fiArremdah Held At VChurch Of The Kettles Miss Frarices Carol Newton sxchanged vows wrih Bruce Douglas Caldwell tna pictur esque setting at The Church oi the Kettles in Muskolra Satur day My lu The attornoon cemnony was held in iront of windows looking onto the beautiful iomt and wa ters oi Muskoks Lake lime or The engagement is mm ed at Gertrude Judith eldest daughter oi Percy Varcoc Ar nss Street and the late Mrs Vsrcoe to George William ANNOUNCli EN guests were tented to the church ihorn hiortlmers Point Musko Reverend David Proctor con ducted the rites in selling oi pink and white mums and car nations John 6055 oi Onirviile was the pianist ihe bride is the daughter of Mrs Charles Newton oi Ban lurnbuil son at Mr and Mrs George innbuli New Glas Gow NS nio wedding is to take place in St Marys Church on August iiloS Pimps by Cowper Pale Grey Draws Designers Nod NEW YORK CmEveryone is trying to nuke clothes pret tier and more ieminino more pleasant to wear lays designer illole Pamis This also is the theme lor most oi the iourday American Designer Series showings or tall lust concluded here Descriptive words used by the designers themselves relate to tth softer mood quiet suits irontgatlmd diradi shirts so all oi inbric wrapped look pliant or fluid bias cut deli oster ornamented Pole Gm perennial beige silver brocade and some dreamlike velvet on war ina everywlme Most dmigncrs have balked too at the unlavcly shortest level skirts lIost lengths have at the new Several design including Jane Derby ad vocate its coverage Oleg Cos slni bared bosom as usual but barely barrd lite knee Even when the inspiration seems unicminiaa as in Adele Simpsons interest in cowboy yosod shim soiinnns is super imposed Sorns designers went romantic Ann hogartys colloc tion was an overlay oi lian tarrg Vienna veneer with lower patterns on wool lacey knits and splendidly pale and royal colors But no sooner had the zoo lnshion editors attending the showings absorbed the ierninlnc message than along came collection that included much that was brassy eagerly young and isddish Such is Jacques Tilieaus col lection unrestrainedly labelled Fowl Collars are so high the chin is rumored An orange coat ahrlelcs at purple dress In redospoci the writer had the iusod irmorcssion oi endless riding boot dashing down the nrnway under the shortest skirts Even satin ankle boots Home out oi high slits in slim oven gowns lads Istevez leaned towant what he called bravado liis cuter maceinspired wileciim included nude look tunic wrth octrlcivwhiti embroidered hecpants and new scum plunge nodiine liudl Gern midi remains im out in wild sbsmdiw As or iail tashron gurdanco there is wide vnrlety in sil houctirs Marion and so on as well as torninity vs youtlriul exuberance The trend may be to softer and mom immiiiire colors but ilrems sprinkling ni shocking pink orange and vlrrant FEATHERED FASHIONS nrin owning sown imm Ar nnirl Brands made loordnr 1M rollmimr is mailed with uhllrr mlliilt lrnlhrrs mm surplus bodice oi shorting pink And gokleonlnotrtcrpd mt all This aloio is oi the some slilr Ernst also has tenthmi hnslm pants in his collection ll Mo mood on no Alderman New ton lhe bridegroom is the son ward Caldwell or cairvilie Given in marriage by her bro ther Michael Newton the bride were floor length gown oi white slipper satin with an im ported lace bodice and wide crun mcrbund with long train pesrled tiers held the brides rhoulderdingth yell oi tulle she carried bouquet of pink sweet heart mes and sicphanotls and ivy As somethlng old the bride worea gold watch brooch vdridh hsd belonged to her isth ers molterr wrs maid oi honor and the bridesmaids were lira Donald Kirkpaixlcir of Coilingwood and Miss Margaret Newton oi Barrio the attendants wore blue gear scito over toilets floorlength gowns iasbioned the same as the brides gown They carried bou qrrts oi white sharia daisies with yellow centres Their headdres aes were of matching material with wide brims edged with dai es Perry Bowkcr oi Oakvilir tenrled as best man Roderick Caldwell and Douglas Caldwell in both oi Oakville acted as ushers For the reception at Torrance Commioy Centre the brides mother received wearing mint green lace over organza dress is shloned with druped skirt and short sleeves with wide brim med hat of matching organs and matching shoes so wore carriage oi white gsrdcniss and pink Sweetheart roses The bridegrooms mother as stated wearing lllsc pink shan tung dress with matching cost in lace and wore flowers at pink Sweetheart roles Leaving for wedding trip to Vancouver and other point well the bride wore pink knitted suit with accessories to match On their return the newlyweds will reside at St Stephens Court Isllngton Mrs Bruce Douglas nee Miss Frances Newton was mud entertained bridoiobe over the month previous to her wedding Mrs Andrew Oranring and Mrs Flooit entertained at miscellaneous community sho wer Mrs Fred Smith Mrs Jack Garner and Mrs Jack Butler held bathroom accessories sho wer at the home oi Mrs Fred Smith Mrs llarold Stephenson and Mrs Bill West wore cohosb cases at miscellaneous shower for neighbors Miss Vicki Smith held mis cellaneous shower or old school friends Mrs Al liodlngton enter tained at cup and saucer chow err Mrs Frank Wilson oi Don Mills presented the bridelobe with end twin The lady trsdrers Lamblon Kingsway school held towel shower and the stat oi the school held presentation or thebrldetobe SOCIAL NOTES VISIIED IN BARR Mrs Ralph Price and daughter Kimberley at Toronto spent the weekend at the home oi Airs +Prices parents lilr and litre John lionrc oi Dorrie They also visited her inlherlndnw Clar emu Brice oi Glumble liili Urge Girls llid Schools HAMILTON 0P Silly thm teenage girls have been urged to adopt schools in the West indies The suggestion by the On tsrlo prvvincial education soc rciary oi the inmcriol Older Daughters oi the Empire was made Friday in dclcgsies It the IODEI Innlor drawers seminar Mrs Morley Koegsn oi Oak vills told the guts that Junior dimmers can assist His many Wrst Indian seconan sdrools rhldr dcrporslely nerd lbrarv An Idoglled school is usually squcd with an initial iibrs il necessary and cad your rliimnlil booirs are sent Mrs ngnn wanted that slrm nturinnln llltl be within the lite drums WWI torsolpon once ly malts the prolod oven mom worthWhile At the present time iunlor clrnptors hays eduplrd schools tirs primary ll1l in Canada tad more in the Want Indirs Oilror Ontario provincial olii rrrs who spoke to the rialgates abmd tho rontrilnrttrml nl dnpters could mnlrr inr lo Mrs it It Cisrii nurllngton isnwm Mrs Andor sou Sulerry Trivia some inry Mrs Darling Kit rtrmor tnlriic relations Todnyn agenda inoludrs tours ni ilrsntinrd sod Kit rlwner HAN NEW MONEY NAxiAU tAlirlsnrlncm stsrtlsh sinv wmkrrr and other ltshsmlsn Icenla will decorate new ruins and lurer to be introduced him the listrsmss converts lo the ded rnsl system only mat year The mllsmy expected to be lln Hill in llrn Tmmilnn dn or wltl aim rnntaln some denominations ilrslgnvd purely sr mllrrturs llrms including wrsre Mosul piste u= $JH1M£HI maerhrslraï¬iumuwa lou oi Mr and Mrs Douglas Ed Miss Victoria Smith oi norm valued at seven shillings slrr Multicolored nylon pils carv noting is the unusual material used ior this modern carpet bag that is as durable as it is attractive The tote is square FOR TOMORROW The advent oi the MI moon brings the usual wnrnlns mm mm cl any kind Be wally omens in per 90M contacts since many writ bormmrallyemolionalanddti limit to deal ydth As usual too those engaged in creative mrnsits inordd End bk penod shlghlnmiraddonalooe FOR THE BIRTHDAY Iiiumrmwisymsrbiflhday mvm Minutes 131 moi inter are it world be well to elm rgs cflmls now even margin results may not be im mediate 3m pmndse how ever that the imagination for ohidl the Dancerian is noted Wed Practically or your deavots maid attract the tcntnn oi dross in outlme and put you in the way oi iuture promotion with your beg rmmhs September Dcccrrber nor dummy and Mandi her ativc writers who will hem an llifmnd good year can ax pc ouiJlnnding perturb oi sci for the balance mom in late Scrum bu and mm Novdrrbcr Jammy Ilium md hiAy Best pornok tor upgrading your liuarsnal munn Will oc cur Mm A01 15 and Sr botwcen Sept 30 and Nov la la truly rnilnirledcyclc with JWilix the piano opportrnu ity transiting your Man nnd botwmn Jun 15 and April 15 Do amid extrawrmnce and or nomination bntvmn now nod Aug l5tlr and Moon mid Norm nan early January howovor Generous influences win also mom your pcmumi hie for ti Woman lifter Mayors Chair NEW YORK AP Suï¬ rounded by tins oi tons and will the atrrxrsphero smellllns oi corned bed trim vmrnnn announon tour candidacy irL day ior mayor at New York The woman no ycsr old Pony lioenll made her sislo mom in tiny dcllrntcsrm snd rosioursnt In Greenwich VII loss that duties or her ram psisn hondqusrtors FM ssld slur was riotime serious and was running as In lmlwendsni licr decision wan prmvind by the water mu in Now Yms and her pinion lhaA the city ncolr woman in run thingr llrm are our Ilmwrnu one conservative ll licsu and one Mistral aim sank lu the mayors ofiirc but Perry is the tin man SALLYS SALLIES Alone4 dog my be mans but friend but that up dlumt know you as wall as do uu noDERN CliliPETBllGGER Rounionf 1ihe sour annual reunion ot the Courts Family was hold at Springwotcr Patti Mldhinlt Sat rrrday July and 1965 George Ma age is cm number or the Grey an Sim ooe Foresters Junior Pipe Band piped the president aiiicers and clai acts to their laces at iii mi table The tables were set in the main depart and after race was said pic nic supper was cnioyed by too members manners Sandy Couttl acted as master oi ceremonies and presented the president liirs Bernice Patter sonx to the clan andweloomnd visitors andiricndc on her bchafli Members coming im the postal diatarsce to attend the reunion were Mrs chliu Sadie in sisapcv and is constructcd with synthetic leather hsn lo brass fastener and brass hardware Multicolorod carpet threads arm the binding on the sides bottom and flap WHAT THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA the next 12 months with em ohm on sentimental uncresrs biwoen now and Aug irvm Aug l5 throuyi 0a also during nerd Peonaw April and May Dont take what appears to be real romance during the first two weeks oi August ooo serirmiy however Mon nus pinion periok tortravel in next two weoirs all of Someth bcr exceptionally goodil next January April and June It careful to avoid irioiion during late August and late Sophoniocr you simsld anoy happy domes tie and spoil Miatiomhips ior practically the entire year drild born on this day will homily combine the practical and the imaginative would mine on excelled scientist or Black and Mrs Fischer mic Elacklni Hughendun Alberta daughters oi Idliio Couch Longhorn were presented with Miss Patricia Mr Dairy Primes from Wales visiting at the home oi the presidem Mrs John Patterson Rim Bar rie otterrdad the reunion on 33 and was welcomed by the telegram oi good wishes was received from Mrs Franr cos Coilil whooitholste more oi Bdrmnoon Amara Rds was read by SM limits who mentioned dist David and Frances were present at last years Minion srrd expressed the clans sympathy in the loss oi one oi their older members Mrs Isabella Coutts oi Battle received the prize tor being the oldest lady present while Drin can Coulis Carmihers oi Aven int over 91 years won the prize or being the oldest gentle man drum infant daughter oi Mr and Airs Douglas Hudrse was the youngest morrdnr pres ent and received pure Void corrth moved vote oi thanks to the 7th line Institute ladies tor the line service ren dercd The nomination conmniic blwght tn the iultowing slate tl offlomu pmident litre Ber nice areason vlocprosidoat Hamid Coulis secretary trons Irrcr like Walter Csnulheni 15He1cl By Coulis Family poimcdtohnknitï¬seuuing flilartyRoydli For Teachers IDNDON iliwtersl Queen Mother Eliaboth gave gar den party or nearly 400 Corn conwealih snd American ex chmo icodsere at Lancaster House Friday ï¬re had tea with In at the teachers all ol whom are teaching in British schools oldest sud largest provincial pollifiotmded in 1m and 1M acres in eastern sports convener Kermeih onus to choose his own committee Walter Coutu Barrie spoke about the book whim is being himv rue McLARNIiY crums or errgrorvsrs unwsuran nsrn snmv and sorrow nauovao roan consummou For Pemdll Interview 7280380 sum is Fred Grant Wiis Bid ï¬lmtd rcscntativcs oi the branchosoitbetsmihwercnp and ï¬ling the necessary data with plums whoreposwlble and any imeroeï¬ngiaots lhe meeting was then turned over to the sports convenes norms Wm up program races trace legged races baseball and horseshoe PitChluz TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE van2414 Pay all your Abills howl Get an arc Bill Payer Loans Got bills you just cant meet Gather them all up and come to HFO for the money you nceu pay them Then you can drop your bill problcrns in the nearest mailbox and repay HFC conveniently See Household nowborrow with conï¬dence ASK ABOUT CREDiT LIFE INSURANCE 0N LOAN low GROVPRATE Ir Fobert Minagc Dollop lireei Telephone 7166514 MIRIE ADIES An exceptional opportunity for ladies with can lam extra money by selling new and renewal subscriptions to The Burris Exam Insr We need you now For iurther ln iormntlon PHONE 7266539 Before pm Mr Donnelly if