lleetlvdnalutealhosuoonni lowlnaonelrmrreonoertpw diwedInMemrealendMIdn£ lorenonuimmfliettnnoithe riormer rauZYoland and Gabriel Gannon lheSeIaon of Love dny id in It minuwn ram hitnicgdirvdor llhe Mvnl lit theyoperettn negment the Parlalnn nonraoo in Joined by aotot GabrielGaseon In dieio bridging Mill Nitrite magi numbern flia nlnu selection irom tbovworiroihrenallebnr The Ontario larxembourg and weilaeetrom nuniberot Vten Rodger landrv llaninieahtein larder and We are represen enl comedy 53 Visit To German Radio Highlight Whom or in on 23 During the today visit the Royal PM will at hllmldl oooeeazalanghrmenoeet Der Waiter will attend concert at Hem Iturdny nd Sun ay perlIl Slim wiilvieature Ipe elalrnatineen iorxthe child and the youngItheart Seven Dwarla to the lie lulllengttr nature to deligh the entire ianiliy Here are time Seven Dwaria with Snow White and her Prince Charmin in brand new id Eerebr Lenoir ly room it nomn in but Dr Mother noticed the letter ironi Mra where am hen cerebral lay am Menard vie tim attended college and Ira now operating travel Igeaey graduated lrom Syraaiae Unlveralty in WI yearn when war baby the dim ten toidrny to put me in In loom to forget about me tell yMI lithe cause lthinkit Ihowa it the advance made bymediclne that docttm are not alwaya rimHt iEn Dloi anybody no don ow ll alwaoa right but lm nurg theta great deal In been Ie complinhed in the int yarn in making cerdrral palsy less oi handicap Deï¬nitely children with cer ebral palsy mild have the beneï¬t oi name at the thing that have been learned whid oi brim in to another letter Dear Doctor read ebmit the worriedwho halaha Imall boy with nrlld case oi urebrai $13 Maybe ahe worrlea too or in ovenpioiecttve have it mild user lt ai ieded mo right aide couldnt walkverywellanunrilhtheet wouldnotzodownMiparenta Claire Bloom In Wlhe Outrage Laureate Olivier John élelf Paul Newman Lauren ey Richard Burton Jamar Manon Yul Brynner Fredric LiningJ Jone 52mm nod stel aer area In It winner like who in the World lheatre Act lly it in liat of Claire Bloom co atarn over the put level yearn One or them nor today in her hunband marlea Cha lin la the man who ilrat broufli her to tha Icrren eleven yearn ago in Lima li 11 othera Ive Itarred th Mlu llloorn on the It in landon and on Brondway or in motion picturea Paul Newman in the latent actor to male love to the beau tiful Brittrhrbom Claire in the worlui and ooatroverrial now letroGoldwynhlayer drama lhe Outrage dealing with ur dlInarIto voraionn oi an ult and murder Othera in mien In Laurence Edward Roblnnon William Sinner lloward Da Silva and Albert Salml 11in Outrage noena Iuenv day at the ilon lheItra Oi there Ictora three have trained lilira Dinonan path rre vlounly on the moon She iret appeared with Lararence 707 hr the lirlttah picture nocentn tn PIrla tiienporlray ed hla wife in the MGM Ctner ama production The Wonder tui World at the Brothera Grimm She again enactn liarveya wile in the Out rage lhe other two are Wil llIm Shower and Albert Salmi who Ihnred honorn with lilu Bloom in The Brothern Kar rrraauv Phyalral Mandarin ltre Outrage eighty per cent Mlldl waa illrned out doorn on location in Calliornla and near nrcnon Arizona not only ave the entrees loin oi room in which to do her emot lng but proved Iomethlng oi phyI ca mnrathon During one daya nhoollag ire had to run loo yarda in high heela thnnmr hruah to meet Newman out In Merdcan bandit lt noulred ten taken heioro tho nequenoe wa illrried to the netiataclion oi Idemy Award winning cameraman Jamel Wong llowe in the al temoon oi that name day Ibe wan dragged Icma clearing and Illmmrd agatrrat large rock and thin rugged action wan repented twelve tlmea Ill Bloom tool it all in alrlde and not once wan therI word at complaint ironr her Chamber Of Commerce Backs Barrie Summer Facilities By MlllllEL lEIEPEII Illuminateblind been man than in urbodpavenpadalmmthe F15 muetnedrwtortmtalairy cadmium mont uptodate Wminuarrhcka aothatllarrte nouldbocomethe moithehiurhtaoithe bitten ln the entertainment ilrld lam or tt neerm II it ranting hon been donut VIoItlonern come to llIrrln oocInkrnnlly to Ihop or little bond with hum it in it on we oi or dominant at nil lly thin man live attainment Our llIirtI Oollmiate blind perr name in Montana draw the aim le thin town are not inter Ieted In doing aomethio eon rrett in thin iletd nur vaitora will drltt oil to outer untrue when my can be entnrtalned With our proalnrltv to Motrin let that limit could become erotic tor netital dntutlltr meat starting wilt autumn ale mttl it became mrrouml activity it line been done in Hralionl In drama and mute loo now ban big piece In their mm beta have Irene fll hm her arm the marrt took me to aeveral doctara and ioiuidtherlghtone When wan live night lnoewaawt uninvleuand loot alno had to learn to eat leithanded war right hnnded child but couldnt do mudiwlth myridat hand wore the brace until ma thandnwnwdodoronlyoace year lhin peat nrnnrrrer be Soc 01 better hir liarriawrltea about ao letter oi complaint each dindiarzed inn wiper oentmall Milt huh Im now een or hoot and having load at lull lean to tart do tillage that oth ers do even in room and in not wiriettmea nan outdo othera nIt used to hurt me to have people say Harriet cant do that lhey didnt know me too well Right now lm playing basketball in nu gym class and renllyelllwinl itrMtu l1 Mine ll Lhope lot at people have been media to doye eoirirmit Dear Dr Mother in your die nunaion or unallpol vaccination you raid nothing mt the dan er of having child with eczema vaccinated have been told by three pediatrician that to have child vaccinated be iore he has outgrown thin eo tuna la dangerous or at least rlflcy thin in not on why are parenta told Hinti Mn lve Iald otton that thin vao clnatlon nhouid be postponed ii there in any notion idrr tendi tlon cant give all at the re lated requirement ovary time write about vaccination be cause would the up more than my mare oi space Bealden the dootora who give the vaoolna tlooa him about thin Au three at your pediatricians knew it Giudren trequentiy outgrow thin skin dieorder end then veoeina tion can be done Deer Dr Molnar In it henn iul to eat uncooked oatmealr ervaé Zcoiriruici Bruno By JAY BECKER ouiz You are the dealer neither Iide vulnerable and have opened One Diamond Partner respond One Heart What would you bid now with each oi the lollowing lire handai 0K0 eom M1 on CW M07 Q84 em or Mme ee error one exonu 11 on on More Mme Four hearta You cant ai iord to play this hand or lean titan genie state it In mighty diiiieult to imagine partner loo lng tour tricks lhe jump to tour henrte in not regarded In clonint bid on tho cortrary it drown about polnLa ainco the one heart no doen not doen not guaran more than it polntn it would be dangerous to nine to only three hearta whldn partner with minimum valuoa in allnvihd to pain The Jump to tour in more Icarrete for both game and atom purpoeea lhree henrta While the highoani point count here in ordy re the good tnnnp aupport and the alnnlcton npade mine the val ue oi the hand to approximately in polntn and make It clear that nine to two hearta would be inndomrate Partner in not obligated to bid again over three hearts but the looting nhouid he that it he par the chance oi making game are only inir Ind tn lad that nrriirs Ll BELIEVE IT even three heart may go down it met be bornelri mind that partner in bound to have poor hand it be panes Two Ipadea flirn manner oi making game are excellent and no rink mould be run at playing below game contract The it to two spadel toning re are prorpecta at game or Item in spades hearts diarnondavor even no trurnp through the right con tract in highly uncertain at thin point Partnern reaponu to thn lumgahlit will no doubt help to elar the lame One npade 1hla la the but hid available deepita the alrong preierenoe or diamondn Ia trumpa thrr hand certainly not minimum but it would be imbroper to allow the exces vaiuea by umplng to third dlr mand wtitrout iirrt Mining non dca lhe rong action it any nhouid borne laIter Three nolnrmp it in roa Ionable to resume that partner lien mlalnarm oi polnla end that mum at leIItJinuIt be undertakenThe jump to three notrirmp in thin aoquence Ibovrn It lIant In pointa and in hence mild Ilarn tia hero to two notnnnp woul permit pertner to pane 1hr three nalrump bid idenu ilen not only the bighoard int court but alno the balance div tribution lhe picture than drIvm enabler rtnor to atom the but an contract IUlelEl Juries minutiae DONALD nucxv THE GIANTS aLoriDi r7 UGUWS WITth nonhuman sworn giblm Iron WILFRD Mm all MW MI me new not ma more trafï¬c or EATY W11 THE mm STATES LDOKAT ALLTHESI TENCENT CALLS ON OUR PHONE BilLt HMMwiLAsi trimmer rr rr nunm are 1km AM molttut Armin men mmvrs markr JOIN Forces mi scrim WITH NW means MarionAim wry some PM TIES wnu BRITANMDML7NE unawamm HESE 8AM 7155 if WU SAIQ COULDNF TAIK trill OVIR Fltl MINUTES th lullIMme