RM FWI ERIE Out Inree men carrying travellelsf charms police said were stolen in mull million dollar bank robbery last April were charged here Tucde with possession oi stolen goods lounh man arrested Man day night at Buffalo Raceway ln Hamburg NY wu charged there with secondch lor gory The arrest were made alm an alert teller at the raceway noticed that travellers cheque carried the sexlnl num ber 01 no of the 556000 mun stolen mm the Royal Bank of Canadas branch In Montreals Van Horn Shopping Centre April 1111 Eugene Eadu 47 of Moni real one ol the three men ar mswd in hotel here early Ncsday held pistol in his heart for lhme hours while no ice nnd Roman Catholic gripsl Rev Leo Murray For lnlkcd him but of pulling lriï¬ngr l1nrea alflclals of Mnntreal postal worker unlnns hold signs prepared 01 possible strike by their groups The works dcpmmcnl Ncsday nn nounced wnlracls totalling 91 some awarded In my he Mal $371107 Is for work in building construction harbor and rims 31201313 nr repair and allcmlions cxisllnfl structures and $1452 170 or drcdmng OmanIo projects Include Full Willlnm mshm huild In alterations Wing Con alrudlon le Fan Vflllam 3mm dredging the Knmlnls tikwnl River Pnrllv XI Ltd 76000 nnd dredglng the Men Are Charged Federal Works Contracts Total $12691859 In May In April Bdï¬kfRsbbfÃ©ï¬ A156 taken into custody were 0mm cm 1110 federal flmulavy rl Mum flnlml rNaumn lumpa mm ppm lm mirina ul Ilve 1mm IIIIJMI nqvlh ol bal MCNAMARR EXITS FROM COPTER POSTAL UNION OFFICHILS HOLD SIGNS Bernard Rom 40 Momma and Sam Knit of Teancck NJ all three were re manded incuslndy unli July 27 Radu was refused ball and mm or he other we was set 910000 In Hamburg year old Mojsze Nachstcrn alias Mor ris Stern of Winnipez was be lng held in Erie County Jnll 1n len reading Could you 1lve on $3960 or $4380 year arm live years of service and demand 5660 annual BLANTYRE Routers Mn lawi will bemme republic within the Commonwealth July next ycnr Prime hlinlslcr Hastings and announced Tuesday nlgm The date given will bi he xecnnd anniversary of Malawls Indupcndcnce 1mm Hrilnin Mlssmn Him Vermault Navi gaflun IncN $239300 Klnman drcdmn Por Inr Co Ud $95510 Mumford couxlruclinn adorn buï¬dinx chinmon Ocnrnc11ng le Owen Sound 5158078 Port Amunï¬rcdninx Port Arthur dredging Porter Co le $59420 rm Wnller pilolagc omce Art Bl lis Construction Ltd St Calh nrincs $31M Rodney post ofï¬ce boon Vanmk and Son Elenheim $5115 Sanll Sta Mario sharkx olï¬co building Brown and Cnmpnn but Saul Ste Marla $33915 Malawi Becomes New Republic mm Al vlihlJl um Can 771 millmnum mmnnndnr IN US I7 Mllmm IMK I09 MuNnmnu lvuml miuul possesixn of $4600 ha Ameri can express travellers dwquel part nI ham made by Lhieves when they cut Into the bank Vaults tool wilh larohu and drills and rifled about 400 safety doles Roses lieu of $5000 bail for bear high£921 rlghl Sylvia Champalgne worker counsel William lee local presldcnl the ralse areheld byXefl lo Banda said Mnlawl fonneriy Nyasalnndi lust nolhlnx by maxling ll independence under munarchial mnslilulinnwilh the Queen in Britain queen Malawi Our leg and Irlcndshlp wMI Britain have been strengthened and cemented ha said However he said the iirn ha came for Malawi in iollow ihn exampia oi in hroihen and listen in iormar British colonies in Attica which had decided to change in rnpub liczm iorm oi xovcrnmcnl The Drimn minlsxer laid the policy ul lha government re lardlnz Africanunuon wul not change when Malawi be comes republic have ald mare than once that he ï¬nvernmenl will not Alricnnize or the lake of ricaniullunlhal no Eurupcfln will hm hls job Just becausn he happens to have while lklnf added hat no Alrican will be promolcd lo hlnhcr pm or nnxiuan just because he happens lo haw black xkln Thi pollcy willrcnuln unA chnnxc nla thieves made hfl WKhJ Amulmn Auflmllnn and Nrw hum mllllmy mm nl n4 lms Al Wllrrlvrvln Vin ravlm hum swam mm ncenfly estimated at be tweenï¬momo and 33000000 figure basedAon cfa who my peiééus tinting the SlNATRA 110N031 HOMIWOOD Frank SlnnLra headay became the 150m movie oelebrityla plan his hand and tootpdnts In the oxmm of Graumans Chinese Theatre mwd of 3000 some hanging from mes watched Slnatra as he wraIe his signa Ium 0h concrete Canadian Pastal WorkersBro hexhood and Adrlen Mme secmary the Federalinn of LetharVCarrias Wigcpho DUII llhllllkllllll llfllllllll IIILqunm DctpDlp Ruxtproonng Double Safely llmkcs CumMcArmourcd Mufllcr nml mule slrongmlllcfrco Single Unlt Conltmctlon IM Runka Amulnu IM law and Ind IN ulurlouu Amhmdw III II you hmblu dnlnl MAL On my plum if prcpmd or impulsiu display of Afltclion in publxc flu rum Donl In dmc il unlil nut uch 17 Gowan Street By the may ynu am also cxpccl nplrilcdgmanvlng pcrfmmnncc clTorllcss lmndllnu luxurious comfort Ionglnsllng qunllly sullll mnslrucllon mum Including SUDBURY 0P Ewen Chanmnd witness or me United steemflieu Amer fca OIStall labor relations board hearing here last week laid Tuesday fllalevldence he had given M110 time was not me Tho copper reï¬nery worker mend at hi own nquesl be lore 0h board vwhldl 15 0er win an awlfcadm cumi Man by the International Un Ionvof Mine Mill and 91mm Wampum 111a union to regain mm 102th States Evidence FalSfe jIoronto CarpenterRejeds 87CentBnHour Increase he steeiworkem Mina Mill must signts per cent ol the 15000 Inco employees befme can let WWII to how Ma Last Wednemy Mr um trnnd 0m board In was not AT SUDBUBY WRONNWOW Striking carvenlem in in 1mm area heyday rejected an Wantan hour harem spread aver our yen unifor Cavpemersflandjolmra cm had been bidding or ween anwur henna Rejection at er mean that ï¬le 11mm mnuvial and lndwmafl 00an pm incliningqu on citys emlwest whway and neWsdwol buildings will con tinue into sacond mmnh Union ofï¬ch said about 1400 carpenters voted against flu propused agremmand owner Hell uy thing like Well Hum we wonl butting much of wlmum hm my man llny ball nlpup lhm am in while In Inch him Ich helm sad smircslalion VIAU MOTORS LTD What can you expect sure no had paid tbs HIM gen when hastened ine masduy he can the board In had pol paid the lee ASKED FOB REASON When asked by mine mill counsel John Nezflxan the for action Mr 01 hand saldHhe was afraid 9g when you bring home your 1965 Rambler Classic mm WM 1119 union and yang to keep peace in 1116 mony last wick he made deal with his uncle Wilffld Gi rard Mlnemn Misï¬t ha they wuuld oad me vague evidence Mr Ohartrand decided In me my be when ieaicmed his momma ï¬t Hvedmhhhpmdfllodoai about 1000 were in favor egtinz It Wrinsznrdlm andan flwrvmnstmouon strike flle briddaym wet offered Increase 7n cents an hour last week but nexutiatlan bmka dawn on the 1mm of hit ing Wnctices and the maxi mum weight of cement block nne shfldpmryn slill sdledlded to meet tili cm of the Bndclayen Ma sons and Plaslems Interna tional Union nl America cw Present MuirHales are Cement masons 5297 bridg Iayers $350 and carpenters He uajdï¬m beluga hit new 111 lem assocMinn Gludgiug ndmimlion from your nuyJalxmr Drrp huidc know youve oneuppcd him Again Donl uh In by 1th him lbmll Illme pm lehlrr mum unku Iumallylmml surprixinglyambilious son llcll be wash yourcaral lust Iwirc Mek And now than youvc bought winging hkc this maybe lucll admit you really my wiih ill THE BARE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY 21 ms Gerald Mnlcahy Wall Sheet messenger who was rob bed Nesday by two banle of an estimatefl $2600000In flock and bonds leaves build Ing In New York alter lnspeo ling police gallery photos Mu1 cahy who works or mess Ont ulhrr Kllnalhï¬td ambit drain lle lmm rmn 10in II be happy Andw hymn family Aï¬dlollhlllnnuily NURSES HEADACHE Ncw mprcl fmm carpuk nlltndanls Tiny migm cm mm calling Sir Try lo hrp the Kill nl your Ii wilhin mxon 7266488 Image MEL my anger service was waylald by the two masked bandits amid hustling lunch throngs In rlha TRY EXAMINER WM ADS PHONE 7292114 Cy