE TELEVISION THE DUNBAR locai Anlllcnn Appalntmenl Rev Churcher who has been eurnle verlnus churches in Toronto Area has been up painted by Bishop Beverley he priest ln charge at least unlll June this year of Goldwater Angllcnn Parish Mr Churcher Ii nommlntcd to take alravel tour In England In June The clergyman conducted service In the charge last Sunday and will uvenvllh lxls parean lnlu Ihw reclory at Cnldwalerl Get peep Rlver Comma Franks Sheet Metal Goldwater has received the contract to ln slall heating In 50 new homes lor Central Mortgage and Frnancc Cnmorallnn at Deep Elvcr The dwelllngs are to serve personnel Services were withdrawn nl Chrlsilan Fellowship chapels nl Hnmpshlre and Maunisiephen on Dec 12 to allow church members to amend the opening new Mennnnile Brethren Church at St Catharine Hampshire Chapel Sunday Schooi mncen was un Dec 10 and similar enlonaln meni takes place at Mauntgtcphen nn Decllg Unllcd Church hoards in lndge work and on munIclpalorganlu Mons His dealh allowed num ber of heart atmckasuflered re cenlly His widow daughtel and one son are lmmedim Eur vlvurs $ATURBD AT RIGHT nprclnl nhlpmcnl the now Inw nu unldmlul uc yuur rel Speck Wlnners Goldwater Liam Club specials were won by High Novice shaw lman Burton Spence Yonrllng Halters Dairyl Bev Rawson Garry Orton HeelBill Black winnersm Gram Robertson ape Calhoun Elahdlnz Cal Club mcmhem in order of genuralslunding erg Donald Ben ColdwflerflR BULB kV Fax mnad Ru Beverleyiï¬awmn Vasey RR Carry Ortonv Cold walcr RR Dnnnld Woodrow Moanstone RR Chnunpey Bur wn Foxmead RR Jim Cooke Muunstonc RE Donald Walker Goldwater RR Robert Rawscn Vascy RR Howard Walker Cnldwntcr RR MurrayLover InghColdwnterRR Gary Mac kay Caulsnn Lloyd Robertson Caldwam RR BurtonSpunce Coldwnter RR Fwd Brilmln Coldwatcrllm Only member noraHhemmner dun lo mnésa was Jim Cooke Speaker 01 lha Ipcclnl onuasioh was Bguncn the Federa Uon 04 Agriculture who was Ihnnkcd In his talk by Ruchlé Lane Coldwater LIo sponsor Hurania Callvclubflenterialned the Junior Farmers at their man qua meeting this weekyin the Parish HalL In J12 absence cl rlsldrnt Bfll Wylie Lloyd Leth erbyz Nicepresident wah malmnnFor lite portion the mneflng when awards were made at the bogs and girl siandlng In 121ch ievemem twist the Cnldwnter Fair Associnhz Amlcuh Aural chresenlnllve Jame Hnn cock presided now Tlllll mt or most ask MOOSE JAWS rmmnrmxaom 1cm 11 lands and farm depaflmen biologists cén collcct enough moose Jawthey wlll be able to tell the effect ï¬unUng has on the mooge population Vme condluon nx lfhe wen mu the 0141 dead mama which helps pmvlde an overall picture o1 hunting et lncts on herds Bill Phonshnl reported the rlnk was hnlna flooded and would soon be ready under cxlulng wea hur condmnns The um Satur daymighk alger he rink opcm the young pnnplv will be allowed to skate reef ï¬iamnaa ry gonqnpwu Sheppud gpecl tall mum DoA Jlmcuoxmflm Blank Eev anso tending In livestock judging etunawson Don Bell Burmack Garry Or Inn CBurtonr Showmanshlp dairy calves Orton Burton VRBWL wavering Showlntnshlp ln alvnn Elam 11 Spence Robgruon Bank To onto spec lalg Raginged Shnrthorn and Jens Black Bun Ramon Jlur Ion Dr Hughes specm Rggistgred Herelmds and Hnl stein Woodrow Brmnln Lover lng 0m Rawxun Mid Slngenlqllon Thoseflaklng part In 01 prts amaflam were Mr Hancuck Llom Pas Presldenbflnnd Cu Clublrndcr Eaty Lavening AMr Lolherby HamiltonDA Hughes Daflon Jurmcy and A1 bert Orton Jhe CICUVNE comm nskedyto arrange Coldw Claus parade Dec 13 am draw on In same date tommmée was Goldwater Santa 13 ï¬nd turkey 259 mm 777 Jun usuan were in gand sim ply and rwsonnble prices run nlnxfmmï¬c or pullels Io 45¢ Gmsgggesnians dlcferem gm vwas suggeslcc by spbclal pgckréze with new phénc tap and showing st con minus choice hunky In ï¬ve varieflaoLwhue dmlden and Im ber comb and extracted Far later markm or Chflsunas on Satur daybec andvalso Tuesdin undï¬uraiaynecf2rand 231mm wfllbe more gill Ideas In hand work vol dwarem klnds as advier Used In the hammer this week plénIy Of Egg Choice thka at 4010 45c lb qr Ina roaster nnd tnrhyme summer only 359 lbrl Pluxï¬p giuckx made their appearance Km mpnï¬d the Bag and savory are alwny pn sale Iawnemfmmket on Samrday at the market building 30 Mulcaster Sheet bmlz¢ht Chflslmas closer with mflaMwmt¢ and plne Chflmns lmgqrdisplaycd in inlets outdoors Iféulfirjforychï¬miias swim mic 11 Where Pï¬rkihg II Sydney Emu General Man ager at The Bank Novx Scull alnc ms and NicePresident siné 51 ha hm named Execui Potmoes while gondquallty are not plenum this year and he pdce remains at 45c basket Ap ples too were very small crop and few were uttered 65c has kel Other vegetables are null plentiful carrots turnlps cah baize parsnips and onion urlfle 19502 10 extra Large FOR THE PAST TWELVE MONTHS RCA VICTOR HAS CONSIST ENTLY HELD FIRST PLACE IN THE RATINGS 0F CONSUMERS REPORT AN UNBIASED PUBLICATION WHICH HAS NO COMMERCIAL INTERESTS YOUR Ell0P HRS lllE WIDEST RANGE 01 RCR VICTRR TELEVISION TO SERVE Y0 wnns THE RCA vlmn THE MEST POPULAR TV AMERICA uvl vicePresident He we an Assislant Gencral Mnnaéer waded11 GeneralMnnngcr by alncc1951 hashccn electod inks In Assistam Genera Direcmr and VlcePrmldem at the Manager stnce 1952311411 Dales h9nk Addifiionalwltéms Christmds Caké live vicewresldehtf waded11 General kiln cuxmary number 01 other dalnllos from 1213 kitchen and garden were shownu linclildlng jellIes and diflprtm 7mg vol telLShpflcl5 accordlng lg sun Inhome baked dalnuosï¬ rich fruit cake wés on sale not Iced or wilmcï¬s Mon 2429 mu pr nearby Wusa has posted reward $100 for In fomwunnluadlng the was and convicUun the person who cut wirejence his ranch nn ordchnnny size desired Olhzr StmLq wme pins cakes tans drap c5115 doughnuls napkin date squares and nther nuvnlugs mucupvmns RANBEOOK ac gay Jugge