Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jan 1965, p. 6

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Hop lrylnl l0 hard not do wwmlnl Tm VIII lInl brain be um nnlml ymr When can Mmlrlmrmlly um lo uh tve Ihal Illm lrv And llnlnk In km nrdn your um Mu m1 Ihm nlmoul yvu nd lumen lhe wholp mm mm In What nllllmll Iilhln yuurwlt mm In my mule vuy In reduul vlmnllxlna vim ol IrIInn II In the aim in la mm Mum ML Wm aumlnaln uh huh rcnIv Inn at AcUnn In your mlnd will Ind lIml than you comm mum In plum and vlwnllu your ml InmclhInz wnndmul Imlnl Io hipptn II he ulnath oI VIII enth lo mvh II de mlm Hun Ian throulh Why Vouw hlkhud nur VIII In 101 no ADVANH Ncw Yur II 1m Io beam agnln and the when main lrexh Ilm In In your own mm Whul do you want Tho bum mLmHnl 1n IlrummL Make Hm eflm tn llxlnk ummh to what you nnL Id lhll b0 lho llml decl IDIL ycholoxlcnlly In that Mom day In the Year In lhn Mn Um lo mm Illmmlnn pmmm Bu make no xlih rmiullonl lo an dlul nec unlm um quldr pmmlu lo lake 10 min or 20 Jun Iuturc you no In enmm maul nulng your would mulcr mntml mll Ilop playful that ugw By TIM JEAN IAIN 111m an urchin chnllmgo mom bcxlnnlng New Year row pmple look with Indifler Intn upon lhll dance lo Ilnrl Ilmh The men cell of wim the old on wllh the now holy you In walk dovm nrw mint limes The boul full cum HR wan mhanced by Ch arm33w xialhad the data whl held the Inger Up boullunt van of lulnn mile 1115 bride curried Made bouquet mi mm Ind whim calnations AIIENDANH MIL Mary lou Bkhw of Bar rle allmdcd as maid of ham Mu Lynn haynw cl St Mam the bridel musln Miss Glenda Hutchinson Ilsur of Hm bride and Min Mmhn Kacey ulstcr the bridegroom wm bridesmnld New Year Is The Ideal Time To Begin Slimming Program bndEgréém tie non of and Mrs MM him of mum sum TlN PEAU DE 501E GOWN Given In marriage by her la hmthqbrldccbosonxmot U1 pea do Gained ilh ma bodice mud by wmwww Iflver 0stth he with twinkling blue 11th winced the candlelight setting or flu weddlng Wanda Jean Hutchin Ion and Jahn Ronald Kelcay In Central United Church HAM Jny conducted the Wmlng many Dec 19 Don Lam um nu Wed WpaéaLEfiem onse accom or mix Mrs Melenbadlet The bride the dauflhler 01 Mr and My flung HuLda KEEP IN THE TRIM Candlelight Rites In Central United MIL AND ms RONALD mom WINTER WEDDINGS CHOICE 01 BARBIE BRIDES rhuppfii iuTla Md cup m1 flnn mrlmrgof pi lmlr IMO by mud bmd pan Ma In My nlaw Men In demon lot mu honr Plum balm Ide In Inmlwkhn ll ynu Illu Hm lurnd 1hln nmrnd with huller mi mam UM cut In mlpl as lip mt 15 hail pawle all Ind Blur To Jllifi Ind NM mm Add up mm or mm tall and bolllml In main run Md II lnalm ul lo dry In rd Add If 44 On return mm the Nancy moon spent In New York the mp1s will reside at Napier Street Out cl clly guests attended mm St Catharina Oakville mum mm Tomato Dril lia King Brnmptnn Hawks stone St Mary Non1h Buy And Nina British Coiumblm The bridcgmma mike slsted wearing green velm dress with matching Inn And wrhud omega yellow ur naflons The bride donned why Md bouch an WM sliver lax coL In and black accumles or travelling bouquet of while carnation wllh touch of ml The brldemoms ooualn Thoma Kala 01 St Catharine attended momma Glen McMhur Paul Relay and Douglas Green all at Bmle av lmded ushers Folkywlng the marriage cepflan was held In the church Social HAIL Recelvlng ha guesu the brides mother wore lawn of told velvet with matching ha and black accm wrlet She mplemuwad her min wlu hmlsflct amaze oi cmauans Carrying hmgh the cum mu thanthuhendanu wan formal own velvet uhloned with filled bodice Ind full mm fllelr headdrme were mmhlng red velvet wed ddng Xingu with tulle veiling The Ime swirled cascade TODAYS RECTE CRANIIIIIHIY 1y mmlmn of IN lmny In In vofllllan In In mum mm mm cm In mnlerlll but Mun In In In mm hell Um In dol mmn HEN Ol GUILT Dar All Lude My yuwld muer II umlln vnlld who Hm wllh me Im hull ml wilh nnolhu member lb hmllL AI bu Illnm berm worn mother betmu lncxmlnxly lnclpnd thud lml Mr prmnu wu am mm When It Mum went lhnl nu Mu mumled look Mr hlo my mum mm dlmo curd and an hlm nu back Ila ml mm mm now luv on om my on and look lmlh my mum ulvleMn Vnl nm Mn V11 In mn your on ll better Md you run md lhI phmu dlndory cull um Md um mm mi an IIan to mm who Inndu hll win around And Hum In in your hmth In Iha moanUlM dunl hlm MI Dund nn lhll col umn or nu mluhl not AM In In ll Yau nld he mould gene but and ban hm dlmo curd and non lhl bl Tom 15 nu durum dww mlmnn In my hunhnnd uusu my blnhdny wu coming up mum mlybc Ma No mu Um many buy box of dhhu lvn been wunlhu lnxlend ho uldl will do boun Hun lhn my ln Ann Lnndm tolumn Hm no nu an out Ind buy youmll ml nlm card vlcc my work 101 some peopll dldnt work or me You had loner in your column mm woman who nld the mlndod hor husband lt In her blrlhdny lle nvu her 25 cum and luld her In go buy blrfll day and Sh mu burned up and naked what the Ihould hav donv mm of mm EM honor Mn Gnarls Ration be at Sweetheart roses uni step om AITENDANIS The brldel amman wm kg thug Btu Mia Man Laws MmTs mamm panied by the orgnnbt Doug Gamwny EMPIRE GOWN Given in marriage by her lather the bridede mm at white bridal satin fashioned on simple Empim lkia Thl fitted bodice featured goitly Wt neckline wlth tha yoke embroidered in lad dull at reed pearl and cryltais Ind lilypoint aleeves The mum hlglrwalsied akin ell to mall Mllpttmd tram lla head dress in high tiara otle pearl and diamante held veil of bmtiim tulln illusion dnpcd in two unit lien Ind mum to lull dupel train 111 bride carried Emmi bpuquet 9i Sweetheart roses and The marriage of MLsu Audrey Winnifred Blagg and Douglas Clulaw Gm took plan In Bub um Avenue Unlud church de corated with standards while mm and pink carnation at an afternoon dmlJIerlng Kinny conducted by Rev David om Mr and Mn Donald Blogg of Burton Avenue Barrie and Lhazmmkthewnoernnd Funk Green of Siva ANN LANDERS Deu Am 196m Your ML Hide The Paper And Get Legal Aid My Pnubnml IM thlldm 1mm hm no mm In Ir rlmnd Am Iho Ilm policy load mot WM do you uan dull In lhfi limo no Im brok In Id of In my II wllhaul belnl um lllfl no In mimosa Ind mt mnllu Inn mp1 mmle In wlulnl Io my lot ml mum slmuhlnl MI ml lvmk In mud In All um mom paid 00 an he luv III nucr Ian PAYMENT Du Ann Landau lnrned run thawing Mp Ind mm mm Whlla humInn my IIN bnuhod lulnll mull Swadllh tryla mo Thu vn lull on tho Ih¢ll HM brnh ulrllom ulhd ovvr Ind rhmiully mm too but will roll you MN did break lln van pu aid hur Sh pl you um um nun Mndame1nnd polnlcd In rnrd whlrh uld you hunt MIll ymm Du Corinne llm It ll lml 11 not th um um Inch Iullor appeared In my column Mp0 thou WMvIIl mud unv mmlorlnbla by lhll lemr will do someth nbml ll whlll hm null llme wm you whllm lhll leller Ann 11 but It wlll hll hnul Ind ol lhnunhllm children 1111 My Hug IyoL Am Nina wilhhHld In 71mm III city Let them all tum Cnnnmm IIIu The mu Md dnuxhlm 116 am who wall lhe laudul the lumnl And It will bc mm 01 tum mum umn tcllnl of Ion lhu wlll mow than to em dont want their money bui It mam me nd to mother to lonely Whit LI wrong with Ian Ind dluzhlm who bo cum to Invalvcd wllh lhek trips vlrllu Ind thawing ha my cant Ipnra ow mlmlu to no lhclr molhm WWIcity guest attended Prom Colllngwood Orfllla Severn Bridge Slmud Toronto Dockl vllle Weston Ounwa Guelph Kitchener and Hamilton For her golng away ensm Me the bride wore ten blue wool dun with malchlu ha of maribou ndamed with 00 sage of Nd me and mesm pt black Mia wedding Mp to Her mnda flue couple wlll raids ln Bugle The bfldemna mother 1191241th blue crepe month dres with ha mlnk and mamhlng necessaries with garage at plnk roses GUESTS RECEIVED For the mepr at the Con tinental In the brides mother received wearing pinkwool crepe sheath dmn with match In pfllbox hat and white ac msarlu complemented with 10 American Beauty rled came bouqu Sweet heart mm and Malta mums Th but man was Berber Mc Fadden oi Orillla Wlnstun PM Mr fiifixfie and mud mm Barrio Intended As ushers arty Lhmg Mme the attendant lowmd alike In sax ovebenfimidered their fulllentil awn slim mm softly p1eateqwaisluqa with scooped nenkline and short sleeves They wore mulching headpiece bow 111 Tom Jones uyle worn on the back the head The attendants car Separate Una culling from the parent plant with sharp hula mtdmfllebmollheuuunx no that the cut elem 1119 lower leaves us Ilsa finned of to human planting mun leavel poulble should be the mtglnzuulep On the easiest methods to Immense house plants to take cullk Horticulturhls with bu Onta Department of Agricul ture mum taking culunga of such plant In Onleus amn Iums Ivy and Ftpemmln II any llma when unable grow an available Side Ihoou or pl branches as used and may be In inches In length Glmu Althehomooer Ind Mn Ben Snélzrove Thum 5L durlnz the team team were Mn Swimow Mothlaw and dmr Mr and Mn lama Hlnnlh at CIIIBIY AMI NEW YEARS PARTY Mr and Mn White Bitch enlemflncd fluids at New Years Eve party at their Castle Drive mldenca bullet dinner followed In awning of ducinz with spot me prize golnz stgr Come And Ed ward Ooyla Party mm were Mr and Mn Ken maker Mr Ind Mu John Bowman Mr and Mrs Henry Groh Sn Mr And Mrs Edward Coyle Mr and Mrs William Ford and Mrs Don Watson Mr and Mn Ham Hobbs Mr Ind Mn Bud TIE BARR EXAMINER MONDAY JANUARY Mrs Mama Smith 04 mage wood Ave Montreal bu return ed on her home flier the holiday scam with er Ian and dAuIMerlnllw Mr and Mn Derek 5th St Vincent it In the ab Easy Method To Propagate Indoor Garden MANITOBA ANNIVERSARY Mrs Ewart Jeane BR Bnrrle accompanied by her hm lhzrlmlaw and ulnar Mr pnd Mn Bert Mcuan of Ivy will luva tomorrow evenly by train or Manilabn Tne Mo wluat lend thq galden wedding mnlveh my colebrauons Mrnnd Mn Watson DunnM Russell Mn Mm Dunn liter MrauJennek and Mn Mch the wedflnz of so year Mn Jannet Lha annex Lueuh new ma alluded flower EPEOPLIE AND PLACES manic nliiirnnmcs MITSMBRICI mus mute EVERY HAT AND EVERY YARD IN THE STORE FABRIC SHOP 25 PMRICS HITS IIIBRICS HTS HERES HATS IHBRICS 211mman Audreyfouls Mm 25 OFF ONI lOCATION IAIIRIII ORIGINAL FABRIC SHOP Ib Collier SI 72877I2 ion Sn OUR NINTH SEMIANNUAL root move the covering ad unfly Allow the Lulflngu pally of light but shndo 1mm llmu nun lrlnxler ma young plants In mail when the tool are in In lenm poldnl non mixture confined of mm no am pm and para Innd wl be mildfle Reverend and Mn June Fcrguson and daughter Debor ah of strntlard were New Yurl hours guem ol Dr and Mrs Ron Mbuu and am lly Dr and Mn mrnbnll en tertained number of friend at their Peel street midenee on New Yearr Ev Mr Ferguson In former minister of An dnws Presbycerlnn Church and board chairman 01 mm Vie lath Hospital whlda cm thqy may be limited to or The cutting of Wander Jew and Coleus may be In Jun 01 water however mm cutllnu pmducu belle mu tn clean slum land or ln Md lum Inch perlita Keep me medium MM but not nunlad Tn mven nu mum 1m drying we and wuuu plus glass Jar ovcr them or cover them with plastic fllls will mob almosphm Around by pulling TRY MINER WANT ADS PHONE 7mm ALPHA comm Delegates 1mm an BanIo Ire amndhu lb Innual mv Alth Conleréncoheld I110 Park Motor Mold N1qu Faun Includedv Mm Vtmnil Fallweafllar Brim Bulky MI Cummlnu Mil Kw Mann wpfifiufi IVE Juan Kenna of Holly Ind 3111 mmm at sm high lght of thewlour Miami was vlsll across tha border to Niagara Full New York He Grok Jr Mr ma Mn EWMRI mi Mr and Mn Dkt Curd mm mend who called auxin the evenlnl were Mr and Mn Ken Robertson Mr and Mn Ward Godlrey and Mr nnd Mu HAI vn Clarke MICHIGANJUEM Mrs Hitch hu rumnod toher home in Deuborn Mlch lnn follwhll wean vim with her Inn Ind dlllfllIQHfl law Mr And Mu W11 mldr or Game Drive Mr Mr 913d My Elm Mr Webb took an ullvo lntzr at in he mum of lhe commun Ivandmuiumeveollm nlslll Townspr mm I929 19 34 HLI lather had held the lame The ceIebram rnled um will 19 when mud to Toronto where Mr Wdub wn an employee Canada Falls until hl rotme yea go when they Mumed to lack present home In Stmud The mn childm the couple were all present the celebration and In clude Mn Armstrong Ktlllcby Katmai Garden Nelson British Columbia George Kingston and Mn vanr Evans of Toronto HIM cbe Ihe celebmnb am also proud firmnnrenu of live Slimdeys rimmy weather didnt deterAbe many irimd oi mmmm mm an open house reception to mark be gul den wedding nnnivemry oi the couple Over 200 west wm re ceived at Stmud Immunity Seiurday eflemoon Ind ev Tbe bride oi so years In Marng Mmer we married at the harm oi bet parenu tile late Mr and Mrs William Leil mer cl strand The bridegrooml vm the late Mr Ind Mrel George Webb were Ibo lnnidil Thornsth residents moon trip to Hemillon and Niag ere Fell followed Ihe cmmon conducted by the lain Rev Wi llem Clemente on New Yen1 eve IBM Boibthe bride and bridegroom ere descde at finite iamliiu oi Innisiil Tow i7 FAMILY AHEND Stroud Residents Mark Anniversary Vmnuwszmnm MRAND MRSALFREDLWEBBZ BARRIE Mam Lu Cooks and mlmbm oi Baffle my Count The C111 Council of Kingflm whlch Lhc Couples wn George on aldac mm Ilsa an Maze am mmulmlmu Auxllllry the church She II also lumber the Women mm Her hoth hdudo lewlnl and Mun GOLD THEME Recdvlnl the tum Mn chb chm In almond toned Im awn lot tbll medl occu lon Her town was enhanced by may bravoland ulcth yellowand old drum used or the le uble color Mama The local point In mm tiered wedding cake bak ed by the bride and decanted with loudm of Nd and yellow 11 boom were pedalmed by old fiends be owplu CONGRATULATIONS The coupla wm the recipients largo number of zllu and floral bouquet Many congrmuo Mary messages arrived inclqd at later from the lrlmo Mm lmr 01 Canada Han Lem Eamon IA Gov Onlnrln °P 35 We 01 position an cm below Ind Im xiinum iveyear period Tho celebnml ruminant lhl 1m Thoma Webb was member at the first municipal council of In MEMemShr hummusW Ind Mr Webb Minerva Lodge AF and AM They attend Pan Innisnl chmd Ind Mrs Webb Ls val uednmemberd run Womana some are when of

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