HIM mm Bhod 19L PIMI 11 and wul lull r4 Frmm Simi lnmllnl mm lo Lot l0 lucmw mm In med 0pm Mm Ind hu yrohlh Ital building erldlnm mltknllnl mmmerclnl or in dumlnl um Tvndrr Fmvlnm may dr 1mm mm me my my Oflke mumnm cu am JThere are career op rtuumes for ung mmhmen who have attained the 17th buLt 24th flay LINN or tunu aoodwarun lllnnL Aha wmn mm mm mm la run Apply Ilurml nnuun 01 umhona 110mm Last school grade completed MAior Cnnadian flnuelnl comp hmnwhnywngmuwboll foru brightlluQm and mmms FOR PURCHASE or Lorna MN Tendm will be realm by he hula11m In decr Emqu WIN in pm January ll ma lor purrin nm at I4 and 10 West Frmbu Sir cumuu Any and 1m 0m cllnmed Id mm um lad to mm you with you Writlen AWHCBUOM will be re cchvd by Lha undersigned until libs mh January 1365 on mnn cm mm nun Good lnqyonJlunnL mumup Muir In humn m1 auLlu Ia mm mu In rum In Immflhl ll woo qum °°nnï¬ Ammmw mm coma mo rawn musk lam ml nu nwunmordm ur macaw1 owntun or MmII Clfl Dunn Gov lnln cand Mm Arum am am mum INSTRUMENT MAN young man with minimum of years experience on topo graphical nurveys or other civil engineering works Education icvei grade Will lake in niructinm irom party chlei ROD AND CHAINMAN parlance desirable but no mun Will lraln as mimi tï¬nn if mundane Education Made 11 Applicants or both milians mun be willan travel lmvnl lloo m1 unllant bond nah in cwvl In an than or non hcuuknplu uh vlnL Tumm 1mm lunv Inm mulnd tor two camel n4 an whom mud my man an any ul my Must bu mollurly lm Telefllom or plflfcu mme or slum 31 to so Bank apexkm he mu 1wa In perm or tel one Mr Van Den Bou TRANSCANADA CREDIT com 111 37 Dunlap St new um tom ny nu mm 13 muw 1W wï¬h moan Promotion on mum Forum 11mm to Am mamor Vumm sL nanm Phone No IzTENDEG or unï¬nm mm hm work hum mm mm mm muvn lAulMAN or local WILLL TAMHID And Ir live toman bu natullll mm II it of diminixbumnn WAT Bax Blflh Address Please provide me wflh detail of career openings In the Canadian Army Name 25 SL ClnlrlAve East 1011 Floor TORONTO ONTARIO Phone 9247345 9247344 10HELPTWANTED TEACHEis WANTED CAREER OPPORTUNITY Ln new Assoc MALE FEMALE imam ERIKhem 09 Dunlop 5L For moiéï¬ifdmdubi 1mm ARMOURY From 10 am until 12 Noon any Thursday FEMALEiHELP SURVEY CREW man this mum to CANADIAN ARMED FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE ARMY CANADIAN ARMY regular OR AND FUIlHlKfl TAKE NUIICH lhnl II Honour Jud mm In awolnltd Frklly In ah dny Jnnuuy In II number In In Court llmm ll mm It 1010 omci In Du lnmwtm lat tomklerlnl Bylaw Number nu ma for but thou Idvncmlnl and um lhc chum ol nun lhmln AND FUIITIIFAI TA ma lhll In Imam uh Munldpnl 1m llll Honour Jud Cmer hu mid lhll mm And 41mm In publicnllm In Amidnu Ilth Munich Act ll BlllAUOIIAN Clerk at tho Clly llmk Hula Idlde Own and 1mm 0mm Amuml In lorm Med CARTER Judy IN THE COUNTY CthilTotglTég COUNTY 5mm 11 convoan 0F THECJTY 0P HMlRHI Noun lnrnllou ley tor rmml ha chnngm mm MIT sum Io ulcnw Dr and pm at How wood 1th lo Mnrumo Hand And mm or Olmnod Drivq In Argyle lland than on mumm1 Hun HM Ind In Did an TAKE NUIICE mu lhl CountIon he ï¬lly nl nnnlu pmpm loo Dyln Number loll lor purpoll 04 ch In the harm Mull Bind lo nkmrood mm Ind vul nl an wood Drm la dumm nond Ind pm ol alrnwood mm In Auer and III mu on lcud Plan In uni 11 lo Avnldrrmlmlm ol the city em Baylleld SL and Tygdaykhphl lho gay or Chrjgtmas ucu plcku for tho Clly Barrio wil be Wednesday Jan 1005 for thu art the giggleat Bgy lam 1065 um 31mm city west Bl Held SL ma lo buy Remember lhaAmdu Snla clmulcldan the Peoples Market Place THOUSANDS SHOP THEM DAILY FOR EXAMINER WANT AD SERVICE DIAL 728241 CHRISTMAS TREE PICKUP mm lcalum you can up It Euler or the pyogpgu Includg 135 many Hum Im an ad taker wlLl assist you When nu pine your Midas For ad In The Barrie Ex aminer keep these palms In mind mm mm Item Brand name Slza Azo Color Condlflon Speclflcallonl Prevloul usage Upholstery Finish Accrssoricx and atuchmenla Prlc I4PUBLIC NOTICES sum HOUSE MEN mm an mamasz Thy highest guy magiyin Invitation To TENDER mm hemmelvodlhy thl un noon mulll athJotaIlnrpmolmlo owing items located at the prop eflv known an THE GABLES Tollendal Road Blrrle EWMMMG neyh vim 11mm mm Ontario TELL MORE SELL MORE CW iï¬hï¬ï¬Ã©r spent GIL112m wllh Mr And Everett McMillan and um lly Newmurket nrfm Mn ma llmlly um null Mr and Mn mm Gulhm 012mm Mn Elmer Ind ulhllr upon Gulmml with maxi at CilOH respective he Mr Ind Mn John Kali hnd pleasant sume when they received on Gimmes day from eIr 50x14 Dalmn And hmfly Red Deer AltL Mrs Robert Green SE of Axincoun wax Christmna luau or law day with Mr and Mn Robert Green and son Mr 1m Mm HM cmllul M118 mm Holiday vllilon mum Dly wen Mr And Mn II He Knmle 1mm and Vlnccnl lye mlph Hnyel Mr Ind Mu Pullman Toronto It mm Lea Mr and Mn Tom my Ind IOnl Bmlc rlu er Mn Woodl Waverley Ipendlnl the halldm with her dlguhlor My Elrl Laudcr Mh 1m handihu with Mr dnulhur Mn Pnuer Toronto he AYPA wen camlllnz be are Christmu vlliflnl the shut Int Ind returning to the daurdz basemqu pg luck yugger Mr and Mrs Howard Penny lela and Jim Mn acorn Stunden Paul and Kathy wen was of Mr and Mn Rumll Sluden and lmnfly Slnvbanc Aygl orghflsmy dinnet Mr rand Mn Paddisnn spent minimal with Mr and MH Pug undulfnmpy ms Cami Bnrber ma him to Pm celabralsd preambl pgu MW widI their By PM Comamnion to Mr Ind MIL Bauke Mendel on the hlnh their daughter on Christmu any and to Mr and Mn Ivan Keflonflnebkthollhekdaw Elliot Dec mm vlmon with Mr and Mn Laurie Gregoxy Sr wen Mr and Mrs Laurie Gm gory Jr and Mr and Mn Glen Nelsor Barrie Adm John Wayne hl Jovm mod he poses with stewardm Mum dc lmrdu may up girpug In 195 SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS ST PAULS EDGAR JOHN WAYNE RETURNS TO WORK 155 Ind In at mun Mr IM Mn mm Xlu mien1M4 to HA KM Jud Mn lmzum mm flirhlmu MIMI wllh Mr Ind Mn Inc ll mm wndln JulImu II Mr In Mu Earl hum wm Mr Ind Mn llobm 0mm Ind um um Moll Xolkr mm Hilmt Mn Ind Mn an hell and Mr Mumlmi ol Fonulll Mr ml Mn loom lludm Inmulnn Mr and Mn llny Mnljlgqn Mm mun Mb Mr and Mn Mnnlord Home mm pm of mum dny wllh lhelr dwmvr Ind hmlly Mr Ind Mn IN Moon eru Homo ll MRI MAURICE NEED Chrlllm mm wlh Mr and Mn Mill Hull wm WHI hm All and MI Mary Wm Tnmnla nu lluuumi OIHHI Ind Mr and Mn WH Imd Mmdon mm Gulllmn wllh In Ind Mn 11mm Johrr 1913 Ind Pry Mr Ind Mm EA Iloblmon and mm Wldnll aqua Ind Mr Robe Pallhy Oriflll men OITIIUHII wllh Ilr Ind Mu Clark Hm Mr and Mrl Fred Endow svfgl amqu lnrlnndonh Mr and Mn Wuyna Burk hulder Ind dnumu vllllod Pm parenu Mr Ind Mn Woluy 519 sqm Mn Lu Iloberlwn and Ian Orlllln spent Chrlllmn with Mr and Mn Earl Rabcn Ion and Mn wllllnm Robert Mr llld Mm Gordon Clark Barrie cllled on Mr Ind Mn WUIrId Johnnm on flu Itch and Man In Clm fllllll Toronto homllll Mr And Mn Mmlord Hnrn were 1150 VIII lorl wllh Mr And Mn John Alln 11mm ml mm mm Mn Thomwn Hr Mrs Wilma Jane and Mn Chm1e 111m Mldlund Min Janet McLeod and Min Julius McKay Orllfla ML JenIa Linker Ind Mr Ind Mm Don McLeod and lamlly Ivan Chriilmu Wm Mr and Hrs Mr and Mn Jainism Tnmnla xpent tho Chrlmnu weekend will Mr and Mn Ev ufll and Ewan Home Mr and Mn Lennard Daw mn Dawnsvlew were holiday lni with Mr Ind Mn Jlm Layman Keith MdAod Mrl Mel Howe and dam en mending the houdm Mn Knchen at Atwood Mu Wluinm Mddln and Bobby Toronto won with her pm Mr Ind Mn Mc By MR8 JOHNSTON Mr and Mn Ed Johnna and Iona Ru Rutherford Ind Mn Blanche Halal mam 91han with Nelm Hytlop Mr and Mn Mahod Ind Iamfly travelled In Atwood 101 L111 holiday Mr Ind Mn John Keel Clown Mr And Mn Coal Sundown Ipent Chrlnmu with Mr Ind Mu Km Onwmd Cook Miami Mm Dwqu Haw wen in New laws wkh Mr And Mn Bell Mr and Mn Jim shutdown Ipen Chmth with Mr and Mn Ram Toronto LEFROY RUGBY nu Jon Scot ha wu mind printer nwner Idlor an hll IUIlrl llunllnl don Gum 01mm weekly Ha eqmldmd pchlt the but wupon ln hil Job In mu MI Mlmmcnl told revert had deliberately wrllltn hh mom lo mm them muc llv lo mwlpfperjncn One the In inch lnqulrIel he mu mspunliblo or wound in me and unearned the con main new avtrnrncnt mlnllnl bumu In neighbor llufl Que In virtual swamp can of 311000000 lwlce ulgnrlxlxpl pulmplp Mr Sellnl oplnllm wu that good Iudllor genernll pofl ll one Um rnvull moth 1qu dam Ihm who hundlc monef and kup amount 1mm rmkn minute and ICUM lmprvpory In an mum Sell or 19 yem auditor xenenl of Camel and hi re tirement In M9 died At his homo hero SmdAy lla wan 70 watchdog over Ihe handl ing public lunda coulflbutcd lo the tummy by ha unions tnxpnycrl Mr sum wu re gpanabln Qqqulluptnt and not any mum mlnlaxer KEV ernmcnt department or civil Icgynn ll Innual Audit report In Parliament wuchad Icon ol IMMMH am kind or nnolhar lnm what Mr Sell usually Menu to Ipendlnl Irregulmlu Barr Mnurlce Md Mumday and Mr and mi Arthur Jack Montreal Ind Mr and Mn Colin chk ufl children spent Saturdny with them Mn Robert Dollar went the holiday wilhMr Ind Mn 15 Jndmn and Mr Ind Mrlr Curl GMrnI and Ian Mahmoud Mr andMmAuan sexton was bfldzcMr and M11 Jack oy Exam Adam kirke nldu and hmlly Mr And Mn Wflm Ind lnmll Barri Ind Mr Ind Mn wum annly Bay Christmu any menu with Mr 5nd My Richard Adam wm Sons of Kath Elder untam 23 ML wan on em Ia ï¬lm cancers In km WM ExGovt Auditor Sellars 70 Dies mlm or 11 mm umnmugflév HUBERT flitunem wlll bu Md hm My IIICIMOII chronic heart trouble pinned him dnrlnu hll lul lwn or lhru you In nlllcv ll dac Ior confined hlm to pufluin In Mina lumen lli made Iynlcnl mmmtnl hula gardenlnf but luv you ll mm ly far Awar Ila became mlslnnt dcpuly minlslcr of Innee In no And campimlkr of thy reuury In 1m post hl held until mo when Prime Mlnuler MACH zlc Km Ippolnlzd hlm Induct llltrll Ho Arrived an Ihe Ottaw mno In me when lmmlunllon Mlnlller Jnmu Robb Imny grimy ol the5cllan Inked him Thy ulroy Lama Hi Club WIT eatenmed 1m Chrlmnu mm by their lead Mn heldman and Mrs lame Whln Bawllnz 114 Brad ford wn 1h highlight returnlu to ht hum of Mn Whit Ind Mom bouuLUnl hunch was th In chnlrmnn at In United Nation audit boud For lwu yem he wu NM auditor Untll hl retirement he was audilor for the Inter nnflona Civil Aviation ouln Italian UN IZEIICY with head qumcn In Manuel Ha wu born Aul mm It Hunllnzdom to mill lmm Montreal Ha mud with the 25m Ballery lhmuh the Flu World War In France and In 1919 was radulled from he Suhlchcwun Law School nezim Mr And Mrs Norman Gllmm lpent minim with Ibo arm er family at Mallard Chrhtmu 1qu Mr Ind Mn Roland Cormr Sr Ind Mrs Slephenrwm Mr Ind Mn 112mm Stephen and Im ily Barrie Mr and Mm 501 Corner and Mill Carol Grahlm dial the must mum Mr md Mn Dave Boyd 1pm few day In mm with relatives Spendlnl Chriltmal with Mr Ind Mrs ered 5mm were Mr and Mrs Ray Wagner and Larry ol Kllduner Mr and Mn Ted Kellouzh Ind Inmllv Sitter Mary Edmond of St Josepha Holplul wen Sudy 11111 panmu Mr and Mn ML Sellar Iludled law but never Imnnlanry um sgcnmnv Mr Ind MIL Peh mu And lamUy men Chernu day with Mn 14 In 3mm and Mr Ed Mn Shaw at Zephyr Mr and Mn Gross xpent Chi151ml day will Mr and Mrs Bud Frld Ind Stephanie and Mr and Mn Jim MENll and lamlly at Coohvlllu Gordan arose Windsor Ian the holidays wllh Mr and Mrs Gran Spending Chmth with Mr Junk Halve Ind llmfly won Harvey normally Toronto Mr Ind Mn Gema Carter Ind Mn Rocky Chamelu Donn Ind Mickey all King Min Kay Allin Toronw was home or cw day with In duet Mn Ev Bold Mn Eula Jebb Ooohwwn wu um rum Mu Ingkerlq patient In Newmake hospital Mr Ind Mn EM Fleming and may want Sunday with the men war in Elmvllo Mr and Mn Wllllnm KMly and RonId pent flu mu dny with Mr and Mn thn Commie and Inmlly II Far ne Mr and Mn Ewen Rutan Ind llmlly of Richmond Hill Ind Mn dumb Kelly men Sunday with Mr Ind Mn Ml lngg Kelly 1191 laFChrIHxnu day Mr and Mn lan Alklnwn Ind baby dunno of Ottawa ggenty weekrwllh Mt and Mn Willim Afldum Mr And Mm Mac Gwyn men Chrlflmu day with then dnuzmer Mn HIlIBY Holmes Ind llmfly Gravcnhum Mn Stella Allin and AnAlly spent kw dnya in Toronto Ind wyhlln Vthmauqndgd thq Hill and Mr and Mn dmbaby TOEWIIO wtra min 1936 I14 an Mr $11 bccbmc ynvnlo lem Met million Hm price Mr In lllrrh II but one min mum rm chun normal Mn 011 mam Wil bur Cram wu duhled Id to New In lawul aw mmdln wllh lnlul flu Ind bun Arm Mmul follow 1h um 01 Mr Imbam It Woodlm mum Slmmc bum Cour Jurï¬ brnndrd Wmold m1 hm lnndequm Ind mom mmdod enmmdbn of an ViAIM roldTmmto mom of we Doreen Wood antenna Dirrte Romy Club ndlo Indian nailed 01 CM more money 01 mmmunlty 0mm mkcu than my In the 13mi Mary at lhn Innnal mm nncï¬on Ind mom Inn Qnmmgmuhrmnm no mm mm mm mBarrle dlslrin polite Are mu on the Alert or We muked gunmen who handcuflod Sul um pomean la cell bl helm nhoollnz two bunk unployeu Ind ategig wllh $55m mJ Runny Iuperin mdml ol ucondnry Ichooll or Illnle Inld mm 01 com munlly comm my rzplm End ln nur Mun 241ho mother of Vesprn tawnshlp youth laid uh would Write In the Attorney Gmuul dtpartmcnt pmleslinl In iii in oi an inqth mu her mnl denih Richard Rawnrul 19 ml kliled September 21 25111 second recital in lilo community concert uric iu lured the New York COME Moi County Councillor Georn 11 upoloxlzed Lu Barrlo roprmnl all for flying Illa flu city mg no paying Ill Ihm lo ard lhs lourlnl publicJun enlurg In Human Mod no blame to the dnver at plck up truck flu Mtk Ind Hlled Richard Rowlrllz 19 ll Vupn Townshlp Sept WNW ln ln Hui ford wan Illll Imwlderlnl after it started packlnx plInl ln dla lawn wu complddy do Illeyed Fred Heutlnk Carolyn Plk Ind Nnoml Plum Lb top lhrze IludenLI who received nwuds Central CollegLIlo Au nllorium Diplamu wen la am graduates zlBarry Mather NDP mem ber of Pullman for New Well minder BC lold damm In bor councll education enum enco that the Nnv Democrch Pmy would lncn the Ome valives ll 0ch Il oppoIlllan lol lowlng the next laden elecflm lsTha rnIdI commune nl Slmm Colmty Cotmdl ported ll had Ipml mare than ml Ilm and hull 1on on road construction Ind mIlnLenInu by the erg ol Octoba THE BAR EXAMINER MONDAY JANUARY Gamer wn Inflected to ucond twoyen larm rvlcovruldent nu Ontqu Pronmlva Conmltlvu Ano dullon Wamona Club or Barri presented oldrt to flu collezlm board hm MUM um rank at uh mwnum It Com com Ilnmt in me th pmhdu Eé°mm rm Barr Norm Colic no my ad lecnndary school honor md unum diploma lo mocullnl 9901 mm woullnued trnm pm ten that the party In on tho brink ofoblivlonu Halluween in Barrie proved be more Iron than trick with no Nudes Ind ralnuvely lime vandaltlm Mou mloul use was the destruction our doubleheaded parking melt NOVEMBER sTho Obemkfrchon Child renl crm unwanted picked hm Centnl Couellm Aud Ilorlum coroner1 iury recommend ed um the limit on the Shanlynny mad he reduced mm so In 40 miles per hour Value at bull permit hau ed In Burr and ol 0c nber exceeded tom nine or the previous yen DBurle went on Heard in Iu of the preservation of pu 1c ulflluu commieInns 1n the face of select committee mommade um they be wrapped 10le1 Purim Perrin 913M lo full home It Can tr Collezhh uDonald Alln we elected president the Klwmll Club gamma Beyr Me In open imam mom Ion at the mm Winter Fm lbronIn 11MAvor Lu Cooke of En He Inwlwnlpoerh at Orlllh urg 0d wfllwm for any gun BARBIE NEWS HIGHLIGHTS lt wumhd mu nin cm Aka inbm CARRIER MISS YOU Kmunhvluuhnlvdbynnuuuphc 72832433 SAVED FOIL BOUNCE lMflIEID Enzllnd Gllldren It llerflordnhin yd mlry Ichool loam lhm week nle 55000 ludxnl lllmpl Ia let lumpon In Iholr Ichool mo trampoline vhldl would dblHy hlw and no wï¬lLbI End by gum uni vuue of mildln pnmfll Issued In Banlo by end Nov ember wu clou mulan X964 WE all 11mm lhc Hob Smiley El 17 Dude wu committed lo the Dumb Mann Homlm It Pene eun knowing erlllmu eve Inc II Slmcoo County Jun hen Ray ll chimed mm lha upllll murder 01 hll mother Mn Dari Tuy who wll ml bed in depth during the Inmmer wOnllrlo Wm Ind ln wanton mightier JIhmfluï¬ulfl urx supper er pp Camdl Zoolollul Socialyl ten lennlnl pmkct wolotlul park near 1qu Bench 10 An Anglican minisier Rev Kehh Kiddeli lcoke laid the Barrie Brunch the Canad ian Mental Health Association flu Sunday School should be Ibolilhcd because Bibi Marie weromemt or adult rather thin children Siam made do Marie lined Imonu mining Cindin5 in tha Bellinn Congo was found alive ll tho ailier oi Iwn Blrrio residents Mn Emiia PENN ML 12 Col Quebec City And Monlml wal numed to take over thn pollflon ol oommlndnl lb Ma Canadlln School of mm It C13 poxgen the Vnncwvemomnw Candig Flynr level crouln on the 10gb Llm Vgppra Kllpd Kan Jenna 5mm Ind Susan Simon 14 An Ippflullon by Guard My Wilbm 0r hive the 0H1 Pick and Time tiled lot can of com became of In edkorlal was turned clawnv 16 Bmle Unlbed Appeal ruched It 084000 objective 18 may conducted by the Eumlnn maimed Barrie km W1 It wu reported um Ont mo Department of Malian ofï¬cial In considering speciï¬c Aim at enamoflnn at new Unlvmlflon community endlnxu IM ucnmlwenl Human ml am an mm In no whether and would be located In Bank or no wouldbc 1011b cumin FWIMI01yex old landmuk Orr uh bum hummusam wanna In adjoining mum mnflnbmpoomawln nnumeddmuflmw mitten of Oh Barrie District Hutu Theda do Marla rlved In Bird In spend Chrish mu ww IIILiven alter being held not nix wash by Gonzo lenu rebel was the in andnun 91am bngn nbla mm 51mm 00m Unl venlly Pomde Camille of flclllly dung mm to Oollm Committee in hope um might mm more lb EH13 lllqlll Queenl Pl BY Cluk MIT aimed chlirmln 13 Clmn Borden army clerk hi wlf Ind lunmdau Killer worn killed hmnuK when penfar wu 11m In allnby 72m SBank the Ind mined mm may yurl 1114 It want by without elk undou noddanu an mGmlln mica Barrio leuwflmubelowmm nu Ievel 01 prim wu not mad Regular wu nil wgmu ileum 63 Pgmmbflm Vuloll IMmulfl 1mm Comulllllonl lnvllnd John Mchrmy ELECTROLOGIST Amulmlh an 31 mm hm knit V0929 UNWANTED HAIR REMOVED PERMANENTLY 53