renowlncomecrdup srariivnmr ourrirs the Roman Catholic Our Lady Stan intioduce streamlined ha igher hernliner more open headpiece and KIND tCPifihe synod oi the Aug ican diocese oi Nil era was lit elmost down the middle on the stibiect oi reli giotra educationdn piblie emooie during the second and ï¬nal day oi its sessions lie Wednesday Delegates spent minutea in debate beIorn app oz by vote of as to 53 otion calling in the Ontario emment to establish nonvaectbrien course In the religion oi imanklnd as In academic rtblect in elemen tary and second ediools The resolution Ilo said that die synod endorses the recent public Innouncemen by the de partment ot educat oi he iormatlon at mmrttce to study the present system of re dgms education in the Frolic echoola ot Ontario which we team to be unsaiirtactory The department mw permits certain mutter of houn to be eet aside tor ate Pro ertant or itoman athollc In rtruclion by minleter or telnet Giiidren whose parents do not want them to take the religious instruction provided heve etudy period Instead IUIIOIITS RESOLUTION Itev it hiothtullrln oi Georgetown who moved the resolution aid the propoeai iI eimed at lacing religionnot denominational or angle of re Iigionln the centre at things Seconding the motion ilev Robert Griggs oi lIImllton raid the course should place Ila main trnpheaia on the tudcoairlrtian tradition but should give tnowledge oi the motor laithr oi the world it in wins and unioving to built that only one taith taught In our schoolr he said Mr Grim laid the course rhould he taken out oi the hands of the clergy and taught er en academic eidrlect hy treined leader and with ex aminationa eel Speaking against the motion Itev David tuition of tlamllton eald rellgtoul education In the schools ie only orrroned by vocal two per cent oi the rip elation mat of whom are ewv lati or Unitarian N0 HINGE WANTED Itev Itatph iithirn llemll too until recmtly dlocclan die TONIGHT FRIDAY AND SAT IIIANIY BAY small collar Sister Andrena right wear the now cuttlt at Bayawatcr Inndon yesteo day while Sister Carol shawl former costume AP Wire photo by cable trons London tlanlty given preferential tre meat in piblic schools sug gens position of privilege end of power which no longer exista and which the diurch no longer covets Canon John Bothwall oi Dun dae said he has taught In school but has dotlitn about the present system What is taught la oitcn wierd mixture oi patriotism and watered down flirtation ity he laid Rt Ithv Walter Bagnail bis hop of Niagara sold It might be beat for delegates merely to sand the government motion endorsing provincial study of the oucetion oi nilglour educa tion and promising the support of the diocese Iind It diIiIcult to believe that any goverrment depart ment would put great faith in what we wanted thorn to do it they could eerily findlout halt oi you voted against it he said Mountaineer To Search For Snowman NHW Dmil tlii An American mountaineering hem Norman Dyhreniurth plans to remit the lilmalnyar to Ice If the abominable Inowman exists Dyhrenfurth lcadcr oi the American expedition that con quered Mount Everest In turn says he II rrnly convinced the Yeti estate and II ready to spend years if necessary to prove It Ieat Yetlhunting expeditions he eatd have been Ill wrong In their approach or groeaiy mi eclentiflc that goes for the expedition led by Sir Edmund ililtary the New Zealand mountaineer who mied towmonth hunt in wet with the opinion that the Yeti II myth in the mlnde of Nepals NEON OP Conserv Itlve whip told the legislature Wednesday that ii experienee ehnwa that lowIncome families are not buvlnl medical care in Iuranec the government may take steps to see they ar cov ered II Harris PC Toronto Beadieai one of three govern ment whips was speaking in tha debate on eecond reading at bill to provide non com putsory publicly operated medical care insurance for in digente and email wage earn Itl LONDON OP Rotting Brit ont spent an estimated £906 moon 132115000000 on organ ised gambling In 1964 and the odds are the rationed whorl of More is spinning even teeter this year Gitrrdics Council on Earthling whidr issued its airmail report todw The interdenominattonai cotde la the only organization garnbtlog statistics bookmakera never publish their protite ahow that the annual trimmer in amhllng has matted ates iy since the 1960 till £630000 when di NRONID OP The Shah or iran and airlines Farah flew to Parts Wednesday cod ing their einhtdey state visit to Canada with final day of var led activities in Toronto The comic lit Toronto oer Wag Idieduled Alr Coo It 540 pm aItei be in given IImn salute they made ï¬nal Canadian over in Montreal that was pm longed hav an hour due to air traï¬ï¬‚c Ihe aran spent the time lowing tow items In the airport Eta ehop nie shah whose visit took him to Ottawa Quebec and Montreal before coming to Top onto reader spent busy last day here handling the controls of new plane at an aimsit plant touring retrigerator and Visiting Greenwood Iraelr where the ï¬fth race was named in his honor The race called the Station shah Iranian for king of kings Plate was won by Apple IevuilyeIroid and the shah presented tawdry to Gardiner Famie die homes owner Ear lier It mumnde aaw race non Many ihe Meirold ruler fryer or many years went amend the production line at the man ufacturing plant of de iievliland Aircraft at Canada It mburtian Downsview Told be amid have his dtolm ol eevcrIl modcle to fly the eheh chose single engine ltrrbo Beaver turbo prop version of ptstonengtne plane at which the Iranian Air Force the dozen and one of which he files at home This the conclusion ot the mm the government will otter to pay the full cost or Insurance prenilurrurfor individth and families with no taxable inl comes and part at the pre mium 0er for individth whose taxable income ranger up in esoo year couples with taxable income of up to 31000 and families with in coma at note enm vOpposition spokesmen have argued that low income area nuyghun the plan even if government Iubsldizea part of utipreniluma estimated at about $173 year or family Us debliiiop Turnover Mounts ggkbettinglmemlegei inen IneiyaiIottbe man in Britain that keeps track of noddingoutlay to Inst tour per Whyd total HIM Ind serv UPEnt almost II Activities Oi Shah Iind Empress Varied 0n Final DayOi Visit ttierooat visitor Ileo toured the tactory ct mm re frigerator rowan whose prey ident NW lie In raid the ma cleans diolwed he had good tedmicd knowl edge by hi wanna BROCKVMIE CPI With go an original FrenchCacao dian production by violently noncorlorrniat Montreal lituIOI has Iofarrecclvcdthe rnost praise from adjudicator Grey Beaulne at the annual Dominion Drama Festival Wednesday nights play The Cave Dwellers by William sar oyan presented by the Theatre Upstairs company of Toronto got lukowerm reception from the adjudicator who Iald lie nctora and actresses almost never got below the euriaca at their roles Tuesday night Mr IieIulne called Jacques Ducheenaa election of la NouveauxD errx 111a New Godst by to Theatre de la Place ViileMarie of Montreal an exciting theatrical experience lie found very little to criticize In its lithting core tumea set and the perform Inca ol ill nun actors lilr Deaulne said Wednesday the Saroyan play wae difficult one to pertorm because its lane moot PttYERS Ilium mtuuflqmuuimwt Edi nurï¬iï¬au FEATURE mountain people Dyhrenfurth OI Ittahway it at natheie Mtlrl North of heme iron urricn ornNI Itt em ALL COLOtt SHOW fliIIiIIIIIIIIIiIlI rtittvtdtiltu MI IIIIIWIDI HI pm ILOOD AND ROSES TODAY ONLY no And are continua more mil STARTING IOMOIIIIOW IN three plays down Incl tour to po the government has not yet disclon the exact premium coat lilr iiarria told the house he had taith that the government wouldamend its plan it itwer found not to be working prop erty in the tint instance the legislation it parsed II to go into elect June toes The government haa relented compulsion ae contrary to Con servative philosoflry But crit ica oi the plan which IlIo tell our regulations for the eaieat medical insurance by private companies say mainly the sick and the elderly will reek cover age DEBATE ADJOURNED The debate which began Tuesday was Idlourned Wed needay night until next week after hearing In speakers The medical caredebaie came as the department of put ilc welfare unearned that pre vtndel welfare paymente would be increased about 15 per cent in an attempt to keep pace with the rising cost of lying AIhe lncreIud cost to the province is expected to be Ibotrtfl500000 year but year the welfare bill In Ontario was ammo of which Ottawa paid 50 per cent the province so per cent and municipalities on per cent For couple with two rchool Ige diiidren the changes mean that the maximum showed the family for rent will rise to $7650 lrom month This figure doea not include heat The tood clothing budget rises to $9630 month from $8656 welfare official said theex aet coat of thechangeecannot be known because of fluctua tions in the number of reelpil oats and the complexity ot rutee Weltare Minister Iiouia Cecile atressed tire iiexlbiilty of the new regulations There canbe greater participation in weliare because the new niler are based to greater extent on 83¢ individual the minlatet Lukewami Reception Given Play By Toronto Group lit Festival surge and style were often W3 fthe play is about group of destitute aotora ciroue per tormerr and other downIndoor characters who live together for briet time in an abandoned theatre lhey draw mirage Irorn one another then go out into the world again when wredring crew cornea to tear the theatre down The 3yearold director of the play Richard itowardwae praised for his acting as the st leat boy brief nonspeaking part in the play but Mr Beaulns eatd The Cave Dwell era euffered from bury di recting whidi often took am phasia away from the acturr $300 OFF ONE It pricecouid not be Tenders Opened Sunnyiirae School By Decisionnvae delayed on the addition to be made to Sonny Brae school when it me found that the lowest bid was still about tit per cent higherthan eattmIteI Tire Mtelebkld tor short time to direuu the matter With the lowest bidder to see it alter diveraloe to al ternative quotations the total brought closer to estimates The tendency toIsk for higher prioerat this time my stem rcrn its feet um demand for contreettm is heavy One or two pram THEATRE locai builders who usually ten Ieceptance at tender lorthe rne Innnieinxmm mum MAYtI rear dot on ouch buildings had too mmiibusinees to expect to corn plate the work within the ra curred medal meeting wee held Monday evening In the board with Ardtitect Gary Alexvof the PentlIndsBairer firm came to decision to accept the tender oi Bertram Brothers oI BIrrle tor tbeemount of enemas whidi Wes lowered dry the elim ination at certain alternativer which can be done later or whichle notlower the auatlty ot the construction Ler Omaha manager of the tirm eeid that the toweeir allowance was er short as he Ielt they could hit the deadline but that they would do their but to be ready fertile September opening Now SHOWING EVENING enowe Ir riee NrNttt if IIIIIIIIEIIIIIIIHIIIIEIIE IIJliItiitIIliliil II IIHII ISHltIIiiii MtIItIIIIIIIIII IIIIEIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIN tIIItS outsetnuinuuiiuipinintuitionmum BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE smnuomnnï¬inomzmo areintheitIIUREbefereltheppmi GALLON It VIII intrith billiontilts runny cucwn sarm LAIEX rot any Interioraut pieelev pypree masonry etc my to lpply Coven any cot que Werheble or line lunarhiding Oriae In 10 minutel Fade mletenl CIIOWN VlLVET LOLUSTIIE ENAMLL For write reillnpr woodwork Itee werhablliry at plus beauty ot fter flnleh Appilee oothiy Np brush or miter inertia CIIOWN LUBiftE MEDIUMLUST IN AMILI For hitchenl ethvoome woodwork Perfect pomleioiite flnleh without too high ploee Can be ecnihbed Indettnttety CLIMAIIZID SUPKNIONE WIIITII Spelt lino durable mildew mietrnt Coven man colors Ideal toe eidewel CLIMAIIZID TRIM IXIIftIOfl Witt II tttnhnloee nonchatting super white Coven enoet colon Catt in thin in home scrubbed reputedly CLIMMIIID Ill CLUNINO WHITE Io etdewetle Invtitnp cupv whfle that come meet colon Memreina bright clean eppeet me let yam 750¢NEQUART Ej OFF CROWN DIAMOND PAINT coquv memo SumaownblemondMM lIfII rlttul In crown memoir raooucrs Ire soro MINA IROTHI LTD LUMIII AND IUILDIII Ilehe Mil rle Ont 7250154 can cent AND ceen oameon nod onerm Highway 26 and 27 ntwoobmtum Now APPEARING arms outinentdl The Exciting ItttANK EGAN The Continental inn II proud to present Frank Egan Mr Egan hae appeared in Toronto It the Royal York Coneolatlon and well known Montreal night epota II pIInIet and vocalist Continental In Main Dining Rooms 12 to pm $l50 Family DIIIIg at its best Celt 1mm Ier Table Nearnatieaa SATURDAY NIGHT DANCING to Midnight $150 plus tax Per Person INCLUDES BUFFET Featuring Bill NORRIS OUINIEI FULLY Llcltllltl mm MID The Contlnento ml new