Va ranrnannm nanam MEN were among thee everywhere who yeeten day marked the 20th anniver aary oi VE Day Above Jlnunta Role tail in Brigade Sergeant Major with the 3th Canadian inlantry than WEIiTIIEII manner aarueoai MAY nu Brigade 31d Divilloo la leen with FlagI Ighargmimhdonb gomary gra war taken ellortly before VE dayhirlloeatanowaDo partmmt at National Deience employee In Barrie Thunderstorms May Hit Area and warm weather il in atcre or Barrie and am thla weekend Sunday could be mar um MJW dun an ev lated lectlona oi the funty 1ontaatl low tam aime will he do tomorrow term plltnn will rile to 75 Noon reading at The Examiner oiiica line to degreee lynopall Light loulherty wind will continue to hrhg warm air into loinhem Ontario today and tonight In the north cooler air will pueh eastward iron the Prairlea and lame what lower temperaturea an in lowed tor may in thunderltorml are torrent to develop overroum arn Ontario tonight and Sun dv diltulbance moving out oi the louitrlmt will pale inlo aorthweetern Ontario Sunday Cioudiaela with lower and thinneratom will move laid the region north at Lake Sou parlor Fog win term in over the later tonight and areal Immediately north oi the iakfiln lhouid experience iog ea law war and hire sun Union Made Pelerhorough iiingatm TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Compiled by Flynn autumn hm for the Dnnlop St Barrie nding Apfll II ml IIOIT mVl IIOCKI BULLETIN BRIE Clilr Albeatea Corp Ltd The Conway planl to leil com mon mm Lo bring ita Clinton property near Dfllon on the Yukon Into pro duction Ia ml On April Calaiar lhArehnidere will be asked to me an lncraaaa in authorimi rel imm million to million no that thouaand aharee can be loid It Oil to not once the accelerated develop merit ltie currcntl euthorized aharee an entail Deli Ae bfliol hiinoa Ltd Jamel liar dee Abutoe Ltd Aultralta and Ma In ltaï¬euioe Manhattan will our chaee the 71 thounnd aharel The three cormnlre cul iomera oi Center and th in veltmcnt will Inaura Malen iial market ior producia ac leg to Ii Connell Grainnan Cenada Iron human in Company reporta net Income ior the illcal year ended De ccnbcr mi armunled to 033 or tile per ahara la oormand with SIM or 011 iaat year Irldera Finance Corp Ltd Ihe Conway mom prele net income lor the illrat year ended Decomm ll loot leei to 533 or II perAendliehereaacompared with venom or 70 reala per and lhare ior the mu pondlnl tt Angle Candia Ielepheee The Company rltprellmiaary net income or that year ended December leer amounted to $58m or one per Cilal lhare aa muted win near 21 Mt or am per Gala aha tor the cemeportding period Ia year iiayca Producia United The Company not home tor the eix moo ended Jenn ary 311963 amounted to 0300000 or or route per lune al tormen ed with mom or no coota the torroapondtng per ed lalt year lir ll Mitchell Prealdent laid ahutdowna oi rnaior automotive autumn re lultad in later below an tidpaied leve Ploiiia ieinimna United ihean reportanettncome tor the nil year ended De condter Ii 1m anointed ta more or it renil per ahare ll oolvvered with mm or to mix per ahara in the corre adlru period Iaat er in til year the WM Id grou rrvcnurl oi 1732 Omar Meme and Mt Income ruched round leveIe in It lraeer ownpaliea IM Foamy moita net income lor the ai year coded December me oi noun or not per lhave remand to man or til per ahara tor the previoua Iiacal year nilprmMa ei pulp paper n1 lnaealad ll per cent no0 tone In it The IIAO MARKING til 20th aanlveraary at Day yeeterday at the Barrie arm ury reunited World War It veterana and helped the Grey and simooe Foreatarl Pipe hand iinanciaiiy Amwg thoae lwenty yearl ago Monday May ml the war in Europa endodi Beth at home and overaeaa many people eetod theilret ml moia wt reliet than jub ilation But there waa plenty oi gaiety too lh people or Barrie marked Day with niankalivlni and labor ioy according to apeciai edition oi the Examiner publiahed on that Pint report Garraaoyl Capitulation waa heard over the radio at no am home atorel cieeed immediately and by noon almoet all achooia and hue ineleae in the town had mated holiday ame were tilled or re Vice oi prayer Monday even ing and on hardly celebrat iona began CINE NOR DAY All factorial ltorea and ldloota were cloud tor the and the Barrie Collegiate band led by Alien Fiann paraded through the ltreote Crowda irora the entire diatrlct cheered the proceelion which included town councillor led Mayor Peta Sinclair kit World War veterana iagionnalree Scoutr Guldee decorated earl and an ancient BarrieAilandale itiney hue loaded with cele brantl Serviceman whether on the home iront or women were certainly an glad to hear the hem or anybody but metal it in varioul wayl JinunieRolawhoiancwaDo pertinent at National Deiam employee in Banla wee on the iront line in Germany at the time Brigade Sergeant with the 3th Canadian Inlantly Brig ade 3rd Dtvlllon DllANK TEA We were at an old iarm out aide Emdrn what the new broke he recalla Our artil lery oiilcer told In there war aomrthlng In the wind on the nI oi May end cancelled little while later we were told the war waa over and it Imould be oiflclal the next day laid Corporal Devil now De at tha iunctton leit io rilht were from Kerr Barrie poet maater and pipe maior with the band deagram QC Scott and Wigg all momherl oi the meal oom v13 DayReme By Barrie Veterans Bum oi Etahwaya employee en2 runHes Greets Another greeted the Littlel ilill Pia era production eBay endl ltColiier street United Ohurth Fellwahip Hail Iaat Mil Dupliathelimitltlonl ol the email eiage and dramatic conditione oi the hall the out waa able to protect ita enthul iaam acreelthe ioottlghia to receptive audience Particularly ailectlve In the ringing rolel were Wendy Hicka alee Duhonnet headmlat real oi aviinilhing Ichool in France and Don Lalnlonwho hiaroi played the art oi Tony meal enger boy NI dtlgulla Bill Porter al Percival Browne playadthe part oi Icli etui En ape tr toe nilexibly ut with humor Nip Parlona and Joan Genga were ideally cart aa Lord and Lady Brock hurlt reenactlvely and brought Car Cralhes Through Door Iii PaScOes Ladies Wear oiiicer Commanding Grey and Slrncoe Foroetcra BL Squldm and Grou Captain Welt retired and ing Oiiicer RCAI Station Borden tExaminer Hibered and Toronto when the newa wing at hildhurat brewed pot oi tea and thereon the rum total oi our celebrationMr Rona laid idch wla on leave in Montreal when he heard the newl leading telegrath in the Royal Canadian Navy at the time he is now Barrie inmrance agent and preeldent oni in citya Canadian Legion Idr Mctlibhon me the only man with the irtgate liMCS St John who want at lea when on the war ended Ha area on leave to get manted WAS SHAVINO waa ahaving when heard the aewa on the radio he laid didnt even iinilh but called my wiletort an the rhoua and headed ior Domin4 on Square All the bare in Montreal weta eteeed and that limited celebra tion to me extent recaiil but tha atrial II In Jun med with people car couldnt mov hodayl alter the war in mm ended he married Au drey Wickena Dave Galloway wal with the in Rivera Manitoba on Day never law Iuch epmtaneoul reaction in my lilo he laid it wal the only day ever went on nay parade withabottleoibeor myback pocket Hel now ltai photographer with the Barrie Examiner IIEAIID NEW LATE Capt It llodgrl la atlil In the lervice due to retire In July on tiny me he war in northern liolland but the war didnt end there on that day We didnt hear the law aelvee ior wuple oi da laid and it war low daya nitcr that bciore we were able to convince the enemy that it Will oiilcially all over We didnt do too much cele brating Capt liodgra recatll mum wee pretty poor at th ii to Alderman Jack Blac iaren at liag held at the ermoury laat night to mark day recalled that ha war on train between Winnipeg to stan lictlee now Cariiagl representative in Barrie war on the normal tour oi duty at when the eaaeilra order came Back home how didnt end that till wal at lagaraon the aoaariilaraneivhen the war in M090 ed meant gave he the am he theu told ua to keep right Mr He who win with Univereiiyum loronta training unit at the time il now lntendent at the Midhuret or eetry Siam ANNOUNCEMENT er thing John JACK Mle DIV HAM MMOII IIIIT radical IL me are pie to announce pointM oi lath Miller Idol Alli Sir Miller tl married and he three ehlldrwrl and Ila been atati oi Paeooe town on Duo Street West he an unexpec ed caller yell erday morning An automobile ibargedthmuahtlnhackdoor into the garage The door were locked Elizabeth Koloukl oi Maple told police In had atarted iron parked poaltion In the anawlth arcarandwhm Winsome Ill ehot acrnll the lane into the garage Damage to the doorl waa oetirnatod at him by Conlt Gord Seiwood oi Barrie City Police Oilicerl an invaltlml the theft at motorbike dim eoe Sale and Service on Collier street The 90 cubic centimetre machine tl valued at 00 CAR ACCIDENT iwo Barrie teenarm are in utiliactory condition in at Victoria Helpltal today ioli an accident on the iirat line at Ora Toenlhlp at me am ihia morning Sylvia Marlhati it oi odringion Street lidiered un determined lniuriea and Paul St Clair 17 oi Napier Street lultained multiple bruiaee and MONDAY TUESDAY snowman have not CLARHS POBKM tit€015 BEANS mock can im auto mu ed over halt mile out oi the shanty Bay Road Barrie Oatv tatlo Provincial Poitce Oiitcera are inveetlgatlng OPP we lilo called to Sure nldala Road tult ellt oi the 7th line of Veegra Township car owned by Hervey oi Pcrndaie Road had knocked ova er utility pole there The driv erl Identity her not yet been eliabillhed FARMERS MIIIIKET Market bualnul wal alow thla morning with little change to tide oi daiiodiia oi were tired ethic aim Frail grown rhubarb ioe himdz Jan oi marmalade 35c hone radlah etc in and up Honey In varioua container she to 8120 Eggl remained unchang edatiitcadolicrmediumï¬tc or large we ior extra large Potatoea 70¢ baakct mo bulhel $75 bag turnipa iii ldc cadt cabbage 10c eath take look at it allelectric living See the Medallion AllElectric Homes at GORD SPRINGS AND DOUG HOMER BARRIEVIEW SUBDIVISION AND AT GEORGE DAVIES Bon Friend many llughl irom the audience Mr Paraona interpretation al an oldoodger Ith young ideal and roving war particuiari wellreceived and he lucocu uiiy relteta the opportunlt to ov lay the part tor poellha extra um MUSICAL HIGHLIGHTS touching duetllancy For getting Youlry Wendy Hickl andililit Porter and the love long IVCoutd Be Happy With You hyLynn Garraway al Polly and Don La Were the musical highlighla Illrat act The aecond act waa poealbly the weakeetvoi the production but the momentum wal regalnq ed with theproduction er The Riviera In the tin Lact Rod Maxwell director and Wendy lllckl danced an exciting tango number which had no particular connection with the plotandappearedtoheanadd ed apecialty Ior thil particular production Particular mention ahould be made oi the calibre of dancing in the Boy Friend Choreo graphy war under the direction oi Carolyn Faun and number oi imaginative routinee were well executed by young ladiee oi the ilniahingï¬dldol and their boy irieadl Ihe orchoetra under the direc tion oi Al Elect performed oun mï¬hmlani kind va coal the lingo iimltatiooa It in uniortunate that pro duction oi thia calibre war not math in an auditorium lim to Barrie Central were uclii inuildpetmtiaiwninmuli an aqua Important where there who NP port and attend theea very worthwhile amateur ahowl eould appreciate the mutt in proper theatrical letting wtilon 0IIlIf AllANDAlE ACRES SUBDIVISION Th eMedaIllon homeli lure melm electric heating No tum epa Itoonthyvvoom temperature control Clean even heat Decoratorplanned lighting Full heuaepowev wiring for present and iulure electric appliancee lupeviaat Calcade 40 electric er THE PilillIC IITIlITlES COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BARRIE IS BAYFIELD STREET TELEPHONE 7261825 WM Mailmannan min NW All YOUR CAI OI nuau odeJ theinane Capital No invteilaent No Maintenance Worrtel ali Boyd Mlle at guaranteed nanlpovtab Barrie DriveMar tee Dniep at mm