WHAT iliilpoieInIhemIcIdieoI III Dominion Store no flew Saleï¬ecoté NOW wow II roiooaflnl molt Ind Ioiemph ilnu II the 100 time Ind it fun hI period the pole WII poIItion int mi To Hold Meeling On Civil mMwn GP whaI ever happened to civil Menu 11 ptbiio may ct ciuI June 17 one Iy lederIi Mndnl coolerenoe on the 116d 916 lint lino 1m However oftitinls Mid 1ieI day that the MI lor the meeting im not yet been Ip rnved or Ion Io the pmvincu nduItry Minister may will It II chnirmnn Exoiaininl lack oi my ad IrII pmvinclnl meellnl In three yeIrI on emergency piIn ni one minority Inid Itmpiyz Inter II not IIierh in Menu department II prcdedq Io come in let Ioml criticiIm II the rowing Ior in apparent Iwilch In plInI on IurvivIl operation Under the Conservative govv ernmeni Iorne 200 mobile noi llllnl drown mainly Im the mihtII were omnized to enlor nudeIr damned centre to rage the Inlmd Ind reItorI or MlLlllA REDUCED But under the moral overn InenI in militiI hII been re duced to 30000 men ram I7 ooo Ind the orwhulI on civil doiznco mining mm More over rnoII ol the IrrnyI id um IreI hequuarterI In the major cilia Icrm CInIdI hovo been Ibundoned 0le defence expendiwm hnvo declined to Ibout 020000 000 year Irorn peak neuiy 0000000 In ml the you In mIIor Rodin Ills CInIdI MI wnminl on In not yet nonviolent BUSINESS BRIEFS Ill CANADIAN mun 009T ANNOUNCED Goal the now 04 InnmiInlio lmr the Mn IIuiznrd Io wowed the Quem MIry wII Iel II 6210000 In figure wII given by OunInI dillrmnn Sir John Wilbert In inndon Monday In IIII ItItw Inenl IncoInoInyInI In con panyI InnuIl won th II 000 ion liner iI being innit by the John Brown ShipyInI Ciydrbini liroIIInd it II II ed Io came Into Irrvch In no yIIrI IAIIA RIDE Dominion TexIIII Co ltd Ind Mwllllllld IIch tor the tIIcII you ended Iimn II oi mumi pomenl InclIII compared ntth the nmloun yeIrI Mum In the poll Mound Iontr ihIw dIy ConnolkIaIed MI umlnn wm MILM or 05 IhIrI uIinII 10 or lure demon cl par PLAN MRI may In in Toronto My iI IIIIomerIIIIlpIniAI In IpIIwIIII MICIlA Ir mm IpIInI IIItu Indor Ind urir mentho Iuref ï¬mï¬rmmmfl hr rue MM Ininlh II II MI mltyuI In InnuIl Defence um oI Illlnllll on my hIIiiquIrIerI In III met IllxlllIl IyIIem undo Ind other mommy eiIm neIr OMI Ivr Lop offlcIIiI to MUIï¬IUY ol mam me more in men In idol pliu at media Ind other up pikI Ind more than 40000 venom mind In anemnq piInnInx AUIbmIIIEI IIid tin nut move II mtrmIdo Iurvey one IIII Ilrendy been carried at In AM build which oouid he fled II him IholIIrl 10 llAlIl SURVEY niiI Iurvoy expected in IIIrI thII Ind may no he muted uniii m1 MIR Um an inn my in II In Ion Alter IIIIHIOM Ilter ll nIIIcIIl uid the bididhiu may b0 flocked rim and Ind water PiInninz dooI urn Ird Inan aid Nurly civil dotenu mm tinnod out to lieu when In explooion IpIrI ViilI iI Salk IpIrIment building our You Approx 72 19016Ix dolorI tochom from Roman Under Fire Over Red Embassy MAWA WIJunie Min iIIIr hymn who under fire In the Conunm iiuuin tor teIIlllnl Io comment on Iiie Itionl IhIl the RCMP in band the mm mm In OIIIwI Mr FIvrIIn IIid lI nu been the prutice ol Inocme gov mum to wiihhoid moment on Ieanlty nIIIIureI In the pub llc lowest Oppoliiion Lender DIeIerv him slid the public delerm In IIIurInce IhII Iho Iiieu UIIMLIH SovIeI Pm Attache ViIdImop Grlwovidi Ire iIiu Io defend bin Iiienov III In line minimr quoted ma ItIlornenI by Browne Io iiciIorvnml In tho Dioien taker governmenL Mr Bmwne IanerInr qtmiion Ihotn whether RCMP mornbm up ukpbm liner hId IIid In no declining to Inner huqu It could ind to dluiome oi Iii inveItily IlonIi MIMI Mr Brown IIId no interim Ihouid be taken Iron in ItIIImenl Mr FIqu nld no wind to on Mr Brown Into men oi policy hlI on Mr DieIeIhIker IIid the III IIiInI wm diulmiiIr Quebec Signs Warn LumbermenBe ready for family fun afloat QUEBEC IO NoIIlu Yam Io nmr mule lint play or pull erII In thiI tavml lhl IIII inhnotlon II Ilmed nulniy II the Iunberjnclu who pour Inio lhiI old 901 mum to monq eIrned In the woodl Pulling erIlI iI load deIl more dImIItoI tar morn lur nilm It lent IIiIn hendiu IL bowl 0me men put II II any maner IiIndI monontI Iorurm until MI Mn loudl IIw IIbieIwo Wlllfll In the ManicInt iIvc am when lhiI pIIIiodu rm II poIted Iomrllmeo Illow lute ol Ilren And IImIIIr Kenn may wilneued In omer coiortui old he Win in Quebec Oily Me In Iboul I0 Ind III tImouI II in Ellen For the Golden Dog hlld by ihe ChIIIIu Ironirnu All but In Yrrnoh IvIonIl Ilmu in all Io In imn owned Ilnu i011 by In Now iIm With ilI ruulIr rI fathom oi Ind IdwnMuImeIIw II All In mniu the the limb win It hm In dielmy All Ika mural Iroutd the com min inland over who ire lIndI Inlorrner wII Another Morita mm It pedIlIy Imm univIrIlty Itud nu II It la the duondon Ml momeIIi mm Iboul yearn AM during mum in the out yIrd oi Quince umlnIry deicIi ooiiop behind the mm would nix VIM may we to to the dwell IIIre II UIo prIut who would turn Mn Ind mud Ind Ill ItudenII wm pIII Umfll lhemll Maul Wiener Mum HIIIII mmmuuwuh The IIveInI Mo de ntin IIer Wendi ulna hay ll mulled thorlIn III the Turn Roylo nIme IIIl eIiiI up pal floaty linked wlih BIIIII MIR And the mumrrlro loo bin or twin Iololeba Iel monum do It InanI lI In name II 5va aTHURi JUNE ron comeruse LTEA TOWEL5I5 Striped Cation App I4 32 Striped mean 17 26 11495 109M°ARTR°wsv BEACHS TOWELS rlnCotmmotmamnqum REGULAR PRICE EACH 169 SUMMER nusjuiimuwdnmm nounn BLANKETSj REGULAR PRICE 1m IILI Intel or evenings II lite beach or ooflago Sin Ipp 40160 gown plaid CAMP sTOoLs SUMMER EALI PRICE Wooden connirucllon vnrnlshed easily folded for compact Itorage REGULAR PRICE 97° UMMER 3HP GARDEN nunis 5ALI PRICE mania can or neu In reverse Durable steel housing steel wheels 15 HP heavy duty electric gem meum Hinged 9mm in Mom REGULAR 5199 REGULAR 13695 SPECIAL any new wï¬fmngv VKNG cu Ropui Sale Offer Compare Ind Save On VIKING 2DOOR REFRIGERATORFREEZERS 17 CHEST FREEZERS Sale sale cull LImo FROST FREE FREEZER Mm over 95 lb OI Ioodi AUTOMATIC DEFROSTING Refrigerator MUM Ill 3333 mirlwo mu Iype combo km in Inn and space for EATON LoIHund door me Heres VIKING IhII incorporates do iuu alum II prim you deep door lion Ire with two remow Summer Summer Model 6mm urh woulan dream pouibie tall bottles In Hand door model mm vl SALE PRICE EACH STRONG SIEEI FRAME CAMP cors White ooIIon duck covering rayon tape binding nu on the ground SUMMER SALE PRICE 595 Save 1000 Tewmum suburban 18 EIECTIIIC now 19795 N0 DOWN PAYMENT 00 Mill ThII roomy VIKING lets you Ilore up to 595 lb of food II nib uro Ienzpenlures Buy Intewn specials stock up Ind Itnre for me months later Features 874b iIIIrFreeu comparIment the locks natural flavor Ind nutrition in automIUc Interior iighI divider Ind basketénovide systematic Itorage Temperalure IdJuIII lo 40 Model 517x IMO nAINlfll mu 42PIICE IIATWARE SETS Iiadnnf pollen each 1090 Save 4000 14 minim in Molar Ink Iul III HM mom WJIMIMIHeIdIol ALUMINUM BOAT with EVIrnIIhed Iain Ind Wham mmuumw MMMVIKINGTWINCYHNDERNUIDII wMWIhludflmmnfllliufllm Minewumlyouputundlnbow Save 2000 Real wiilt Molar CATNIP BOAT nt mud Manama polya Ihytea rnm mainsn1 mu mini II lbIDSKAOOIDZNJEIOMIflIm MullInt wwwmnmhnuunm thud IIreooled nun to prom Iremu uremia IbouI II the 52800 IoIr uly kid 24900 Iva on m1 Ionm an MARK EIECTRIC SHAVERS VIIIunI mIaoIhin luring head mm dad nutter Trim Minn or IIdeburnI Ito Automatic pour drum pennnnul lubrication erminpruculhioan hie out IS 20700 non Ill Ink and 9000 lolo lrlevl Wfllfll kllrl Inlllrlu EIECIRIC SHAVERS Quietnqu fluvlnl heath hie Inkal IIIInluI led Ilium mt IIIIIy hnpadmlnm pl lie can Save l500 on IndiInMade Convu Canon 107M lllfll 12495 31 13495 BuiiIhVIIII iiwwmmmhflwuï¬mdwlh mammal Spam PIddIn love not Rm Ml 395 out lid VIIIIIMI binds WNWJrIrIY IIIKLRY MIA VIKING IMMUNE HAIR DRYER lob not no noun nmrm VI 195 autumnodymzwflm IIIoV If 905 love LII hit new man WmnnmmIAaanelekgmhwm mhummï¬mnfllï¬lw mm maulmm mlM JammflmmH EATON CR