try here were included Ex sihtoroounry it me ononon notr sm ieextended to out Corre V11in and oibe her inner Bonn Mn Harry Ven Eedenlliety mneral aen vtceawerr conducted Itev arr at the Hughee neral ome Cooketown with later agent at thornton Union Corn eery mom The annua mother and da tor Canadian Giria in lr nina banquet Trinity United Church wee held iaet ltteadey evening in the chmch aebooi gloom the weaker we lire Hutchinaon Mme tepid wee Spiritual Emhmtd Elem lirie with their oomeeilor lIen much and Debbie Belted dien having aucceniuiiy com pietod three em in Explorer aduetcdvin CGli recei their achievement gin aand certiiicatea 06 ad Brnziiien villone on pley iirinidnd time who and predlien ioik am were run by the aura Mn Gen Hunter rid vleited ior iew deya recon with iriendrltere Laat iihuredey evenlnl Mr and Mra Bill stodda Jr were relented with card able and our metdein chain an electric tea kettle an It oy apent couple oi dam iaet week with their aoniniaw and daughter Mr and hire rile Houihton hieritdele even merrbera oi Thornton WI attended the 53rd Simeon South Dietrtot annuel in min Itnm Town Hall hiey to when did refluxed Mn che reaident chaired the dnya ae ttvitiee aaeieted by eeoretary iuptcns BELI ï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬ WWUMIINIMW HhhhhIlï¬A TELEVISION lBUWALO ï¬BAREII Ni ativen hr the Iuddon vaulnl oi tats treaeurer Mn Bumble invitationwna extended WI tohoidnextzï¬ara Horton and Min ed Sunday tie the ionnera eoninlow and dmter hir andMreiohn Breaa and iemtly oi Seivryn Nonde oiltra Sootlflurp will it led to know aha her imp in heeith and it now at Bowmana Nuran Home MONIde mt Sunday waa Dedication to Minion ht liinity United cimrch when donattena were re ceived irorn Meeeenaere 23310 rerevroe dimer i1 and ill luv Ware lave abort pr er id Porttmrele with Mre err in litre Don theimer Barr wu aoi let in three and item am in Forename Bran liian the wee onmdieptay but bond ev no Mr Mra an attended diur chill United Glutoh armivem and Mr and Mn doom Hot attended Bradiotd United churolt annivemry aa tie at Mr end Mum Be ry Mnand eltrt lininter and iemlly Port Omit viaited Sun day with Mr an Mre Peter hunger mononuflm riolton adminietration ohiei oi enema Bflteina Wt eyeerne atranzer with tapereoorder inthe atoll unteen and aelted what he wanted llle vieitor turnedouttobeaBBMann making recording oi caieieria noieea naked why he did not record hie own corporatione canteen ha explained we have but it doeant eormd the earne aa youre EVE IT OR NOT increaee in mm named run lie2 Doctor Latai there he been much tell ut the ayphiila in the United stateeVaccine he been aucoeeaiuiiy produced tocoun teraot the eproad oieo imny other dieeeue Why not vaccine uaiuat Id IIAE it her aken yeere oi worit andrntliliona oi dollau to tie veiop moat oi the vaecinee we now uae Perha it would be poaeibie to de no one ior ey Wiilel Igain it might be en tremeiy diiiicult and ceatiy ainoe apociai typo oi term la Involved The purpoee oi vaccine te to protect peogie irom dleeaeea which they an no other Way oi avoiding and particularly the one which periodically break out in epidemics en dinqu everybody Polio meaalee email tare typical SyphiiIe to di erent it can be avoided The eeeeritai cauee oi itl increaaa ia eexuai promin cutty piue the iact that too many people who acquire the dieenu do not not lrnntedietn treatment ior it and lhue do not have the decency to avoid giving it to oihm Probably eome ere hut too ignorant With the idemlo dieeam you arent in vaccinated aoiel ior yon but Ion that oi oorr unmet Me to not true with ayphiiie Perhapa one pereon in 1000 or to will contract it ht any given year Vaccination ot the other on would do very little to pro tool the general populace And the colt collectively wouldlbe immense Whit would be the purpoee oi making pincuehiona oi 100000 mormorepoopiewhentnell likelihood the once viho would onwoddw dd PROGRAMS Harem MOEOMO rnvnennv sz nvmma true and mud no Hankoyena eAe tn WI rum 611 Item ouluyaieuu cm Lee Iliueklabev Hound enum rogue 71° 64 can tort lLieyd mm We menu output in mum llawlflfl Hm eaa Mo dNewl xlporll aIac dretry in I10 i0 eCenttneetal an 106 PM me monument ea eemu leneetee Ha Kalli me omin mu Biotin cute IM tele it lleley Mnae all It theg no tzltu 313 elimt moor it llnrth or Con mm cm tut Iehoeie on are rnmav MAY 4M do Idler no rmnae ecmm lMlh went ntrna curl 133 Lnnme mute them 30 en lkLle on thirtieth 11 molt em 5197 Nuldrlfl Harlem will IAndy wt Ilted Me eIene Mum mun men Monique 0D Chan oDon Home new my arltd raia nakev ed Me nu INuu er tiiznuiii Eh ti wmhee axle em de clue PM oum til IAndy MIMI Mlaweetl mod drew Home row IIraldog father Thain tumult no II III by Time Ieaa enter hie eon utaua km tween em lertal Mini BRIO lone unityrantan who gm not In INC For hill he lllieaaieo Harden at full lAneala ra fine ma no tthlttitnn ee who Cemet on nvu Dont ley le mm In flirt ll lVlNiNti the Hun Ienny Id gene e1 an it all TM IlIkII Elite out Ill comm IL linden out In lToytlni ll AI la tammynwtt new not bother to hoverthe veccine tion would be the very once naponalhle ior epreadlng meet oi the cereal Scientiticaliy we know enough about trenth the dip one an it could he atamped out etteal body would coi operate eenal 21 syphIIle ia inmuinl oi cenleeeneee tenoranoeaeii iahneu and iooee conduct in my opinionit would be waate oi ecieniiiie time brain and money to work on van cine ioreyphiiawhen eociety hutiteknowhow to tthedie aee beer Dr Melee haveread your artlciee on gout have wondetdul lulabandxwho Mate onnooiehtclne endiprobenecid Bubyouihevent diacueeed the oliecie oi alcohol itll WWW to any ppreoiahia diiiemce inthe Alonito inelceae oii attache oi gout it my not do eo by iteeli but it can eon tributa when other lactora are nreeent Moderate uee oi alco hol uauaiiy doea not give trouble and ii hie eodtaile have not oauead eny attach he probably ie eaie on that nnmncwhu upper limit however Or it he to having attache oi lout then meat cttltinl down on at cohol ior tome monthe The term maker little dttiar encebeerrye much or any other except know oi an in atanee where one partiatiar kind oi cocktail precipitetea an attack when other liquore didnt Dear Dr Melnerr Are orin aee pilie lmiini lay they arent and any neikhbor am they areMn AJLF No none oi the diabetee pliia are ineuiln ineulin he to he irsnwnmw ioreithaethnetodoany good The pllie are chemich that lower the blood auger SILVER none ram ot ailver too ouneet can dram into wdra one mile lone conrnncr BRIDGE By JAY BECKER South dealer Both aldea vulnerable lam one Quit onerot aoaoz mm uoaa oroea oxne 31 KQIW VAQO OI one ntobtdding South North lied Paae trrr Paea Pau Opening leadking oi ciuhe The expert decider liver in conatant etale oi tear aiwaya worried that the woret la about to hepoen to him lie nuumea that lhinga are not an lood ae they look that hie iineuea ii attempted will ioeetpLhat eulte will bnak badly ior im Ind an on ad heilnitrkn However title atela oi mind vanee he overeontee the epeoter oi the Ioeing ilneeae or the had euit bunk aa the one may be end arrivee home in eoiety flWflhflhfl oontlmtea with club to the queen Eaat then plan the ten oi hearte ihe ilct ie thet moot dociarcra et thin point would win the heart and etart to draw tnrreepa by nailing the Mt Weat would allow out on the eeoond trurno play and that would be the and oi the matter They would go down one ntualiy ioeing anode tot But the be the mloru declam would make the contract he eoen ae dummy came down he would etart about bad trump bre Alter winning the ten oi beam with the loo he would take at to deal with bad trump div too it it exleted lie would pla diamond to nonndonnn another diamond nrii iiJvll by now reduced hie ilm the No ot epedee and Q4 oi heerta he would pley heart to the king and lead the JULIET JONB ILONDIE ear though it my be aiovm oi pey eetabilehed nine oi ciube WM choeie reya him ample divh dende ila iaare occartonaiiy materloiiu and became he nae repared ior the worrt by tak low ceutioue etepe in ad dher But ntiiad title trick or the next one hie ed adee would be trapped and aunt trump trick would be ltqu dated Maybe it pan to woml mmymmuwmm Aa eornpen 4t Aolou upma note Make Inland la AW ely llctooeto new newton 200nierl Hamlin tamermu 1Waiertng 31 Illhhold NJlIidl mung l1 Dietyet liert to meet Comm Pull II India It rm more IIIDd Kind Nutrth Halo IMO 28 luv liltll ltlllat in II While mint 474 qun lhlitl ï¬ï¬‚l HHIZ¢HII All mom mo lid Ml 7° VIMMW WWII WI PITTIIIYe NIATIIT UTTLI LAW IVI INN WII MOHNINQ no noun fnt PLAN un mo cannon YOUR Home Now me