Mr and Mn Kelli 14¢le mu Sundry with Mu mid Arnold Milan Codmm II valiant 141nm hogplul md Mu Janna lpflll mind um Funk lllIlltOro Dmdl llrl Eu lllmal melt ha weekend with her no Ind dumb let1H In Mr IM Mu nobfl Km mm In ml with Mom In M1910 And Klldgm Mr And Mu Elwood Jamil 1m mm Amnld Ind Mlu Ell dun vmlcd Ilr Ind Ilu Keith Bnnllnl Bundly llr Ind llrl Hub mun Ind Mr And Mn Pnrlm Cm tron Parry Sound went the mama wllh Mr and Mn Earl Juno Mined played hot to Inter dmfld schools Md day and About 250 dflldrtn mm in lllendmu Weaiher um he or the track Ind dd mull Eight uhwll competed or the wield Individual lwmh wm prtunkd la shlflty Saun dm Pine Grove lined with Heather Beuley hm am In mm honor in the Ienhr alrlx events Cedle Hmym Farm mu lnlmntdlak zkla sheila Pain Inning Central an boyl wean Paul um Cedar Vlzw mint Glen 6112 llnulnl Mn inten rrlliaw John Pearce Una 555 unlor Final Handian In due Schoollmrhy Amrd wen gal on 11qu magma mm morn mm bun leadcr than or nunber ol yem ume lea Mn Petm WA will be on the lawn nl Mn Harri Fenian Wedwday Ilkmoon June 21 no lo pm mu in mi 55 an of nful accident to ï¬nger on lei hand II had taken machinery to Kitchener and in unloading hlx ring became tn angled and cautM Mm by the hand Wu Hamil am the ï¬nger would hm to be ampu tmd but with Bunker can hoped now to lave ll mi Archie Smith mum WWI WW WM tended the CG mother and daughter banquet at Central United church Barrie Her éauwu gnu 699m mm Jlm carbon paflent In hglpiuljlmldlfnï¬fthe 33ml Mu Parry who has been vflh in be daughur In Edmonm nmrned hm Manday HELD DAV By mu mum PAINFUV Momm ll 1m WIIMER wnAoN OFFIOI 1111a wuthuhllol the Bell Inlmwhmdwyheldnpmy golden anniversary jn 1m whovcan Identity Iome Telephone Humjut Conn hlephou Company In Burk In costume to ceiebma the world lint Ion dltlanep call of flu celebnnt photo tram lion SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS 11 budom lumm mural DOCmm All WM OntWWI mum menu you um WI IPZCIALIII IN MINESING SIMCOE from Durham County lelled arm in Simcoe county 1m wuk Ont llop wan at Huny Dnvls mm Mr and Mn Bert Edwards vhlled Mr and Mrs James Dnmol Saturday and wanted 1w Cachmne Edgar wedding Baxter other Toranw mm at the wtddlng were Mr and Mn Fred Green who spent the weekend with ML and Mrs Bert Mane1L Captaln Irzd Dnnelll me Ill lmyrmlve mmon on his work Among he InnerCity reapie for the March Army lull Church Sunday morning He was weeklnd sun luv and Mm WIHlnm Hoonn Mr Ind Mu Bert MdAIn have relumed home um lintweek VII with the lan lnhw And tumbler Mr and My Ryxrr groin Quinton Mr Ind Mn James Henry Mn Singleton Aurora and Mr and Mn Porteous Dundal vmlpd Mm Bum Davis 1m Wo beaulilul Inn stand wm pllcod In the Presbyterlnn march June 13 by Mn Can rutbeu In memory of her how build the mo Gcorze Carrulh lvy unlor baseball team hu III II Ink mun For Blll lOlTON TOLTON 7281907 MASSEY mauson SEI again reached tap mndlnz by winnan three games 011 pant week Ln Friday they beat New Lowdl Totunham on Sun dly 12 and Drink nxepday Next game Friday evening Toltmham It Ivy Mr And Mu Waller Hull and dauziltm were recent vlsilou the home 01 Mr Ind Mm John Vlney Barrie Mr and Mn Marshall Pilkey By MR5 WANLILSS NEW ILOS Be careful son And Inmfly Sudbury are on hob May for couple weeks with In formerl mnlher Mn Snr Pnkey New Fin boys softball team played Edenvale Friday ev enhu Hue suno bah lle 14 ll Mr and Mn Archle Malcom are mending cw days In mu onto and attending the wedding Irleml Congmulatlom to Warren Wnnleu who wu luccenful in 111 Hm year Am course York Univmlly Congratulation to Mrr and Mn Sim Brawn who were 47 yem married Saturday On Sun dn lhdr gnrnlly lather ed ll Mldhum Park or picnic Theyre words you say almost automatically Yet they can be empty words unless your actions stand behind them We believe sons best lesson in using the privileges of manhood is fathers good example In all things Including the sensible and moderate use of the products we sell mums Mum non 119 House of Seugmm cm nm LARGEST D1511le CANADIAN OWEN Those attending Included Mr Ind Mn Cllne Elwn And lam Ib Mund Mrl John Wflmn llld Sharon dembm And Mr and Mn Allen Slnclnlr Ind Donna Rae Collinzwoorl Jacquelme Alexnudn Mllllun Mani anIehler of Mr And Mn Jnmu Mlllllan wan baptized Sundaya St Andrews Presby terian Church Bunvale Guest 01 the Mflllunl allerwuda ln eluded Mr and Mn Jnmu Gn ham Ind Ion Mr Ind Mn Frank Hamill Jnhn MoGlU Phelpaluu Mnuric Mchn Elmo Ind Mrs Andraw Hon of Ireland The inner ha been mending the pan law ween wllh Mrla Mllllnn wu the bibya Nadya 1nd fellow worker Iound the mayor umnsdou an Hm floor hours alter he had been lndlcled by an Erie Ownlyurrand jully on pe ry mspncy an ï¬ne unitwlul teen in matc llon with an Inquiry lnlo refuse mnlmu auifalo Mayor Reported Improved BUFFAID NY AP anymmellernga Kawll we rem hnprwinl ho llai today after police laid ho pd Igen round unmnaglous lym Hymn Jlm 11 up In bl ofï¬ce with botfle oi while pill beside ney infection or 1mm 133 which Kowal wï¬em Schneider am the pins lound near the mayor may luv been or the mummy lhd Parliaments Ht Glance The Common mnunued dO hate on Inn Mlanmr Golflnnn budge mohtlona Gordon Church PCWin mm soulhr mam de mlnded Mn Gordun ml mllon war leilalldon denim with newspaper Ind periodic Mr GWEN lild the It ngnoe mlnlfler hid been an cund by leading MWlpIpen vx tawn mar Oredlllua Ludct Cnmlta crillud Mr Gordon for not lnmnlnx bnlc mm exgmptloqg mu Manhunt PC Queens said he would van Inlnst budget resolution be cam of flu manure an new pager ngvgrmlng MIX Silumm NDPWlt erloo South obJectzd lo um backdoor approach to keep lnx newapnpen Id owned FRIDAY June Commons meals 11 mm Em to conlluuedebate on budget msolullons The Senate and gdjournad until June the plunmrVbeMnd Ill 1de lmed 1992 and onguuypalzy siUon Lender Dldunn Magnum Mr Goldy was iuuslraledWas bulll mm full size patterns Their ILurdy con tqcugn permit expowre all You can begin healthy hip py and pmducflve retreat mm everyday pmblem by buildim this lurmmre yoursefl 11 fun and relaxallon begin when you buy mama INST em phi Io Ike pulem ammo saw one board or drill one hole at lime anybody can build then place by M5 following ssww mm hummer Salal JohnJohn Edwin Mc Cmadv femur editor and wrliler at The Telegrapth DI mï¬nwnanm mm am Came summer evenyang mm to mm It my Ind acoordlnn In the latest medlcnl advice this httth to dm whan com Iombla lumlture placed in cool convenlent location Lh mlnd begins to Xde by Mu acllnn even More you sll down Knawlng where In so and what you can cxpecl when you get here helps Capture olden mvr meals conwlele relaxnllon EM each pine wulenxï¬ Tim CANADIAN PRESS Echo Bu OnLMn Eadie Tnylor one the aldeu clllun of Canada no1TlYounsEnr moms DEATHS COOL SUMMER FURNITURE lluty dealzned and maï¬a dunln up to $1996 at relalll mamlals can be purchased mml your local lumber duler or about lhlzd my lawn clunk palum No 32 Lawn sum Plllmf N0 39 and Terran Table Pub lnln No as Send 80 coal In coln cheque or money order or each pallem requested lo The Barrie Examiner 980 Haldand St London Onl Send addition 81 20 mu Im new calaloz illuy tratlng over 300 other bulldll flannel paneln pmlecLs and mm impmemenl books 0mm mldenll add per cent Sales Tax Bank P0 1mm Camel Balsam Steel Erection Clun Bucket Dru UM EXCAVATINB BACKHOE DITCEING LOADING TRENCIIING Bryn Bowman Enmprlm CRANE SERVICE STEWART CONSTRUCTION