Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Nov 1966, p. 14

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llama amaumlmmmmmormmduwmwm MmmdifimeMdGmStwMAWW dmmmmdmndmmdmmldmmfluh 21Mannmthbebomedbmpmmonfllewflhofiww mewdmmldllhailbendmrgemmeadmlmsa mopem and pramlses and any other real or pews pmpedy vesmdlnmosaldbaammmmasepmcesdndmteuml leonaflebyflxesafidbamd mmhmbedawdsepletnberll968kmbw inlcmtad therabea WW wmmunpmble mudannumly Manchland Semanbfllhoacfiweardlhe currencynfthe de bcntummdlslobarewabloln mamtsdprkmipalonsw lomherlinnhe yuan 1961mm mfolbws Principal W75 Year This is not the usual routine office position being offered WE REQUIRE AN ALERT YOUNG LADY FOR OUR SALES DEPARTMENT wall Ann Hm Dram almrlc llulrnmn NOTICE ms BOARD OF THE comm ROMAN cAmouc SEPARATE scgooxsoxr 11m TOWNSHIPS 01 mm Wasaga Beach HydroElm Power Commlssion Applicallom will be received by lhc undersigned or Secrciary Treasurer for Wasaga Bead Hydra Commission Appiicnnl nu rcquusiod to re ply in Tiling giving lull de tails of education experience axe and marital slams salary upcded and dnia available Awiicaliom will be received to Nuvcmber 23 1966 All bmeiiis Personal inlLrviawa will be guing with Leiecied candi Plem mark envelupe APP All mum or mum work mm Mun pu my Mum mryhom mmx unlll AUCTION SALE Honsohald lumkure eeriml lwllmwos and 1956 Old in Man The undersigned lms received insuuctIons from he cxwflm togellrlorr the late ll way dies lanc lc Irlunrmor hlc and lo mnldl Writan mnuh oflm Smnll Irmher dunk Inn mmn SUNNfiiALE ANDVESPRA ITAKENUFICEMHIQBMMdWWWWA mmsdmummmmmdmmmmvm Ivy eh Ann Hmlr Ilnldina Dram Mmmrr almrlc limr lmml llulrmm mil mmf mm Inmrrl An In KMII unuhuvm room with deillnn Iva labia Anllque Hum nl Imam 96ml chum bcd xMh mullron and wlngr Manlvl mlln Rmall dm nu mom lnhh ulflold mark vmhini mlm Anllquc mlnor Hook rm Build Ivlnn Iblm 0mm Modrw Mumint ml dm Mm mull um mm mm mm mm mm drum Mr juryMn innitu IIM lbw Inflm laundry lulu Hm 0W dour hm mlnu in load mmllllm rlmdo m0 IM Quantity new ml mu Ilumlmm Imfln Wendi We Notk mI Edwin luMn mr1 Qumuy nl um hm ulna Qumin Iron Mlqm lnllwn ml Mhar mner mm Ina mm Io MIL Tm MI Nu mom in mu ml ho mum am It mud wfll be Md it or myhkm on My any of my IiiAUCTION SALES IO Frank want him JERRY mm mm nip LEGAL Rf GoLfiSMIm Box 23 ASAGA amen Ont She must be good thinker capable of working on her own Initiative neat dresser good typlst and personable Please send your application to The town lumuure Cum burner ck Mlouunsrf 21 miles MALE FEMALE HELP WANTED SATURDAY mnM 214m rv Dsedcrflrld and mum lml mm rm lo nIl mlnnr lc vnmum cl wmdulnml lmflw DO YOU WANTAN INTERESTING JOB SECRETARY TREASURER nun path 1150 banu AMIqJe lrk nn ml IlmL brand Me Mnbmlna ror Lwlzlo Tr mimlnloml mp1 TNflnm mrdmw owe ugly1min Dmo 1thc mnplrln irnrml Kmxl nml Kim BOX B2 BAREIE EXAMINER Odd mm pow toaster VEXMIIC vnll 5mm new mman WM and drum WK imi uplrln In ml mnl mam rim $100000 1000400 0000000 100000 100000 200000 200000 200000 200000 100009 ml luhlu than Dr In match minimred WM lllkvwl Krlvlnnlnr mm ll new mmva with NOV Dubic TV good In and duh parlnr labia Id dulr hrml nvw Ivmure uuchn mumi rocking 11v In mm 01m ohmic GAnnNéh mmwmm Am 13 AUCTION SALES of livestock and hay lvr Mr Austin Beard Cdn 10 Medonle Tawn ship nne mile north of Jarrau Corners Saturday Nov 1966 at pm Team ol black Percheron gelding and years old 3400 lbs 14 Holsleln and Hereford was lresh and rosfiminame vln November and December 11 young Hereford callle Soul due Dec 13 Saw open Boar 12 young Pigs at llogs 190 lb shop Hogs 100 cm 2500 Bale Hay Terms cash No reserve as awn er sellan on account ol Illneu CHARMS ll 110th Auctioneer 106 Ncymuh St Orillla LAKEVIEW PURE MILK DAIRY lID mans FARM DAIRY Barrie FEMALE HELP i978 AUCTION SALE Lmrfi in 45 PENEYANG Armm 320mm 200000 200000 200000 200000 300000 500000 500000 300000 301100 MOSCOW APD North Vlu Namc restatement an un yielding stand on peace negotia llons mm In be dlrccled us much toward Mouvw Wash lngton But In having none cl It has rejected every effort to find basis nr negotiations to end the Vietnamese war It could be xerving notlce on 111 Kremlin um Andrei Gro mykgis wrong Communist sources have ln Hiram Lhnl lha 50le Union ls moving oward trying to ur range pencg Drlnsh source recently quoted Ihe SUVM arclgn minisa or as dahnlng lhat lhu Snviet Unhm is not without Influence In Hanoi The summit conference nine Communist rounmn held two weeks Ago lovktd like part of Sovlet ellorl to use any Influence it may have CAWIOUE EFFORT The cadmnce was primarily concerned wlth Vlet Nam and walled on In Vietnamese dmmedw 13 indium of mm in Kentudq yestenday and named lot Maya lance David Schmidc found North Viet Nam Rejects US Moscow wPeace Bids 15 DUNlOP STORM DAMAGE IN LOUISVILLEJ war Chinas real mliural Mvoluuon Communln some said lhe mecflnz was part of gradual and caution Soviet elfort Io set tle the war appareme starting with convincing II no that pegcc petessary There is no confirmation of such an dim or even cl Sov Intention to maka ll but number recent Soviet nata menla can be read as cuppa ing the man And summon by Presiden Ho Chi hflnh North Vlct Nam made nubile In the lust cw days on be read an answer In MW The th Vlolna mesa have no lnlentlon no mMng Soviet advice to souls the war REITEMTE DEMANDS The VIetnamase new agency distributed quolallons from nu ma rcitcrnled North Vlad Nams our point and the live polan bl South Vch Nama Vic Gong guerrillas or endlng lghb ng They demand total sur render ram he Salgon gnv filehwry wctmowcwud limbslnbmakmmmdw lopth amo parkedlna residmualm lhewealher manpmlimdupcosixlmh udncwsmwrwwldmm wawwwsm Reports circulating since the conference have Indicated that Poland and Wme mher alls are grawlng unhappy about the drain on lhelr ecnywmlc or VIelnamesa help crnmm and the United Stale and sample Communist takeover The xumml countries In eluded the Soviet Unions slx East European allies who arc Jnlnlnu with Mom 1n aid In lianol Hanoi About $200000000 worth would come lrom Elm Europe and 00000000 mm the Sovm Union whkh already has sent an elllmaled Vl000000000 worth Poush mums um he xum ml mealan decided upon 31000000000 wrlh Tm expensive nr céunlrlu making slow progress In Hurts jmvrove domfilk ivlng con Thursday momluz rlhe swam closed main roads and brought mm holiday fur Maids mm Vlrephm my EXAMINFR WANT ADS mom 7mm chasm Endini on MAE wlwflgww meeting this mom it under stood that Rem Oochrane la me such theme Inmate abedthl would follow thuyw am used In some municipnmias that system of quarterly or three times year paymru be adopted with mean edded II he end of each tried and possible dlmm owed lm pre payment More the taxes due The tax hm would be run dered an the bastsd the Ere vtnux budget nndwould 1i ety be In the hands at the ratepay ere early 1n the new yen The final Installment might Include any additional cost that had not bacon covered tn theurly tax mlemenl 11mm nmcniNE svqu Before the nwl process at In bllilna rled be innu rated it would be necessary to Ml wet the system of handling the blit lng to machlm method of op erntlon At present it may my to hire addltlonal film help to get out the tax bill or tits mmr issue help Is hard to obtain and when it cams to multiple billing um then mechanlzlnl at the system would be must Mlny mAchlms and some the Iorm new used by the tuwnshl are sultdble or that stem The township auditors wll be wcritr ing on the books very shortly and lt is likely that ll the Coun cll decides to adopt the install ment systcrfi ot tax collection use minors +0 do many set munldpnl bwlu will be asked to suggest which Iystem In their nplnlun is tha better having In mlnd Iho flu and cogs nnklng the dynan One advantage of lhe Install ment payments wouid be that arraara would not Ilker plla up as hey do In the annual ayatcm When he dun data or me arrives lha whole sum make tho effort payday much harder than was divided 11m arrears fur each lnsmlmanl would he Icluded In ha next nccoum and would have um ad earn penny chum ls likely but the lnalahmtm pay men swam wlll be acceptable way those who wish to clear helr whole you Lax on the receipt of lhe first lnflnllmenl miles no doubt be Illmed Ind dlb mum lor the mymenls prcutd nh one schoal levy mm he Instélméfit1avment$ Qf Thiiesfqcmsideréd everybody needs The GETUPANDGO of You never outgrow the good things you get in glass of milk Enloy It anytime you need real pickmeup And glass for glass milk Is still one of your best buys In pure food Value Enjoy It every day its one of the healthiest habits you can get Into THE ONTARIO MILK MARKETING BOAFID Mmhlp and mm ether parts of the mm on Him filr bank at taxing Immune two huh school arudlfler con llderably the machine bllllnz should be Ilmpliiltd FIND IN POPULATION The Min autumn the decmaed populnllon as uhown In the umsmem ml relurncd to Innlsfll tom the County mam hu put our decrease back least 400 but lli ncx mg its the greatest mm as given by Ihu Halal mu town whldl was receiv ed by the W5 his summm The dale or lhe Court or Re vlahnhns not yet Menm when appeal boih municipal nndln deuaI to In heard Some comparison has Men made by mey Mllclas between his yeul mu In lnnisnl and the OllAWAICP Fuod and drug omdal are sallslled that rcported contamination 01 me dry milk roducl Starlac can flned to ummsmecs Discovery at nlmonena or zanlmu In mm In ha led recall Sm nc from the shelves 000 relnll am In the US Burden Food Co which pm dune Slnrlnc both In lhe US Ind Canada docs nut lmpnr ha product into his country Dr Chapman director of ma federal and Ind drug d1 ruclorlte rnld Wrdncsdny He mld the dlrcclurales rau llne lull or mlcramganlsm 01 all klndx have turned up no evldence of salmonella ln Star Inc or any ulher mllk powder Nor have then bccn any re port at lwnlmzs Thu manelln nnmnlsm nm Tno monelln organism pro ducc gastraIniullnal infccllnn which can have serlnus comm quences TORONTO CPI Canadian mndu Smlac mic or can Iumpllon and not being pulled out of lhe Cnnndian market gammy 00ch Ink Wednes Mllh Munrs vlccvprcsldcnl he Canadian subsfdlury oi the American Borden Food Co In an Interview chmdny wk the Canadian companys Slur Lac 12ml no Involved In the call ar There no connocllan leh lha American producl our Dry Milk Contamination Is Confined Only To US new one tunMd with In idwnshlh frythe mm ast or Thu pqrsgnnelqf Own are maimed and lnnlsm I114 goals will come up In Court Num with three men appolnted by the County to emulate FINE SNOW Vllh he dlsulcll all around us repoan Inwwe can Iqu lhul our first lulu ml wln ler cover be purl cLour weumer or couple dlfl lndlar Summur must accord mg to the aid wwer me be pn cedcd by lull of snow an pct haps we can look lorwam Im some nlco wnlher mln monlh Snow usullly brlnnx nr cldonts uml when will need to like every pumullon to Mt ch and make sure they Bro ln the clear minulnclurcd Canada lruru Callandn vproduced mllk ha hhilrl ufler begun lnr food other mn raw vegetables pu mle natmopalh pm llmlnary min was Inld Wed nesday by boyl mhur Harry deMoxten mu he llel his snnl plea hecnusu ha was allnwlnl he chopped veuo able die pmcrlbcd by Van cnuvur naturnpalh Roz en Mr choslen wt lhu flu wimm dur helrlny of crmlnul nel lxence IKAIMI Rogers 73 Rnnrl cnnmd with the June dcth Leonidas deMoslen The bnyl lalher nld he lonk LcanIdas lo Roger April 12 or lroulmznl psorinll xkln dlsmc nnd noun prescribed 1va vn5clnblo dlpl ART PUBLIC GROWS There Me 630 cosllnu mmm CH mu In the United Slum Boy Dies Hours Rite Begging Food Court Told VAWYER to 1A The keratin Lnnllnucs 7285373 7266500 mt

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