Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jun 1965, p. 22

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lllre Norman Baker ultended the 25th annlvemry of me mlllnllon of the Guy and Simone Farmer held In Owen Sound Saturday and Sunday May 21 end L1 INSTITUTE NEW Cookiown Womene lnallMe wlll hold Ihelr June meetlnl lhunduy June ln he lawn hull with the womm for the evenlnz belna 0mm Event anden Riley convener Roll call will be mend by My Grandmothers malden name The convnlueo ll Mn Rlley Mn Hansen Mn Hopper Mn Doanly Min Sandlord Mn Plnkney and Mn Wilkernflam wllI be no meet lnn durln July end August Viller durlnl lhd wcdtend with Mr and Mn Arthur Hm uen were Mr Ind Ml Memood Burllnu Nlnznru Full NY and Mr and Ilph nun Gwenhuygl 53 1nd Mn Lloyd Bllckbum Esplnolo man few rc muy with Mr And Mry wn 1an My Ind Mn Fred HenryV Down law were menu duxlnl the wnekend with Mr Ind Mn llm Nay Mr And Mm Bob mley um nmlly spent ho wedmd 1n Midlnnd with Mn Ind Mu Nel wprqonu rs pnflenl Mckwood Clinic Toronto Mr And Mu Wfllhm mley Ipch the weekend In Hampton with Mrs 01m 56mm Their lrmdwzhm 3mm Scham relumul home with them or 41 days Mr and Mn Roy Putrldxe visited Mr Ind Mu Arlhur Hubbtrt Orlllll Sunday Mr and Mn Glan Dummm ol Yellow Gnu Sui Mn Barrie were Smelly who Cull Dummonlyr Mn andJflI Ju Wuhan Dabble and Slevhm of Gum hum were weekend guest of Mr andMrL rBug Duplmgré By DAUIIEEN ANme Mlum Jennélt Torontu idl Medduflnl the weekend with Star parcnu Mn IIQdIMrlOII Mm Georzc mday whohu beenlpallenl In fiwemon Mun gglnl Hmpiul hu Manned Ame mm Lam mid Barrie spent the weekend with Mr Ami Smith Mlu Mum Huck alloyed weekend with her brother Harry anrdr lamlly Eellgvllle have rammed home Illa hol ldav HIlll Lake Hallhurwn Evelyn Goughllrl mu HM Mn Roy Putfldu and Mn Nnnmn nlck Attended In East 51mm Womens In 3mm Innual mun 11m ny Mr and Mu Artflnghnlnm hav ranked mm liefrr Enr opean holiday And It mun with Mr and Mn Dan Vernon The mmmunlly parly It Mr Ind 1m Howard Plflrldzel was wtllnllcndnt Everyone en Soycd the ball games and warh dllplny lollowed by wkner ram Through unmi fly 01 than alundln nod mm may vm danaled or Segut and ng wquL rldzo who Awarded sec ond ourAll pond lor Intermed lnla llrll May 26 ll North Col kllnle luck and field meal Sh alln wan mend Illndlnl In brand lump lul Saturday It Saturday Aurorl Cl 1m muL Conmlullllanl alto Junnrua lermey 1n thumpinth winner ll North Colkxlalc mm 15er Avhan In dluflller Ruby 01 WkadAlc tailed on Drury lhll wtck Mu Manuel or mum home 811mm In VlIlllnl ulnllm In mumn Vrflrcnd mm or Mr and Mn umlu sandman rm Mr ml Mu mind Drlnlwller Ind Ilmnd Mu Ndan Car noyvl Togoqlg Ilr um um PI Jlmlmn ml human hm mnl lhl holiday with Mr And Mn Dori Jumluqu Alex Grahum um um Jun lml Tom dorm mud Mr And Mn Mu Graham mm hulk Mailman Alwod Ind Ind Mu John Mlllmon Unlanl mu lb loom ll Dunclll Ounmnl Ind IM with Mr Ind Mn Jum 00mm um mm II ha Duly weddlnx In 0mm Illurdn urn Norman Gumball Mn Jv Wk on Ilmkd Du nlly mm Im toy II nu ma ark Dem am Motley 01mph Gordon addmo an Cum MM Mk In my In flu Im Bound ml mt Du mum NIM when at Guthrie WI up lupin mlng numb Emma ukva mm IM mm nunl MI and llmla Allcrmod WM Chum 1m ll nu rum lump Wuhan my Irhm AmeM culled on NI mu Mr nod ammomm lo mm View it AROUNDSIMCOE Ml DUNBMORI By Mill CMIEIION CROWN HILL COOKSTOWN GUTHRIE pltal AlsoMna 311mm QM well mun munch Injury And PM Prim Mailm Tcfiirch mvtee who Pmby lerlan churn willpezln 119 WWI F° Indium will meet Wednesday June It 745 pm It the home Mm cum and Mmford Home Moth lnduury keep lha body Imam the nound dear the hem whole and the pum Roll call mm 111mm perm born on ann Program Auxmer and Can udlnn Industries Mn JLrn unz mnn bunch Madman Tim Lanzmm Bemal Johnmn Mel mdhope Roy Sham Please note chum time CRAIGHUBST loud Ill Ha empec Kr to return In Legweekl ma Mr and min Darlfiobemon and Sandra mm Mr uxd Mrs Blake Nuh Richvfle W2 Gm ol lmnb Group Federation or Agricul met at flu home Mr mm Jllll e131d An ml Amman was duhman Ind lama Run at mm wen dlxusnd Don Woodmw was speaker Rural edujaqunpngrch er SeuJeanlnlmrMrvaeil WjIhHMn may MUM apt Mr and Mn Clam Home Donnund Carol Wm In Tomnlo recently vlsltlnz Mr And Mn Thoma smemm vice who held Sunday Jul 130 4411 230 It Allwwood Um 1m ch 0ng Harvlp mm the vflll be lpeclll mule Everyone welcome mm mum Mr Yam Mexico vhlud hll lather who 11 Fallen at Mn Mmoflhl nuruw home Sunday mum wlul Mn Mow lonh were Dr and Mrs bem nl 1bmnlo Ind Mrs W1 Wey mien of vKnee Enxlnnd re hII er uh loudly Ill Haremgcuflo return Cnnzmullfldnq to Mrnd Mn Eslurul on birth ohm Mn 1mm Cownnhal been lrlnllemd from Bunla to Prl vntrPnllentl Plvlllon Koljomo ngeral 11915313 Mr um Min Mills Barrie willmn brmmdng Into Don Shmnonl house By CAINN Mn Ind MIL Robert Kcnddck no home alter mm mm wggiu ntjijdenw Mime Glam mltloiand Mnry Jam Hashim willbow be on the teuhinl ml of name pub lic next 11 Ind 11 Robert Vanna ler of numb spentlhe Memor holiday duel Iurnmer ham here Mr Pedllnxhnm and Mr and Mrs Ca of mllonbum were weekend on will Mr and Mn Pedllnzhnm ConngulnHom extended In this Slade fumllitL Dom In Mr and Mn ck Steele Pcnmng Apr 30 damn Kdlv An In Mr And Mn Pet er Bugle Fem son gym mm Mr and Mn Mu Steele Jr of mm iiium Mhm born May Grunt Arnold Ind hll mm Mm Boom Tmnlo calm on Mend her FIRM Ilw Halted their law John Arnold P9 Klldwner Mnnnln Undon grill vl Phygmllu Mr mm mm llnmillon nmd lflendlhlpl hue durm tha weekend VMn DTN mm In Id mum to hmnlo Genml Hm min nu mm la Mrrz ATM gm Sikh rdnuviuoerwo mg ml 11m you MM JDHNBNN nunmi gain munan F0MIIW MM TERRY MOW ELMVRLE RUGBY KNOCK Mn um Monte men he weekend wilh her Inter Mb Ma Ramadan Mu Lionel Player end MII Gerald sum mm with Mr Player In sumhm Hospital and with uudr glam Mn Wmhm Jmmmln the Western Howlhlv Alvin Weddell who has beén likean 161001 In Hlneybury guru1 lamt dmgfinlm bum re or ICE lion in Falwnbrldze you number mm here mended the memorial lervlce ln Elm vnla mulch May in memory of Mr and Mn my who wm kfllod In plan cmh It Calm Ezy Mrs Terrywu lormerIyUM dud Averill of an um of calloud hdlel tend the Imam 453 men by Mn Em Hughes Fan nel In honor Im dluthu Lynda who wu auxmum 29 meeting nabs 01¢th dun intean La Mafia Mrs Steadm pmldent wel cvmed um member or ma cm men ludm 3K find dbplly at sawmu made And delélltellmhl to the Dlllflct nunMr Green mo mm my her to omcen Common Due md mamo Innlndfmny lunar or Mmmulr mumy Mn Law Mn John Lloyd Mm Edm um 1nd Mu WH Ilnm McAnhur Wm yumhd lwflh mull Uh In auorn jot their work as lezdm The prumm onmmlike Mrs Willllm WI md Mn Wflllnm Snthefllnd Introduced An Wrigh who Mad beauth mm trip 41 Mexico Ind Horld and the Indie wllhum my many Mu Em mar my PM Friends1nd nolahbon were Iony In no Mrwand mn Fwd Hupell and bully moman our mldag wwimvmqn my Mr and Mrs Reynolds Mn Tamlam Mr and MrsW WW 11 qr Mumtw dun intending to Lake nlmmlnz gamA bl Mtenhnm glectod cram Mm Mn Calvert mumMn 99 WK TIMHOG Madame Balumn opened her ham to the WI Bond Hold or their main Mar10 It oclock Mr ind Shirley thdle 99 hawks v1 Mm name Mll mum and on mend hm Sundgm Red Bmokl home sin dpy mveniri The HI lender And xlrh hid displly of blouse and books am lineman mum flu mm film Mm ulcedonl in Balemm umd delicious damn lunch misled by Mu Annnlmnx and Mn Em Interesting Mn Wrizht Ilmed Mn amllul Pmnm commluee or the nan month Mn dun Mu Green Ind Mn Phllllpa wlUI Mn Suthcrlmd Mn Smith Ind Mrl Bradley helium pollqu amour iwebdlmuir Mlllory hunt mm mm Wm ma And youll huh um magnum For Mqlplul WANT AD IIIVICI DIII 72M BOND HEAD loII Flnd 7h Guy Some GARDEN room Bmlu Examlnu REID M11 lInMdmIweek with her duct and lunfly In Hawthorne New way Mn non Kenny Ind Mm GeesLhyhjm bornth or lnRvyll VM Homul 81119 Cookmlln and Mr an M11 Jlm 51¢de M4 Seubomzh warmthxe centnesu of Mr Ind Mn 13 Gross The CW held ml hike table nndnmateJalo Ind mm mm Alum Mn Rating Comer and funny IndMl Ind Mu Dough Reid were at mu col pm pm Inbdlnbake or flu ufi II lie to the ho Mr 1nd Mnuhckle Jack nnd childnn Gluord Mr IndMrI colln Jack and children Brad ford Ind Mt IMMII Arum chk of Semarouzh were Sun dly mm with their parents Mr Ind Mu Munm Reid nev ma firimn muck Ibmnlo vbltedMrpnnd Mrs WWW Mn man And Mrs Mldrad Sheridan mde bowlan banquet in Tax onla Ind nw My Fnlr haw wiltgll mol Indie mm In Ornlmd from the worth the my GA TITS Paulelle held mercu 145 BRADFORD ST 31 PAULS mu mm LEFBOY Think Dial the advantages VauxhalloViva IOfiers you over other small economy cars more power more room more trunk space more style Now consider this Doesnt it make sense to buy Viva while you get an extra special deal during our Success Car Sales Celebration Bcsldu the furl economy my parking and mmoeumbilily you expect from an economy car Vlvn dcllvm wmo special Imam Uka powerful 50 hompowu engine I076 cublc fool Hunk Illudwmu Ilyllnl And nncloul Imounl clloom for four 1qu With all In um futures WW good buy Anytime Bul du In Ihe Sums Car Sales Celclmllon In all hm ever loownonmVnuthIllomilcdulmlmulcbminuhemmcn dous ule mm or their model by Map Iha kind of deal Ihll will make Vlvn In celebme rllhl Ilonl with ham mou Ta WM ClVan nllm II mu 11 than XVMV nmdm II MW 3mm lmvfllfl Amr fill In ho 39pm Mn trip lomtawa and dimMyths leIudFMr Kelll Inger M13 min 1mm lllwl M11 MIMI WWII Cathy Robertson um Len nox and David anrp ulety mm mambo Mom the trip 141mm um M31101 Miniis lpl deal In Bunh huspml ell my firm II mum whhMr and Mn Mudce Miner Mr uul Mrs Wlllllm Grant 1mm Mr and Mn Douglas Mcuaster and Su san Barrie withMr Gilbertulécmm Hm Camp Borden Jadt Ellis Batu gmwlthur Mil JKk Congratulnlom to Emu Smith who won the signs of Trlng may on Ianla 3501adq mm mm In ml wan lame Warner was Buvérxtock Holmes Frsddy McBride Give Em Irene 3013mm Mabel Gmham Marin the gin panic flu Am MILLER Mr and M29 Dhaka am Ind Mr and Mn amnee Smith attended nadunllon all Tommi woesmsewfi Ron H12 on and Mn Gilbert Maugham Ivy 1n Itlhun or an enmmk bus kin to Mia Thursday yawn 119 jams plny prim Aniyimfi Duelia Mc Fndden Lydia WBdln AuToPmr DEAN MYERS MOTORS LTD oh Kell 10 your local WuhanPanic dock AUTHORIZED VAUXHALL DEALER IN HARRIS umond dlnahter Karina 01 am And Mum Robbie arm ton Banlow peady new wished for Mrs Ellsmen who under went surgery in RN31 Bunlo this week Mr and Mn Huggins and family Oshawa Ind ML Ind MILL Spencer 1nd hmlly Mama m1er Mr Mo Ouall recently Visitor wflh Mrs W11 during mveekend vexMm Nanwdlqeommn rer WP WPLQW M5 By my ya WHOM Mr Ind Mn JHuuhu1 Guzm ol Mrandvun 19mm thlrweek wen Mn Shannon Imdon Mn EM WT P5 Vliiton wluiMr IndMra Aymtvwem Mammal 1453 CathemCannlnmn Ma ashram Kauneen and Carlton Mrs Chambers Oakley Ooldwntu Mr and Mrs Gellnax and Karin Somll were guests Mr and Mrs Crawlord dub In mund Richmnd mu And EarlGoxdvn Toronto Ml Llu Elllnm is spending some times with Mr Ktmdpuenll glr nd Mrs Hume kam Ilrs Inter rmm mu KenweleE Home birthday éelabram wu P3 Sam 1° We Ind 11 beware sum Gueib Included Mr and Mn 11 And rew and wily 01min Mr Illd Mn M1radmn nnd hm lly Udne Mr and Mn Murray and Bob mo celebth Mr birthdays See Viv today And while youn ll llflrispccl WWIbf brother Victor Vlulhllll Vlclcr Is the Automobile Ihl pull lowwsl molodn In iho undillonnny elulnl dm 5mm Cur Cckhllhl now In full lengl ally Beaten WM wlll mectJune ln Holly School 1mmN lhmlI wlll be manual KW 13 School wlflclose It the end at Jun and pupils will be my WM 10 901 In Simd flémm manna mm nu 5m RESOLUTIONS IMPORTANT mud Womenl Mum held their Ma meeting In Holly Sohon yap llymerrbgn 5nd 5e3 Mr and meén spent the weekend mm In 1mm WW 177 mo Jug lot cholnflmcted by Mn Wan were enjoyed Guest ma ker wuLoyd Foster tanner wperlntendant at Bum Aven Unlhd hutch other ass un Rev Wm VII the un vlce Mme Sand lie 18 We 3mm 31mm Downing Darvld Pryda Barrla Dawning Mrs wanna Inter mm Ind Junior Sundny My School alum film In chm wul be ml to Simco county Museunplfld WW émv Med Wmfl In and In idibol in Strand It mam lend 1a max 161 133 mnlfii An mega social evenlnu has atufiThobimm mix at To ggmnll palm mac M1 3676 Flame In oljhe Mm Radian Mn WT 3m Mrs Jim Leighton The 21 vzm M119 new burst mm in ldlowed Mum mvimdl eral visitor HOLLY VAUXHALL ml Mn WW muting modded their bloul and mm Monet or Acumen Day at Stmd some the school Mn haw mg manaiidmw Mellow Mohflau convent or Cum Simoe ddlvmd an inspth Iddtes an le uuons lflfitfled INCH nwluflonr newspaper and more swatages of WM gmxmplvlnx do Eileen Ind Sham Wu Linda bullied Robbie Grahnm Ilni 1116 Dng 01 Educ Mend from Holly mutually auraed at Ibo harm of Mn if Ind read by Mia Jack Kennel Wm 13 0Wlh°w shower flu were the Men Doris Donna vale and Gmce tea tabla ym mummy musedwmnmvn candles and maij Malta Mammal an dice cream wen served by Mn Ken mm Mn Jim 11mm Mn What Mn Brian Hatchet Mn Dvn Gibbons Mm Elliott will marry Doug MacDonald in an 3114mm mm June In Holly Unl had cum NEIGHBORS Nemhbom Iru called don Illons to ads Mr Mn field who win mbufld their Mme Anym who wlshel In xwnu WWW Emu ungyd mmle or MIL Gov don Dawnlfll subwan ammon TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS 7261885 30 ax

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