CdOkStOIWn Paperea Far RoadImpr0vement COOKSNWN SlamComic mu comldemble limenl regular muting lul nigh dil wssinl roads 11 Village wlll zrlvel the In by the Pmbylerlm Church Ind mu dimch will luv in travel the parking lot and then the gravel on an aim Ind on the putting lot will Ill he luv ellzd the me time STORING GAMIUM Council dimmed getting cII alum 1nd alorlnx to Inv CHOOSE 20 APPLICANT The lnnlsfll Councll wlll hold medal meehnl Fliday lo de eldemwlwwulbeflwmln apeclor When mm and Licence flw mince wllldl sorted the ll qalqu dug all Ahoy e1 1119 applicants come from MI and 15 and hm vulm qual iï¬cation and stem They Mk II salary from $2000 per your to over 86000 and have worms homage ogbplldlngl and was pieced was Jun mnmlon but now has beam certainly This was decided on Iller the Reusing bylaw was tabled and paged two readinu REPONSIBIHTIIS township to be held by ovary person wha engages In my type buduen named In the byllw cover mm WWW well Auctioncm Barber Shops Halr Dressing this item I10 contain 18 chum BH lhrd mu Boat liverlu Bowl ing 4119p Chqu 311 shawl Dry lflclnns 19 chum Exhbl ï¬ans Mole Picture Shows Theatres and DriveIn Show Food Storm Lamina 1nd lng Hanu une mom Mnmglm Rice Trad Plum ben 10 dunes Service 5a Uonl andGmgu Uud Oar Lou Hawkers Pedlen Ind Salemn Mmenmbm Producer Ind Mimflchm Secand Hind Stout Roller thl mm nudesI which not $60 MUBT BE CAPABLE wlll be the mwnxibllv fly the new Bulldlnz Impea tor And It ldmwlenxed that capableperm will be re qulnd Although ha will hm no ofï¬cial duty to enlam flu lud uu bylaw or planning require ments he will be upeded that to build plum building Ihc pilot mulnd by tho lag1m 11w lenslnz 3wa ha may pay ed the mud undlnl And ha been rend In Council it can become law to be mad year unlm the In mm 115 new ofï¬cial wlll have flan mpmiblllhy at enforcing the new bylaw uhlch make ll nec 955M Illcgngg lmrn the in All Cirqu Ind 57 ghnl ï¬ninge pull BARBIE mmn WEDNESDAYfJUNlI Ml Vl mu um yw They the lawn bidder to mme the match noeded or ha work Ind Mumth du UM Mun Medea n94 synncma Minn Plvlm um In which has mum the 01 mlleflnh or the mnfldnj at 1mm mad will Iln up 55M lo do h9 we MMWA UNIm WM hr Pemon Ind Oppoafllan lander Dklcnhlhr dld Ioml loodnnlumd hommdlnl on ma Common floor Nudy over he qwlkm pumm Ir baker Mr Dlnltnblktr named lo uh In Mr unlon form opener flohnd Mldr oner now Clnldlln Mlh com gnfulom Iv lndll mlm flll lb Sol Ibo um Him In Ind cmd Iu unit an liberal lo nnmlnnlo Mr Mlthmr In Tor onlo 8L Fun erM no Md hy Lllmll Inn MM Mn Mldum II lnnm my mum Comnnllvu MP lot Ill mnalllucm TM who quullm wu up In ha Ill bul villi pm wrl lhnl Mr lumn may dim run ll IIHI Mr MIcMMr nu work when lhe mm column Innrr In hm wllh Innlan lvlmt AWII 51mm ml Mullnuu PGIm Tunlmmlnuu mm Ir hjed by mm Im IIIle prim mullIR Md mmmunlmod with Mr erlmm an quulum Mr Mk1er hommln mmamnl Bnukn and whrlh Mr ItIv Timm would bu lullA PM And Dief Talk On Speaker INNISIIL NOTES Council To Hold Special Meetiï¬g Council decldeIiIo Idvcrllu in Burl Examiner lhlt ll fly or use when the gravel Jun Ind the rudwolk ll flnlmd It Wu thmhl that ll ordzrl Wu ldl until time to me ll km to me if mlzh not be tumble Aflerdlmlflnz the mute for wink ma decided that mm In tho cddum would no pr am too much problem Ind council decided to order our Ions and More NOXIDVJI WEED matter which yet to be tabled or MM lamination Ken win ters slnaharmwn likely to be the emuMM to place the cmst rm He too hu hll the Job or tow yam ENGINEER PAYMENTNE moflm allowing the payment of 50 Al progreu payment on the Prokoedmk drain ï¬nal men of $300 or the Strand aflafl wu nppraved to be paid lo wil llam Alniey The tender did the marker of mllu or hr canon mad um it ll Intended WWFï¬ï¬h ASK FOR 00PM lhe Police Commlxdon wlll be Asked to make copy their wort avnllable with or each Omanclllor The len document Mild cover the past year was we whlch lhe ooundl manur felt would be Med carefully DRAFT PLAN APPROVED FmUdKl an or de velopment along 120 llne ms was Ippwved Ind lien lo me Mlnlsler or hl oomldsrr COJIMUNITY CENTRE lwimmlnz dune thh you lurked um um in fï¬mwmuisy Comma moon lWlMMlNG MASS By Alan pennlulon or flu use of Whisker Ave or flu gwhmgng gum The Km school ucllon cl Bel Dun wu given awn have Jig registered In unMmM nm and Iled Community Hall ey built In mug lbg lull the flu deool Bond APPROVE CORNER PMN Nbdlvlllon drill In Game lion unï¬lled by rank Dor wnl awmved mkcl to can fluom mead on minuly bylaw lo zone ccrlaln In the already re stared pm nunbemd IN 1303 lo limit hem to midendll um wax oh derad mired by he mi talkMr and rammed Coun all to bc pamd MTEND CONVENTION Gordon an Welln Oll mr vm given pennhdon Io al kndaconvmflontobghddln Sunny June and 94 Ardlmlerover the lab at oer anij mum which mm In dlnpuio ml end Ioo won mu ul tkd outlined In mm hum haulaligttq mug an Mm Funnel laud ML WI Ion gm been lunelug MuKny Ind ian were have It Mining In Swmm gm put um mm on Imcnlin conmdlanm mmlnulnl mummy Comrggpm nay than ahflu pillar lb Spahr or lilo fullmm plrklu mwm um and Ilocflnn mo dlmlulon hu Illad In plcllnl man who would unopposed by All pol ulul pull an obcllon and um mtlnuu la pmldc om Comm 5m mouth Mr chhnbnhr nix wham 0w lamnmcnl mm unnn In In Mr erhcncr Imallon In Thrall IL ll Mr lumnl Ingm lkm nl Mr Mkhener MlMfll Ion II ltflpilbh Mr Iurum lama IIIt ll nlllln Commlln Ml Iould In ml or Mr Mldv cm uhmla wouldnl or you MI okcllon In In Com mm mumun Mr mmnbnlm Hound Mn Inflow Iddlnu In Mr Mr lchcml nominulkm by the bum mm In the nav tmmtnll um Mr mm lo Imam pumnnn 8mm Mr ruwm plied hlfl b1 plad la amp mg luv urm Mr Dklm iul luumlon 0M 31303 Minor Hardball To ml Start In Creemoro prlvm property In an dw med by Juno no flu weld will bu dammed under nulhorlty the med inspector Ind chimed but to the Mdemjnytml 5W6 POOL Councll naked lunar tom the Allhlon Sw Oonmlln ua min or Inn ll mlw me or um poo or the chlId renlhom 600mm who menu Conn Monlunln uld he mm In worthwhllo lhlnl and thorut omndl agreed with him 03ml vond to help AW lho pool it hu dam 1n put yam on per mlhbull omen mm noun lolbu tram Midlmd pm Alter klcklnl um around or whlln eou ncl manimwfly Izmd to rapportd1 molullon amp the unbuihment cl REPRESENT COUNCIL Followlu hller from the Georgina Buy Danlopmrnt Ao aogdnuonpelglnl lortbe RE to remnant mmldpnllw in the mocllllon munch appointed Coun Monkmnn Ind Donn Kidd rmmnnllvel noglqu weedljn nu vmgaelon council to ralnluilon mint Mn Mm dlmnlnz Apmlng up thc Lotion Hall when councll meetlnn are held council de cided to begin by redulng nur sell fluotucen llzhu two which no no worklux In Local coon hound owner did well It In Canadlln Coon Hound Alsocmlonn um Belch night hunt ml min nu held IFoxpl 0n illanlx ho hum culled he Pater Finch Memorlnl Hunt In mam orynerJindnhowuput director and member lbs Cr Mn Coon Hmmd Association Eje Mum london LEGION HALL other work And renovation Ire required Ind council wiii diuuu ii inter meeiinx with view to improving tho up pemnca lb inflation Mervin Mllson Anmt In vlmaprelldtm Central Ontario Canadian Coon Hound Auoclh flan took mm medmam Ind two roubles The mt Camdlln Coon Hound Madam on will be hdd Angus July 11 and 25 will In ciude Buch Show mm hunt Ind wmr nu MORE sum Minor hardball 11 mean 10¢ oInI here won The Candin IA IJan In Stayner hu mer In orulnlu or mmmer but no mud It IN rufly nlnx until after noon ll wt or hummer hng 11 um Iltunuon hen mil mod Ind long dun wellher mm mm not Mlobudmm But duh my Ion dry Ide might cum wno concern In In flu put NEW CAwULATOI 1110 nu lot rmlved In the munlcbnl mm In April hu Manna lhc burden Ind meded up MIL John Lemma vllllu clerk uld he dld bfll In uuumenl Idllulboutflxmm nndlhh would hm Morn tour or Iv dayl an galM mnhlna in la Du lhlnn hld Jun to tin palm when flu hr tron1n mum at nunmm WM WW Ion Humoml mum hu Inna Indian or In mum of MI The Imam robinx Id mlulona an dumm a1 death birth 11 and dill IAM mu mlAWA Dr Km um Mon 10 loam num IM My mlnlur Anna IM In mod an Authority on motion and Al home My Angus Man Places Coon Houhd Meet Viilliston Hospital Gives Statistics No In mod III dormIo at cm lm ma ll Audi Unlvmuy Womlllm NJ Dr Man wu than riled man who him mod Camdll or Inn luluUm tn um nggnn to mm on Ier ll Hm nu uy mtd Mr mmmm nrl am Ill Im ml mm ID uy to ur mom Omanum wuunl duperl olodhn Mgimcgum nu SPARE RIBS arm 89° SAN MEATY PORK BEANS CATSUP SaladDressing SIRLOIN RIB ROUND VLIBBYS PORK WITH KING KOLE UTILITY LIBBYS TOMATO MIRACLE WHIP HOLLANDIA SUGAR COOKIES BLUE RIBBON TEA BAGS USA N0 VINERIPE TOMATOES DUCKS 49c GREEN opmnns CUEUMBEBS 59 ONYARIO NO lEG ROASTS TURNIPS ONTARIO NO pkg 00 I00 bag ECONOMICAL INEW SEASON VEAL For pkg bag 29c ELLIOTT STEAK PIES pkqs lor 51mm on RUMP ROASTS 69¢ ox Olm on bonlu BARM SAUCES GARDEN PATCH HARRY HORNES KERNEI CORN ASPARAGUS MIX 0R MATCH cum mm nunmu ONTARIO NO All FOR 49 McLARENS PLAIN 0R GARLIC TOILET IISSUE 69° 79c SHOULDER CHOPS END CUTS BY THE PIECE FACELLE PEAMEALED BACK BACON FREE DAILY FARM STYLE SAUSAGE lb 01 PKOS FOR CHERRY VALLEY TOMATOES BEAVER BRAND 99 79° 19° ORANGES nmoumss LE 49 USA SUNKIST BARRIE TIDEREG DETERGENT 16 DUMP 51E TENDER snswvcurs 99° l°° mn CENTRE CUTS 0R SLICED 39° PATTIES VEAI Mm