Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Nov 1966, p. 10

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jllll Iwu mummm 4pm lim In IAKY mm IIMII IIIM mm Hwym lhnw mn Munn 4mm um my mm um 17m mm 14 HI OIvuln Klnlllm KJIJ Iflomwr Mom 1Alhvrl Mud Mark up AI Mu in nimu hum nrml rnn 141m Nnml only onmm lTmy mm 330 zcmkn Haul Innnd Nun seen MIG lhmnll mom my 1m lmlhn ImI mm mm mm II Anm llfl L1 humn munnu Mm 44am mme school 00 Ll mmm hnnull ot rulle mm ln uwl Imm Mnuh ml 11th 13mm JUmhrelln am Thu Lmbuhn um thn mm llTrnn 30 1bit ncvm ITLIA wéna L00 van Spcrlll 34er roamII rml lhn melll 14mm am Mm llDmll Tm Mum landlnm ALmlc Hnnnaw Lmx NonA 7lmlrlmlp vw umumny man It Alli IlImm And my lnulr all H903 bcmomu llCllnrdnl 930 xchmh Inle uon tUmlc Jerry club 1Lnus xxqum leumll 1001 24m Anne blev Unto AU rm 1incer Ship DSunxuy llCuudln lPunn Compr lComedy Caper IBemy Cecll llOrll Robert NW zDelm Vuley my sLose In 5pm 4Chlnne ReportI bThnnaemud llumen Hobo llm Punch 730 2Aflicullm USA at Tram im Lu éliom chmhemrm fismd Hem sWmulng cNn counldown IAller Fnur llWnllllnl 430 owma span mu the neck Jankensteln Fun The cmmp 7Wlde Vurld INOWI lNzw Ind spam ilulfl€moueuu 550 11mm limbo znun flunny nnmpu Blmnumnu Hy JOSEPH moms MD BUFFALO EARRIE BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILTON 111 rumu Munn 700 T0 COED HEALTH Dear Dr Molner My oldrr son who nearly 171 Mm our dnctor call late NW He was neariy 14 heme he was museum and even now has my scent boat and it Is my blondc HI younger brother MW 15 was ubescent at and re turn mm mm manlh 3m 71mm mm Avoid Issue War Age Difierence MONDAY NO TELEVISION PROGRAMS SUNDAY N0 un an Im SATURDAY NOV EVENING MU MY NOV Id MORINING AND AFTERNOON mu 100 10nrmluuon IMIW Grille lrrlmdly HIM anll lllvuly 11mm of ml mm DIMI vThl Illnt 4an MM Inn VlIllrMfl mm unuim mm lMmu no Amiv ummn Mr Ind II on MORNING AND AFTERNOON mm lDocumtnhri Hm sm uvm Word gum AM leo 7H Hum DSplctnlm llConunenul fllnb nun Imv LIWFY nd IIll um Nu 741m um Illny Erlvnllnr mm lvanla mu Ir IIlul Cnunlry nnc lNMmIIy uumu mm Tum 411m llnlmu mm Nmmllmu IL pm Imm llhmnnul Mum AAndy ol Hub Laupemmm Ilnp Illr m1 In mm Lmlhl mum 44m Vnn nyl YIHHYI han nlnm Louu Hum mullI 00 ml Annma mi Ylnm 11 Im shad mm HIM1n Ile nun 1qu Full 11m Andlam Drum lunnll Inounxl mm rr noon mm 7anln Jumbo amm mm i141 new 1130 xsvecuum amtm um 1mmvery nwm You Wm 11m iig Lon Conlrul 14 Club Illlln Album TV mo ZMovle Ill Ntvlr Paul tn leln wom Hlmld ol mum IlFlthu Munn 730 me DLImy snunmk um mm TIMI Im wno mm bllllfl 7lunnl nna vTv nun mnn nm ll llnllyunod 5T armrnm hm 41m Todly 44mm Semen 11mm 1200 2Sum and Submm JNewl Wenhtr 47m Zlm Tooth AY NOV 7Voy oTno Mnnkeu llWm Dlmty 1230 211er srmm HKHo alum 16hanc iPleue Donn mme nann Wnndm zae 5mm Sflockey mm Camdl 4mm mu man llDmu va 7hwnncu hemmy mm mm Mm Who Knew Too Much INavu Puma Hunky uleluu tMedlul Rnund Tnhh Hulk Gleason llCdn mum jqnlblll lit camp two summers agmwith precocious and alrodmulln clplem black beard vihlc mada him shave off 1115 board ls thick and lully adult now and he was mud to be the only Grade student with real heard Now he sham daily and often again if he ls going out Wing fillfquestlnn not Important but am curious How unusual EWING 1000 1And7 Wlulllm 3Poluln1 mum 6Cmdld Cnlnln BNnul Ambit um hum llwh rm 7Tlml ha vmm In Cnnmct Mnm Thuer Hum Uan but am Cambode 0mm 110 tAl In World tum 11mm Wm IATIKI mu umml mun Ian Invl mule 1w mm Mn mm mum him Vwr ll Am ml WI JMCI vrmrn run my Illy llDlllulul xIm roam11 1xuuu um Anmn unux amum our um um um mi 530 no 00 3wumvm NV An an aAnm In zTmnlm Mu lChlnml mm Sn wm Mo well on mlr Tm 1an1e Km mu JD nuum 5me Cula lIOpln Mlnd 140W Pill llGrul mm 100 HOW Calendar Pro Football lPm roomx1 BPllflmn llThll Spica Au ICuxdldztu 5411mm 1ch amp lxumt 1mm 1115 tnmhn Mm 1100 4191Nwa Wuum 5m mu Hnlurdly Mum Sunniy Mm Ind Sunday llarnlnl dMwle Stnmtn Whln We Meet 1130 1510le mm ana Men 11anl Welmer sport unlocmmzt 1030 II mum um Alllchmtl llf IMI LP My Hum Wm lunmln Mum Mrm um Cmn Mun Iumm 1mm tMbflnn Imwslhle IlDiuco PHI GGunmwkl Hamlin 1030 MD Hum Mm the WM llHhxkblmer 5mm mm ll vau wmhu ovum uur Span uimn DAILY CROSSWORD Opening lead ace of hearts This hand occurred in lb 55 Iha United States in 1958 lha first talflc with US palr hold lng the North South cards he bigplng weng ushpv North having Umlled his hand at one palm by showing willing ness to slap Iwo hearts was then able to cuchid the ace al clubs and klng diamond 1n rm cllon to cooperate wilh Souths mm Irles ILSi liedfllha Ede of hem and shined to diamond at Ls It far boy to produce heard so young And 1511 add for brothers to malm so dIfLerenllfl prohle ls to avoid lelllng the dillete he in ages become an Issue See that young blackbeard hua good razor and blades and let there ho reasonable sllence Empha sizing lhe vlrlllly the younger boy could scar the other boy psychologicallwa the dark heard show up more than llght one Ride the situa lon out quietly Dm Dr Molnar My buy band had vasectomy seven years ago but never returned The oider buy may be slightly late bloomer and thu younger Is 5th early lbluamer but neither out sIde nu range at being normal Duferances In use of matura tion are seen even In nonIdem on twin would not use 15 mud precocious or the younger boys heard because pmo clty ls used medically only when secondary sexual chum ensue appear much eailler than In his case As he whedwr the beard was alroclousl wauldnl care in say but Id pryfer to nvold II EAST WEST qu 10 VA van mus 62 Imm 4K1 soum mun1 mums qu Thu blddlnz North Minnelli 33 Annmr 906 234 51mm lnr ummunl um mm uuoml Luz muv malnme manle L1 llllnu Jllh 15 Noflh Munue Huh Immnnm mm 110mh mm Andya PM oJImmt 21 Round Ikllvrm lnrthlll 211mm wnllnu 70 rlnn mum ILIIIII mm 19 MI on rum Khml Mran swam man 13 Amth an imik mm Noah dealer NothSouth vglneralie mum ll girl ALllOM Eu Pas CONTRACT BRIDGE can QKDs Munz wvfivv 81235 4131 at III LNllrlhll DOWN LWrm Ilvlnk All Wm an lll7lwr alnvn plant lnr mund llnk llll cum Attempt lug mun duk urvlnl wmy uylig mm By JAY BECKER Wait Flu Pu HUBERT lllhl 35 olm Rimming rm 26 Fund tum mm In mum nunmm Mark on 20 Thmw Imhlhl Ilnnllll OAK Ihln 10 mnul A1 the second Iahle Ih Ar gendne Nonmth pair alsn ar rIvcd nl six hearts but they went down ope The bidding wtnl Norm East South West The Argentine 10 L530 poian on his one hand butthe loss was dhllnclly out pro portion lo Mlalvvtr lack sklll heir West displnytd at the first table by lendan the ace of beam Instead of diamond 11pm Wes led lhe five of diamond Soth look it in dummy with the king and led heari iinmsing the ten Wm won with the ace returned diamond which East miicdhand 59th was dawn one Han we as one mten make 1he difference between winning and losing an impor tant match men was mendous amount of luck invol ved In he do and the US 1m had nu he bust the trick two Dedarer look the din mnnd In dummy win the king lineuai the ten of beam cash nd fiho Me 01 spades ruffed spade cashed die are ciuba ruflBd club ruffed the jut of spades and rufled another club Ha than drew Easts last Hump to make the firm or score of 1430 Winn and here Is another paint to remember necessary ducts may also be presemvand ll there me not discovered and dad sperm can sun flow through hem Therdore Lha man should always be checked alter the uperallonlo make cer tain no sperm would firesume that ll any Ullnz had cen wrung with operation you would have be come pregnant before this so would see he doclor to check me other cause for your to lhq doctor or Mhuckup WI have six chfldren am nnly CM and think am pregnanl ggagn Could this be an Vamto culling or tying the duclmiflch canXe male sperm an enactive mean of preventing pregnancy but than are seveml thing you shy blow nbouUL firxt thammflizhréffecl L1 not Instantaneous Theta are small structures called seminal vuicle which retain soma sperm and me alermzlnk effect is not nbtalned unul these have had Mme to em ly Alter the vasectomy no urlher sperm reaches these vesicles In lune Imprggnnmn nu loner l1 pqsglble suspicions Innu Ann JL Mulkll Illllf amm amuxnnm In lhbyl 0d 10 run dum 15 Hull JOAI Pass um Max HAD CAN RIDE HOME FROM THE DANCE WITH YOU AND RONNIE Awma nor TAKING Enxim 056 amen MOCaSFMs EMS no nmnF KNEE anagrcx vmm 05 3F max 51 gmgbmmm IVE 4501 AN AWFUL UNDEfiNEATH MYCASY manna7w 7w mm row mm munruomn wmmm to on own gram 503 MR WEE my mm Nu row mama $0 on mww 1n BARE EXAMINER SATURDAY NOV 12 1M AND NEED soma THING KEEP MINDOEOFIY r1 Hls TOO CDALI Mom You LAsr 7m Tm HAPPENED 41 91 05 aw in RI

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