We do nnl nllngrlher ager that ha cosl all Improve mrnl which urban dwellers re cclva that do not apply to lown Ihlp rcsldcnls llvlnu along con cmlon road should bu pravld ed an nddlllonnl levy on lho properly owners Those mie payer are paylng lhclr portion of the 13 mllls lcvltd for roads in the luwnshlpl Many Uum do no um lhesa roads and pnrllnn cl lhls lnvy could be our mnrked Im expending ln lhe ur ban dlslrlct Say lhlnl ol the gum ralscd would bu ample and st delegatinn will be there nith an old buggy and well trained team liir and hire Dwight Nelson and Mn And litre Edgar itmmpson will he handing out pencil with thn tnwnshlp name on them and leaflets that extend an invitation to our tawnshlp next year when It big match will be held on the Cochranu terms Thesa leniiel at which 15000 are to be printed will be spread out mg the thousands that attend this years match and lets hope they do not Just make pile that goes into the wnsie basket when the vi ttors get homo The pencils are the lead variety and these days dd nut wnrrnnt place in mast poekeLr Fine weather is the hnpe of all vhn have to be there in rain at one oi these matches can really put crimp in attendance and make it dit llcuit to get warm This might be good llma la qnnle remark marlu lo new menbynmmlvlslwrmCm Ida thn Archblshop of Canlnr bury He said that here ln Can ude we an laminate ln havlnl lha old world herllngc lho Swlsmnn kccm lhu Sabbath and overylhlnz else he can hold or the Welshman prays an hl knue and on hls nelnh born the lrlshmnn doesnt know what he wants but vlll lluh nnd dlu fur ll the En gllshmnn scleada man who warshlp his creator lhls laken mm the Canadian aluminum We are enjoying the lovely all wcmher and lhosu who era In spend thu week at Seafoth amending the Inlernnllonnl Plow nxumm hat 1h wél URBAN NEEDS With the hollday aver tha vi ltou gone and the turkey just enough lo make pot of soup we can now concentrate on what we re xolnu to gel our friends or mm remomberlnz what we not last year and being ddcd Accordingly mmm NOTES Tune To Look Aheaé To Christmas Holiday a4 EXCELSIOR LIFE comm mulde nxannotambul wally is In so bad annually when mnlhm Wm only Hymn gm Ilmm Um sccunlv my nond Shu wnsni mlemng to mow lalhuva Intomn or nswlz Slm was mqu munng hm childlon Um Uvuv Mannlele about lhu lulum lrolmhlv you know why Dad has Mn insuvanco mvmg mahle look Mm Inmdvilnnylhlng Imppon Io Imn No mman In man you Mm yum lluouqh cnzh vahm xcoimol Lilo palm so Hull who he quoI Imll ho sum lo lwn Louflouublv wulh mum and Mm he dupun demon ha clnldvuvn You may svw much ununah to who mm mm lodzw Aamad Huwnvnt1lm xcohrm Lllna unmmunnl Insum Ma inwmncn can mam you an nnmndmtn Imlhoumm lo ammo you lavmly mum normal Mr Anything lmnpmu In you Jul llIaln nul all who you mam lnlucmum nun vnA1llvnvnlanlvluilnln um mu hnln uluvum In yuu and yum vuln lol lrlu Hunk om llmn conml vcuv Emhio Ldn Hpmvnlnhva Hnll ollev cumnmnl mlvm on your Mo and Dwalth Ilumauco mum Yawmm Gwyn swam Momcomau comm LANm wfl3r Is your dad millionaire Mom says ours is By ll The council fnedem grunt oi ttso to the committee tor rcc reaiiennl services This will en nbio the mailing oi survey tonne that are to go to All local cili nens asking information at their wishes Io who form oi creation they wish to have as sistance with When returned to the committee the may towns viil nllow the most desired work and program to be set up so that the most persons will have It service nvnllabi to them The lirst group listed is the senior cilllens who are naked in sug gest wallow ways in which they mlttht henellt rem the recrea tionnl efforts such es tours euehre bowling shumebonrd nnd dropin recreation cemre Adults are being asked to check the tornt ii they nrq interested in curling skiing broom ball rqunrednnclng art classes or bridge clamor keepAiii classes cuehre competitions or choral groups Girls and boys are rc quested to state their choice oi activities nhiuh they in 31 should he promotedlncludlng teem clubs and various sports in well as crnli classes nnd square dancing School ngo none are nsked to suggest sports and classes in thlch they would be interested The form also nsk those who Wuuiti enrc lo be nctivn on subcommittee to so indicate Council agreed lo purchase 10 complimentary llckels lur coup les or the man nl llw nuxlllnty pnllca uho are nllnnd lllu lnnlslll pallccrnnna ball next monlh Tho Hckeu nro now Ivnllahlu and lhe ball will FOR AUXILMIIYI npcndlna portion at the mar lav on the meets Iidewalka an street llghtlnl oi the up bun roperlles would In our opin ion qulta lalr ltural prop artie with nurtured road pas lnl their farm on not assess ad any man than villager who has onl dirt meet and it tho aidawal needs repalra It could hahandled by split in the money rained with the mllla iar roads To males that thus ratepayers should havata pay additional for re in of local Improvement ad itional lo the regular tax in mining their cost on maklna It cxcasslvc Gnr bag collchon and street light ing costs on an average cl $1150 annually Five mile nl lho road lavy wnuld build up sum of 515000 year and would leave over hall ol tha lax levy to go to help wlth road across Ihs township RECREATIONAL males was voted Ihe dad Dallas meeting TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7mm kghglduflwflmbmyfldlh The arm or John Timbers near Cookslown wlll be tha site or In yearu South Slmcoe plow match to be held Oct la lhl wlll hran out the few examples of ham plowlnlallll dnne In an arm SUPPLEMENTARY mounn council covering the lunda already mm on lap auxIndy pads Ante those The total of costs was men lloncd and the marl supervisor 11ka Council that he wuuld have to make lha nhne llt hy Ilrclchlnl the balance ul funds on hand llll he and the yeah The aggrovnl was ofï¬cially cavnr present coals Baffle PLOW MATCH ouble your money withCanada Savings Bonds Centennial Series Aml or llm flnl lime there mlnl compound inlcml aplion To lake all Id vnnugu ll luwo All the ImnuAl lnltmt The new Bonds pay Annual inlemt ll be nle or each of UN ï¬n our yum m7 or well lhu next lhrro yum HIV or the following year And 073 or fllCll of the hut flvo yumn lolnl 07225 in lnlcmt on ovrry 0100 Bond Ccnltnninl Suitx Cnmuln Saving Bond offer you their hisle inltmt yirld evu 548 yunr when hcld lo mnlurily MPGN A1 Rwedouer prayer or ea now ï¬nal In Ihe Gum Eng 1119 0mm Assemblys Home of Law has named to an nzuve form nmho bum serv lce lrom that contained In the rovbed prayer book or 155 no Prayer Poi Dead Légal In Church Whatl the mm 11 the BOAC or Mr leda jcl In London It oclock ovary ling night of the week the most convenient Ind relaxing way to Eriuln Enloy the luxury of an infllght dinner Then settle down for Mum mp BOAC provide ecmly mu 1tu nlllows mammalriding Roflykuyw 707 to encour age you Seven hours after laka youll mm In lmdon early manning hulls rcfmhed and ready to no Not to bed but About you businm Ono Piccadilly 01 Park Luna the Palm Londonn rally wldnuwnka mm all London51010 So It would belpky ml nvcfl Imomun on sleepsleep BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAsz CORPDMYION Wlm AIR CANADA Wankeup Lmdlmm BOAG Mobil be wwwmwj he dlulc mgr chnrdunen hava lonl 1501 Prayers for the dead It their sendcu no vote brim moman the Mn uon of obediewa la lawn1 lu 0de maxwe Méd by the cle mlï¬mfly Jude They um um my lo buy or null or on lmulmcnu whom you walk bank or inml It all Iddl up to mud lnleml of 0100 on avcry 00 Hand In ulc aura way to nave nounm 1mm noun will Cnnndn Saving Bond Ccnlennlll Suits Tllil Seriu relnlnu All the traditional ltnlum which mnkn Canndn Saving Honda CLnIdnI mot nvoumd lnvcalmtnh unoollccled until Nov 1970 and you will get inlemt on your interest mounting to 176 extra on evcry 0100 Bond dead com be new con mm moonde man In led MIL thew uld kmtï¬on the MI mama would lee me poumna as show BAERIE EXAMINER WAY 0mm 11 1M ll antheirwqy mail aflen during the business day For postal fnlarmallan us your alapï¬ann book Yellow PIHIL They um mll limplo to cull Anyllmn at nny lmnk in Cnnudn or lutlr lull Inco value plm enrnrd inlcmlJunl flll oullhu mlcmp Hon arm on the Bond pmcnt lo your bank nml youll get yuur mnnry rixhl nwny And new lhrym btltcr Hum cm lo km with ll hlglmt Inltrul ylchl ovcr And lnlemlonlulcmlnovnuzmmumnnwilh Cnnmln Snvingn Bond Centennial Sula Yau may buy link $50 or much 310000 Every Cnnndinn midznl may buy up to thin limit So can um Office mall speedletters