Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Nov 1966, p. 3

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Fairvland Stars To Visit Barrie Mayor Cooke Blithe Spirit Draws Only 350 In Barrie NOEL comma comedy Blithe Spirit womoted by lhc vnivmiLy Whmanl own of Barrielm missed flood the urical dormant last nlght Univ 1y Womenu 0M presi gem Mu Mag ODonal uld ay Only 550 persons Assembled Comm AMierum In what may goqu 051 Cow stipend Maria Hed My mum olub sperm lng the Touring Pluycrl Founda Uon prucntnllan Wm remcly dhappolmd at the poor turn out It It yea pity no many mined no tion 1M calibre nd Mn ODonal The comedy wu won dcflulb defined In both cat turns and 50L The Univmily Wm Club in Barrie sponer two slum In the cily yearly one being the annual Spring Thaw from to Ward Mrs ODOMI wday Wed that win more hawk1 In Iuch In last night wdl ldwlah Ihlm would be madaknponibie The Mrlnz Founda lion Wfll larmcd Ih Iummer nvlacemcnt or outing com panlq In Onmrio which had Hakim ol mm will be 1mm ma lnvimlon the Ill Chrhnm FINN hi Canldlnn Na llmml Exhibition thll winkr won the Palm Imrm Ind flu Frlcndly VIII Wmhlp Mayor ah mm cu mu Nov 11 um nu PrinceI And the mm man In flu mum Imflou which um um daily from Dec to II prmul Mayor Conic mm WM hrlmu card mwlnl luv by lhm m1 The mednflon mdved general mm mm the Ontario Bound of the Am to mill operation Ind Ins nbie to MMHI mm wllh domuanl wilhln IU day ol the lnltlnl nn nwmmmt tnmpnlgn for 0000 ll umkr way to ensnrn the conllnumlon the Inurlng 10995191109 Inlymnmomlgroup icbsml 1193er coaxed owrmimu Lnu nxhll performance of Miihe Spirit WM It first ran dilhm iiu newlyiormd group Tile mudmlm wlli nw make Ihori Canadian gong 13mm 517er Mi wflum of pmdudlon In ml In hmdon when ma people of Erwhmd badly needed wmclhlnu nl whlch lo hush It uuahl on NMnHy warn lat Ir our from 1711mm lflrylml hm hm PM P1lnm llmkldmry Hound ml lht 11 Minn MIMI dnml lm dulldrm at AM In it NImu Falrylm Tho mil GNP grmh will Mun with Hm Ind El humlm lflmh rfll um ml mm mm In Mm am Imlll 1am Irl It any In Ilnw 11w Ilum ML llnml In Iha umn Ellmmh Mam BACK ACHE How lo rollovo 15 MI lib1 III In nun Ila Barm was Wed at Cal ral Audimmn last nlght by the newly armed Touran Player medauon Director dietWheel iin he pdn cle Me of umlu Gondamlna qulddy Ind ml in Immediate bahawn mm Ind mmrgrla Mar 01 the Walter 9110 Alw stimuli In flu Dflmll meeting pundudlon wm Mml lyn gmtone Joy Onmpkm momvum 01000 nun at Minx Iru my CanA in 101 mlndoclutm parflci an and mu mm their £1111 In which with In ovmll Mm re 1h llm one In World VH one Workl 1m ll Gunm um mm In av weir whit rHl drm MD In mnyl wllh runny oi lb or wIwv mt lav ulo which lhe 5an lwmmcxl not lav ulo which lhe on mm In lwoudl Myroom Than 511 II or lot and M00 01 mm yam ol nun Younwlorl Alla will he nlvk In pity on ma Woman In In Elm dirk and Mt rod Ith wand Feq 3501mm one of Canada ANGELA ROWLAND AS ELMIRA THE GHOST MAKES FINAL MAKEUP ADJUSTMENT actor Ted Fallon left dull with Mrs Meg ODoml cen tm dub mum and fellow pexfonner Joyce Camplon Angela Roi0d Kennuh DIEM Wondy flmlcher and Chrlsllno Whllv ML Follow also dlrcd Mrl Mkhnel Speed publicity dulnmn Mn Andy Andrml lckou Mn John 01m and him aflku BIN Gull ho Mockinl mrnwrinl 10 Id hlgh and mocked lull DruMu mam lmtn 5mm unu Mmull on Chrhlmnl mnn MM 111m le nmnller uodxln tor runnersup 10 011 mm Ill draw um In mm Karim umhn donI la rhlmy open mm day week mm flxrlumm my wil Imhr mm Ior mum nm under ymn in ulna 1w Ill nvlnmml rm with an pawn 111m 01 mm Imkn 14 her In 5mm be mlnmlul for no nu Omvmor fer the ovme we Shéfiébtéf Cdliglit In Barrie Store THE BARN EXAMINER THURSDAY NOVEMBER 608 Wynnold man sald In Bur rla Magistrates Court Vzdnw dn ho was pushed In Iho alde wak and punched 0a 22 mar leaving dawnlwwn hotel Convicted 01 mm were Dav ld Macdnnald 12 4a CodrInK 0m sum and MalOamcr of Collier SI Macdunald wax llncd no for bclnz drunk In public plum and Canlee $50 or consuman liquor whlle mlnol In connec tlnn wlth lho Inmo lncldent They were remanded Week for acn tenclnz on the assault charge Mum Batten 88 01 198 But on Ave told tho court about hall down men had blockedhl way as he walked dawn Dunlop Sumtlnuar Maple lMl loavlng said one of them hlt him in the ribs and knocked Mm to Born In Nova Sculls 51 year no Mr Allnby arrived In Enr rlo on Tuesday together with his wile Marjorie They hnva lsatken resldcnce at 18 Wonloy The new nstor xuccczds Rev Gojdbfl ker Tila Ruv iinrdd Aliaby minister In Hamilton Iior lha past six years to ba the new paxlor First Baptist Church Barrie it gagging MAY Sun retired mun Mln liter In Woodstock NB ML Allnby held pnslaraes in Nova Scallo an Brunswick Main and Burgeuvllle Ont berm gnlng King St Baptist Church lnflflnrrnlllon 68YearOld qu Tells Of AttdCR iie has been treasurer and lhenlpmldcnl oi the iiamilion Bapiixi iiilnlsicrlnl Association chairman oi rcilgloul educalinn in the wheel or two yam in tho iinmiiinn Ministerial Anso clniion and chaplain lb Bap iisi Club oi Mciiinsier Univzr Ponce uwprisod mum rm Ina URL ul uhe Canadian 11m Assadaia Sum on Dmlop Int nlm am nrxysted yo For tha past three years he has been ctork of the Niagara Iinmittnn Association oi Baptist Churchul and member at ttla department at the mlnlslry the Byptlsycammtlm at 011 with mar Em firms the New on bumhr almn In city when Wm when they mashed mm 59931 Mm Wlnadoarnlmemrdlhe are In gain entry Rev Allaby Named Pastor 01 First Baptist Church larla and Quebec Amle ln mien with the incident to Aubruy Rollo ll ol 156 Damon Sl West and gm De thk cl Sophll rcnhcnj million Irv auction of Dunlap nnd Brad lom slrmh hm mm mde In 750 damaxo and minor Wur Iu to om of In drhm Invoked In mull um David Edmrd Wohmn Strand and Mom Alckklmwm ID 12 human Ammo NuNm Winter was mud flu Iowa or minor Muriel Man Injured In Collision CITY NEWS IL Umwn proprietor the Clll lollu llu Drpl mm Oll iy MIG mnmn PASTRY SHOP FRI SAT ONLY NOV nOVW cook EMERGENCY NUMBERS Vultlln coll luv 72115 1le 114 1mm the pavement ha mommd In PW Another man who saw lhu my llvity ram lens the mad rnn own bn 0mm Bunch as alshnce lho court was told Maodouald lesufled he was bem an up by tha nnldcnumd man M°d°€ Eqnfmfi WSW Iflcr lhe mairhnd Enid up his down and dwemncd to my the gig gang In said M2 wEs given pchy room to pass on the plrlewaikI reflects very Mia credit on than two met lbw nhonid be Involved In In allemfion with an elderly man Magistrate Albert Glass xald in Insz thgmjullly Baum is may alsz at he result at mpfimm or nation dam praised pence he said mhcd on the scene soc ood war the Mann sounded Thu Ailohys hnva thru chil dren twa attendan unlverslly and he younleat who now at tcgglnugllrfla Norlhugollum have been charged wlm bmklm and entering Mm Well to Lien Mr Allaby who will Elva his first mmnn Lbs church Sun gay will be Inducled at later Ile guunwuig Ddenca lawyer John Cockburn nld In narrle Mnulllrnlna Cour Iodny um Ml cllenl convlclcd the committed ma allenco nucr Min driven to drink lha Irrlvu unemflwcd rc Illm mm the Marl mu To pleaded guiky lo lhcll ovlr S50 and realm nixmonm Iuspcndcd entence lle wnl forbidden In drlnk during that wind Willlnm SmIUI 21 Innhnl Township pleaded guiky lo lhcll ovlr S50 and realm Smllh Hole pum conlnln Inn MM ram dnwnlnwn cock All lounu Ocl 22 Smlml mlh Kohl MIKIIIYMII Albert Glnu Orlllln hnl hnr hulhmd only 1m lnln lrouhlo uhnn Ilrlanl Mr Cockburn uld uncmflayo rnlullm hnd rrlvtd mm Mnnllmel and In drunk lhn dny becnuu lhn pmmu wu nlllnn hlm dawn Blames Relatives For Man Drinking In Rd NOOOOQOQ REV II ALLABY 7268474 DEBBIE DRIVEMM Mr Butlnmmnn TRUCK 0R CAR Lease For Dlhlll Cull 1967 CONSERVI VALUABLI CAPITAL YOUR MIy Wodmsdmy nflexmon Mb after our oubck Ihe mm of band polka echo Wm corridors Bar chm ohm Kink each um sure my will sums day become prim haflerlna L1 hard at work learning he fundamentals of ballet Ono of moirmpt lnfxovmiagn mama um dam Ls mm by two Ormia ladies Mimi Kathleen and Belly Fagan Mb ladies rim dance suhuals In various pans of county and mm pmfmmal b31121 datum In England Altar lha 10wmk course in basic at lhe the girls can oudflkm for lhoIr grade one In baht An examiror mm En MM came tho am every umwwnmmmMumm an they cm attend llama class the annfic Tcrmo in Bar rie each mm Kathlcm Fagin says the m4 mo rum lgnnjie i3 fuLjulflal mm or wesssmal hum stnwllun mm be feasible in the mum BRIDGE PIKOGHESA With the two main cement abulnmu and Hm wt or nil 1m malolcd good pmzrm bolnz made in the prcllmmnry work toward Hm mnslmcllan new ownMad prwzo at 5L ark mu be sunlxuz aim on the causway and bridge AWARDS NIGIIT Gutxi maker nl Fddayn nual nwmh night 9N Jmmh High deoul Wlll bu Romm MI ore 04 RM Unilnd Sm Vorkcnl of Canada who wm speak on mum preparme for Mom VIM Vbiirnnd WIway 4m HORTICUIJUIML SOCIETY Framed um Ontario Hut Gmltxnl Socloty Dr 1m ho mu maker at wmuup€r 11 name Homwlmnl Sodsz man however Barrio rim have nl Jom 4m clam mm Ira1W yWARUNIS FOR MENmow AND Tlcms CALL LOCAL AND GENERAL oiénlu 16 In III lnr only 341 down 14 ur or no 10 21 any unnumy Mulch mum Inn mum In an manknolm monthly Imhllmouu cl nlhll mllw till 05 an my Tu Muntarcnldlnn Pado¢nd Travol SonIn Ill hum 7mm lmn man Am Cu hm mm munmum AMSTERDAM likilbhnson JET CPA NONSTOP TO melr ms lbouzh whim Id the Kory lhe 21141 can see we stst cl treat opera ham MM la mm In their mm finnm ol Omario wfil hold dimvr Bayshom our Hotel Barrie on Nov am mini 14 630 NIL HONOR SCOUTS supper or be First Gmn fol Scouts was given by the lam on at Gretch Oormnmity all 0a In mmm thalr roam MW Um Campom when they Mm hymn whh Um Wm Gum and NM hm unwed by mm pmm and rhrdl during Ibo menu met wldim WM and by the max mi Wu cl polo 1mm was main to under Md Mn Tracy the Mb Mr mm whataw smutmw va Wdafi quad Hum shuuld Mifldas gnudflumshnuld mm as gnnd as guudflugnshuuld

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