lNQpImNG nbgunrgn 1mm with WhatWould chu Do Suddenly Left Million Ddlqus Sid Cmpr dncsnl him to be reminded or lhn Flm World War by the words Lest we or gct He rcmcmhrr evcry day of his life and snts up sprclnl Remembrance Day display at his hume 1n Gulhrln each year INQVUIBING ingrown Asxs in lull mid ninth in France is cm 11 ha arlglnal members MRS ANNETTE KNEISEN HR Barrie Id buy house something really nice with ovcrymmg aulomm tic Then Id take trip to Saskatchewan to visit my in Imvs and live on the interest of H11 money Id give some money to the poor not the organizations IARG IlDDINGTON Grove SL Id travel spcnd Ing three to our much In different places like Hong Kong would give mm to chamy mostly to CNIB Id 1ch my parents $10000 Then would donate part he mlércstwlo vnrlous chariun Guthrie Veteran Sets Up War Memorial flul mpley Mind 1111 ml 1w mm In lu mnnhmnre Day xlqulny ll Hg juinu gho gamuan Army CLU HILII WAT WA dmm M0 Amvlnl un Ammu Iamnny lumlnp ll PL Ilmjpl rm 71H Why not prmrvo win you luvs nailed by good Emu Planning Dullnm ml Pmonnl Llh Mar Inn Annually mm lmllvhlual Tu Emmi lmim Plum the Fouth Canadian Haunted mflns until lh end lhn war Of the more than 700 men in Ms nullit only 11 are left mmcmbcr Hi home here he rcllml your ago lull memories armor cavalryman he has collmlun mu urhzinnl hrnss lllllnal and emblem from many BARB JENKINS Med1 SL Aflcr picked myan up Id quit work and Lake ï¬ve year travel around the world vacation buy real as car and an estah wt in Shnnty Bay Then would go back to work and live off my wages and the Merest GAY MCKERACIIER Cod rlnmn 51 have lot of brothers and sisters Id give hum an downinyments on home Then would set up mu fund or the cduculian of my younger brothers and skiers Id Invcs most 01 the money and buy an average burns and say 111 Danie hl homo Gnllurll urlnr Immu ymmumru 1er lo rlmll My Kim Ind Kur HalInn lwln nmlmr Ilmlm of he mnunlcd units vhlth served In the First Grcal War The Union Jark and the Red Ensign an draped around hls display whlch reminder at places and cvtnls lhe First Great War The lugs nm at least 60 your old Icaluréd are lhc names four places among ha many ART BLACK Thornton guess Im happy the way am Ive got In Job and we have our vwn home and things would just carry on the way am Id rave dur ing the summer holiday Id like naval in Europa lDllN BATTER BE Strand Buy new house near the place llve nvw Then Jake 11kg trip and tour the world for while would llke In so to England and on wesl llwn ld zlve same of the money to the crippled and mnrdcd chlld EC SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Chances It you will turn fmlunc in the nut lwcnly yum Life Insurance may help ynu prcscm very lmporlnnl pm or lhnl lmlunc A5 local Sun Life mnrmmalivc may discuss lhh man with you vbougbl for be TOM ANDERSON l9 DUNLOP ST 71664 where Sld taught Mons Vimy Ridge Ypm and Arms but tercd old bugle which he used In blow once in while sits In place honor Pictures Churchill lhn nrl ï¬sh Bulldog and The Splril of 14 am In view along wllh reminder the cartoon scrch of Old 1111 who lived In The Heller ole VThcn vhmt In during day Hm got hll in the log and wont lno shell hole Mr trophy runlls lhe day when Ms unll look mm in an nllnck on Arm We were supposed to make night aluck ho laid but lhc Gurmnnx go Msa to us we were withdrawn or non dayi was sitting In DILI shell halo when Frilzin cnmn aver lhn lopfl ho was nrmrd ha could hnvo plugged me mily nut wna sand 00 lo came own and oner cd ï¬lm cigarellu and triad to cheer the guy up He won In um um ï¬x Wu Mm while he Red Cross came nIDnR And wan nnl In Inn an gum ho was pick up prlmcn ane was ll dlncrcm hrrcd German In the Secand War he commtnmL MONIIHMI 161 David Gmnk NMKY Ickmn Fumgn 11mm mum of he LN In ymul MM Frlmy my lmrlmn nlmml lo hdp unimth him Unllnl Nauvvn mat mm be nmniol by 1M Hod Imam Wm nklml mun ROGER monmsox Maple Ave Id like to travel to the South Pacific ï¬nd on an nroundLhewofld trip Then Id pay or university edu cation and buy my parean new house would stay In BanXe to live king haul numcmhrnnce It im nuw he mid dunl lhlnk lhrrc ls Hue splfll In ll llml Ihcm In prwiuu year TONIL llMlILlON Lin Aw Id die Id have enough money or the educm Hon my Ilsler and myml Id give mm In my mother and have her put this test in the bank Then think would take my mom rm trip back to Brilish Oolumbln Mr let 41 lnkvr vlwml Mrï¬lll llrdvmlly ï¬rm in unit pm In band 11an Ill would afmln Chinese Could Reject Canada my Heavy booking Ire building on most transportation systems because wsslhle Air Gun ada mike Monday but can dlan National Eanwnynln an gin Ewart no rush or flckeu CNR Cnnadianfadflc Rail way and Canadian Pacific Air um repented yesterday ma reservation for travel flex week on omepf heir main inter city runs wen bemnunz dim um oblnln NotAvBushed ForTickéis CN Reports Télks between Air Canada and the International Association of Machinists In Montrell canti ued undeadlogk The urika would take mm mm pm CNB Rnpldn exvice which links Mnnlxeal Ind Torv onto expected to be ï¬lled ta Richy Mpndfy capacity Mondnï¬ Heavier book Ks than mm were reported on other alrllnex serving Montreal and Toronto ram points in lilo United States parumhdy Nev anngur who would nor mally use Mr Canada 11va been makinmnlmnnle arrangements with the assume of the II llna luclL oflim are to remain open even it ï¬rm does occur to help passenger make alter naletmvel plans an Air Can ada spokesman said TORONTOSome of lhe mare haugmful members of the Pro gresslve Conservative phalanx In tha Ontario Leglslntuxe am worried about the next provinA clal election They are conï¬dent Shout melt ovm prospects What worries them is the slluatinn of the Hb ral pany may see dear possibilin that Lh Liberals in Ontario maid go the way 01 the Conservative ln Brlush Col lunblasmuered at the polls wllh allrbut Macon support shuung lo the other parties Thls would mun that the New Democratic Party would be come the numerical as wgll tha etlccuw opposition in the Leglslnlurl which in Iurn would mean more dllï¬cull elecA torn struggle ln he Mun well an mot thorny lime dur lng leglealiva sessions The Robaxu govemmcnl seemed to bl in trouble lust ernzl In urban and nunl ur cas Farmer and unlonisu were particularly militant am as the summer mm on tha Erovlnclal zovcmmcnll trou les llltcd into Mu became an parent as general cllmala ol discontent and mom and more the focus lhnt dlsmnlenl cen tred an mam Ind ha collapse of ellmlvu government there Conservatives Are Worried About Liberals The Hut mslon ol sixweck salts or skllnz Mumn nl the Barrie began his momlng Sammy moraler dime will anmlo In two mare Wflkl be Mm 130 AM In odock Boyl and girls mm yam And adult elm The UbernIslxIzd dcsperalely to grab he ball of ditconlenl and run with it Time and azuin they tumbled When any yards were made hey we made by the NDP Tho Kcnm byelmlon rbsuk clearly show the way lho score wnl going TRY EXAMINFR WANT ADS PHONE 7mm Skiing Class Opens At lnwrlnco Agency Mlle 73 LU In ml Ilium Imlnn Mum Mn um IM Mumu lmtrdlon OH 0m Ono lJnhlllty pl snécuflo The Burrle Examiner lot put the SURE In lnlurnncu wllh Comprohunlivo Homo Protocllon All IlmM humanv By qwm may SlESSOR In munmm mum mum lul In rulml Adjndlcmr Ian Fellows ol mawa had prabe to drum groups from Barrie Central Col legiate and St Josephs High who performed last night at Midund In the Georglln Bay Dram Festival Mr Fellvws 531d Centrall pmentaunn George Bernlrd Shaws St Joan refloéted 3991 emhuslasgn And Inglvldya DAME EXAMINER SATURDAY NOV 1m BEHonnInces In The Haunei Bdrrie High$11995 Praised At Festival NO ACCIDENTS Banlo and Marlo valncial Felice report no accident in lino Banlo ma all day may and thin morning LIBRARY DEPMY Barrie Public Library will sponsor In an show 93an Mondaylhe artists all from Newmarkel will be at the lllr my in the morning to hang their paintings They will be Ivnllnble or discussion in the nitemnon Paintings by Hi nhanl audwlck and Mr and Mn Parlom TO VISIT FAIR Barrie Honinï¬wrnl Society will sponsor vigil to the Royal Winter Fair nnd the Allan Gnr den Greenhouu display Wed neï¬day bus will leave the Wellington Hotel at nm Cell Miss Yeaies or Llnyd Gunning KIND AND The play The Kin and which comes to Bun1e Nov 26 sponsored by Ladies Aux Ulary tn the Lions Club Players are The Nln City Operatic So ciety Kitchener Waterloo There will be two staging ms and 815 me AM CLUB SPEAKER John Au must and npera tor of The Colmtry Gallery Munay Furl cl Brndlord wa among prllo uinnera 1n leld mp compcliUmA Med on Friday at the Mal minim winter Pain Fur placed wound in 90 Mo wlnm when cmrpcli lion Winner In lhat aim was Gordon mmof Milton Sergeant wnod by Milt Palmer demiwrz was man ed the best Belgian drawn lime BradiordMan Wins At Fair 524m War is destructive murderous thing That falls upon people and gives them sting sting that will completely change their lives Like winter attacking the bees in the hives Killing people left and right And even those not in the light Deeply hurting the dead soldiers kin Who of course will not see them again Why does war do so much damage Because of the leaders leading the rampage The men who argue and use guns like toys And right it out like little boys 25 0F Humnn Hllr Shlppod Dim From lllly Prltod from 585 No huh le Gm mum lrrnL Dam in Selmulmn And hnvu the lmnml Ila My yuur half or Hm rnminu 1mm namh Youll be glad yvu did TOLEDO COMMUTATOR Wig Special HAIRPIECES 325 and up MANAGED BY VICTOR RAVANESE OPEN TUBE THURS FRI NIGHTS TILL LOCAL AND GENERAL HIECHRISTMAS PERM SPECIAL Hair Slvllng WAR 1hulre presented bythe St VOWhI drama club rated high Bungm ami Helen Halsiard under the direction Kunkel They played wilh real ul thusiasm and put forth good effort the adjudiulnr sald The cast and director Ml lhe Terra Com Ont v1 bu sues make at mavun the Barrie Axt Club In be held Nov 15 mg In the Public KIWANLS CLUB Kiwanis Club of Barrie will huld its annual Fauxer and Son Night Manday avmlng 515 In Community Home To ronto st mam mgram mull will be teamed Banla Fire Department am wered cal to 12 Ottaway Avenue 913 this mornlng when in car was an Inn Fire DEL spokesmen uld tha ï¬re In carburetor ul in vehicle was caused when the Engine backï¬red Damage was Firemen Called To Car Blaze City council Wm be asked Monday to authorize construc llnn walermalns on Ardagh Road mm Industrial Road We £11ng the clly En bylaw Inn author he 1424400 main undu local Improvemen act up or three Mondayn 913 Another bylaw wnuld nulhor he the awning at Marshall from Murray Street In Baldxfln Lane and Mumy Street 1mm Marshall 19 um dogd um third bylaw am up for three readlngs would nmrnd zoging bylmfvv 2904 Correspondence before council includes moiulion from ihe Georgian Bay Rrgionai Develop mom Council asking provinciui nulhoriliu to open In Lnkciand Reception Centre all year Seek Watennain 0n Ardagh Road 14111195 roles In St ann ggrg unwary smunl EllMy lLy 5don Me 11 um 716 I1 sense greatness In lhe pl an were abjg to project ï¬wiever 1h ï¬rï¬mam lacked the sense 01 mnrnymg ï¬nder from history he no Mr Fellows laid Dyck Charles VII Franc shvw good expression and chamom lzalIou and Miss Hnlgaard as St Joan dlsylnyed good na tural prfscncuï¬l Eanmno dlreded the John Rnndnu mystery presean by sumph Roberta Maclnnln proledtd well the mun mmflum fear the adjudicator uld He called Axum Brodie ï¬ne nn turn aclren with good voice and mum But all character In my cry should appear mum one time or another Ind um was man In urn rulerm 39 ME Pu Mn Harold Duny ER Barrie ha been declared wIn net m1 weekl N131 on the Town West Sn and her hmband Ml to on 1mg Friday ovoglgz As winner the and Mr in band ahm ioihwrinli hair Ilyle complimmi nl Rubyl Beauty Salon one lady casual dress And one main lull clenned My Quality Glenna free transpon tallon or the waning compli menu ha Album 70 carnage from Foodie Flowers diam or two at the Continental Inn free passes or iwa to View movie at ihe Roxy Ihentre enicminment alter the show the Continual Inns Garlic Brawn Pigb Night On Town Contest Winner Answer lo the pubic was Bllee DHIKI mun Eondndeï¬onlzhli Tour Spain Portugal Morocco for only 75 down Yhal vlaml 75 you my on 21m holldly mound lhl unny Mcdnumnun Blllnn In 24 moume Inmnmunu 32375 lownllbnnklnh IL Your call lmm Slab Includu economy Incumnn mum lm lvom Tnmnlo llnloll unhluomu mm mull uuldl Irsumo 5n yan Invnl Ann Cnnadllll Pull and Em Fromm Callie IL nurlc ml Olflcu 1ZHIOI Ill 12H um rum Mutuu Auwnahlll lnlllnml Cm AUTO INSURANCE FOR RESERVATIONS AND TICK CALL IA nlcmtnll III Illa IIH AmtIVES jg 0K Johnson Travel Sovvlco ImI mum fl flu nun om lwbalnnlh nu Illflll