wIla Publisher reason 0mm on our iï¬airieiElrétiltian McPherIon Managing Editor PAGEI TillI suarrns fl lau21kaLJMWAWW¥flwï¬LWWém Retiring CNR President Is Truly Great Canadian Donald Gordon president of the pub liclyowncd CNR who retires at the end of the ear II perfect example of man reached the top through his own efforts and abilities Unlike the hero of an Horatio Alger novel he did not marry the boss dau ler but he did all the other things at spell advancement for lad who had no special schooling nor relatives who could speed his way in the field of commerce Scottish immigrant Gordon took lowly jobs including work in box for tory before he joined bank as junior clerk In banking he found his true vo cation He learned quickly and added to his knowledge by taking courses at university which eventually gave him the equivalent of degree of economics flythe lime lie was 24 he had been promoted to inspector the youn est man to hold that responsible post in bank lle wastebbed rluickly as future execu tive Within ow years he was offered the post of deputy governor of the Bank of anada an be new tod During the Second Vorld War as chairman of the Prices and Trade heard his name became household word In later years he was regarded as tough executive but during the war he used diplomacy to gain cooperation of the public As ltcrn nfter item of food went on the ration lLst ftir Gordon would take Slow Drivers There is ready recognition of the fact that tile speedin driver in menace on our highways nt recognizing fart driv ing as irnpcrfectlon does not automatical ly mean tlat alow driving is perfection The slow driver is possibly greater hazard than the competent motorist who drives 70 to 75 miles lcr hour Edging along the highway at do or 40 miles per hour tile slow driver holds up long lines of traffic not only inconvcnienting other ririvrrn but also making them slightly annoyed vrcatly irritated and danger oust rock in that order Vast sums of money have been spent to build good highways in move traffic efficiently Such highways are not meant for sightIrving trips or for slow drive through the countryside The Ipcssi limit itl most paria of Our tario is do That Is not an excessive speed for the automobiles manufactured today not for the good roads older and narrower winding roads the speed llrnlt is usually tells than 00 if we are to have an arbitrary maxi mum illttVI for our highways maxi mum calahllshrri In the name of safety then we should also have minimum set as writ If the maximum in to be it miles per hour the minimum rrhunld not be loss than 45 and probably ll murii Ill lift nlllra yer hour it would then become all offence un der the Iii hway Traffic Act to drive It loss than mlnlnrurn Just as It is In offence to extent the maximum ilrlvltlg is privilege not right and It must be carnal II it wrong to Ireunle to the radio to explain the reasons and to appeal for the backing of the people Hts methods sugared the ration plil and brought about full support of the public nd greater understanding of the war ef ort Governments remembered his great organizing effort which carried out or deriy rationing and kept strict curb on prices and prepared to give him greater responsibility it the years to come Vheri the war ended he returned to his post as deputy hank governor Four years later he was offered the presidency of the CNII He faced stupendous task The ratlwa was debtridden and badly in need of re lin Itock With ovemment cooperation streamlin the debt Itrueture and modernized the railway In December when he steps down he will leave railway structure that is the pride rather than the despair of Can adians Prime Minister Pearson has referred to him Is great Canadian who serv ed hls country with tireless devotion This is no men platitude it is fact At 05 Mr Gordon is still vigorous in mind and body ills talents should not be wasch and left to wither on the vine lie should be offered some post in trade or diplomacy that could take some of his time and assure the use of his abilities on behalf of his adopted country Dangerous that person unw ï¬lo drive 50 miles per hour on ood lghway ls incom potent and Illou not be licensed Other Editors Views SHAKE OFF PAGANS llctcrborough Exnlnlnorl in the first Issue of Expo 07 Inform Itlon there is picture of Nina Safdle brcaktnrt bottle of champagne against tile wet of the exposition novel hons lng complex deal nod by her husband Moshe bafdle to practice of spilling champagne over new enterprises arisen of come out of the ninitnll of launching chills ill similar mannrr It was the champagne which drew our intcrcst nt Iirni nlnl the mental calculation of how much of this fermented wine is tilnpOnecl of in this fruition annually ilut there is deeper lucstlon What ill signifier by the sacril cat The Vlk ings used blood for the purpose and more significantly some ancient cuiturcl used virgins blood Obviously srillin wine is symbolic of spilling bioos not ill Its mwcst form the blood of virgins was spilled to appease the monster of the are ill return for sait passage for ships being launched into the waters The nlnlmh clearly has been riiinlrd and its iln licntiom of profanity have been lost Tlllllnpalnc isdoubllm uml became of the nails ylng explosion when the bottle in broken and Illlqllthtioill ltny because of tile or acme It is legit men lnrlcrrl to the rlfIlrulty we have in ng of our pagan past Manilarunrlrws 6mm CPI Donald Gordons II Horatio Alger Itory thI self1nch man who rose from tlIday factory lob to the mumwear past of maiden of the publiclyowned Short on formal education but long on lntciillence and with nItive talent for administrating the gruff burly Scotsman rank Is one of the liantp Imong Cl Indian businessmen lfls drIVI and briIIr nIII gained him some enemies along the way with some crltles eaII ing him dictator Others wanted him tired and some stu dents once burned him In of flgy But other said that Ilthoufh he was tough he Wu also is And one nothlI opponent Que bec separatist Ith Gilles Greg oire who battled him over French IInBuIlle representa tion In the ONE eventually turned into one of his greatest Idmiren If the criticism Ind contro trcrsy bothered him be bid his feelings and pointed to his working motto Nobody ever did anything worthwhile by pussytfootlng FIRST SOLD PAPERS Mr Gordon arrived in Cm IriI from his birthplace of Old ltfeldrurn Scotland in MI It the Igs of it with his family and It first peddlcd anIpIpcrI and magazines From ttIdI fob in has factory he loin the Bank of Nova Scotie where his meteoric rise began By nighht he wasworklng on learn letter courses and night school later taking we clIl correspondence course in banking from Queens Universs lty Ind earning fellowship in the Canadian BInkcrI Associa tion equivalent to In econom ch degree By day Mr Gordon rose to thI calcium level of the bank It breathless pace At 24 ha was one of the youngest bank bupectom in the country He was Isslstnnt chief IccountInt It 25 and assistant manager oi the main Toronto offch It 29 it seem to me that Ill Iucs cersful men are self made men he once said It isnt matter of tht person stem with by acquisition or Inherit Ince but what he does with what he has in was he was tlppcd by Gre ham Tower to be secretary to the newlysformed flank of Can Ida and three years later he be came dc uty governor of the central link which handch CIaIdII monetary system BET UP EXCHANGE DO RD During the Second World Ir he helped organize the foreign exchange board which was let up to ensure that CInIdII for clgn exchange oarnlngI were preserved as much or possible tor the Mr effort One story Ibout this lob which displays his quick wit concerns meeting with senior officials of the chartered bInkI who were kept locked In office until the cabinet had mum on order In council implement lng new regulations One weary Ind Innoyed banker asked what would hIp QUEENS PARK Some Hope To Groom Roberts Its PC Leader II DON OIIEAIIN TORONTO piece of high intrigue lI being In ired of those due pIrtiLulIliy ln Ottha po lilicIl circles In the final Inaly thI lnIIl termindI In OtthI proposing Irclnicr Itobnrtl for nntlonIl Conscrvntlv ludcr tided OnlIrio Ihould hl learnt election out spring Ilr Roberts they mums would emerge triumphally Ind In is hmxmcsam Il ltilllr Barrie Exaltltltrr Authorised II mend cine mail Post ofï¬ce Deplrt mrnl Dtth ad for payment of on In in run Illllly Sunrist Ind ï¬tetulory Iln idIyI excluteri Subscription rates daily by cIrrlrr doc nutty Into yearly lllngle In In 10c II fflIII Intro to to oarnynlIrIo till your motor lhrowotf in year AIIII outside Onta rln III yrar blinds fa nsda Iirillsh Kllllllnnl lllm yurl ISA and foreign moo yrIr tlilir t2 University Ave Toronto Mt Cull rIrt ï¬t Ifontrul my line an lranIr St Vancouver ILC Ilmhrr of the Cantitan Dally anpslwr Inlrllsh In Association the Cen Idisn Press and Audit flllrmt oi tlrcnlIilnnI The Canadian Im II urluIleIy IIIUIINI to the our for rmnhiicstlorl of all dispatch in Hill up credited in II or Anoclntrd frm or NIP Inrl also In tool publllllld lhrln mud Botiring President Wont Back Down In Fight novaw eonoou pm if the chlner never got around to passing the order Ah Mr Gordon said with broad Imlle then shall have to shoot you all Next he was handed one of his toughest lobe chairmen of the wartime prices and trade board which pegged prices ra tioned goods and controlled sup piles It was during this period he picked up the dictator label while successfully drawing top industry leaders to help him ed mtnlIlcr the board He never would have suc ceeded bad he Ioullht to live up to the reputation which his dc tractors gavethe reputation of dictator IIid thcn inrtice minister llsley when the prices board was disbanded In 1841 True he was bold firm anitdcctslvc He did not mind In IIELD OTHER POSITIONS He held other positions simul taneously during the war and in 1847 returned to the flank of Canada where he remained un til taking the top CNR Job Jan 1950 It the age of Is The public raw Ind heard great deal of Donald Gordon during the following 11 yea particularly reports of his an nual encounters with the Com mons railway committee Ilnnkcd by countless Ice presidents and officials balanc lng overflowing brief cases on their knees itir Gordon and cnmpIny were In aweinspirlng night Some IIII like former New DImncrIl hlP Douglas Fisher who had Itudicd the railways thoroughly took him on about CNR policy Ind methods Ills most IImouI encounter was with Itlr Gregoire ever use of Frenchpeaking employees in the CNIL llr Gregoire In 1961 charged that Ifr Gordon wu passing over french speaking CInIrIi Ins ill making senior appoint merits Ilr Gordan replied that this might have been the policy in or 30 yIIrI before when the present top rxeolrtivcs were starting out but it was no ionng the case We have done more tor the cause of the French language would then lrrlve It national leadership contest in August as conquering here Some plInl And you cant dismiss it Events could work out thIt way but there no some obItI clu One is the awkwardness of Iprln provincial clcrtlon it wont be necessary to call it midway in regular session of the home And it would also Interim with centennial cele brIlirmI IIIZMON IIIII IUfiIIC To keep Inca with the public lllr ltobartI would require bl urun In impor tant lune Thur thI lhlnirlng would III lltllll the op mitten sing to fIll our am the rich parli ruiIrIy the Litters Desllte ttI oreInt popularity Itlr inhIrtI cant take an circa that for married Irrlnrrnhrr Qtlriletil Ami in view at his strong tlo Iilinn now the Inn of few lltltl Inlghl Iltltfllfl IIIcrI Itr ltohnrlI pleliige It con vrntloll To the urllrr however the most Inlclllatlng pnll of this is but who is contacting allotall for lvrovtnllnl eINtinfl fhrlI doesnt mun to be any doubt than II group powr lrrl group trying to aim lllr IIolIariI lrrto filllflfllti otiirr In ler they mm to hate IlIrtrrl lhrlr grand IlrItrly own More lilo lvrrnllrr first llln fur the tintulo iratIcnillp Ills rnnipnlgn than was my lnurb of lannrd clinrt And pmnnsllv tr Itnhuts ball Mus show my ardent loirlt rui Imhlilon ill who Me thuo own They dont surface 11 III In the lmrlrgrmrnd Ilvl labor Ibirlg IIItII ll Filrliflnl for tho prov Inrc or CNR In the CNR than other or ientation he add The CNR had recruited many young Frenchspeaking men from the univcrlilics and In 10 ycIrI room under the old building some would be in the top Jobs He stood firm on this issue with the statement that fas long as am president of the min there is not going to be promotion or an appointment made lust because man is FrenchCanadian III has to be as able III the other fellow who has claim on the job CNR headquarters issued rte tisticI to back his contention that there was no discrimina tion but the Issue snowbatlcd in Quebec during this period when emotions were at fever pitch llva MP1 from Quebec spon sored resolution demanding the appointment of French Ipenking Canadians to every level of the CNRI executive private bill was introduced In the ommons by Crcdltlste Leader ftcul Cueuette to reduce Mr Gordon salary to $1 Resolutions urging his dis missal came from one city council and from university student association Arnold Pct crs New Democrat MP for Ttmlskaming called the pres ident silly ass and de mundcd he be fired Mr Gordon was burned In ef figy in Montreal Quebec City Shedbreoke and Ottawa and there was bomb threat scar in the CNRI Queen Elisabeth Hotel in Montreal The controversy dicd slowly and in the end Gilles Gregoire then deputy leader of the Cred Itlst party seconded and sup ported motion of commenda tion for Mr Gordon when he appeared before the railways committee Under Mr Gordon the CNIt formed from network of debt ririrlcn or bankrupt railways and communications system was revamped into Inacgres Ilve company using modern sales techniques to attract pun senger Ind freight business It answer CLOSE TO CNII 259 BrIdIord lfaIIII RUBYS BEAUTY SA Ixaur IlIinUtir rumml Illlllnl Open Illlll ruu Than cm llunlep PAULS SERVICE STATION Ian tlrrhlnic Ilru IlIltrrIcI LubrIcItlon Oil lruII 01 III as BlRITE DRUGS Lid IIm oll rom 7hr II and Johns Is mute 7252429 harm lurpltn lllntliltl Law Luv lIirII rmrrlnunnr our quillty All my humps rum 7284601 NORTHLAND IInrlliilnl Ind IIIIIIM CONTINENTAL SPECIALTIES lulrulnar IIIIIIII AllIll ftltllln tANIlIlJI llfilillï¬ er1 It II They III In lnlrtgrrtng in Irr FOR ANY INIIUNTIIMI IIIINII ANI IIEATINII Icrloor Ilcconalooanou Dear Sir Forulzbt is wonderful chlr Iclcrlstlc Our school board has shown It by hiring superintendent and teachers and having In nptodute curriculum But when read Examiner Sept so that Mr Stephenson reports tentative approval and when hear on CKBB Sept 28 that IttendInce at King Edward does not Indicate the need to build yet then Im annoyed The Drplrtment of Education requires that there batib child ren per classroom We have 51 We have lt classroom includ ing tw basement rooms That does at include the two ports ables or the front cellar which in 1900 werenot mount to be classroom even oonvcrt ed ones These shouldnt be used to obtain the average per room Then too we have child ren the some as Codrlngton St School playing on narrow can crcte Ileb between parked curl and two portable classroom These are adequate facilities for school ground If another school is not built by next September the board will have to make more tem porary arrIngementI They will get more portable and cum ch recesses there wont be much yard left OR they could use the auditorium and cancel physical education classes Oh they could have ItIggercd school hours on take other measures to overcomI mistake dont care if my children attend shlrw new school dont even demand mahogany BIBLE THOUGHT hc thII Ia without sin among you let him first out in store at her And they which heard it being convicted by their own conscience went out one by one foltn 319 Conscience is great preach er won mac enchant When listened to it can be grant gnkII bringing peace toy Ind cementum WIN FREE Fendleys Flowers Drlinl mun For All Ocullell uqu it link It mule DRIVElN SERVICE In by lbOutv by Icnrlull lhtn llrrtcs mam Isam III min ar Minding mu Ins nus min Iqu claim III Blocked QuIlit tlcullng 11an la Inn at Neoflq III Dunlap TIMI IIULEI ma as not you can win Night on the Town with the compliment st or Immpr inl Iasrmm an onI Inmuu mmr All you nun to so II rud ramura ma Idvlnlu menl mutiny ram will love number of on rummu ma ms nu tort forminl or nqu or oft pmlrtnrrt Ing bonusI eurmuy lnnrrly thl bullmn urn um um and your lnlwl limit IIlh WI num Ind IddrvII in mm on ra Town Content Editor ra Ta nm Examiner ra nns tomcl mum drum ma ms not win Night the Town prqu mun be rmrm no or nun mm noon of ma ant YOU WIN or on tiny Ir luhll In ruul nr ta nor rcmpll uro namr hdyr um am me pull my tinned carry cl In reunion is this win AIIInlIIh Tut Campers unr for two It Inc Contin Tn rut3 for mom nn mm at or am numnlnmnl In ChIllle nluwas run Conttnlnili Inn Ltd DmII Answering Servch rm IVIIIIII In arrlam In um In Irm nil nlrnnlr nI IhuII IIm II Ianm III Mm It mom DOWNTOWN AUTO BODY LETTERS TO EDITOR GLEN GORDON Plumbing AInd llrIling Illplirinl lmtIlltlm nunla panelling or new llbrIry lust uncrowded classes and ent playground for race with maybe even little grass Flore Byraley Barrie FLUORIDAIION Dear Sir Your editorial in Thursdays Sept 29th Issue on fluoridation covers the broad spectrum of opinion re and con which has been go on for number of years In various communities Al very lmpurtlIl observer Ind being in from Inything re sembltng In expert on the top ic Ive nevertheless followed with teresl the arguments Id vumed by both side in Metro Toronto particularly Basicllly the introduction of fluoridItlon will prove of benefit to only small Ige group that being children during the form Itle stages of tooth growth These fighting against fluorida tion maintain certain deleteri ous side effects become evident in older people subjected to the of fluoridated water Jth who II right or wrong is indeed most controversial matter but the observations of dentist very recently that my family wishing to protect Ind preserve their childrens teeth up do so far more efficiently through the use of fluoridated toothpaste also makes great deal of sense From strictly cost basis urban dwellers use something like ISO gallons of water daily per capita suggest that of this volume only Ibout onefifth of one per cent used internally for drinking The age group that can benefit at all from fluoridation Is less than 20 per cent of the populItion an In ci fcct only minute fraction of the water fluoridated will prove of any assistance Therefore suggest the den tal expert who recently comi mented that fluoridated tooth paste was the logical answer probably had very good point and one well worth considera tion particularly when lack of experience to date leaves us with little or no knowledge of poten tial side effects on older people which may ensue Browne 912 Oak Street Collingwood EXPERT TV REPAIRS AppliIIcI Service wcs vicar ll North It trIIsIl MIDDELS AUTO BODY rnl 1m ColIlIien RrpIIrInl chIlIIiIg or IIIIII we are All In rcrnrrmu 7160601 In nu II III Continental inn Nightly Entertainment Ithaurlnr Nlrany run CUTUfII Eult 90W on Hwy 400 We Work fltmodclllnl 71111 NORTH YOR MOTORCYCLES tutrim nlrArl yIllIlu llurllrnI llllztlru nu nus luvdebit 1min III rum III mun UNIVERSAL RUG ov nmul II AIL IINND IRAN In more of It Isnt 01 mo It Illvll Hill