Luv rnIn an LYNN LI HM NOW HM 1T0 GOOD HEALTH mM KI lmmHl pm my 11 mm VMnll hm 1mm Ha iuwno Nmr Iwu mm run In ma 1Munhlnvlllllnn 17m Mm tlAnm um My rm 1mm Imp Aumn Il IIuHn vam or 7CHHIIDPMI Im om Nml ml Ih um Haw mm mm 1Dulh vmy my aum In If Lhllmll llhflndubld lluuxm Hobo 30 wm llDI him 750 IAmmnuu UIA jun 31 uuna Hun ilun inï¬rm ercgflfldawfl our XlWnnunl 1Dulhlo mu vmunl iWetm or spam snunm nmbom Ilanun Bunny nnuzmr ilxamnlii Vldv World of Liunmanu 1111 mam eruln 700 13 mm 541m Trip MD Isunmv aunlulu Schnei FPIDer CIFHI llflruxr 1th lha EarInn 1000 2slnbd Jr JUnlm khlnhnueln Jr 1ropen Hunt inm LrnnIiy mm mum spud VMWIl Pork Chap ml 830 Mo amnulu 1nnchc 5an Hanan Hthn llGchnflxrl lleulo Movll Menu chm IMlkl Dollllu Show TNDnMI llYlmlly Thu TM Wu Min 530 10 Lind um son ¢7mrsporu snunmynnnmy llHm 0mm 700 zn 1mm 70 Hollx Th Cu Human Bunnie vFum And Ham uMuflmolum 14mm Carla CClpuln Kln ma llOulaonll Elim fled 430 sumovinf hmcx um um iCDmmunchlu 1H Daullu Show Hum mm In Lury nnumy Compln mn mm Allmo no BUFFALO BARRIE BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO 11 HAMILTON Dur Dr Molnm nunt but am sun abauz Iva pounds overweight weigh 12 pound and would like $0 Mm to In balm mm mung on weight begun pregnant 15 ll all rim to diet now1 When carrylnz my 11m baby put on too much weight Haw can prevent thin have had By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Pregnancy Reduction Not Always Feasible SATURDAY OCTOBER 22 MORNING AND AFTERNOON mo ln Innu lecl 30 Slllfl SEND Hm 5pm mm Wwlmmv mu cu 711 unuu kiwir vsuxxum simmer 95 It mam 33 imam nwm unm 00 Heal econ 130 SUNDAY 00ml moon Pllynuuu J0 unuw um um TELEVISION PROGRAMS mum SATURDAY OCTOBER 22 EVENING HUNDM OWOHEII EVENING 700 ynqlnm 1574 wnum Ink FMDAY OCTOBER II EVENING on no um cu Show iNm 11915 umt mm Lmn mm IMI mlo mun mm LT IMMIM of hum mun ullmn um 21 MORNING IMO 1209 1Dum um Mum JD ilhlldl hunh tm xmn wnd Ilumm mm mm um 110 lWIII mu lYlnlvlun oHu Mmul rm YM 00 Lulu Tody tChunh her Ilullwlnlu Mfll 41 1mm ll Iaocuum Ls mm um unwary Imm You Wm um Ilm 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IAnrd nulll lTunlm In Irmml anlo Ham nu Ll Hunt 04 my doom 43 cm mu mm um lIVW Ival 1AVIG Mm llHuln KMNW An HUmfld 2m nun lf£wunnnul mat 1lull IM AMI llMrunwn Human in 74W VMHI fn Icwn IF 011M blm room Multan nm An Hm helm M714 room IIDI nu iliï¬nimflxé 1000 Mumle Hw Wu emu Kumm wxg vwm cromt lunar Hllhml Th HOnldcn Unllmlul 1030 hum NM 5er Hnlmxbumr mm In La VIII Imohr OflIlnl th 1Olnmp clownu nwym unm 11 an mm 441mm mamm £13m hny 1100 him 11 um kn nun lnow moan mun 5mm 7MMI mm mm Mom Klnn Go rm nLm Shaw or Corl Eu Hm Hunt Wienu Report 1num1o mu 313nm and HEW Ill lTonlnl Shfli 1111 Mmary 0m 1100 1130 Fund rm mm Hun or Your ul HMIW Grill 1000 91 bumth emu 570m It would bu an to bid only two nolrump Mlh his hand The Ipodo bid and he two dlomond rebld could have been based on minimum vnlucl for cxnmp 19 only 13 highcurd pninu Slnte hero are 11 points which have not ya been portrayed they can now ho identiï¬ed by Jum to lhrco nolrump two up bld would be incorrect on two counul It would understate our lllzhunl value and would also all to ldcnlily tho balune dr dislrlbullom Tina clubs litre wo ham diilcrunt typo oi hand an we send diiimn typo ni mm nlei cant hid noirump Jinan in distribution is unhab DAILY CROSSWORD Three nolrump good hld dzr knows now In rend well receive Ha mus bu carom to represent accurater the vnl ues ha has born In high curds Ind distribution and Ilsa be able to Interpret or rrccivn any my rage his partner sends More era the basic requirements or ngood lglldglng pnrlngrriljy What would you bid now with and the IolInwlnu our hands In anen laid the ma Co consul ymu doctor 13 won at Igm helluva you are pregnant quite cammon lorphyll clans to mnke the sumo flat chum or pregnancy whom er my nm you when on are two kal pregnant en gm ï¬rst sco you When tho baby um You are South ncllhcr side vulnerable Thu bidding has can the babyMac needs In ch00 lnz Ihe right foods whlIe avoid 13 the fattening ones 11 lilac dam Imp you docgor can of comm DOCTORV Thih am good Mum or ghla Delivery Is easiest and Wuuhlp Jenna 6mm 45 Munlm 12 nhlm 201mm dnnml whim mm 75 Ml Impl my Amnyumul II It And wml I8 Con vmtlkm qual 31 mulln imam d0 lnL lo program not Idvluble Ideas under tho Mxpervwon your doclm You do not mod 41 great deal of food Ming magnum and the on whom About cam Nr hu been wmdono an we or people who Just wan to out too mudn But you do need ha rim Modsprolehl vlmnï¬ncomalnlug foods enld gm ugd 99 mlqmymï¬lch Baum Ind nmdda thaproblem all excesewuem 9r Imud mu maln problem fun mo 3mm 000 nmichimuv nz pram rt iqgflpn can ï¬tmurd la ll am 11 Ully lnln nmruo Hum the Mby bomWhen you gain too much Mule pregnant means that you hm slowed way In In your body and you already hww lww hm to shed mh weight Hill MA mmw 0mm 15 Im in ILCM In 13 XHnnlo ACROSS 1xerry TV lama lJlrldu BANDS non DAKM C12 5mm BMW BKOJW mm DAG BAKOCG mo DAQJH CKB iimmm ImllA nut Welt Pu x11 on can um mnklng your own cla Valid no pay chgck them wont be my money or mnteflnl CONTRACT BRIDGE Iool Vrnnrl Cut wk hmnor Dr 11 Mill ï¬ll of UJL ICnnldlln pravlnux nhlxr Enlurllld DOWN Lflllo 01 Kl Annurn man Firm Ifllmlll Xvival Amhmy By JAY BECKER Em Pu um nnllflpg ywxllqwn clalhcll mum in wln Minnie Hall in 211mm MallVI 11 II uplul mernwa 311mm tnlnml Hm aunmnt lnM roln of Xnlln 41mm dlnmnnds MI mam illuminating than my oth er bld we could make Dy r9 hlddlnz tho dllmunds we Identity thn Ivecurd ml and at the nnmo IImn lmpiy llvecard lamb ln spades 11113 became we would have opened the hiddlnl with Mo diamond with hold lnx at our made Ind llva dIno mondl 22 fooled Our made are almost I21 lufflcient lmmpu llnca they are playable apposite tingle ton and ll need he oppaxlle mId Thu Jump to Ihreo Ipadcs jusllflod by the 10 hi hard polnu wu wen two spades partner might we Igg only or III poLntg Tho mm hlrncard value um simultaneously mauled IIncu with weaker hand can alnlnz tho Inmu dlxlribullan we would bld lwo wade to Ihaw hand 01 ha mlnlmum clnu 2mm Thrcn spades Axum crent Inn hand lime wn dont bid nu trump becauu 6430 hnnd dont lend them lelm lo notrump play We cant support dubs beam we dont have any and we cant support hearts with only thm trumps because partner uppean ad have only four heart 11 mlnlmum no we do not jump lha blddlng Thu thm club bld also mm to ldenlfly the hem shorten 5km by now Ipadu diamonds and club have been bld Thu plcture drawn is mpleio The rest It up to pan ner achd Our highcagd camp Dul Dr Molnar them my danger ol contrth mam dluut from clothing mm at rummage sales Dona dry clean 115 or washing make um um no risk even the clothe arent drydamn or washed in About clean to zero wu 12 Men drynga would More important almanac camplicntinm can in avoided might canbo conlroiied And then can be checim tor anem ia Nmiiianai dot cienclel ii nny can be corrected and lb aevutattnn iniectionl Which sometimes occur can In mad at once instead at 1min on disaster Unim your doctor mm on any attempt to im wctm Susi km your giant on not nininl mars than the normal pourdau Deu Dr Mninm in twn mum manhuwhltmonth should stop wearing um mm or garter builtMrs EH Any time it iooiz uncomm able But you chouidnt be uh in me Every womnn should nut rain to her awn ptiyuiciln soon an she thinks the in pregnant com canlegflu lam rh when odomr hu mn lhl mother periodlmly thmghwl memwlswmn mlnnc TIMII lllm me oflltm Ibhr 714m 11 dd 35 In 1041 EMVWW H0375 mm um um mum W21 1m iMIAW COUPLE OFdUITAREMANDW MIGHT RAVE HITTLINE ON WRWDE No Nor Lair IM RIGHT Minny Wï¬ï¬mm$