Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Oct 1966, p. 12

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Vuurmllhnvlud lrnvrl Mull III Immm finlu Dcpnl Tlckot ONlu Kl4 Clly TM 0ch 7266525 do think in lhA slory mumer lm lam MIl ImILmM As Mr Dklmlmkcr has sunmhd Mr llvilyrr lpWXI cnuuoluly He said Invan Ilnn was Lhrml mm lrolmor rd Mrhhhumy lnr of RED FARE ONE WAY OpImSUimI hnkcr mm Mr mliwr ho INT mummy Investlxzauon would allow hlm to my he 51 nul lnundalion The Gmmn nnnouncmwnl snld rchfirm our of tho ox crulwl mm lmu hml mm of murder nummt thrlm Kurlm tvnmr German munl Judge Mhll allrnufly prmldul Um mmlmnleinl May 13 1945 Dolcnre Minister Holly qutmin the Canadian In vcsllnauon the Common rithy the Colmjuo msvcu Iorn silica in West Germany nnnnunrcd similar lnvcsllga llcn An article In lhe West Gman magazlne Dcr Snicch my hat Rainer Illck 2n and Bruno Border 20 wrro ound gully at dermion mul shot by Lt Gen man firing squad ilh Onadian nppmml and Cwnadlan rifles dam mm the Mllm Tho mix2 says Canadian general approved the com martial Nllhtdumls 1n crnmcnl camp and Canadian ofrirrr congratulalul the firing squ bade summar mnhlary hllxm gaumu that Canadian omens five days am the Second World War milled approwd German com mlrlmI hm led to the execution of Lwn German saliva Tho mnml wny1o 5am and mail All conch ml on Oconn Umllod wuorvod In ndvnncn no 0an cont For qlhur Whlio and Blue urea cull OHAWA CW11h dclonce gtmu sinvclugafiqg al Check Charge Of War Executions GANADIAN NATIONAL She Ls mnfmnlul with Ime lInnal conicnu dwmuvdy dc slgncd Jan and box mls1cad lng ndvortlling fludunto Ina prim and mnluxlnx mand nnb ho mid 111nm pmvcnlal Mr 11me non mm numdlng the Mound Ills mm was md by Jnmfl mm lumber at the 1mm lure for 1mm Pathlnlo Ha said In an Adam mud or hlm to the Scarbothh West Ame Ambition fllurn duy lhnt hmcwile new In be Mullslldnn dldlllan engi nrcr and lawyer lo air hm foodlh7m TORONTO GP Anvch Thomson Ontario lenrnl icndcr My Mada Mod con sumer qrplccllon lam As soon as all he nzdsnm assemblod wo will be In po sition make statement no Um House 110 gave no lunhcr detail Mr Dldcnbakcr had asked assumnco that tho awry ms 11 11mm lnlschoodP Ho laid was helm suggestion and an unwarranted slur on the Canadian armed tomes We Mermd to thu apnnr prim Made of the depart men for compido investiga tion Mr Hellycr 53kt The imufilgntion under way and main amount pwllmln DIV lnlmmflon jg mum UK 1mm oi Mr andfinc Law at McGlll Unlvarslt Montreal advised him of H1 De Spicgd can Suggests Laws To Bid Consumer Ianmy was captured In Las Vegas in August by FBI agents on Up from Montreal man who mum he fuguuvc all gmbflng able in he Novah Many in was arraigned More Judge Armand Sylvcslre wan olmrged with msphlng mm mmbcr of pom in tho fix month pallad chlnx June 1961 to comm tho WIN and with nduzlly cur fYnz it bdwoen June so and My he bunk bmnth lamay entered no plan Date for his preliminary hoar lng was not for Oct 14 MONMEAL GP Gmmu Lemmy one of Canadas most wanted men was arraigned FCL day on two charms 0011an Hon with 1061 looting of Maulran branth of the Bank Nova Scam INSURANCE IIM DUNLOP IT especinily tor lot which slopes to the tel mi£ built In to verso with si to the riuht Note the 5th oval entrance Wih short stniru to both floors It not mind tho upper wash room on be eliminated 111i space could lhm be used or erllurglnz the bathroom and alo scl ilha layom at tho upper iloor is excellent Because of tho aloplng lot war exit at grotto level could be arranged and lighting in basement moms simplified yOonsmmlon isjfl combination of Brick Vcncer and Frame but lnslructivnslor bulldlng in all brick are sup plied Denim sulinhiu tor electric heating 1350 son Stnndnrd Blueprint tor this Do sign No 10I4cost $2000 tor the tirst sol and $100 or additional sch Blueprints comply with tho Nntlonnl Huildinx Code of Can ldltlild are obtainable by re turn mall Ontario residents glam remit per cm Sale Georges Lemay Is Arraigned hunch 0mm Vnmvu dnumlom Wlnnlfll lmlm Ikmubon 1min Om Mountl Manda mum Your lusumnco Frotocllon Is Inadoqnalo It has not kopi pace with todayshazardn whlch you mad about ovevy day your newspaper Rlslng costs now purchase and home Improve monks also raqulro um you proton your than clal murlly wilh ndoqualo Insurance cowmgo Consult your Iconomlonl Agent for Tallow nmdo Insuronoo program fit your mock Avoid the penalty of TOOLITTLE INSURANCE gm wfiwm mun am If hmh Mun mkv mA mm wch nhu My Im0 ma Luann Wm ub WW 11 and 0m STEVENSON C0 Hum Onlulo OANADMN All ll WAY Tornado Wages Entire tho ordering of tho vrealh wax helm done on moflnn 01 Council Councillor Burton mutated that member 01 lha Bell Ewart chroy Luxlon mlght be asked to Insist with the placing of tha township wmlh When this In Innmallon was DMch on to Mr Luckhnn ho decided that after having done this mva or least 25 year It wu llmu In We all live either on hard surfaced road or close to one end Inmlliee have all the re quirements needed to make for happy living and well kept hnme Flum silo ere Iilled to the top mowe bulging with baled hey and iielria stacked with well kept cattle our Canadian wheat crop tntale 840 million bushels Sold in hungry canntrlel We have service that provide or our needs slreet light and garbage collection in the urban areas nnd every facility that is en Joyed by citizen oi any district We shield 1111150 and Dive think this Thanksgiving Day Just lot the lust ihat we are citizens oi innisiil in this country ni Canada with all the thing that pmvidcnco can provide to help us enloy mn lile and herime WHEAT DEPOSIHNG The new Damionmuting lummhmnm Wm Nov in will net he glued on the Cent tnbh cxRuave and veteran gum chkhxgrlfllhla yang Wha Our field and arms hava had am at me best mm ln memory our Maple who are an In gulnlul employment our nunship la one be but pluc lo live and ralso nrnlly that could he found anywhere Our children havo avery oppor tunity lo have oducallon equal to that allered anywhere ln school modern could be Aound in any other munlclpnl By Many Canadian will be on the highways this weekend going to and to to read the plane wherathcvy will be home or nnnksglvhg We hereJn Inn fll havens much on be Mu tor any citizen of tha nation and we Canadians have man to be thankful for than any our or nation 01 the world Even lhu 393th aqua of 1119 wag1d not hnvn mlnd we should have II thousand of heirfilm serth on the battlefield In laxelm country Canada has some men mm as police In the Imaging of the mm for tha United am but we are not at war with anyone 111111eranon Fcr iThankfulness Ith with JI 726IIOI me mml mnpluyeen banquet 11 not llkely to be held lhlx year Ono the ransom thnt there In no hall ln the townshln large ennugh to unt tha gnlherlngl The second In that wlth an ad dltlnnnl to volunteers ln tho new organized branch at tho Illo epnrtment the number wlll be beyond cateran lor by local group It has been sugnested that lnnpnd ol the nnnunl party the amount usually expended wlll be sued on In Ihl wny nl slit then banquet It hast been usual In any merltorluous allart to receive recognlllon but today them does not seem to be any special nclmowledlement to be made Cwncll discussed the matter at clal meellng and unles mne in plan Ill MULCMTER ST We hava been present at all the ceremonies at which ax lteava Lochhari haa laid the wreath flu toot ni lha Ceno taph hear the namca many of hi cam anion in tha Firat War at ch ha in Man vat aran We have aeen him come away with tear an ill thank and we know that ha considered it high honor to he naked ta farmm thla not before his leg on brathan Had another wreath been ordered tor the local le sion to present at any place they no desired it would hnva given that part of tha township an opportunity to participate in Memorial Day urvlce We hope that both veteran Lockhart and nuraelve will again march to gather in memory oi the tallun and stand at attention while tile bugle round the Last Post and tho flag in lowtrcd in aalute BANQUET FADE OUT hlnded tin honor back in the head MCouocii With this in mg ho Cognciilai fig re or men an rum ha would iika lo be relieved oi an lervica this year in he now no wry in which the lob cnuid be done with an Hui He stated that as name other mnnidpnlliiel did he all that tho imii ol the municipality ill in deposii pm the mm min hlm to render the new In wu mmded and Ram Joe Cochran Instructed to do lha honon Tho Cucnda 40 oloctrlc water heater wlll pmducn All tho hot wnm youm over likely to Mod Cucndo flnmolm Info and olun Slnco thoro II no combuntion tho Cuculo 40 mod no flu Ind can be lmtullod The Cascade 40 electric water heater was created for people who Insist on having abundant hot water at low cost flIYcNABB Plumbing and Heatlng YOUR AUTHORIIED CASCADE 40 INSTALL IN BMRII SUDBURY CmThree pm on mm Qua wm re manded to 0d or semnce Wednmday after admltflng ham6 bl MUMng They Wm lmlse Gasman Pauline Savald 23 and Odds Bouch 39 nmtad Tues day alter $3M in goods Wm lnkm mm local sham TRY EXAMINER WANT Abs PHONE mm evacuation oi the pupils when the fire alarm sounded Stand ing in the middle of tho contra hull we watched tile oi well trained pupils leave the build ing coming from both ends of Ihe hail and dividing to the marked doors where each lilo passed out in douhle lines went some distance from the building and formed Into ranks Time or the evacuation from the time the harm began to sound till line principal the last person passed Ihu door was 80 seconds total ai 310 pupils attend this school lhe diioicncy oi our fim department which supervis ee these mailers innisfli residenia wlli bu gind tn know their volunteer ire iighien and the Chief are at the service person who de sire ininrmnuan on it rob iems or are uni sure the sales my to adopt in preven tion mqasurcs ii is not intend ed in main hauso to housa impaction private homes but call to Fire Chic Owens will receive aiicnlion made the Employee Banquet will he thing Mme past This was damn live wan aao by Reeve Jae 000mm to ham and min the mm ship employees by getting them logelhcrhr dinner and an avenllgll entcnainmaut rqmpnavsunou wmc Are Remanded For Shoplifting Kuhn request of Fin Chic Jlm Owem we qccgrqpanged th BARRIE you built tanhaving nbunklafii at low cost call your Hydro Ind nk Ibout the Cucndo electric Mm hunter in my convenient location in your homo Cu cndo IOI an in gnunnmgl foryn MI yum 11 SATURDAY mm 01m MPP DISAGREES EENFEEW 0nL jCPiAL in neuter member oi the Ontario legislature iar Waterlau Snutll disagreed Thursday with an Ontario select conunlttcun recommendation that Inc al wunciir assume the duties oi municipal hydro mmmissimu Ha addressed meeting at tho Enltern Ontario Municipal Electric Aucdltlo nunrs ATLANTIC CASTLETOWNEERE lreland iiieutm LtCmdr GemKn Fairlie Thursday night lulled hi battered moot boat Dawn Slur into the tiny harbor here aimvs lend May nursing at the Atlantlcr irnm Nantucket Muss llis iiiion Bermuda rlgged crait wnscnvered with barnncles and had damaged superstructure afier buqking Hurricane faith 351 miles oil Nuwioundlnnd 11 Dunlop 7166515 Worm wmu Avh cu um Imcl run Annuemenu WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF FOR RESERVATIONS ANS TICKETS CALL OK Johnson your hydro Travel Service GORDON5 7289228 WI do all Ill and alumni wnfl pm vlglnx you um air mg wllm Prbblems To Us HEATING 71344

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