Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Nov 1966, p. 4

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THERE IS NO ESCAPE The Guelph Daily Mmury Suggesting that many people are sick and llmd of social sccurltyprograms Marvin llmvc Conservative member of Parliament for Vcllingumlluron wont Barrle Examiner Nov 1016 Simcoe County Temperance Alliance organized to help enforce new Canada Tern er ance Act and prepare for referen um vote in 1019 Memorial service held at Cookstown for lanceCorporal Clarke Duff son of Hon Duff Ontario Min ister of Agriculture who was killed in attack on enemy at Courcelette France last month He had refused commission and enlisted as private Walter Duff of Allandale Grand Tnmk Railway offices elected president Barrie Horticul tural and Town Improvement Society which had 400 members Fire caused $20000 damage at Barrie Carriage Co Fire damaged Maybees shop on main street spreading lnto top floor of Johnston dc Warrens paint and wall paper store Porritt elected president Royal Victoria Hospital Board Railway deer specials to northland have begun Railwaymens Association of Barrie and Allandnlo has aid out 317000 for patriotic purposes nce war began More than 100 employees have en listed James Watson Lefmy reported as having died of wounds SgtMajor Norman Harvle 28 son of Dr Harvie Grillia was killed ln action Sept WAR DAYS 50 YEARS AGO Today in North America and in West ern Europe there is boomin economy although marked at times by ght reces sions Today in many other pans of the world and also in mang parts of the western world there is 1911 poverty as there has been for centuries Are we providing enough leadership enough as sistance and the example which only can biingpcace in the oi1g in thekéreari mm the United Na tions gave leadership to contain the Com The war of 191418 was followed by decade of rialous llving then depression then war even muge terrlble than the first because it encompassed more non combatants including women and chil dren victims of bombing The war of 193945 has been followed by many things certainly not peacean earth It ls difficult to believe that the world has 192me any 19W oH McPharunfi Minaglng Edltgr FRIDAY NOVEMBER 11 me NEE This is Remembrance Day November 11 has annually been set aside for almost 50years to honor the memory of those who in two terriblc world wars gave their lives that we might have freedom Walls Publihsr Remembrance Day Henors Who Died Fer Freedom 112 ifiéuriv OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Publisth by Canadqnn Nawspaparfi LImlted 16 Bayfiuld Street Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE Lur CHAPTER THREE on to say during tho debate onmedllcaro that many people in his riding fell was about time the government left people alone Forlorn hope Mr Howe and his complaining mutilch are voiccs crying In Wilderness Them no help for them Longman Barrie who was killed Oct 21 The four soldier sons of Mrs Lawson of Ridgemere Barrie have received new appointments Super intendent Lynch of GTE has receiv ed card from Lt John Walker former Allandale divisional works engineer writ ienin German prison earn He was wounded by shrapnel at Zilebelre and captured Vouunded soldier recently returned to Barrie area was Pte Larry Cabcl of CanadianArmy whose father and three brothers were killed while fighting with Russian Army Local eoal dealers have difficulty getting sup plies due to freight ear shortage 157th Battalion from Simcoe Count arrived safely at Whitly Camp Eng and last week Detachment of 177th Battalion quartered in Barrie Armoury for winter went to Camp Borden two days this weeig io help clean up grounds Mr and Mn Albert Sarjeant received letter from their son Capt Percy Sarjeant who is surgeon with loyal Canadian Army Med ical Corps at Bombay India Pte Clif ford Viseman Barrie was killed at Battle of Somme lie enlisted with 76th Battal ion Lt Bill llicClinton Elmvale award ed Military Cross for gallantry 15 Hewas nephew of Simcoe Cmnly Shcnff Harvie and cousin of IA Today we honor in public those of our relatives and friends those who went to school with usthose who worked with us those who came forwani indhe hour of danger during 191448 and 193945 Sailors soldiers airmen civilians they died for freedom munis attack from China Inthe ent crisis in Asia the United Siam is standlhg almost alone while leftwingers and peacérfiksextend sympathy to the Reds whbwouldflake away the very flee donidwhiwrthey enjoy in the western wor There can he no doubt thatfreedom is mans greatast desire madam mu want freedom to worship freedom of speech freedom of life Would anyone want types like Chinas Red Guards running artgund our streets If there is be any hope for givilizm tion if those who died hi the two world wars have not died in vain it is impen ativq that we should work for freedom not Inecesgflly by force of arms We mustcontinue louse our resources far more than at present to eliminate the poiexjty of mums2 Wilson GeneralManéger ding Emu Exumlmr Durhm plnwlnz necdllma Ind hnvestlnx the murmurs were calmed lo nsk lhclr tenant In work or mm two dayll habilanl caught Ihh lha murmu wns cnlillcd to one them unium ur xivod ll Quebec an hi my to udlu up th post In Upper Can fly mSGmtrnar Carlclon lrfl Monlrcnl and zludcd Alnerlmn arm In at to Quebec Mud bqut be mnrkrd IllsM1an Muted ll bnmo nl Cryllerl lnrm but UnUIh room 1m Québic Thu hahlnnu and their wives wen received by tho roiznun in the ingest room at the min stun where win and other re lreshment wen ravided Thry marded them vex as being superior to the people Mn went to Montrui or Quebec to work in Industries Although they mid humus to their Iclgnwn lhvy owned their homes and improvements on thalr land ii lth mid their mu thn relzn curl recelved onetwelilh the Iclzniorhl mum in Cm arm was nboflshcd In mi OTHERVNOV ll EVENTS Wilda In IMI paper m4 lo or Tho Award PM nmm n1 um lb MI whim hush An armmlce on the 11th huur oi the nth day or the 11th month ml ended the Marin in the First World War Yet Nov l1 had some aigniiicanca in Canada many yearn bciore it became Remembrance Day it was enhIichnelrnaa Day Nov llI that the French reign eura in Canada received their rent lrnrn their tenants 111a road In the manor house would be crowded and perhaps 100 Mhliania hmuzht along their cackilng poultry and bags oi grain Few Xenia were paid in mgneypi yhigh therewaa llitie Grumm DavHm Im rimvnly ml In qr 155$de MI Mbmflh rm daily by curler uc mm mm yurly ninth mplmmc ny mil mm 8111 ymly Marlo mm mmwdl at MN ml llk 0mm 01 Iivh Canada MM pm Ilovu ymr Us and mm yur mm us Unhmlu ML Tania Callle 51 Mml WI 1200 WA Imrh VIKWVK Mrmlw Ulnlflm nuly Nemm lublmnl Almiuhn ho mlim Iml ml HIM Hum nl Aurbarlud pound clan ma PM 0mm Dopmml mum and In wmt Mm In nah Daily Stme and Stalulory Handy unwind unfln nun mom mm emplum mm Army In llolllnd III INS Wad to tho CnMdIIn Amv pm In NH my mum mm Mu MIA Pmln um prairlm nrul phi lw Hwy bun pm mun hn CANADAS STORY Nov 11 Significant Before World Was By EDI BOWMAN fiat Wild REMEMBRANCE DAY I966 LEST WE FORGET Pm in do nui nbind Io sodium fluoride or lhrir chlid m1 yol are nni inimsiul mnuizh lo provide his canmu Icni cheap method am certain iy not inlcrcstcd enough in en nure ihnl lhcir rhildnn drink ni lmsi lhrco plnu lap wniu day In Um buy molher Ilve would not cm In lake on lhn res Dnllblllly mmsurlnx lhu My 20 Inmlo my rMId rm In rnxuro ndcqunto amuse Or lake lhu consequtnccl or culling down ho Inlnke at tho other nulrl mom Important to enrul hullh namely mllk know Would be almonl lrn AnJ ye would led Omar row that 10mm wish them to have this drufl have im doin choice on liven rfiefiibér of R7 munlly In crdcr to benefit Runni section nu commun Antlfluoridnunn7 Na ma my five children have received mu dnlly douzc for the past year on rccnmmcndnllnn the dentist aL lho coxl 01 an 31th MM lfievfiween $11133 nnd Sam John tha avenge parent aware that sodium Ilunrlda can be buught lhe dmz flora ln Lhu vrzscdhed dasan cost of cenls month pu child And that lhm llny tasteless will can be allowed or mxl lowed by lhe smallest of child ren cmshcd In mllk or water for an 1mm Dear Sir WhyAahould we pm the com 01 lbs mldm Ind dllm tlvul Mu annals min Um mm Nnm nlu mun willrlmi ho hm hrka 0va Nu Ill Md planed lrm nulls 1w mm ml ml vilhu ml hurl lawn lhey mud fluhm ml And dwdlod all our mm 1M mm mm mm MM 0me Min mmn Hwy mw flu mum 0mm Wit hum ml Mt lalrl In them urluu ml filo uhllo and mm Qt yr wave lhnr In me In Tn Nu 1mm 16 the mt hm III llLdml Ibok Mvm lvr In hmhn Muted man van or KHUKFN nah5i Wilma Lnuflex cnn 1M man In tho Milo Ind llmw my hm Gum and ml wn Um M4 at Ihn lammg MI Mn Advm nurun In UMr Mud lo wan 7m Hwy mu Humid In Wk Ibex MM had ltd dadggl nu Ixwail Flander gryl mm k7 1M hm 01 EM mldmfilnd dim tlvul Inkq wplu mm Nnm nlu mun pm in In 1mm now my mm mm MM MIA their tanks ml URI Pmm um ralrlm ml phim Inr run lunmil For Hwy bun how Mllln had nllkxl hh Hun Tb mhvo Al um mld and mm Human Illa nwy mum rum IMr uwnml md Mm ml In mm Pmm Hm um hair momllm Mo bro nnl mi MI Iny nwmml up um Md ol um um wort homo To Iler ghlmn My mm mm with THE MEN FROM AFAR LETTERS TO EDITOR win so annoyed Winn read mu lwo lollm knocking ev crylhinz In Harri that though lhl might Jun Ill hem people It In your town WI you you want In llvo In the kind of lawn LII lhn kind lawn you Yqu neednt Lllp yvur clothe But now In Christ lam ya who Iomalmu were In on 11 made mm by HM blood of Chris Ephnlml zzn Only the death ol Unis mad the dlflcrenoe and brought de liverance Without um sheddlnl or blood than is no remission sins ened with Secretary of State Sherman In Washlnxlom pnsslhlelur the undzr iv to drink go much ABOUT THE TOWN Dear Edllar BIBLE THOUGHT Youll only find what you loll behind For times nothing MI when youknbck ynur lawn It Lmt on lawn you Ilenl owns an not mad by mtn Alrnld Lcsl mmcbody clsa head When everybody orb Ind nobody llllfh Ynu can 1le town from ho dead And it while mt make your mom ln our nrlzhbor can make one loo Yunr lawn Ml bu ulml you unnl Iro 1111 no luunIII ynu mlly néw km nlIyourscll In my And mm You sincerely um Elizabeth Gum PEMUIHK Stud Harrie lunmil all ith an lung lung Complny Clnldlln you Annoyed Dom cm In Tnnmlo II 915 nu Ind bl In Tohyn Ihnl my CPA Oannmu INN In dnylgM all Mg to arms 1mm an your my Only $105 down lar In Tuvul or Owldlnn Iconomy mum ulp Ulllnu mum Ind on no con ms what the Ulla Lrnplies the tocus on lhe Hrs mth of the war on the circumstances wth led up In that hoiacnust and un lhe people who determian its cuursm Geo graphically the scope is conflu ed to the Eastern and Wcslern rank the Mediterranean and tha North Adanlic with devel ogmenla the Balkan exclud The record masslvely docu mented and brilliantly nssemlr led the back at Ma hook llst of nearly 200 prlmnry tomes Engllsh French Ger man Em and 1mm and it contains unly how tllles cllcd In tho ancs 01 these here are 45 page nllesllng lo evcry com ment and every condition wen lhcr uh wrlllng 5le lm presslve as her careful research tho author has shaped the malar lnl lnlo pcnelratlng characteriz The match was in the Dal lmns In the first day or Aug ust 1914 the armies Julncd in 511211 conflictfl be world had never Imam dmldting 111 glum devastating France and routing the Russians at Tanncn burg By early Seplcmherthc exhausted one had settled down to stalcmnlenn the Mame mtgL 1091 war globody vnntqd Throughout the point of view switches like camera eye rum Germany to France from France In England rum Eng land In Russia 11 an extra ordinarin revealing technique letting the under sea each stage the muzzle the on par Llcyanls Law In The nm chaplcr recreates the zlllterlnz uncral pageant of BL ward VII called the Pancemn qr when toth pad March cemaker was dead and ln the caplml of Europa plan or war went forward In Berlln and Perla In London and Moscow Mrs Tuchmrn shown what political ends what rm llnnal dreams lint meshing and dull of personalltles lnldthc lraln of dynamite that would blogr up aconllnqnl fllE GUNS AUGUST hy Bubn Tuclnnan N0v ll we recall the dead at two world conflict One pi the eveniu the um Greet Wm iuu meted mat many books but lbw have equalled the dramatic impact mlism and authenticity of Bar bnn htehmma GUNS 01 AUG UST combination that want it the 191 Pulitzer award IheawnndMolEumeml wedflae awed otflLn Am Ws clad it Wm am and the m1 the cm Wmvswlng in Lam We 01 mleniur never to ba AT BARBIE LIBRARY Dom cm In Tnnmlo II 91 mm Ind bl In Tohyn In MINI Ila dnylgM all my Only $105 down or In Early ijDéys 0fFifSt wo1dx War Recalled By Writer ROYAL RESERVE FOR RESERVATIONS AND TICKiTI CALL 1mm 5mm um um Am nu le mnl Aminoh 0K Johnson lnvol Sorvko WW torbys CPA nUnmI lo ammo am an your Tuvul Aunt or Omldlnn mum and anon vvld descripflon And IUJ ulned narrative Eleven map help the render keep track troop movement Ind visualize event hey my penud ACould there he touch dronery In the alleles of slot 5y portraits that Incumpuny um texl lhe reverted neuernla Ind pornpous puuuclans For those who read lo learn the Index unusually tomprehenslve The Gun Anna is one ol thosa rare creations scholarly success with popular appeal in young reader will he carried long by the sheer excitement find mounting momemum oi he action Older reader will also appreclalc he expressive qual ity the wrflfwg txe sufldm flashes at my and dry humor the faithful adherence losnew light thrown on famous banish fields and legen heroes Perhaps they will relied wlLlI lilamhflaoo saxe Mm Mrs Tuchman quotes The hu man heart is the starting point at matiera perlnininl in Barbara Tuchmnn journa list student the period and the unthin at three previous bunks The Zimmerman Tele gram the best known at these and It also About World War Her research for Guns August took her back aver Eur opes bnulegrnunda at well as into nrchtm lthrartu Ind war museum and for 1L mbnttun ed helm she melved the Pul ltlcr prize Her latest ubllcn ttnn The Proud Tower 1960 concerns the pre 4914 snctnl structure mar Milt mum an E1 In luluI Mll WWqu mam Imlul yu nII mm In bu puu ll your Mammy will plum In Wzlcnrm Wuon Maxim will visit you win hum alxm ml zmflnn to In no law in mmmu Mr Ininl and unmtuhlo your mm My ny mu In Illh Dwmfiyulmm lllnno lhvn SARA MALEY mm

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