Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Oct 1966, p. 1

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ti Innred Barr Ontario CanadoSIlurday October 3119 lid see Paine rwor Not More Than We FIr Copy 16 Fools REV Padre Sherring Dies In Hospital 1110 Ievmornegmhfidflikk err frdwgfmet the Canadian Army whowsa awarded the Military Croce in World War One died etterdsy alternoon In Royal kinda Hospital Barrie where he had been almost daily visa liar mdortlns the liar lor the WI lityerre runers lavice will be held at Trinity harm on hionihy It 1030 am the Royal Canadian urionwliitakepartlntheiw mat eeremoaueo at Barrio Union Cemetery Colonel slimIna padre oi nar rle Brandi oi the Can adian I4 and an to Macon held at lrh iiy Antilout Ohm underwent molar artery earlier lhla week and had beat on the critical list Mrs Sherrini baa been con tilted to hospital In serious lil nrea ior more than year CITIZEN or YEAR colonel menial one oi liar rlos moat revered room was named Citizen the Year ior and waa awarded the William ii Wright Memorial Ito mmd his Izod I1 Hey this year Tia Ill born In England As am m0 enlisted otaeeurr lery with two llothera mm attiwtlmaoitholioererImt althoudl he aervod three years with the rrrimenl he wIa not called on for duty in soulh Mi rlca lla almo to Canada in the only mo and bacon hnlninl tor the ml at Blahopl Onl im moose lie Quebec Ila unheated In tilt and was on oIined deacon In St Lukes Cathedral Saul Re Mario III was ordained pflut in St Johnl mmmnnm 1m Vihen Canada ordered World War on in ttti he was quell lied as captain bul did 1th overleu until awointod to diaoiolnq In ms with the Inn SHERRING Battallon In training It Niagara Camp Overseas In France lhe new sdre with rank at captain did next ob when stat to the hold miran whldi clear ed the liner oi casualties lie II it whitish it he wounded raiders la the Idvuao od dremhu stations Alter the battle oi Vlrny Rldze he won iransiermd to this 5th brigade Field Artillery ill duiioa also Included lhlt oi burial oiiicer and hit murals under the war Walled like the war with the award oi hiC RETIRED T0 IMIUtlE Aiter the war Cal Sheran returned home and served ior years Is rector oi St lhomas do an In Brace All Saints am in innood With the advent oi World War Two he was lopolnt ed Senior hotaetant the Iain at Camp Borden with ra oi MML Then he was mined orn Ior padre ior military district No at Saint John NJJ Lat or he rdnxned to Camp Borden tor hrlei time before retire MM in mi Colonel Shearing rot hil Cit ported iaiured sen award on many eoum ior his sorva in Benlo the hon atutgubdluoh the grad Crou every came He had axlluaed the mm in membrane Day tenIce ior some years and was particularly oi Canadas tire with the ltioh Caramnwoaih For briei time he served as rector ior the Autumn Church at Moron Donnie than tor rer erai ynarl was in lime oi ILam Ilton Cathedral lie closed Illa lull llma ministry at Mount Forest lhen in that Cal and lira blurring name to llarrie to latte litiilnfl Illa sonIn law daughter Mr and lira Robert Iiiilrhcli and ismin were here Mr Mitchell belnl on atril oi Iiaarie Central Col Iruloie Plan Aid For Grain Transport WAWA CPI The Coma loans are roval In principle Friday to it lotion min on liveloch sod board to liti ahlprnenl oi Iralrlo trains to Forlorn Conoal and ilrlllllr Co Iumbla Gaunt Iauao debate will mumo undo Iotlowla the Thanks vinlh Boy The old hoard barked by room in avrrnmant lurida would ldrnlnoiar mum started durlnfdlha Mud orld War in lube In tho ihlpmont oi ind mini leamd milan name without iormll voi alihourh moll lion spokesmen orruad there are Mada hill Itnsus Illran rtp Queeni laid her oollalaa could he Implemented that would benefit ilrrnorl mum the iralrloI more than the ieod board III said that liaililma avow era oi ind rains taller at tho market place ballqu oi the Ira port at auboldlsod waalall plan It would be prrirrairie to sub oldlxo the shipment oi iertlllsm such la mama and pvtlah irom Central and Wallern Con ada in help out Into prorlurtlon iarm hurt that now was rowinl up In arruh liamlil DInlnrih PCKent 0nll termed the board rum berloma smooth lolirlna oi lrlill prim durlnl ahartalea would be more heneilrial II II Iaitrrlon ECTram Valley laid the swarm nt atllM truth arm that board mantm mountain rl iarm ma lotions and lhla lo murlhuta in lha Improvement oi aarkniiura Jarlr Ilifll ilcAlhalinral rolled ior overan salon to love lhI iamlly term not lull moIaurol to iumo vrslonal In land In Wine Illrlek Nwian 231 Iinna ll itinnl no ed Mr ilriAlna yrmlal to serial ilarlllma inrmmrro dudlort by draining land by atdaaldialol iutltlm airlomooto nus RAIN crasn KlllS i9 IYOUTHS Ireight Demolishes Bus Students Die Near Montreal DORION Que CWNine ten teenagers en route to dance to celebrate victory In student elections were killed Fridaa night when their bus and CN ireilht traln collided Twentytour students were in iured Five were In critical condition and three In serious condition In hospital The others were either In lair condition or released alter treatment lheibus was sliced to halt by the tooear train Part oi the crowded the vehicle landed In ditch and the rest was dressed onehsll mile by the train Authorities in Dorian it miles west at Montreal said the crash was the Worst disaster In this general area since March mi explosion killed as persona in In apartment house at La Selle There were 11 bodies in makeshlit marina in Dorian town at 5000 and eifht othera at Lnlreahore Genera Hospital III nearby Pointe Claire Many oi the Inlured were in critical condition The CNB whose ireiyht was headed west ior Toronto irom Montreal when the trash earns pm EM slid tartan vestlxsilon has IIreedy begun inrther hiveatirallon was to be made the bond oi traasa port co IImtera HOME MW FLAMES Some witnusu spoke at new In illmes II the train trav ellinl at between to and iii milea nd the bus ripped into one another No one on the train waa re Tho derailed parts at the train and the IhIliered pieces oi the hue were draued away as crowds oi up to 1000 peraona matched the floodlit proceed sr George sonar who owns shop near the scene told oi kids irom the burl shouting and renaming and cryins The bus was drivan by Jaequea Fleury 12 missinz and believed killed The vehicle was carrying llll dents irom the lite du James City at Younx People re new tedmlnsi Inhooi coma All had won recent student also liona and were alt to Hudson flue ior pIriy In eelebra on Witnesses said the bus had stopped lithe crouinx walt Inl ior In eartvbwnd train to past Once that train had one through the bus moved on to the double track Then heading west tame second lrelght and tha shatter inx crash ensued The mangled has caught lira ailerlheerashJiwmsomla utea baiora the the was ex tlnxulrhed Richard Bonita ii at Dorian was one at the low passengers It not the only am not re riotuly lnlured Paul Zowehuk driver at the hudBlGael liltbe train laid As we approached the crow lot the ilrernln yelled bua pulled the omerrency cord until we came to complete halt The irame oi the bus was on tire and It was wrapped around the trout oi the en near the Impact caused as tank echo in aaalnr Dorian police car to ed the tint alarm Ambulances come roaring Into Dorian irom II ior Iway as Montreal Liberals Set For Meeting WAWA iCilNoafly soon metals irom aorou Canada are expected to tom the Che teou Louder Hotel Holiday tor the periya iirst national eon vorllon olnoa 1N1 Mentors oi the party erecuv live meet Sunday to make llnai mmmnla the threeday poilvy conierence Itoaolutlonl npproved by the naval delegates will not be indlru on tho mlnorlty teorson moment but they could prove perluuhe or embarras my Prime Minister Pearson will welcome the ddrxaieo Monday momlnl Ind adrlreaa tho ciao Ina haan chnroday Mr ieorml loadorlhlp ia Youths Stage Strattord Riot ilTilATFOIlD 0N AVON EM land litauiaraISll youlha were wounded as Inna oi leenayerl ran amnlr Friday nirht In tho ranlre oi lhla normally purp luI town In central En and best known II the birthpiarl oi Wii Ilam hbalupearo Several lnnsa oi limit to youthl each some Armed with shotsuna rampoud throulh lha town liter dam at puh ovniurnin rlrl Imlahinl win dow and altilnl polite IoIlra at none at wounds Iavara Thrla nha wm In holnlial with lid wwndo in the less Eyewiinoml uld the ahoia were tired lawn pond tmrtt parted with teen arm that oped lhrou the town rrntra haven not were ormi roll sold limo was lull amwnt oi domosa In the town whlrh lo principal loullat alltao lion as tho homo oi the Maine pan nullu and the birth ploeeoiibawt the pedod to bo dimmed hr aroailv ooniorenoe ormlser laid Tilda that about 15 mohitltml have on aubmiiled by varioua idberfl requesth that In lutan party leadera mandate be rovle at regular intends at national waveri lions One at then roeoluilons came irom the influential Ontario Utr enl Mendelian EXPECT AMENDMENT homo ddeloteo OWN to so an amendment umlnr the leadership reviews world not Ipply wilon lho lib erala are in oiike 1th argue that prime mlnirier derivea hie power from Parliament not not irvrn nnltondilla mm at his piety went1er algseanhror Cuban Relugees hliAhii Flo AWAn Inlan Ilve oearch was under way to day ior it Cuban reluleel crImmed aboard small boat which eluded Fidel Castrol bor derrrltrol only to be caught by hu cane incl One by one they slip away said Enrique loan or apparently the only survivor thought could beat the hun ricane but we lost the me leoxmmm N0 PAPER ON MONDAY There will be no edition at The llarrie Examiner on Mon day October to nook1v lnl Day Publication will be relented on Tuesday tint ll Max221 rm Start Salvage 0i Sunken Dredge QUEBEC CI Six divers Erhlny made the tint dmcnis in lnnnod rilorta to locate the sun on amigo Iilnnlcnu lot In whim are believed to be the bodies oi eight men minim alum Sept so arxldent ltrrro wait no announnmori oi what the dlvcrl round it any thing the drains wont down In In trot oi water ailrr bolas lotlrd by huvy swell on the st lnwyrnre Illver near Quebec City iaflfltlflu LATE NEWS British Soviet Ministers Moot UNITE NAHONS iMI 11 imitzn minldosl ti Main III tin florid lelm trialarm the urn lama axrinmco mlth for porn in Virt Nam meet today runnaliiy to New min the minutes Fog Stalls Many Flights WDON llloutmi Damn io halted liarding oi lmlun Ahat il aimi qur horn tutey and reality tr wm diverted to Irritant Down at Human 111nm Mill mime Mm up to all Intel vlaitliitymlalalm that men to coast lheiolwtddlmhmri unlimraxla Ford Rejects USSR Request namanltrllsy11nnmnboulvlduahriwaen nlwwMwoathoinwrtm MW Tflcuimmmmhvdu trinitme At lead itprnnmodoilhan age OPWiropbdzoi Wmdbdtnttlalm 01d Medical EvidenceN Is Heavily Criticized 7Hde CPIdigital evi dence at the its murder trial oi Steven mmott came under stroll attack Friday as the alumna Com of Canada board new evidence lot the third day in oabhretvrdered review at the ease Dr Gloria Potty oi Dallo more assistant Moll exam lner or Maryland who has teati iIod as patinlozloai expert many v9 murder irioll arid he would lime oi death at 11year erai hour later than Orvwrl wtmeesaa did seven yours ago EMIiilshlng tho Kids death at between and pm June mt won strong polrd In the Crowns case against munch who then was it years Dr lrtiy Harvard Univer sity maxilla Ibo hurl doubts about whether had been rexusll rmult and strangled In the when her body one iound lute on her legs Indicate hrr hotly had been dragon to the woods where the who lound ha aahL Alto then who In ab lrnce oi eltdmce lnrllchlinfl that rape or Intertmrra had talun plate thaw Dr lttly was the If wilt noon to bo heard by the nine itllime who are to give their opinion in ihe cabinet on whether Molt will wmnl Highway Cut In Viet Nam MIGON iAIi American warviarwa irqilnl rolrnlim orenow on Ninth VIN Nam art oil lalrlalldn lod cut main hifilway north rd Dion lilon Ibu tho Uh tanunmd onnourvrrd today UN Alf Torre Mills land KI swelled lo the alto me the notion butter in the IK ond conleeuuve day Friday and pilot paid their boan hmhrd all Hie inmkluwrnhgi 011 part Rana III an mi Hilton iiiwa ti air lanes potential the lama Ili methyl imund act dial down wllh only limit muted reported no day in llon lnlrle uil south oi lie domiiltartsnl rm and In Operation Irvinl ohm 18 South mm and haul Vietnam an patina the ramnertto oi tomnun canny iom twirl the on the wired coast until at Lyme Home lev iuliy mnvioled Hewitt sumo ltnzsday 1M8 WIDE POWERS itstleo dopartmont oiiiolai stl the court can call tor new trial or edva that the con vlalon he set aside or that the guilty Vildl be Wiltid Trim completed his own lestlrmny Friday by telling the lukoe he cant recall the names or the testimony at live Gown wlinceeca who armoured at his llo agreed with Donrdrl Scott 0mm aliorMy ior Welland calmly that their evidence placed him near the wooded area with the victim at about the time the than laid the was nnnrlued uhrr medlonl witnesses railed Friday said that wounds on Inieootta penh obstqu after he was arrested mild not have been earned by sexual lov momma with young girl Dr Potty look up molt oi the Frlda hearing Ilowmrr ylns la dclm lawyer Arthur Marlin ha nail Lynne was dead aim in or to Irnul brim rhn was placed on tho automy table at 1l5 pm Juno ll CAN DPTIEMIINH TIIFf Mr Martin Islml it It Mil purellrle tor anyone to any on the basil oi stomach wnlrnta and the stats at the body that the girl had lied between and 105 June ll rrnrrso Mi the tIndnf raid Not nnima it won known Wkly what hllppiltfrl br lwrm the time the in Ito and whcn aha tiled Tth told the murt linrrl riny lie was with lint Ill be tween 150 ml tun June It nod that ho low Iwr art Into ma uimnlct Ilo nnld ho wml 1mm lo h=byalt and did not Nave his home slain until the laPierro Now lln NDP Executive MONIIIIML iCli Ininior Inilmo int on the now rtrimul lnirvinlon lworrom This IIIIIIIIJI twvvn Dayl war so lnotnieri Friday In Ibo olmdivl omit al the OM whu oi the MM ihmmalll larty illa anointan ll autrlect tn continuation try the mount 5m oral mine oi lho Ntil nest tiny Mr beilelrs at Mcilltl llnlvrniiy in Montreal already had onuouoctd hit in terttlontimmoleotinlhe ilouu oi Martina next morning when ha went to adml No skin specialists took to sue with Drown evidence It the trial that two sores on trus noul peniscam the sine oi 25am leca¢ould have been earned actual or attended lntcrwurse with Lynne Harper Dr Diaries Danby Kings ton derrnoioioxld lairl he had trnaiod number at ration ior penis wounds while In naval aervke Sir or seven oi the wounds had been collard by In imam Mr Iliartin asked whether humils normals torrid have been named in the same way No air Milled Dr Darby Dr Nomlsn Wroni Toronto dermatologist lured that the lam wero similar to common cold mm and not unusual to boys nho drive bitter DIDNT FIND EIONS Dr Potty told that ll Lyme was ea or rape had been at tempt he would exmi to ilnd Iran oi mien Ilawuvar irom silica pivotal oi the Irene and irom tlin Crmmi modlcnl more there wen no nude lrnm Dr Patty tall darlthnlred lionant inlvrnity pothole laid that halal on tile Crow munIv wail poll N0 zrnptu and evident about when they were maria Iynne hail horn limil tern than in Inner when police and prilu Mitrltilll harm their examlnm Hour at hrr body ilra Crown had lnimiurrd evldmcn nt 1rtmttll trial that Lynne protrath was killni be tween ml Izt in June or hours brim rr hotly wal must Iry an itiAt remit lrrvvr rN time me Vaneraw Urn Tho Examiner TODIIY Ann lAnIirrld City Newai ClassifiedIi II Llanlrlll DlalritH nialhlII Editorial4 rpma Theatre1 TV flotillall ll Warn tiethew

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