yllv Dm nhrmn In III Mm ha and and um IM not 34 51X lawrum MI um In mid um bu In II II ha mmlam at will Ilvrim 51mm In Hy gum When you mulch hit law yrr From 51 umum you mm Mundan Iron cl Mm mm with And INA dmlon mm In Ihn IrmWM mar mm IN harp Mm rlhlnfl um lime luuu nu ho damn nmlu ll 0mm ABILITY lrr mm In wildn lurly mumM wn on Ma 1m hlrlhuyufl hull Mvumwmmwux fly DON OlllAllN TORONTO The member hm wnluhly hut mml hlkul Hm lhm Vlayl Inr 010 in lo mblm In mmlM rarunlnthn II Mimi Writ nl Llncnlm Vhlle woro not of mind 00 mom mcnd that churches should pay property taxes them nro othm in this community who share Miss Whittona conviction In this matter Dmkvillo surely has good ly number of acre of prime land occu plul by church and Government bund Brockville Recorder and ï¬mes In thls day when many pooplo do not belong to church let alone go to one the argument of former Ottawa Mayor Charlotte Whitton that church should pay property taxes may lnd much sup tort She is not the ï¬rst to recommend hat churchu lhould pay munlcl nl taxes but she did so rather forcefully Vlnd our and went on to advocate that Federal and Provincial Governments should do llkcwlso for thetr properties DOLLAR VALUE or our cnuncuas QUEENS PARK Barrie Examiner 1921 New Dreamland Theatre where now is local ed Barrie Examiner parking lot cele brated first anniversary with special movies Jackie Cobgen Charlie Chaplins The Kid in Pecks Bad Boy and Pris cilla Dean in Reputation Chuck Smiths orchestra played all week Town Hall at Slayner filled to overflow ing as North Simcoe Tories chose Col onel John Currie again to contest next federal election Thomas Ross of Guthrie will carry banner for UFO Unit 2d Farmers Ontario Only outside eaker at convention was Miss Agnes it acPhait former school teacher who is entering politics by running for UFO in Grey County The only way to control parliament is to control the members she asserted in referring to the c0nnec tion between Premier Drurys govern ment and the United Farmers of On tario Fire Chief James Shnibsolo presented recommendation to Town Council re Barriea volunteer department UFO convention for East Slmcoe at lilldlands Model Theatre was stormy as Labor delegates walked out refusing to accept Farmer nominee Exciting runaway on timid malngtreot when mu horse owned by Sylvester Tracy of An gus bolted in front of Ottonn hardware and ran along sidewalk until halted It Herb Robertsons drug store Greene 45YEAR$7AGO IN TOWN Barrie pulled out of Slmcoe County Council seven years ago for sound econ omic reasons It found it was pa for such county services as recrea on and libraries laciliiles it already enjoyed within the city When the pros and cons were added up Barrie found itself much better off financially by going it alone County count ors are not entirely sold on region government Some see it as another form of the county system Many who support It feel that cities shoutd be In and not out as they are now under the oogntyadnï¬nistraflon Barrie has every reason to be skepflc of any move that would bring it within the scope of an area government True Barrie would form 311 of that govern ment and there cou be benefits which could develop whlch are not immediately apparent but at present the city appears to pe dplng quit nicely on it own Much has been written about regional government but actually little is known about what its effect would be on city like Barrie or on group of communitlu which might come within the scope of sugh an administration Wnlh Publisher Mention Young MPP For Cabinet Post Not Everyone Is Sold On Regional Government hfmmrié OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Onnadlun Newspaper lelted 16 Bayfluld Strut Burrll Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE Methon Managing Editor ammnn mom mu mua Fm plum Mm In on Inan ha been montlmd ma mom 01 um In labor WhimmnÃ©ï¬ LAM MINUTE 1M Mainly new mmulm nny Mud ll Mu In VJll belnl lllkhl lm HI lxflmlo lo Illa vo mm ha nlnul ml bu tollulun Ind man when 30min Mr my lo mlmm Md 1h In Alm av mu Ir mini 14 min hanl hr public go 11 him and I$ok hl no 10¢ lmnlor ohm lo hold lurk on Mm Imlil baton mm mm um Jlm flawt um 2M Khmnrimm nnw 4211Juzasfl But we Wonder dollar value being placed on church communuy that me Its churchm mny loso more lhan It would gain Tho taxing of church propmlc has been controversial mallcr or many years The EmmKUOIl was granlcd orlgln ally becauso valuablo oonlrlbutlons churches make to community and lls people llllss Whllton contendx that loday when many pcoglo do not go to any church lhu churc are bclng subsldlzcd by nï¬nosllcs athclsls and other non Chrlstnn mldcnu ings on which such taxes could be lnvlcd But how would an assessor classify church property or tax purposes Would ll be considered residential or commer cial Neither applies but them would have to bo in classification name Lawn Bowling Club winnin rink was sidde 15 Hiram aikcr who ha anAtterCieius Hinds Ind Joseph Seagram Skip Hunter Kennedy was second with Joe iiiiinc George Vickers and George Hubbard Im ortant business deal was sale of Barrie aniage Co giant to Waltham Mom of Canada hope to begin Broduclng lruckswlthln 90 days At nleulawq gowljngjlqll winning rink Kemgenfelt Drive was serenaded by Bar rie uzens Band dim10d by Dr Arnall Capt Roll late of Canadian Army Dental Corps opened olflce over Reeves Jewellery Miners Point Pavilion held rgal oldlime Barn Dance Music Co was offering several used organs on ood terms Barries fife and dnxm and making good regress Barrie ladies won county go champ ionship beating Midland in final Local players were Mrs Chisholm Miss Ida Creswicke Mrs Rees Miss Alice Cres wicke Miss Eigood Miss Failing Miss Ardagh Miss McCarthy Miss Earwick Mrs Stewart Royal Pierrois troupe from England attracted fair aud ience to Grand Opera House Tuesday night in vaudeville acts While some boys were stunting on root or curlin club Clapperton Street Clarke Bel young son of Mr and Mrs Bell fell and broke wrist Glen mon summer estate of Mr and Mrs Rees of New Orleans Louisiana on Kem enfelt Rrive was serenaded by Bar nu Under region plan would Barries realty taxes go up or down Would its recreation services be better Would gglice and fire departmentscost more cause of wider coverage These are only few of the questions which should be answered before regional govern ment is foistedon the people nun Regional government could be good thing for Barrio but the people must be shown It Is not enough to speak well of its virtues without proof And to date proof is lacking In essence the proponents of re onal ovornment have pointed rosy cturo they have failed to show howsuch an administration would benefit Barrie We have heard too many generalities and far too few details of plan that could have profound effect on every municipal sen vice we enjoy in vBurie today there any reason to believe that Barrie wouldbe better off asctnm of re onal administration The tywould at be helplng topay for services to the small havenot communities something It got may from when it cut clear from thgcounty HIDWIIwn General Mgnager MM lhm Mr WM ml ler Ii fly nu mqm mum In Hm AM lhlx mm rum wKly lmlll alwnyn vmmnl wunl man dvmnl In Nnn MM AMHTANIM In mum In AdmIM MIMI nhimy hnwcm lu VIM renaln lhlnn WIN hr Mm And my Au mm un um Imam now Maur lrnlmuln II rmmmal In mm and he MAM be NI Iazlcul man Thin would mkuklly nmiy nuurn 3mm Mllm who in In mrlyy NulvliuwvlNw Mk mm Irv up 0n mmm Ruin be um Mr llohmh mlm nm the IaMW haunt mum man Senlw not only In umrl mm Inu ln Inseam Hi Mllllju ï¬lly flurrlr Exumlnrr Ono publication Shed canny concern nvtry Cunn dlnn It was nrldrrucd by lhouuhllul Qutln lilllabclh lo nur Loving Subjects and all olhm uhom hue Imcnll may ronrcrn lItr Mainly ha lmn rcndlnl he Mnllsllu compiled by lhl Dominion Fire Coxmnlsaiomr or maybe mma ofllcllll In on lhrm on her IchnXL llrr Mn July upmnu her comm Ill These are he sorl ol ques llnn mlch musl be rnlscd In lho mlnd of every parcnl every household head ho mlahl hnp pen lo rend the Cnnndn Gazelle Bnl who does The Cnnndn Gazelle lhe federal governmenll nollu board ha strung publlw llnn dnesz every Salurdny and um second and lourlh chms rluy ln each month ll prlnl general nollcex Ordnrl ln Coun cll pmlamallom nnd regula llnns nmplllylnu our lawn lu nnnnnl Auharrlpllon 315 III exntma whlch lha average Cn nndlnn mu Molrl Mlhou dc prlvlnx hlmlell nl cxclllnu rcadlnl nllhough much nI ll may concern hlm 111 mg or run DId you cvnr hed practice Ire drllI or your Inmlly when dld you last clear mo Junk from Mile and baseman OTTAWA ll suiiocntlnz smolm were to curl into the bedroom oi yaur sleeping chil dren tonight would they know what to do In savo their lives Or would my be plnickcd when awakened by tho sound cracklinz tire cigarette butt were accidentally dropped unnxtinxuishcd In your base mom would it smouldcr harm lcssly tn extinction on bare mncrcin floor or wnuld it un noticed mend tire to pile oi tinder dry Junk needlessly stored lhcrc in case it ll needed lame day whulvrly DnUHHI In the we or rtpuhlmlkm III new dlnpalthn In IMI mt rmlllud In II Amlnlul Imn or llruIm ml also lhn local new publluhul lhmln Munlwr nl Hm Cnnmlnn Dally Nwmnprr luhllh AIIMIIIIMI llw fun dhm IErl Ind AIIIlll Ilulrnu dkircluaum Thu Allin Inn Dnlly Snmlnyl And Slnlulnry Ilulldnyl ucrplul ï¬uburlpuun me daily by cnnlnr 5c weakly um yuvly Shqu In If Ilr lnnlL llnrra 40 um Onlnrln Ill 31w mnlnr brow01L Ill yrnr Mall oulphlq Only your uuldn CA nmln llrlllIh umlnu mm yrnr LEA Ind 10mm mm yum leu 415 Unlvmfly AN anoulnx M0 CR ml 5h llnnlrralz 50 mo Well lcmlrr 5L VnmMIVrl Aullmrlml Imml clnu mall 1qu 0mm Dcpml Input ltnwn And or pnymcm nl poslnn In wk OTTAWA REPORT By PATRICK NICHOLSON Queen Is Concerned About T011 Of Fire rrmu1uz 27 TENTING TONIGHT ON THE OLD CAMP GROUND mmWfle 11w mmnnwut lhm mm In alvr Mnmml 00001 and Mu Johmnn hrp Iw nlnly IlthIrl nwhnr lmt ll Hun Ilay NR han mm mil ulrrNdld Ilmnll lo Dina Drr IM rmnlmnlfll mflrg awn rm me Inm nflrr mman MI Inn Im vrmvl ml new hma bull Mu In Cath Ind minim mm In man not nlml lho Ilm man ml won the Atlantic lrnm Glam lnv 1W Th Inmlkm rm rrwmhnl hi Ilamlm Timu am flu bow Ind Aha NH Mum puMilwr wen In 11 Id In look mum HanI ml Imrmhcrd blm In HMwi mum Firkllnn uhn llnunnl lo nu my mum lwmme Inlrmml md NNI Mluml In lllllll hm lime lo talk Io lhl oh man lrhm MIMIm Slr WM lin Ur Tmmmllmulk uirolmu npfllld 0r public MN Oct 1007 II had been piomrml by Hal lnn lnvcnlm Man barkul by Jlriflxh mpllnl Md tidal hy Cam Mmle rmIved flu ml unnh mm ha Mimic Duo ML mlng base near SI Johnl NM Some liltfllMl mid ho Iltmommllon had Inn Inkul mum rlamï¬l nut Mum would um um hum ml In In Wind lo 1M Innu mm of onrlh Imund bl Im Marrunl wM Men In Mm rlvvn hln hm ma be nqu Iho Sunnulne Cnhk CD Ind nrlmlvo rommunlcnllnn nule lrmu Nrwmwllnml Ala Jolmm Sydney throu Iuch losses are still Increasing ym by yur nrnl Her Majesm and whereas humnnflnrlan Ind eco numlc musldcrnllom impera tlvcly demand Um Improved ï¬re provenuon manure In undennkm to prevent his eco nomic waste and lnglc loss 11m and where dealrnblo that lh nllenllon the Mlth bu directed Io lho mam Ind underlying causes the pre enlabh km In nnd prw my by ï¬re and that peclflc porlod of yanr ha Icl Ipnrl and properly designated or the dIsnmIanon of luck lnlormn mm that man that on nverng mm Ihun 11 people warn kfllzd and mm lhnn $250000 worth 01 pm my was destroyed In every week ring hnpngl decade CANADAS STORY During the last 10 years re ports lhe ire commissioner 825000 puma fires in Canada have burned to death 5000 Lov iuz Sublech or 0111ng who won concerned And thou iires dc strayed houses and furniture and goods and mum vllucd at 31400000000 Ihe terrible loll reflecled In these slnlbllcxor mayba an other ofllchll ell that xho would ha lhey were bmuzht lo her aiknllun Recalls Opening Wireless Service non BOWMAN 0n Imvy GM ay We MAM um munr1 ml unmqu In Immune uwvy luvum mt MM mm rm hnvrn ll hm mu min um In mvrry lmunl umn MI lur Him hm IIIllL lIuUï¬ mm mm mmme Xerhhm Imamy lamnlam nwlnq Hm bankr lm lnwludal cnnlrmn owqu VOHAIM IMIShmncr 59w lml 7l Lnkr nulnrln Mlh dm ngulzlml pnufpgm noton ol Edmrvmm Munr pxgltyxl mail 11w MW York Time had um Kory but 01mm la hard up publication unUl he Imulon TImM had received In dlnpatch Dan th1 by and um ho Low don Time xlhl mi nckmklcdxo lhnl had mde mr Mary Nu ll wnl NM Ihnl KM leer Md one to Um dnd lfllvr wclim of he pm emu 1h Canadian cumrodent hai not mouth pollan on Hu rnvr and The ma hm Hunclad rur lhnl ll Mlll MN lrllm with Kluge due The nova wort renhxt devolfn menu wu drï¬ytd rifle OTIIIIII IT HVHNTfl 4ch mm nmm Mnmrral wenan lry Jrnnnn Mnurr BIBLE THOUGHT cmuM the PM All which Our Loving Sub Jecu And all olhm whom In my mnczm Ihuuld observa and prncllccnol only In next week but In all week and Iyl And my your children enjoy 65 re Irma nlghll lhmuzh lhn coming your And he proclnmnllon than urge that all bulldlng ho In spected and combustible rub blsh be cleared out and unity wlrlng be rcnuwcd gnd Um lira drllls b9 hcld upcclnlly or children In Ichoolsland why not also In the homes hm they slrt and are more um lo be kllcd7and Um pedal In prevenllon Ind precaution Inslmcllons be Elven and lhnl lhl Marmallon be spread hy all urnllnbll moans lo lmpms upon all Cn nndlun Illa nallunal lmpurlance and humunllurlnn urgency to protect lllc properly and ml urnl source unlqu lire lion Now know ya that We do designate the week commenc ing Sunday ha Ninth at October in the present year as Fire Prevention Week and we do recommend to All Our Lovan Subjects that at tome time dur ing that week my be iound mast prnciicabie CiiEK ND ELIIA OUT ï¬nancing major pm ecu nemly project mm be dropped or lnddlnlbely Mponod booms Ilnmclnz an mmuibuty Ye tho pmJod may be om Nah will have to be tackled or later and um invntlndï¬y mm mm lwmsed cod Tim an wmomhcdx he the Mach Nvu uhldl own We Lake maximum 50 mm pawluod that they hm been liainlly told my umot Word mu Yul mm the Black mm ll key hater 1n the depth cl flu Mtximm wamwny and Mom poltum my mum 3mg mm The help must come mm the wnhr xmunmem and it could me In Variciy wayl ml all Lhem the arm blue handoau Fkxlbnhy is mind or in the arms mud Median of mi because of vnrluy financing problem COSTS INCREASED The province pm per mm of tha of such capital on Jam in winterling undies lmdll main end shared with Lhe Jede mmml flood cormi pmlecu Wider agreement with the goverrmnt of 0mm itpnyssoperocxntmru an rdomtathl 1m WM mrddwelapmentotoonsvrvatiou areas mam benk erosion our mi and limd m1 unda todmi emu The Authority mlm momy to cover administrative cost by making levy on all pmticipat In nnmictpnliilu in praportlm to their populatim or their sessment or Muslim of both 1heievy ol author iiiu la less than cent per unite 01 other mom than 5150 with the Average between 50 Ind 60 cent per NM GillBIBLE DELAY capital cam an levied eznrml beme rrmrï¬cipahties sons paint with some municipal ities who Kmmbie tint author kiu can go pretty tar Iiield in their judgment at beneï¬t from this or thet project The mm blur can appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board but only on the amount to be paid not the vein or otherwise the project itmi Then have been appeal to the aim These hive ddhwed km with the usiui result at in creasing cam Auihority spokesmen not hopelui oi obuininz subutm tici increase in their local levich lho murdaipalitlm am under rtnndably reluctant to Add to gitJr nimndy rim tax ill3506 not m4qu mu yum no an new newva for upward oi $1000 an em and every year the prlce goes up Then most pmth muim malntmeme and the province pay mm for malnionanco only on dam and certain water my One 91 the suggested remediu and one that Muted several members the committee il the motion ownervellum development fund from which mnhmiflee could net biz loan on 1er my term tor mm pro ihon Diem projectrrudr the Win and restoration oi hbtortoal tiles for vhluh MI authority set no grants Yei historical alter ere surety pan of the provincial and nannai her ltm and not simply the concern at the people one limited m4 What About the writeridea that build conservation area and other indlmumd see them till ed with nonpaying visitorr from nearby cities lhe quesflone oi who benefits Ind who should pay become Very partinom and might be lowered by the 5mm mm proposal ENS KEEP TIME LOCARNO APlA chicken in this land watchmakerl Switzerland im lnld III whose shell bean circular alien resembling Witch race with 12 dull to mark each hour 9690666006666 Mr Burinmnen Lease qmnlluu at wikmmwwmam ENVELOPES PRINTED FOR A5 lOW A5 1080 PER THOUSAND COMMERCIAL PRINTING DIVISION TH BARRII IXAMINIR Mvmw M1 gm mm hm mm any some mnlcrpamks mm sup the kmervlflm Authorhb Act that the municipalth And the me In me watershed have um mm In mm WW membu who Ibo an elected munth official °° be flawld mponJM ty pmidpaum In mm authority Immanm When you same thing or nothing mm mam ll your unit in In Armd In van pluu plml 1H IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI By GWYN KINBEY Ellminer Oormwment Conservgtion Authorities SayThey Need More Money DRIVEYOUMELF CAR AND TRUCKS And Copy WIII ll nulvmd 10 Yaw am hi awn CARRIER MISS YOU 7282433 43 Em Rd OOOQOOOOOOOOO In lhla land watchmakerl Switzerland hll lnld Ill en whose shell bean circular fallen resembling Witch nee with 12 dull tn mark each hour one their main problem belnx Lha cost 01 Mind Propunias mm 0qu haw been mm by the Metm and Region aulhmï¬ty only 10 yam no Im am an new newva for upward $1000 an am and every year my price goes up Then mos pmth muim mainMame and Lbo marine pay mm for makntenanco only on dam and main water mg lel mrkl land In mmm River Wm mod is crownowed An 0va mu nmnmandathon for the se Jet Wt WMM be mums pmv plymom mama audeiy POSIme In lleu of assessmem for such mm land There an IuerWu which Im too am or WWI too little pm ladon to provide am like In Adequate ax base Yet nrvm pmjecu an badly Mod co New or mama not only water and soil mm but hnmm momma 1119 South Nmm wmhcd in in example select committee mlm well adopt some Nu mues liou hu mum that than be Hiding scale of grant based an need Han on kam We on camï¬dmdon homo Maniac to provide bmadur aax hm MNDBOOM Mam fa rkalld magma pm on In meal in age Mylo BARBIE DRIVEMIMI 7266474 TRUCK 0R CAR For Dmil Cull 1967 CONSERVE VALUABLE CAPITAL YOUR