BAXFER Stuff Wllh 100d pxozrcss being made in the levelling and rebuilding new approaches Coumy road 21 con slmdian east here soon will be ready or mm the lam new bridge aver the Nounwn Iaga Elm Six Mummy and trucks were mn in mm as wotk mmd ed an himlevel wnsuucllon lending lo Que def Nounwlisa This muchiravellod route Mween lhomton and has Base Benin road from Alllsmn west at here link No 21 Iflghwav with No l0 County Road Un it was am over by he cwnLy the route wns knawn as BS Sldcmd 15 Ga valley when the river flaws under the 17mm bridge The new structure will be much high er and 39 ylde 95mg orpwo war veHdaVunIbc 11 MM in Hall NOW SHOWINE mj In Um him wlum Large mad is shown carry ing cement mm as Mincsing am whoa conshuwon pro Get Road Levelled For New Essa Bridge Ml THE CD $2533 Wm ME IM pagan brim crvcd Snow Valley Ski Resort FRI OCT 21 THE CITATIONS Door 0pm 820 Drul Cu TEEN RENEE MUIIC by at the CONSTRUCTION 0N MINESING SCHOOL wisens mm Oldoil 10 yam old Wlml DoLuxo10 your old When 10 yum old Wlml Old yum old Wluul Special Blend you old THHENEUMWNhï¬EHISTHSION whqu Hm Drink whisky thats older and Acting on rcqucal ucclvcd torn um Board Publlc School mum at Slmcoa County School Ann No tho Slmcoa lounly camullntlve comm Approval or lho massar dc bcnlum nww nwuilcd In this hu been held up for llma pending Ioiul matter was Ilnlcd mike ll mid Enter VMr Bcfl commented as he comendcd the county project NILE TEMACED Tho lull cut thmush are be lng Ierrucod and tho wnrk wIH bu finished in manner add to the plclurcsqun boauly Iho spot other road slmlghlenina and widening alsa plumod or EMIVALE Slafl While there has been delay fur Whllu lhera ha been dclny Iar llnnnclnl reasons plan for new l1raom publlc school mm Elmvnle and Fin have not been dropped spokesman snld hm hnd bccn delay but ha nnllcipalod 11 work Is no xlurlcd lhls hill it will be done prlglx Smcaa County Council havln given approval lhu mnln way has been opnnrd lur Ina projecl In which lha villain of Elmvulo and lowmhip 01 Flo are cooperating once nxaln Th two munlclpallllc hnva Inlnt In brlzadn and also twptrnte In other mas or local overn mull of lrnlllc made the change necessary sold Harold Bell ma Township clerk who quay11y travel on this road whlch arms he main lhorwgh lure hrough uus Esa Townshlp communily where he mllnlClpal offices am located Mud can has been ukcn in the levelling and reconstruction ceods No school girls Hea ther Downey 12 and Calm 1na Johnston point to Elmvale Flos School Plan Only Delayed Not Dropped AND rim sunmv AT 110 pm TONIGHT om snow AT moo Ml 1111le A71 1m mo NR1 lnlernlllonnl Unlnn Alllllll Canm mmlnl In Tokyo mo Cnnndlnn Cnmr Bach1y nunouncnl Dr Taylor emu llvn vkwmldenl flu Cnnn dun ruddy or mu IIIA mm mulltnl xlhlllnn nl Momlc Hnmy nl 71mm ltd ll 0m luv Onl an Indian lenl drama of dlsrrmnndes and omlulom mm mmlng Councillor Ken mum and Tom Hvlm mom Wm uhldl was mmd Ivy council wumm Won which Mld Im In ho hunin mm In In 1M hummer ma ul 0w hula ml or nr ol Tnforï¬llimudyy Nu BRADFORD sum Follow lnu minim about the new musan umllonl town com til ha lulharlmd an mil ol the cnre Bradford nummcnt roll or county court at nwml Data for the appeal mu bun lama Albert Cnlvcrl nave Port McNicnlL dlnlrmnn of tha coun ly conmllnliv commlllce cx plnlncd at the time many np pravnl required lo pruvcnl munlclpalmes or school mm mm nvtrlnpplnx their Ichonl needs Dnslcnlly the bulb ness ha munlclpalillcs con cerned and the department 01 educnuan but lhe tuunly consul lallnn hns oflen Mumd an enemy in pmvonllnl dupllcnflon In propoxed Ichool urea and lhl now covered by lczlxln llun Murh Inkrut has been nhuwn avcr lhu propmd nrcn school and hL works to ndvnnlnm alhm are oxpcdrd tn lollnw lhl route and some oi the pre llmlnary wrk dune The road also L1 paved or loan stretch Em Mushlp xamge ls 10 rated on County Road 21 east of tho new brldgo area of the 71 line tmrmship road to UN la Conslderuble work was done on the 1an road by Lho lawn xhlp and lt will rccelve more mention soon It has been W4 minced alum cemln sketch No no sidemad Wm Ivy In tho 71h line has been widen ed and Improved and hlll out down 1111 mule leads Mn tho new Nolbawmga River Park an Essa centennlnl pmjcct and lhu entrance road will widened right to the park work Is listed or next spdnz KAVB the necessary authorny or the proch Bradford Bppeéls Assessment Roll mane Workman on roof also appear to be Lnulgucd by ha operation Examiner Photo WINK CANCER IOST TQHOfpr CPLDr 40 YEARS WED DUNIBOON sum 00n mtulntiou being mind by Mr And Mn Mo Dcrmld wnll known Duntroon couple Who will be 40 yours married on Saturday Dot STAYNER BAZAAR STAYNER 5mm Mmbcm m5 VgllilngWorlgru Jub uce Presbyterian Chum are making plans for their nnnunl bazaar Mulch will be hnld on Saturday Nov 19 The Womens MlsLonmy Socloly will hold bah IMO 1n um church school uldilorlum on the same dale BRADFORD INSTRUCTORS MEADPORD sum Woll knwu in Run skating clrclos at Tam OShnnlcr Unionva my Mum EXAMINER mnn OCNJBER xi 1m While some mm or ihe current cmmcii have not yet an nounced their inteniions an cl ecillm is 918le assured wiih several newcmnm mentioned as posihio muncii candidates other member of the current council include Deputy Reeve Castor Langmlre and Council lor Evenan Lawrence Willred Davidson and Fwd Martin Axmnz those mentiqned tale candidates iar council vo been Edward Buio and Ar thur Gilten oi Sunnidaie Corners Wan White and Martin Bauer of Nuwjmzdi and Bob Marsh all I113 Sunnidalo side An Nominations will be heid Me in Novunbcr and the election say in pecqniiyer While Sunnldnlo last Oakvlew Beach to Wasaga Beach by an nexation during the past year more has been considerabia new development at New Lowell now whdivlslon primed by Jer ry Lame has Just bcen approv ed and other new devdomenu In Pensï¬pm PIONEER SWIlCllflDARD ALLISNN Shift Alelo phone switchboard from Everett which was used about 1m mm among the mum at the 8th Simon Pioneer Museum at Riverdala Park here WILL PAVE STREET smman Scam Ream Inclng of Huron street L1 among current Simt improvement pro jects In this area Tn lender was awarded the Durham Pav lnz Company mdunlo Hanio DI lrkt Nonh Ooikginle John CnrLm um Immlul 1M drill and um prize durlna all tpmomllm 95ml minim in In dlnrmlon Imynf mï¬mjmï¬egq mm In Wu Canadian AWARDED PRIZE Sunnidale Reeve To Stand In Coming Township Vote Sunnldala munlclpal value NuSevvko Ichpporlon High 71L For Hm dun wall pmlod look DISTRICT NEWS DISTRICT BRIEFS Clnnm Kin Inxer bux anything MIMI bmdit our rmmuym bq My Mil ban be gemn It lo ller Mlvnnb In remarkul lhl new armor rounly wnnlcn Since Orfllln lnwmhlp In about in low 000 populMlon through lawn Innuntlan Jim In populnllon wlll be mhmd ram nppmxlmnkly 6200 In 000 Imnll nnlmbor Mn dmlmh hlu many mulunl pm leml nml nmnlxnmmlon mlth bu mum muoncd um Wish qu Amalgamation In mun lclpnllllcs when It could be shown mutual Advantage wn advocultd by Simone County log blnHvu commlum nu onu liq Inward regional economy lhl chnlrmnn my Drnndnn only about 1000 rnlcpnycrs Ind ball but ycnrmund popnlnllnn nlnlghl thl camldcr Inmo Iuth pan fly lharlnz mun ha area might bu npernlcd mow tlll clrnlly Rcuvu nrundon did not menllnn Coldwnlcr villain of 800 am In ha mu an Mllluz In camlder It can be Ihown to be to our nd vantage xnld Reeve Albert Da Conkcy Mulchcdnsh Tawmhlr when asked about Mk Drill and Matchcdash township amal amnunz The Mulchcdflih nave lnld hh council hadnt been Inrmally appraachtd by any rtprmnln llvc Orlllln lnwnshlp and all ralkhnnrd about lha lchcma was at 3th Dix1 Figure Skating club this mmlnn season opening soon TURKEY SUPPER CREEMORE Sta An nuad turkey supper Terra Nova Unilzd Chmch will be held on Saturday Oct 22 TECUMSETH COUNCIL BEETON Stall Tmnnselh Township cuuncil headed by Move William MLlligan will hold it next mebfln on Mon dny NW Martina nt pm lnx costs and am reasons 1119 laller chiefly concerned Sunni dales new mutual position alter losing oakvlow Beach area Jammy Beach through annex on Which was fommiy beam at Oakvlow Beach was moved Bethel School on temporary basis new municipal ofï¬ce building was dimmed as cen tennial projod but adlan was pom due to Increased bullct nx noel 99d am teasma 1119 rorgflubakahn ngd Car Amalgamation Is Discussed At Matchedash Wu In rcmly tonslder may your ma And rhum umll lt brill of Wm flln rut NORTH RIVER 5mm We Just loohdovor Wm ml know MK II movlh 35 um build ho Mu la DOWNTOWN MM WOOLWORTHS BEEVE Pulmth Pardon Mo Folkll WASAGA BEACH Stall Envelopment Wnsaln Each area as one of Onzarlal lead Inu lauds Altrncllnns would be done on sensible Ind low In hull wflh the best Inlet esta all concerned given dun consldtrnllcn was gm hash ed by Reeve Ed Lannv um 4H Gall am has chosen Alan Robinson and Rose mary Vaxcy 1L mprcsenm ï¬ves qun 630 has Saturday Mailnu l00 lhe Wasnza Beach mm laid Hon Kelsoylloberu hnd Ick nowlcdged communication ram his village asking ravnmp In of the am ndvlsary com mltlee and 1m stated conslder Itlon would be given to the Ir qupsg Alain Slam of RR Elmvnh and Wayne liner of 1m Vye mic have been chosen for the nor The Eimvai HI Swine Club will be represemcd by Allan Lamb and John McDonald PE Tenn mprescntlng clubs mm counuu throughout Omnrlu wlu Icndlnu Slmcoe County tour lsl nuracllon lhu ninemile Genrglan Bay Ecach drawn vlsl tars by the lhousnnd during 115 summer months with the acquisition of former Oakvlew Beach In village now has nbnut 4000 eliglbla vole M91212 ANNEXATXON are concerned about lax allan on properties taken ovzr by the government he laid mentioning the Nancy museum one exampla atlll cosu monsy to Iervlce hue arm he said stating ha on paymant shguld bemadelln Hg ham ELMVALE Stat Elmvnla Hi Foremy Club represent ed at provincial Judging compe mlom at the Unlvorslw Guprh this Prldan 0d 21 by two member Rcuve Langevln said he plan ned la vhh Ottawa for discu Alon with the Department Nnnhern Mair nlnce ha beach wgg nationalwresoum Sprlnghurst Bench Are Rale paym Association have asked about being Included Ind thls would Edd layout 5000 more lion hean but no com was made 1305an his Elnivale Clubs In 4H Contests stuga Development Discussed By Reeve HBPBIIBII me have added mirelt We cu wameu hum 0mm Wlnnln huml IKAT DATIR ï¬ifanws miLLlon NOW PLAYING diéï¬iï¬ HOW IN WILLIAM WYLEHS We led we Md luv um nwmbem becamwo prim arily conccmed uld new ungavln 51an while Wang Beach was mpnrtant to the cm the area in midmla had pedal interest as well Mr vulmenu OTTAWA CP dul mcnl Dr David Ba rd 46 Ottawa ha Int dlmlor of the new National human Sclcnco and Technology was an nuanced Thunday Dr Baird has been chairman of lha ml ugy dcpnrlmant the Univer nfly ol 01mm or the last eight lo open Duawa on mm day Nov 10 la the Uhnlenu Laurlcr ma conlmnce will win up In lvronlo Where It will close will banquet on Wadmaday November yearn All we are making In fah deal on bash he Id nzn Ihould hav lhree members on the revamped advisory com mittee or rcdovclopmcnt or the are Notuwasagn Township has one member In Move Ar nold Vanclne and Sunnldale In Reeve Lloyd Prldham Centre 51mm member of the lam ï¬ure Arthur Evans of Brad nmmal LEI chi mnlcrme Thor willwhen Christ In the earth again to comp etc the work begun at hls first coming Modem mans very perplcxfly and sense tom bodan is one of the Bible signs that Christs second coming ls near You If Invllod lo hour In lddrul on Ohll Iubocv an SUNDAY OCTOBER 23 AT PM God willing Vlll worldwide tension ever be eased the War on want flnall won the mblcms of old age disease and even calh be full solvch HEADS NEW MUSEUM REEVE LANGEVIN Tomorrows World whnt win It be lflw TONIGHT SATURDAY SUNDAY THE lEGION HALL CORNER SECOND PINE STREETS COLLINGWOOD ONTARIO in MRI WEE mï¬im as mbsltlga 1omwu3 fgwnuwowg Ben methods of developing an Wosaga Bead area have been this topic much discuv sion Studies have been advoca led to covemueil thing as hlsie economy determination oi in iuro needs prolodcd iand use requiremenls Adminlsiraliva employment and economic im piicaiions with capilni cnnsirub lion and opeynllnz costs mun iclpal and area cervical includ ing water Mniiglion Icicrhone and electric services en necr ing and Iraiilc study Elcclcd Ina Juno 25 In medal elecllon allowing Wasa Ill allon Oakvlcw Beach Reeve Lanzevln And his council remain In ofllce term ending In December 1931 However an electlnn will he held next lummer or the 196 councll Whlla he lnvorcd clcctlunl whlle ILlllIle realdenlh an Able lo watt chve Lnnlavln ngmd system which has councll ln olllce or month all another thll ls elected not alwayx ln tbs best lnleh est ratepayers Told of tha expellance of other places Where It proved dlsndvnntale he aald ha Inllclpaled lt wnuld b0 zlven hmhu consldentlon 7266474 Bflflfllï¬ DRIVERERR Mr Bullnmman TRUCK 0R CAR Lease For Dmlln Cull 1967 43 Em Rd CONSERVE VALUABLE CAPITAL YOU