Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Oct 1966, p. 6

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Mrs Betty Kennedy is as charming in person as shejsphthg screen WAS PANELIST During her years in Calgary she was aneflst for our years on weekly radio program State Your Case In 195758 she became the writer researcher and hostm of the first CBCTV Womens Show out of Ottawa Sho was also cohost of CEOTV program Lays Go Outdoors ln 19759753 caAme womens editor for radio sta flm CFRB in Toronto and in 1062 she made her first 9ppearance as regular panelist on Front Pagq Chal Through the medium of radio and television Betty Kennedys voice and face have become familiar to most 01 us and those who heard her speak and laicr met her at the reception given in her honor were not theieafi bip disappointed Vinfivctitho women 5151 men of Ban1e who enjoy wd An Evening with Ben Kennedy will agree am sure that It wa umo ch spent bi course there are occasions when she is may from home for longer periods of time For instance this past summer Mrs Kennedy travelied to Africa to cgnductfia series interviews Betty Kennedy got her start In the field of com munication in her native city of Ottawa She was on the news staff of the Ottawa Citizen for our years where she covered Diplomatic Raw education and general news psslgmqqnts After moving Montreal Betty became fashion ooordlnator for textile mill and in this ca acity ml and edited trade fashion publication conslder able public spealdng and organle and did the com mentary for 60 to 10 fashion shows season She became the first woman public relations officer with ClL and remained wlth that meany will moving lo Clalgary wth hm family The couples lounyeamld daughter Tracy Is fol lowing In hexmothers footsteps as far as fishing Is concerned and her fameHells me that she can handle fly rod 111m an old pro FINDS TIME When asked if her career left little time or her home husband and lamily Mrsr Kennedy re lied that she and her husband drive to work together mm their home on Old Mill Road in Torontos west end They usually have lunch together and return home together at the end of the day We often arrive before the children are home from school Isometimés think we spend more time together than the average married cougie she noted According to her husband Gerhard Kennedy who accompanied his wife on her speaking engagement in Barrle on Wednesday evening Betty an excellent shot with 12gauge gun and she handles fishing wdyqually aswellf véif aihunfing aha fishing Mrs Kennedé also enjoys water skiing swimmingand golfing Family outlggs mp ghg llst 77 nm mnmz Exnnnmm 1mm 0mm mu diminutive woman with arklln bluegrey eye and caguvatlnf smile Mrs cnn just as re hxed wit fish ng rod in her hands as she is in front WWIth 7n $06133 our childrén three sons and one daughter ranging in age mm four to 18 Betty Ken my firs win her matsawed tannin Mn And Mn Wllllam Doug IM Jankan IInu Hm alum lollnulng hrlr Ycloxr mnvrlc In In Crnml Unllml lunch Ilnrrlo Th trnmnny MI prrlnnnnl Iv Ilov Donnlrl Jim 11 Ivrl ll 1hr Innmr Ilmrley Jun CmM daugh FYIl Grow mrl um Blur leKvonm II II Mn Gim Ilo Th um um munIa Tilml In MnnMI HT lm mm mm mm In Im SKIRTING THE BAY Muir ll DMIMIL fill ANKIAL Clomnco Solo FABULOUS FORMAL LTD By EILEEN DIXON OCTOBER CEREMONY OMy no Nnrwrmn In um tnnu mm than 5000 In your Inn of Mr ml Mu Douala Jn bun Toronto Thu ruuplc wlll mnh lhrlr new homo ll Saul HI Mam Photo by Lu Cowper Kllchon Clbllnoll Ham Allundnlo lumbar CI Al or Ed 7261466 MINES WE FEW EMIN IHIHI ftp Bo Hey it 111 11 nurm 1an on Sept II In miner tlmmuh llml in mmny bargain wllh Ilmn mm 11 wumy rmmrll III II would lmrnln wllh lhrm Irmm nnly Uwy wrm EmuVI urulnr Um Enmalnment during the do 1m and coffee party included man salooflnm by 0m Vbn Hcmert mup of women 04 the choir of St Andwws Pres bmrhm Chmrch sang several mmben under the direction of Mn Jean Dobson Oholr mem berl lndudld Mu Don Bell Mm Carl Emmi MN Gordan Wan Mrs 135mm Mu Dan Ferzumn and Mrs Dan Miller TURKEY SUPPER The Coupim Club of Burton Avenue Unlted Churdi um busy mlhlnx an or lnxlwy our per lo htld In the Church xoclnl hall an Oct 26 530 am 330 ochnck Mrs Dean Avon pmhdml the club is mm mm um um ovm cmvcnef UN SEMINAR Challenge ho mum in an Inlcmalhnal mm ill Sm nesldcnto on ny ay Ilond Tho purpnu or Miss Bml vhlt wlll be to Inlnrm pulyllc hum nunnu In lho MM he current Illunllon In Hnl on County Slnrmunl Dunan and Glcnxnny Thu rulKnnllom luv man but hn lwo Inn an wlUwul public hullh mva mvr NUIIOIKI llnmlllnn luhllc llelllb nurm Invo Klvrn lhelr Iuppml In lhu rrnlesl lyy nuran In henllh nnlln lllIlan Emmy nml lhn lmHNI taxmllu Slormonl Dumln Iml ilrnznrry Mb Dnrnlhy Smuh Slmcoo Cnunly Hull Amdnum announced today that Min Laura III mm lenullvn ol the Torontn Rtflll lard Nunu Imoclallon will spank 1n Earth on Monday cw Public henllh nurm ln Hm abou menlloned nrm mlnnnl 4m 5m 11 Illcnmnounllonl banal dawn In nllcmm la in lhrlr locnl nunu unocln rccosnlml bmgnlnlnx thuh Huey not cer llllcd union ha hie theme of the Unilui Nu Ing wllh Betty Kennedy were In charge of Mm DavId How and Mn Gnlnm Guam who auendcd ho Normal went were lnuoduccd no the gum of ham by Mm Ross Adams Mn Kennedy wan nmompanled by her husband dessert and coffee party was held pringwlho speaker appearaan Vllosto wero girl Ind My dudes Ohrlsfle Mrs Gundry was nodal mnvcner new We in charge Mrs Cunrdnshm and idly mn was Mm Wibm memo Mummy 1119 Am emenu lor the recep tion followed An Even BNAO Official To Address Nurses Warden Georzu McCazua of Alliston take close look the Icon wryph was 911 dlx nt the Simmer 6361 ding following talk alv Mlunllnnf wljl bio zucstnl SPECIAL srunsm nmzs OllVEITl UNDERWOOD lid lulu lmqu film in enm 71l STUDENTSI SPEAKING RENTALS SALES LOOM ATTRACTS ATTENTION mu Nurlcs today PM Jim Mid support puhllc henllh nur lulrnmlfollowtd mmlnu ll llNAO Hemlqumerl In Toronto at which nurm up rliu 11 health unlll and our hoapllnll unvu verbal mur nncn and financial wp rt he nurm Mm mlunn Ntur Hm as the mctllnn nfltr mme hnvl loll the umnlnlnx nun thisle In I750 lo hvln lha alum and Unilw Counllu nunu One of lhc lelegrnmx nalml Um lho numn Ildo ol ha dll no In bathl not only by In INA04 lho nurm urnludaml umnnlznllnn but by In lntrr nnllnnnl Count Nurm Mulch Iml rrpmcmnllnn mm mm In ml by Hm Cnnndlnn Nur Aunclnllnu Thlrlccn nurm assodnllonl man Onlnrlo have mu lelo Dr Robert Drake deliv cm the nixpound wtmm boy by postmortem cacsarcnn section one hour Ind 71 mlnmu nflcr he had pmnwncnd the mother dead It her home He xald the mmhar could hm been dead much as an hour b9 lon um examined Mr Dr Dan Emuham Im dala pmlcswr nl mmlm and Motrin Mann Unl vemuy medicnl whoa In New Orleans nld it would hive Labor nclnllons Act II bar flllninfl unn Tho nunc Inld lhny wnnlcd Io danl wilh he counly on voluntary blush Ind not be forced to mum ma mm 01 lrada unlon TnaETum puhllc henllh nut us who mlsntd mm In two hcnflh unlu Cllll IN hm Scmlnnr for Business and PMeglonnl Wmnenl Club of Ontario The semlmr wm be held at the Rwal York on on Nov 19 Delegate mm 010 Barrie club will be Mn Ann Swwafl whn will be accompan led by ML Ruby Mchrlm OAKVlLLE GUESTS iatksra uncle and mnn Dr m3 Mm George McKJo and mm Plumhzn We donor 33M he delivered healdw baby at hospital here Sunday more than om hour arm XL mother diedi out be and other modical expats con swcrodlnnosaible Dinner guest at be home of Mr and Mn Fred Conhun St m3 mugsdax wgn flag OF PEOPLE AND PLACES en Mm McDuml Uxbr due Above the weaker Mn McDowell of Uxbridga outlines the Intricate parts the loom In the Warden Mu Delivery Alter Mothers Death Has Medical Experts Puzzled mama 15 AmA day You Iny fun My expelum ln MI cm pmvu wrong uhM had been mm in mulkvnl wlml It may help 0mm lo bnhyl llh It Duty learn nl lhll use Dr Drake uhd About Dr Dumnmn comment on In blah um Im Ind lo hIVI In Iflhcdly such him fly it could not human Dr Duke nId Mm he dds toward the babys heart beat lng all the mther hld to be nflvm But aflcr all other tests show shv was dead checked lo 509 il ma would blow Sn didnt If the didnt bleed Lhos dead Dmke West specially Mammary mid he web to tho holub Snluniuy night uncr ho mm mde roped lhnt Mn Fandm Anderson abom 15 had died It her rural homo limo ho nld didnt know the WM mutual mu lo the house luund out the WM mm Iban elm mm prrmm lle hid mmher had died dhn bgln hmflxpso my nunman Duke uld be pronounced Ihe moLhcr and 1140 pm but discovcmi tho Imbyl hem sllll hcallnx Ha sold he look lhn body to ha hosplul and dollv end we helmy baby mm swam LODGE GUESTS Crysini Chapter so of Barrie wan hunored by guns from Vancouver BC when Grand Senior Prue res Mrs irena Benton In Grand Crystal chapters oi British America was In attendance Monday awning Mn Elizath Dallinn oi Vin nlpeg Man and Mn Ella Hum iilnzwood both Grnnq accgwpanled thaflmieeung wm from Thum bury Midland andAllltou been lmposslbla for lhl baby to hm lived that long the mhul blood had flopped flowlnz 1sz said baby would normally la wXLhIn 10 mlnulu lsumemaxlmumlhwdul cm my nxwfimfi WANT AD xnoxz mzm mama spoke on mama and ancient trans me On tarlo llbtorlcal Societys mII seum section spousal1n he mm mm hem Hmmfii mum Imam nu IM yun gw mu nu mm mm UWMIMMM Mm moi howfun nu um bald MI in my In but II Marduk Jl Mon Following the laying oi ills wreath he panda whinh in cludnd oliicen nnd men irom the Regimental squadm at Owen Sound Midland and Bar ria moved oil to City lull Mme Mayor Rutherinrd crank ed um freedom of tho city to he regimen and presented scmll the Oificer Omnmnt lug Lt 00L England litre the regimental in was holst ed on the City Hall nu pola and the troops iLned bay oneu privilege granted only LadieS Section Plans Activities 0f Curling Season mm of plans for lu lune mimics the ladies at Hon the Barrie 0mm dub hmm the emflxve much in at ham ol Mrs Eden Idm midmt IIhe mu opening buzme mil take plans In the mw dd mmonNaV IatepmlaLow 10 on man itmy with two slum 5mm mm at 130 And ochdc Altar he Inn and an Wing and have five film Hack lo House will be simmhme film Includca not Able cuflcra Bmie 31mm Ron Maxde and Joyce Mc cc Commune warts mm oelvod and emergennt fur bon spichtud special ovum db sigma along wui mm mu the bozimum lill mks phoe Out 23 mi in deoVldelbozan 130 gm Mfg Run Ann With the 1me new club moms helm and babyaiding senim the exewtivo Mfldpmu an emfiunl mm scam um should be um min at the multnry rezlment nvlvzd old tradition linked with IL Ion the occasion of tha Rel em 100th blnhdny But flu was om one 01 ha tndmoru dam weekend ceremonies held al the remenln Wm in 119 Plowmfimd hush 11 our lhm crowd who had lathmd to watch the laylna the wreath It In cenmph In0wen Sound sniken ham tho Gray Ind 51mm Nesta Bezlment Band rubpd the gr 111131 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7287 in lips to mind the Lam Post Ind Ruvelfle Thu bush wbleh the mom played had bun used on mlll ury occasion md tub century 10 and had been 211th Lb fiattie Me Cum puny from the wnrnen Bank mngn mnmons AT REGIMENTS CENTENNIAL BandsmanPlays Last Post 011 100YearOld Bugle By EILEEN DIXON Callod Girls Night Out Ill funHm event brought lo you by tho courlosy of Alr Canada and Walkers Young Aduli anhlon Councll Dont mlnu Ulla glimpnn of Um romantic almmnn DIRECT FROM THE BAHAMAS Youll and him llm IIIDNI If Ilm llvlllll Wm hullu II hmll Ilm llmhn lml lllo dun Inmlmw In utk ymlrlu undrr II Inllmrtlvm opAr tumul nowmlul Halon Drum See lnhfon Ilium And its all for FREE far NORTH COllEGIATE FRIDAY OCT 2730 PM Stunlug Ylnco Mnrlln um 11 Montaguo Bench calypso hand Elm WALKERS W30 on man may Ward an Gray Cmnly ted the Human Ind look Mo tom ha raviswln and lollaw lng the impaction or lhelNOpl Inspection party Included Han onry Colonel ol the Ruinmm Brlladler Tom Rutherford Co Enzlmd ADC Capt Fred McFlul Warden Ormnby Ind Mayor Rughgrlord 9n mgmlon or flu grmed port In the pm Ade Included the Pipes Ind Drum at Squadron Barrie and the RulmemllReed Ind Brass Band 0wa Sound Equipment mm the Armmnd Corp School Camp Borden WM my ogPgrnda ornlnz lb mi menl ledgy flu elimenm band paraded to st mom Anglicnn church Ind to mend mg urvlce Ill rank dance climaxed lh uvenlnxl Activities Former conunlndlnx olflcm whu attended the dinner and Celebration nfildally 2M un der way on Sammy evanlnl when man than 150 persons ln eluding olflcm former omcm and their wives along with dis llngulshed guest mended for mal mess dinner at the Owen Sngnd érmoqry W5 WW lwuu Mw mar Another lirsl For EIIITYS WWW Ill DUNLOP 5r dance fly wen Brlfindler Ru erlord 00 Kennedy Lt Col Gum diet Col Symon and LI 001 PHIL HISTORICAL ITEM mug 0010 Gmenleal ain mnnding Olllcu of lhe Royal flinging r1 up ad Cgp1 view the Annwr eluded number old unl Ianns helmcu mum and other Item of lunatic1 Vllue The dlaplly win mm Capt Gem Wakelord Lb rel lmenul hklorln Amnnu flu Barrie xuuu landing an formal dlnner dunes were MP for Simon Nnrth Haber Smith and Mn Smith 00 the Barrie Squadron Capt Hmu Steels Capt And Mn Gnhlm mxon Capt Ind Mm WJ EW Ind Mn in mm George Drawn David Durw qndAMrs gnjlc The Barrie Squadrnn will calm emu lhe 100m blnhday of thu ngimmt at me Garrison my ball to held Lbs Burl Armoury on Nov Greenleaf an My CALL 72643159 Conyl wlll ghdly Mk0 down and rr hing your drum for nonunll Ml lluannlud length Even hemllnu El old cunloull mlond Dupulu look Ilka nu For nay quhu fluclliom Im II mlph Kirk pullcl or John MM In noun lll exclu II III MJIIL Aan anan For nay quhu fluclliom 7mm Ind Mrs

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