Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Oct 1966, p. 16

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INNISFIL NOTE Areas adjoining cities are los in out in not becoming part oi in total area unvcmment was the theme expressed by Mayor Lli Giiiord oi Oshawa who was iarmer warden oi Ontario County and an annexed citizen lie told he Coumy Council rep resentatives from ucmr Ontario gathered ut the convention in Barrie this week thni ha ielt large arca government which would do away with boundurlu ol smaller muniCipulitlcs was the way in which beticr govern ment and less costly operation could be moved The farmers may want to continue to live as they huve always done except that they must come to the cities to sell their products and get the services they need These suggestions home couple at weeks bciore an cdu cationul meeting called for the districts in the Barrie area by the school representatives of Barrie and adjoining munici palities suggestion will be out bciore this meeting that Board olEducouon be estnb ilsitcd to administer the entire cducntion system both public and secondary in an area now under the jurisdiction ol the Barrie District Coiligialcvnonrd with the boundaries adlustcd to take in such public school sec tions as are outside this Ind within the municipalities aiiccl ed That the local school boards vonld ngrce lo hand over lhc aulnnomy lo on area board vllhoul pmlest seem as likely as lhnl more thou hall the members ul County Council would vole lhcmselves out job which to mnny them ls just another ilem at which they nnswcr the roll call and dlsap pear or the morning while drnwlng lhclr allowance ol over $20 or me day llclo the lnr per areas can become possible lhe changes will have to fol low an at by he Provincial Gmnrnmcnl and the decision 01 the boundaries and sllc oi lhe Councils will have to come from the ion SHOULD PAY COSTS Councillor George Burton laid Innlsiil Couneil that areas mm which many enmplalnls nboul roads are emanating are those wher little or no eliorl was made by lhe subdivider lo sea rhnl any access was made lo the properly he said olher than strip ni land Iell same which had slump and other refuse which had lo be lemaved in order in drive an ll New same ol these areas are becom ing minted with yearmind residean and he suggested that some oi the costs of making lhe randways passable should be charged back In lhe owner of lhe lands which were subdivided lie slsled lhnz in his properly it Ms an expensive item in build lhe roads and make them accepinhle before selling lots and he fell lhal because some armies were divided belore the Au was changed in require these provisions it did nol re lieve lha owners lrnrn en obli ealinn hlr liurlwn ls applying for lhe lnspeellon oi his roads to enable lhem in be taken inln lhe lawnahlp system Area Government 13 thFar Off TORS llElOflT The anl vnlun of permit is Iucd In Innlstil or Sflfltmbcr Imuunlul In $159000 covering crmlu Luna In nllnw 12 dwell nus collages unuvnuom 11 nddillvns ll gamma bonl houm storage shall ham milklmse pnflm build lnus ln be moved and mm home The Inner In large muclurn costlng $5000 uhlch will he lornlcd 0mm MW Parliament At Glance NHMMY 0d Thu Cmnmnlu own Ill lull lull nnd hmnl nn Im mnllnle Icmnml lur nn uncr ucncy lclmle on nuln inrhnlry lnyulls nml new cur prlcu Ilm Nlll nqurnl lnr lhe de lle wm mlrd ml mler by Sprnkrr Inch Immoumm ulm MIN Uwrc mu Inlub Alrnl Hrlrnry Ilw HIqu INN Intn Ile lune on rwlml Hank ML llnl llrm on hrnvy nhnlulc IrHlllnllnn up Ill MIL Mnrrfl anhnl llCFAI llulnlnn VuU nnltl provlnlunn Inr drwnfl Imurnuce xhouhl hr rl nr lmsl rnmpuniu wll rlmllrml hnnlu fly TIIH CANADIAN rmss an Imrron INDYNI nnmm owlthnn Thu ll lundn IMII lulu ynny ulll mi mm mm Intr all nmlml Inlrr min 11m Ikanlm lmreau ti Bu lulu upmlul un mlmuul rronl WM wlwnl N0 Mum bmhrll mm lhe rmInu mill ll 7110 WI 11m Nupmna null nl Can wla stallml Iwarlnx Inlw lhu mu Mum Tram ml mm 1hr Ilnylnl Irvin yriu up Hymnoh In Thu Ellrle luvan dch mm at lho rm nmnnmv ml 1h lnmnwm mam II pm Her rnnllnup debale Um Hunk MI The mm Illllll mljuumgd uulll on It By building stmlllr type on the llna In Wm Puma cost tom of $62540 and the mile use covered to hum mmm lulled 1917 miles Flva 1nt In Job were Inspected as well the buildings Ihlteu perwns are to appeu In court or all Ingfio have the necessary per leuk Mar they sumd the Whl report coll alienllon lo lha ruling in which you oi loileiknown fluslmmnlic is named in insinwliom lo inspec lon not being allowed it would uppm unithis moko of equipment has novcr had approv ll but at llle convention oi Buiid ins Inspectors ii was ruled out enurdy The new plumbing coda oi lb Ontario Water Resourcu Commission is the only sol oi roles allowed ior plumbing in stallations memo Wfljll sun you The vlllue Strand msldenls do not have sidewalk on all melr street mostly because lhey have not provlded the funds to have them hllul 0n the lam llne ll old walks are badly ln need ol repuer and ln dan gerolu condlllam Cannclllnr Glb bln got mollan new cd ln Council that prlccs be tnlncd WWéwEw Ynu are looking n1 two of the ncwut luxury cm 010 crcnlcd They are typical ol the dramatic ncwncn youll find cvcrywhcrc ln Ilic Cadillac mus for l907 llic Flcctwood Eldoradolhc worlds liucsl pcrsunnl cnr ll lhc first exciting our in puiul lleorndn Myliug nmlcrpiccc wilh lu sprcmculnrly lung hood in dur ing new roof linn nnd in drnmnliu xour qunncr design It in also nn mgiuccring lriuluph lor lilrlorntla is llm fun car in 1hr wurlxl to combine the SIllClUUlCll incliuu of from wliccl drive with the umnommahilily of vari 233 IRADFORD to lind the cost of coverlng the badly heaved Walks with coat asphalt Prlccs were re celved lrom three cohlrnclora the lowest belng $1600 complete or 1800 out of walk Thu would how to be dono lmrntdlately as tho weather and the act that the contractor could handle tho work how mndu the doelslon necessary The agreement was that tho contractor would supply all materlal needed to level the walks and ralse them whcro nec essary and provide covcrlnx or pure cement lortopplngr When thls come to vote Reeve Coch rono held the motlon whlle he polnted out that sldewalks wcro not 13 matter for general ex pense and hy maklng thls start ln Stroud the Council could he requlrod to do the some work In many other ports ol tho town shlp where such ropulra mlght be requlrcd lle lelt that the mt should be absorbed by tho dlstrchx bancllttlng The mallet came to record ed vote and the Reeve was the nnly on to vole against the ex pendilurc being charged to gen eral Innds and that such mile llnnal expenditures he policy Conncfl or nocdcd repairs in fulurc with he nmnounmhilhy of vmi numhcr orullm nixnihuml uclncvnncms uu Hum mm 5151 AND DRIVE THE EXCITING CADILLACS AT YOUR AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALERS DANGERFIELD MOTORS LIMITED STREET AECL FOM KISSING3 ASSAULT MONTO CPDMyron Dcrkadn 35 who kissed wom ann feet in coln laundry was conka ol maul Wednesday He was given two yum proba tion mm unmatched um mm mm Mr she had lovely anlduskg her could ids She mm and Dufknch to the nmr Ids mg her shoes and fact The wumon cum palice CHARGED FOE PICKEHNG KINHENER CPI Mm Geome Tcmcnt nearby Donn was Nmandcd Wednesday lo Nov change cl obstrucb ing ram while pickcum nut slde nn demury sohmi She was arrested Thursday umle ptckpung vfth o1hcr Deon mun INTRODUCING THE 1967 SIANDARD OF THE WORLD By THE CANADIAN PRESS TvronloMnx Sllvcrmun 67 mgyxgr Suvibury DO up Petcrhorouzh Archdcncon Pnoberlson ormcr rector St Johns Angllcnn Church 1n Pelcrborough Onl WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF DEATHS were protesting nblc rallo power alccring nnd lllc balance of xuunnmllc ll level comm And with all in spirit nnd Irllon lildorndo providca unusual fivepassenger npuciuumm auul llu supth quiclucsx mul nulml hut mly Cadillac could crcmc lhl lxrllllnul ucwnm nlso umrks lhc Cadillqu lr you an mo lmullim wllh For lllcy nrc lhc mm bcmuilul Cadillac of all lituc with new forward lC mcrplnu grille nnd ncw llC rouluur lluu lluws mm from mu Aml will fill new Cadillac lunk uuuc vi xuuulpcr olollur xixulliuml uclllcvculcuu lhc uum luxurious lnlcrlon ln padded lnununcnl p11 cugluc improved v1 new Gcncrnl Moll alccring column Dlu ailing ncw uuxlcln Iu mulmrlzcd dmlcru derCIl lhuc mngnific ucvcr lyclurc hm nn MM new so bwulllull llll EXCITING CADILLACS AT YOUR AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALERS SEDAN chlLLEunotlwr dmmntic Cudilluc surprise DORADO worlds fincstlpcrsonul cur 1mm hack tmflifijnfetly controls op new mad the picket the was withdrawn Wed May to give ntfldnlaran podunfly to survey mama UKES MEDICARE DELAY NRON101CP1 George Ben Liberal nmnbcc the legislature or Mondale qunesdllynp 9dr mange postpone tattoo at naflonq modem care plan or your He told bushes club he owld not ampt opposition to the postpomment from An drew Thompson leads the Ontario ubml party STUDENTS MARCH TORONTO CBAbout 1000 Ryermn Polytechnlcnl Institute students marched on the On tnrlo legtslallve buildings Wed nesduy the second student group in week to protest the new provtnclal students nwnrdr program Like the Untverrlty of Toronto student demonstrator last week the Bymon student protested afialnrt red tape to volvcd In the program EXODUS UNDER WAY KANO Nigeria MEALA great emdus Nigerians re tummx ma ulbal home landa wenton unabated Wod mndny foflvwlng week 01 via Icnca ln mm many have died This big shnlumtjn Mdcal most country has been caused by tribal strife and ML mules botwumthe Moslem IInusas of ma north and thu Ibo the eastern region BARRIE Mihé Firm To Sink New Mine Shafi TORONTO cmMa Alzom Mines MA will sink Mt or uranium mlne at Elliot Lake propeltynlakwla your to Rowe mlapim out me Ml L110 be sunk near the kiln Quid ME In Amold vlcepresldenl of Rio Algomn mdn mew flame 1961 Mldnklng and undemcmnd duvelopmmt wk vdfl me about 39000300 The Nadia mine did not have sulfide mm fill cun Imam In aaldw Th Qquko No mm will allow us to can em our present comad and pmvlda flexibflfly to mod the requlw menu an expectud increase in the dmnand for uranium he said The Qulrko No shall wfll hnveth capacilxla Mm Swan cwnhim lndudhx Imm Japan and Genmny have shown interest In huylnz Canadian uranmm as mu or nuclear paws gel1mm CNN BIGGEST 0mm cmmm Domin lun Bureau swank Wednes day raised in 1966 wheat crop nslimntu la unrecode 840449000 build and said mm of it already in thebin The crtmwuawpcrcmlhlghcr hen last year luxurious lnlcrlon ln hlalory new generously padded lnurumcnl pancl more mponniv Cndlllnc cnginc improved variable mil powcr nlccring and new Gcncrnl Moloudcvclopul Energyabsorbng alccring column Dlscovcr all twclvc of Cadlllncl cx ailing ncw mmlcls lurl967 for yuurxcll your mnlmrizcd dmlcru Once you have pcmmnlly uccn nnd drchn lhuc mngnificcnl aulomobllu youll ngrcc that never lyclurc hm nnylhlng on the hlghwny mld new so bcnulllully or Catllllac so wclll am am mms TONS record 4560000010111 it an The worlds fishermen caught water fish last year stimuli mum cannmmon THE BARN EXAMINER THURSDAY 00MB PROFESSIONAL EXECUTOR wlth PERSONAL Toucn 35 Dunlop StreetEast Ban1e Phone 72M495 The PHONE 716

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