OFFICE lmfly Shimy Enim lho mldnl Guldflnxor girl NM play lrmino mm dxrmnu hm Tm lmthlm Amund The World Undtv 10 Sea in nu clhcrwhu n1 malt cm narran Lloyd llrhlm Brian KrlLy Kronlm an nmn erLyL Kronhn an GM Mm 11mm 5w mml 1114 thl Um drr Tho Scn L1 In pman ml lrlmnkr and nWI plnylw min way Iln INN MAUIINVJ ï¬t 72H Inle Add Muhlnl In lnlrlllluvl mm rullpmml nmm 7F Hill lnmmr mummy PETERBOROUGH CF Gcarge Valsnn Canadian dl rcclor oi llie Texllie Workers Union nl America laid Thur day Ihul nlnemunlh strike against Tiico Plaslica le dal inilcly will continue The Da tnrlo Labor Reialinns Board last week denied the union per mission to prosecute lilo com pany inr laiiing to bargain in good iaiih SEE PEACEFUL SPLIT MONTREAL 1C Gilles Gregulro leader ni the swan ails Rafllcmcni National said Thursday ha believes independ scrva MP Gordan Famxenlher snld Thursday he has hunch the US wnuld Wel came Canadian Inmnllvzs to seal China the United Na wealth parliamentary confer ence Canadian slap lhls dl rccllon would bu welcomed In the same way Ihe US wel comed Canadlnn maven lo ape SIGN TAX IMIIl OTTAWA iCPi in income lax agrnemen between Canada and Trinidad and Tobago was signed Wednesday in Washing lan ii was announced here to day Main purpose oi the agree ment to avoid double lax ilnn or reduce luxniion oi the incume received by individuals commaliens oi mm the numries irom he other mourns ADJOURN COKE CASE LONDON OnL CPIThe Io lery trial or CocaCob Ltd Tornmo was adjourned lo Oct 21 In maglslmlas court Thur day Th company was one lourchnrgcd wIlh openlan lollery through boulo up now tests No of lhetour were found gumy or he chngge Wed nesday IDENTIFY WOMAN TORONTO wnman who arrived In Edmonton hm weekend without moneynr ham guy and wlh no lden her name has been Idenfllledu Maire Grace Gordan of Tor onto Miss Gordon was lnken oil CNR rain at Edmonton sul faring from what doctor de scribed as acute camarch furor mg ON CHINA SIMCOE RT ROXY wonmuuswsgm 3er em an be achieved by Que bee without violence Mr Gm aire told gm of Univmiiy oi Montreal iu enle lint the comliiuliomi iewe oi um prov Ince are well Lhui Ieplnuon possible withom vioifme NOTES WASHINGTON CF The United Silica poet alflce LI bringing out Ipodli commem mornilvevmmp next Igtinx to merit CIMdll 100m irthdey next year Announced Thun dny Juli will it will look like Baaumonl bow In boaulllully Maul Ilia now Canadlan cor dollgnod lo dvlvn you happy In 67 Bounlllul In oxlmvaluo loulurol no oxlra coxl Boaumonl loan clocm cenlumpovavy llnm lhal wlll dvlva you happy In blah Ilylu Now powavlul powm luam comblnollom lhal will drivn you happy with mmL damn pack povlormacho I45 BRADFORD SI 0n dlsplay today AT mun PnNnAc nEALEns Mums onmmo Bl IURI TO WMCH YELIVIIID CANADMN FOOTBALL LIAOUI 0AM Ill LOCAL LISTINGS FOR TIMI AND CHANNIL 30H us nucleuflzenï¬xï¬gg ted to be annnunccd this 57 Beaumimt xu denomimuon arid other is tall rcmun la be decided FATIIER KILLS CUB SAN DIEGO Cllfl AP Coolem baby nam hear at the San Dlega mo was killed Wodnesdny by her father Zoo ofï¬cials said lhe fuller rm ound olol muck Coolegle per ap hacnnu he was revoked by har pranks The In hear which welghed about 200 Paundv was barn last Nnvcm BET Wlll BLAST flAï¬lilNGTON AP flla DEAN MYERS Mordéé LTD nnnnunéed TIMIng 1133 year wnl let MlThursday lha Nevada lea grounds ol the Atom Commlulon Thu AEC Mld ll was low yleld the equlvnlem pl less than 20000 Iona afTNl EIUDIES RECLAMATION ARNHEM Reuters Canl dlan forestry mlnlmrMaurlca Snuve on ourday vlsll lo tlndy Duldl land reurinnlfl tlan programs Thursday called at ha hendolllce here loQ Royal Netherlands Land Rn clamatlon Company um mums stme mus Wpoflcg Sn vow Auvhovlnd hum lwla lulzl duolu Authorlud Bowman Ponllnc Buick Dollar In Bmla And 101 model choke youvo nomJuad happlor mlocllon Hardtopx convolliblos sodum and lullon woaom wldn and complolo linoup Opllonx and accunovlm 9010 help you mulzh your Beaumont to your own puuonalny Dvop lnlo your Ponllac doalovl noon and dhcovur who happlnou wally ll y0u In Enaumonl yam mEanlram at the University of next July 12 Win learned Way Spencer Abvm and educated In Britain went the Univmlky of Mom In 1959 TAKESVNEW Pbsr cfrghgfunga CPIDn gm penoer 51 es not at Lbs centre crlrnlmiogy WWW Tmnlv mu 695 boom ad Iwn German couple on charge spying onjhe North Atlantic 11 Organlznllon for EastGemuuygme arrests were made three months ago but keplnaecret until now amswA cpi 0mm fleo exist In East Elmpem Minutes or Oma amm WW sham in the IARsfhsde Min lsln WWch mMusday He told press conlemnce on Minn mm plvnmlpn tour Poland Czeclmlovnkn Maï¬a Bulgaria and un gary Mm the Emma Wu Russian Satéllite Anxibys Ipr Wheat Winters States unl vipmm on 67 madIL Nu panlal lullngy duel mall Mad1 hmh mum wrlh woman hum laldmg lmnl ml both lakhu Iwu doov modVII pallingllnuflld dam lathall damn law way Mum mlng fluhll And many mm hawmu lAlvodu many use mg vmvmgr ne cc 5m Vmhnlrg 15 mm 76m THE BAR EXAMINER FRIDAY PHONE 7261 mammal 5mm ADELAIDE 11mm mmramk mile1 Iplrh In two and um um on the South Aus tralian com