Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Nov 1966, p. 16

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nurnwumi mm mm Mm null lh IIIHID ury N7 Pl CM PmIvIMNI IN my murunn Ipmnu IlnInhln In ylnflnllhllu miullv rm mm IMIIU rm wnm 1mm m1 Imeyl mm maul mvat mu mu Id nu Nu mu mm mw mm la la rNIrlnn mInnl up mm Na at Any mm nlnl mpnun mow hmui MI thy wk mummy mum hlnlhll Chllllmu mm ml Tllrphnm mum Mr lhnrmllllm For Want Ad Dial EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL mu an In an Inn plrulmhl HIM Allu all mIrlu rIcmmm name In 1mm Warmm mu rm rnuu Mrfllml wnrk Mm Mun Tllwlmnl un nm nun ulu umnml rum4 nw lrxI 0mm lmlmnd mum mu Ml pen MN ummmu ml mm rnun mI r1 1m 1mm vArmn luppllm Emu hmem II in lull um rm remnl warm candl clam mmm mm Av Ey Unued Elm mm 10 Dunlop unuamu SALES HELP MEET wulnnsn quulrm nunm7 rrmmd Vlrlmu mm MTXy My um nununm Dunn sl ym mule Tnlwhnn 11 72v AND nnlvl flrflmnnl nqul one at hama And an hum hrlper runum rmplay Men Our II IIVHI weanm Turphnno mm Inmvlnw Appalm In humId mml unukzkrmn la Ionk In chumn monuu yun or womln in coma In It my Ell end Telqmunu mm cuzvm Ia dn Inconnu payMn um dilly bunklu llbokkleplnl num ln pmnu mlplnl wllllnl In lelrn mm mm Box Bu Drummer yuuufll children one and load um Finn ptrum uuvnr LADY nun muck bur yun nr am din per wuk Itmum wmlcn Wm In gm 5L Inn1 mummy MATURE urn smu nqulreu for Amuon home In mum My mu map nm as mu ur oul 0m latchm rhlld Till phnm mam mu pm Female LABORATORY TECHNICIAN nequlrcd by local cosmulc manufacturer Grade with general chcmlslry background Prcvlnus experience ln Inhom lory an asset Apply In person Kolmar of Canada Ltd 140 Victoria St DARRIE This is not the usual routine officé position being offered AND munm nemum mum from mm mu mu Um Imploymnt am an nma Mun dun mnan um lupmulhh Tclaphona om lur wean Ilenlmam nuynuu sum Io MEN wnNnn mm Ind our wmnuummn to puma mm Aw In Cnnl mm Damn monuun Mr wmu Dlvldwn human mm 119 am or mm mlqulfllhgggfilgwmug ht porn Dumb hrn MM st Scum mu wmnn in mm mm Ivanmu sumac or mu gr Wmlnmn mch ww Manoblle backgnwnd arm1cm Capable baklnx alum plate charge up In and 1mm rmntNy an memeu my benemr Salary mate with exper nfired nr pmnlnmn 7mm mm ppuxnlmenl am mum mum Novumn IO HELP WANTED Service 7282414 WE REQUIRE AN ALERT YOUNG LADY FOR OUR SALES DEPARTMENT She must bea good thinker capable of working on her own lnltlaflvo neat dresser 00d typlst and personable Please send your appl cation to MALE FEMALE Ml wflmm may mm Apptv mum co Barrie Examiner Mist have Momma FEMALE HELP DO YOU WANT AN INTERESTING JOB BOX 132 BARRIE EXAMINER AccOuntanT Wanted huflnl lemlm wlll In mvlvn Ivy tho Imdmlgml up lo am pm Monday Nuvomlw Id 10M lur Ihe mwly drllvuy ml Illkk pun 10 Iubllc Walk yard II Huber RUM llnqlr L1le lhAn Nonm Im 30 mm ul uwmhnnlfly um larva mmm Munr IMIL SIWUIMHMI may he Muhml mm the My flunk Colllu RUM llnnlm nml lnmlm mud Ln nuvmnml In the NHL mm mwurd Innn nr Any kind nrrruanly INCH NOTICE hereby glvm Ihat by vIflue of warrant Luucd by lhu Mayor he CIIy 01 name umlm hls hand and lho non oI Ibo anld mrpomIIon bearan dale Ihu lllh day Au usI 1m by pubIIc auction me Inndx In 0mm axes In tho my DarrIe wIII be held III GouncIl Chnmbm City all It Come sum IInrrIe Onlano he hour In oclock In the Ioronoon on Ihe GUI day Dec ember 1m Index the IIIth and cost are mac pald II ncrcssary nn ndIourncd 1an III be lltld lhe um um and place can week mm on Mmbfl HUI IWI whorml mo Corporntlm lo CIIy nl lInrrIe will Jurthnso nny Md nlI pom Innd II he prlcu nIIemI In Ieu lImxl Um nrmm nml com ncrmuL The IIsl nI lumls or snlu Ior nrmm law was publlnhrd In The Onlmia Gluelle on he am my Svptcmlm lnw Iml mplu of the mid lml mny be hm my 0mm Trramm OHM Ihll Ill lay olAuuml IW Imwmnm th Hm All persons mg cam against the Estate MARG ARET ELIZABETH BLACK law oi the Hamlet 01 SM In lhe County of Slmooc Widow wha died an the Km day of SMcmhcr 1966 mus forward same to the undersiincd on wr before the mlh day Novom bcr1966 alter which date the mom will be distributed umoni st the pmim mulled mama and the Exocmrix will not be able to any person whcec china she shall not then have nollce DATED at Barrie 0mm this 24th dny Odour AD 1066 BOYS SEAGILAM nnd ROWE Barrister and Switchers 13 Owen sum namefommf TREASURERS SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES MUNICIPALITY OF THE CITY OF BARRIE NQTiCE T0 ranmrons ll lEGAL led In one In mum WVIM bl command 9an In Ind blmllll erh In flux 91 Innlo mm Bull Amhlltcllnll om qulm nun In upulllu prim1M and aupumlnx equipment Ind 10 mry oul amu vmrm dun mmldonllom notan tend 1min pm Hm man lnlu ma ormmal To an mm mm unmt um um Advuflfinx smuun orlunllyl Nu mum on mm mummnul Eel um um rm lmo with you maul Incl Your nexl lflp II to cuntcl Ema Products 141 mmuk 0mm hull VIC OH sway wait Telephom awful was WM TENDERS TENDERS FOR WINTER SAND Pnr WIN Ad Bodkin cm4 Imfl Tmuurcr MALE HELP cum an all AUCTION SALE Wednesday Nov 10 12 noon IhA Far IL BILL MA MSON In 12 hurtulna Ill Hm Township 1le 0th WM Thormm ar mllcl norm wm Cookmm Sula ol Imam lnnn Mill clam rcalxlercd nnd nrndo Henlord mm nnd stock mlm Import ul hm Irc hay lyuchlnary and lmusdmld lurnlluro Tmm MI Nn rrscno extopt on lnnn Furnmm be Iuld nl 12 noon Hmm Jlinlu COUGIIIJN nmflmmr anm or In IM Nov ll Ruh ht M1100 and uroperflu and mum rnnlmh lnclmllnl ginnm nr hlrum Inlommllun an nrhrxrln nml pmpcrllrn Ilnnlo lelqlmnfl Mrl Hull llnnklnl Al Mllflun 1516932 llfllln COUUHLIN IulHnurrr WATCH lvrhm IN vm Mlmoll nn Friin Nnvrmlwr 1L For LAWRENCE COHHEIT 36 QUEEN 51 MIME between Vlnccnl It Horny Sale of hlyh class modern house hold lurnllurc clcdrlcnl np pllnnccs look And Knrdnn equipment Please nollne lhll an inn of homchald Iumllure have ever ollcrcd fur mic Terms cash No menu lhn Mama mm um lho ownm nro unlng the USA JERRY COUGHLIN uudlcnrcr WATCH or lull llxl on chnu day Novflmbcr T0 to be held In the Strand Arena In the Wine Slrwd on SATURDAY NOV 11 1966 at 11m Terms cash no reserve ll be house Lu mid and Mr Conn ls moving away R111 1154 on Thum Nov 10 AUIION SALE Saturday November 10 unnlnn run Ihmp lm NKSOHONTIO HCIIUOL IIOAun AUCTION SALE Rood furniture and houseth effects min or AUCTION SALE Saturday Nov 12 12 man sham For HAROLD NUTCHINSON 101 13 COIL 0m Townshlp mile norm oi Hwy 11 on Llne Sale 78 head chalcc Durham and Hununi came lull llne lnrm muchlnery trucks hay and grain Terms cash Na re serve Farm sold ARCHER COLWILL Auclluncer WELL HELP YOU WRITE AUCTION SALEV Saturday Nov pm 51mm or um Estate 01 the late LEO DORAN llllDllUflST on Highway 27 mllc nnflh or Cundlcs Snle of household Iurnllure cl eclrlcnl nppllnnccs Ioola 1956 Oldsmoblla door Nilde seA dun scrap lron ole Term cash No reserve as the estate must be selllcd JERRY COUGllLlN nuclloneer filATCllJor lull llsl Thursday av AUCTION SALE Saturday Nov at 1230 pm sharp For WILBEM COOK at Con Noltawmga Township mile west of Glen wim and mu Mflh or miles east Avcnhm school and mile 50th Sale Holstein cows and Ho alolnHemtord stockm 60 hand lull line of arm machinery hayI grain and straw 100 nm arm and buudinzs Term cash No mscrvo oxenm on him ARCHER COLWILL Auctioneer VERNON AYILES Audionm NOTICE MKENOTICE THAT the Minister Wu has bobereziflcmdNmfln1Wllnh mouscuorm Wmfidmdflnowwufinm dicede daydmmbcr 1966 nplanhmdancemflnwovhlm 01 we flwaylmwum Ad K50 1960 01m 171 Sec waan Ml lnullll Rumlnvr Mr Mm will hwy to holp nu mllq ymv rimH ldl Tn Dim am nul nnnlnd nill 114 dlrm In WAN De IiiAUCTION SALES l2 TENDERS AUCTION SALE Saturday Nov 12 PHONE YM rm ONTAmo DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Aflkr $0000 in cash bequests Io relatives $10000 outright and residue at the estate ms Into Illa 1mm for Ema Maniac Mafia the wldw WMWA CPlAn estala $324079 was left Wllllam Dixon Moan met an of Eddy Co Um who died gum 71 it was dlscloscd Thun ny TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7mm Molfatt Estate Worth $624079 Iolvlu VIM Im pu mum 11mm CHRISTMAS MBUM 3va laMn om In JUlIE ANDREWS mqu yaw num Chmmn an um Hummingd dvmd Ivy lulldlmow 91mm AND PIIVIN $139 hflwlnl mu In New York 71 victory over Bolton Bruin Thursday to mow Into He or mini Blue with Paul Henderson ekoll Guyana has no goal and 10 ankle while Henderson has leaxue landing elm goal and two assists Bobby Rousseau Monlrca Canadian Alma in Huh place Maple Lean Thursdny hill to move back Into flu for Int placg with Stan Mgklta CM mo Black Hawk In lhaNn Hun1 Hpckay League scorlnu nee Ullman and Mlldla have 12 point apiece Human total in cludu leagueleading 11 am am Whllo Mlldta 1m Nu mls and elah assists Phu Guyana of New York 39 v8 25 Icked on null in mciugl 12 if with Toronto By THE CANADIAN PRESS NonnUllman of Detroit Red WW nick Ullman Moves Up To Mikita Barrie Sea Foods chip1n rnvyia cn mom or takeout m1 SUNDAYS PJVMO PM cwgnn momma Eu Fned 115 Reshunnl 109 Indian OPEN DAILY 10 AMAD EM All Dly mm ul mm mm may mm na mum nua Mu Handy mm mm PIEMIXED WINDSHIEID WASHER AMIFREEZE Don Mnnhall Ind Rod GII ban of New York Bobby Hull Chicago and Floyd Smith Detroit An all tied for aklh placa wllh seven points each lea Iva other playmate close behind with 51x palms with eight point on three npd flve mum WEBSTER miuNE slmud Ontarln 4mm TORE EXPORT CONCERNED French auto mnnulnclurcn Tlmrsday expressed concern in Paris over Iwmpinz new aalcly requirement which um United States intends to 1y to 17m parted can begin ng In 1968 Spokumen of Frances mp our BUBKES OUTBOARD MMDBS GARAGE Climb Ontario 88 DUNLOP 7266585 hr 1h hem lh in going or mm an It and yw Menml nlr min Awlnhlahl 0m In Vain UTILITY MATS 41¢ BY RUBBERMAID lightweight big pqwer nlmin saw carj makers Citroen Pulflat Renault ant Slmcn which annu ally export Abmxl 30000 cm In Amezlca mndelt clear In am menls published hen that ll vlrlnally Impossible to comply will all the 25 polnla proposal by the us gnvemment CYCLE SPORT 69

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