Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Nov 1966, p. 1

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llr Dirltnhnkrr mid flu gnv Hmnrnl had 1rd Hm puhMc ml mvk In Mliuvn rlvil nlrvemls would unl be pnld units Hm lumly hill was nmvrmnl 11w lhumlay Ilnvcmm MIMI or Demon wlm mm lmr Mgol rn hll mk unul Ian nluhl nn BOUND WM Itan llaiml nunm Mummy It flay mm pxilm Ila mlin ulmnk rum lnM qlme 3rd fluidly mmth mm minth 11 Mm Mmy Mm mm mm SM MIA mm alum um lullm Iii The mmmcnt molan or 64hour mllnns ll armme pm ummy 13 mmuhlc wind will llkrly draw mung wlmltlon lrnm MIA IIZKING ilkulna hplmmu the 9mm MM 1an It mu Ianmm anim lmhy walknl ml 01 mm mHy nwklnu Up uulmnry of ho ham Sun YMMII um Ilium levvlvllon l1 lrntkr 5pmth H1000 Mann In vml twat lull In pmuk lmum lnu l2th hml mle llw puma 5mm INIqu Kl bflmylrd INuII 1M flu Ilmmn Inlrlmtm Mm lulnnn luv Mkn v11 Huhnmn Mm mum Nil hm hm anmnl Mn Im um nl Um rally HAWK JUNUHON Out WI Nine mu Mmm lrnA Iral Railway mam lnin In arrath Friday 911 vlwmz up ulul lad 1M mu Inohrhm mo MN with 217000 Illa llMiyuulIMllfia Intmo umvnl liw rmh winu 7va train mum an at um mnum tmwal hauled Haw EM Mada Mill HIM In hut IIIls mmozmnmwmaxuw warm Formal notice of moilun that Common sittings would cun inue witth break unlil pas Inge ol an inlcnm supply bill was given Thumlay before Revenue lllinlstcr Benson an nvunccd tho ncccssary funds 10 meal government bills had bosn United AppealPrepares For OneWeek Blitz Opposition Le ad or Didcn baker hnd denounced tho pm posed rmmdlhcclock silllng Liberal mnvc lo embarrass hlm the national Conserva cunvcmion which mm hero Monday Mr chhnbnkcr old upon us hut he gnvcrnmcnt ls hop mg he will be removed as Cow mvallve leader at he mnvcn Ion hem dThe govtmman proposed opcmm by cxhnusllon The wave was nnjllvmm to form he urnml Ioms Imificuuon hlIl lhc Issue Mucklng passage Ike supply hill lmxn the hnwln nl parllummmrhm OTTAWA CHfie govern mom has abandoned its plan to hm the Commons begin 2+ huur simngs Monday Gavcm mm stc Leader McIlrailh said Ioday an McIIrailh said the original move was very good one in the chwmsmnccs Unless Did comes up Mm something new the Housu will proceed with normal sitting hours he said Receive Soviot Space Signal USSR Diplomats Walk Out Train Dcrails North 01 Saul 101m Ylar No 264 Robin Hood the United Aweals symbol visiml city hall Friday or an informal chat with Barrie Mayor Les Grits Abandon Sitting Plans LATE NEWS ROBIN HOOD AT CITY HALL lllr Dielcnbakcr said inund tnwlock sittings had um been held since 1le when die Lib eral opposition the day was trying to black naval bill llc declined to say whnllmr Comer valivcs Will prolong he supply debate next mil however he hupcd Mr Pearson would Change his mimi on the 21hour sitiings WW GINHuman hzm Minuet Mnrfln Friday night umnd up muddy visit MW with an appeal or pmzrrs nrrm mnlrnl and Unlml Nafium warm Rowing The Conscrvalivcs have been pressing the government to send Ihe Mom unification bill to commiuce berm the measure gets second reading appmvai in principle The guvcmmcni in sisis the bill gel mend roadlng first lhcn iurlhcr debate can 01 lvw In committee Mr Pearsun said his govern mom will flake its We on he Martin Mdnming dinner in lwnnr sxld llwrc is llk rrmuxl mm or Minn these £141 in he um 0m 1hr fixing nule yewaw by the war VM Nam Summing up hi 1qu im high lhmm MidAla Cmmdinn unkrsmm MM ULIl Mnnin mm lhc Ihmkul lmdmflp 1101 In Mo about poml hk mmmnklng rule fur H10 hmmmry InflnIWWHLI ml lolmllismn in Vid ann nounced th at he necessary lunds had been found Martin Appeals For UN Force Cnoke The attractive Barrle girl was accompanied by Len ore Woods lull campaign publicfly chairman and Russ 119 715mm Exam mu raiéa no mu mm Illlr ml hllm 19 I7 um vaym 01ml Mm mun um mavhhln flvr mmm uflrr um chm when anmw Mink RN HM In an humw Im Im Marylin rm think 901 mm mm widml him lil Iuwvnlr vawflgnlr flu mink ummy Imna um um Immune wvmum will he Canadas lhird term on the council 111d has lhe primary responsibility under he UN charlcr or mecung threats In Inlcrnalional pram and ardcr Canada was rouncil mum hcr 1n 1mm when he lale Can McNaughton Ml ils UN ambassador It was an the council ngnln In IDGMO Mien Charles llllchle now Cn nmllnn ropmcnlnuvc on he cnuncll of the Nnrlh Allnmlc Trudy Ornanllauon wan lhu ambassador VlmUu proimllmz It Nam War III Mlnwn and Am paying Irilmlc ln dead ha Thin Wurld YFIMVA llr IL ire Auth Humid p3vaan mqndnlul mnatw 1M ml dinum Mum mminq Iy dim Imjnn mminan NW MI mvnwlmfi ml llnhllfllw wuui names the five nnw mem berm lhe Securuy Council has five pcrmnncnl mcmbcrl lho United Slnlcs the Sovch Unlon France Britain and aniannllsl China nml two members new In 190667 lorms annn Nl win Mall Mama and Ar ucnllnn In Tummmmmm Imiuuannl llrmrmhmnw My ccrrmoulu mm Annual rrrrmnnirn rheuhcrn MM Ill Mllhuul mklrnt mm MM natal uth nun mun on human XI They take up flwir mu Jan Ambassaxkx George lgmuul will be hu chic Canadian dele gnle at cauncil mccUngs which may be calch at any lime UNIFIED NATIONS CF Oanadla ms elated In year term on lhe UN Smmly Gmlmfl Nday Chasm carna by Ihe WEO Wmtem Eumpc and mm lglocas in uamdidmo far one the five mnwmncm Scat In the 196165 1mm Canada got lHomofllJwtcsminlho UN General Assembly 11 um also 15 114 vac Elfilopig 109 Denmark we Iudge Starts Postal Talks Vote Canada To Security Council in nu StLphons Barrie Chambcr of Commerce president ccnlre Slory page Daren Examiner Photo Remembrance Services Are Picketed By Youths pm nww mmbcr are Brn CANADIAN Illkss 11w pilhU luwrml Ihrlr mm lnr lunmlnuh In um um bm mm lnr Iwhlml lhom dmuandfil HA The ymllhl umrrlml lavlha IVS Enlmuy acme Iron lnrllmnrm llil Wlmn Hwy mm in lnllr xmmdx It llw MIL Hwy we II 94 pHLInl 1MP Flu 54L ll nary lulu wotmzlml lhnn mlnu lhe mm Il Hm um um ymuiu 00 DEMONmATE In anmu MAIN rrowdl mm lhe mam In my Ml mute Unhmlty nmmln luxle mm III and damtuna Mol dkn 1mm on the univle Home ha Hint of In mm Icmunnrntlnn by ymm plrkm wm lalun ml by Karo Aludmu mm Carleton Univmlly Mu rity high whom who nmhnglwl In VCINMM nnd pmnu Ramond MM Hm ananI Wnr Mum vlnl in xmfulrrnllnn Squaw TIN llrnmmlrnllon will an Imlkflllnn ul nhnlrnl wlnx uncrnlly boy said 11w plckull IIW hnrlh wunIs um 111th Iunru lrum vrlrmm In llw mum wlm Imllralnl Hrnwmhrunu llny ANHCI wn rm Hm Ilmn nr vlnm lnr VIN Nmu pm It HONG KONG litmus Comm re animu Mao 1se1unx has spoken pub licly or he irfl mm lully 01 Rod Guam the New Gum new am said Friday night In bmmkafi mated here he ngmcy said Man apvke Malay Irmst mm In Tim An Mm heavenly pm Squaw Mich Mal moth hey Mlay shite Al mm rallim Maos heir apparent dem Minisuf Iln Plan spoke on his bdull tho nzmcy um 11m 1mm mid mum Hun 1000900 your now Mr mvulmhnury lulchm mum mm minor part of Erin lo mhxme In the mlflu Mild 1mm In one mdmwn Negotiations between amine representatives and the inter national Association of Machin naiinnai Aminllon oi MachinA isis were held Friday night and early ind at downtown how but Mr cddcs said the 5135 No details 01 the proposal to be suhmflmi today were elven and akllne and union spokes mm declined to comment on 1115 mum mov9 have been demanding wage increase of 20 per cent over one year Their MAW Vin kvnuml revolmilm cm IE was nnthing Iuither to discuss the talks broke off We Hadvbcan meding or MONTREAL CPITalks to avert scheduled strike that would close dawn Air Canada Monday for the first time in 29 years were suspended early to day but mediator said he will meet separately with both aids 3ij Pmuls mcblud Géadcs of Taromo mediator in the dispute involv ipg about 5200 IgadtiplsL said lha counuics concern Mao Personally Sees Red Guards em Barrio Onhrlo Canada Saturday NW 11 1966 Joint Talks Conclude In Air Canada Dispute US ASTRONAUTS SEE SUN ECLIPSE mum Iml chm humor drmomlrlllom Ithfillllfll today Muyor lhnlip Given Her nnml lhe cix tlfrmnnlrl dlkh IMmc Mlnlmr Sham rmrrunml we prim lnlnlfln Ind LINILGUV Fall low pmvhm AI lhe nfllonnl wnr mfmurlnl In Ounwn maln Menu wm Mum Ivy Mm INIKQ HI nIum nl Tnmmo who ImI hm mm In Hrcvml World War ImI vammd III mdhrrhnod Irlmr Mlnlmr lurm or moon CnnndIIn ur Mud and Mr JuIIIm John Cudwrlghl TM Su vmm Courl of Cnrwll Mu nmlruinl In In PM World Wnr rumum Mm1r Gum Vanna Mmml WIIINI In mm nu ma mum Mm an nilMm cm Mm mm the munch hr tho IM km ulna Fur he hm hm ulna mounting LAnmlllu 7mm we pinned I11 film and We n3 Mhthfll lulu am he can wm Inkl b1 Mn Illka Tomb for the II Candin lulu ml lion ml Hillard 01M 01 dink mu by mm and sum Mal wer Iho Red Gum mm band Mm mm mm lead miowm bah ralliu Met Mao was drhm flmuil the man FHday mva 1ch Guard mshui Io telegram ol fm Ln smd messaflm to their lriwb saying Man was nr bmt vigorous and in vtry wad IINNI lhe mm World War 111m vull mnku lhu Mamhhcd unmllxcd by Imr Ctmvtaph 1m llkr mrrn hmrlck they worn luld by Lwlbl Abraham llirfllrl In uddnon the ONE CPR bus companles and Canadian Pacific Aminu said they would be able to handle alurger num bar at passengers than nor mally Hawever reservation All Air Canada might was unbargoed ak mIangM Friday Under the arrangement 5th mcnzs desllned or ouLside Can ada and Hum coming hm lhe coquy wm not be accemd by the airline waver at least 31 smaller companies had nppllmi la the Air Transport Board or per mission to handle addlllomx pn mngm during the mike an Mr anadnfppkenmn sa The me as offeredw cents an hourawn 12 per centIn wage increases over hree years Ind an additional 3V cent In tinge benefits in first year lop pay tale now is 17 an hour OFFERS 40 CENTS The sflrike deadline Monday is pm local standard time acrpsa Lhe cmmLyy lie said he campany is most unwilling to accept demand which will ammim to $1500 we pay increase and pm he airline in me red dnnt inland see the company put in mm position My lIcGrLgor miq Al nda spokesmen said air mail delimit Canada normally handled by the com yany probably would be taken aver by other air line in 10 event ola slrike me upcrflllons In and rmr overseas would be takcn over by the national airlines ol ha counuics concerned Muhlm mmallly hunter Imn all or inimflv ml of film at lumen 9mm of In Vla Air Canada President Gordon McGre or loid union ncgoiia um Friday that he Ls not going tn permit the companys profit position to change because of Imian demands It had not profit 930960 in 1965 lar lraycl next week on some main Intercity runs were be coming difficult to obtain OFFICES STAY OPEN Air Canada will keep its ticket 9mm upon even the strike docs lake place to help unv ullm Ind accommodations with other carriers Huang337320 Wtle N0 Clndlnn Ann Landon7 Clly Newz ClnslltledIZ ll Comicsll DIIrchS DenimJ 12 Edllnllnll Sparkl Thrillth VomcnIG TV Lhflnnlo WellharH The Examiner The mum egg came mm finale leopard mm which ovuLuul on fro arm here In um will Ibo Gemini munb ol lhe CECI muamlhl 11d Hm lowI my whim Mlan mam up pomd II mum CAPE KENNEDY AP 1111c Gomml spa twins are mm 01 eggs ollliqd how Wham flfidl end Nim Mdny the cxpuimonl ding the died of zravky entryway called for nflcxflm from mus Ml IE lavell Jr m1 FAlwin Aldrin On their lint N55 ever the Unnad sum they mm or dercd put lhenml mm on Um egg bvx Manse Instru rrwnu on lhu ground said lhu can we too hot Lulu tho nslmnaula wm 05de lo chch the dcdrkul oonncdor lo the box nnd the 555m dlckcd thin om Nam war rum when CAPE KENNEDY F13 AP Shielding their eyes against the suns glare the Gemini 12 asxm nnuts chased the moon across South America today and snapped photographs of one of natures most spectacular sights solar eclipse For 10 minutes as their space anallot raced across Lhe skies James Lovell Jr and Edwin Buzz Aldrin Jr were busy cameraman rec or the siendy movement or the new man as ii slipped across the are ol the sun For seven or eight Seconds the sun was in rare total lips and the Gemini picture may give man his most revealing look his phciwmcm and perhaps arr EWCI same scientific runes Bciore speeding out over the Atlantic Lovoli and Aldrin pitched the spacecmlz nose down in an apparently unsuc cessiul effort In phologrilph the giam SZnfilwidc shadow the man as It slid across Peru Bo livla Brazil and Argentina Gemini Crew To Hatch Frogs Americans Score Another First Space Manoeuvre No Mary Than IOcvPer Copy 14 Page nunor Mill UMmm MW Emu tiny Wirch Scores of scicntkls rum around Iho world roamed South Amerlcnn sklm In more than twu dozen nInnca min on mmu nnd oflwr cqui ml at he plucrwmcnn Sound nu rock on new rod from base in Brazil and Argentina and more of balloon nnd xhlpbanni ca mcnu were hrounm Into play 111 piclures were among more lhan 1000000 lhal were lalmn ol the rare whpselirsl ol lls kind ln ll months and only the lhls century In all it was lo lam lhrce hours slan ing in the Pacific west of the Galapagos Islands and ending In tho Allnnllc leheasl ol Brazll ECIENTISIS AT WORK downtown munv Dumb Ion mm LIlee law Humor It Md Wm For In minulu an nkilude about 170 miles the movie cameras rocorde pminl eclipse as lhe mom tinned lo obscure the sun The tnlal cdipse lollowad To obtain the edipse pholw Lovell and Aldrin had In steer GcmLfl 12 lo precise spot above Ihe Pacific Just ho was of Peru Because the possibility of eye damage they worn cau tioned not to look the sun To reduce the danger lhey pulled shade over on wiudw and installed filter on Ihc thr They mounted Ohm cameras or 16milllmme movlcs and ono All camera that snapped lhrcepicluns at the total cclipse Hire dlflmm exposure ranging up to our second We hit the eclipse right on the money Lovell reported flu we were unsucccsdul in picking the shade Roger answered Mission Control We figured ii would be long way oil HAVE ANOTHER JOB The eclipse aver Gemini sped on toward another impor mm task 1129 nm Aldrin was in open his batch or two hnur mminnw work sasfinn the first of three he plan out side the craft during the High In hopes of learning mans phys icai iimiiaunns ln weightless SEE PAGE THREE

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