FJPMenu helm InNC mu can name Pam nfuu con mom mu oi nu man um AILAuhc nqulm PROOF MACHINE OPERATOR POSTING MACHINE OPERATOR CASH TELLER xxxanch MRSHIV GOOD SALARY FIVE DAY WEEK MEDICAL PLAN AV mun IN DEBT mu mom mom mm In dlflmnca Euy lllï¬nlllbd art or lull limo nark provdu nod um liltomt WIHI AVON Mn Mn Wilkvr Box In gill nod or all nlnlo um am who am mmmmu rlunlnf mu nu am will do homo fuel or mu mu GuiMm Mynu up Mun Immune unnuim mun In commnan plIu mm LWszaTTï¬‚ï¬ panama Prod nu 3mm 0mm Roqulnd lmrnï¬ lowly noon mmm 11mm wonxmo mumn SALES HELP mam EMpLova um 5m me mmmm 111 um um AVONTXLEING qy on um um objtcllnn Io nonvonnkflnl um um you 11 nmhluwl mm wde ab mum mu In mm nr mun with mu Nflleuhprll number in IL mm OTIIM P0 flol Ionian un nown mom Arum Mao4mm mt ya tom Mum Public uu Comm um 5m epcl uhry um me me nhlmy mtg qulllnullnnl Ind uLuy raw cyanMraxhr ma ml mm 1m 4031 yummy BIGGER faulted to Remmm mad Inn mm mm Hardin to Irrlvl IIIJim Ln Nmlh Collulul flu Pluto ammon HUM Iqler mu IAlesmN nqulnd or shun Bird In Dell will Minna mum wmm dryer llllv dam upemnle mum but an necemry smry Ind communion Apply Dunlap Welt Appllcaflon Form available at CIRCULATION 13m 15 BAYFIELD 5r 7V aw or over um Ippu won Penu Wm Box Bum Kay113 uuam mu mm UN ambit Inn behccn lloflyenM Qolurn tn Mun has an Wm Box nunl mutt you rent or buy You or the homo Y0 will In yam5 own your home on Qenn to suit your budget RUSSELLCHURCH MOBILE HOMES SALES AND SERVICE 170 Burton Hwy 11 BARRIE EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTES TIMI WANHlnld with rinle butlm 11 hit in ween Puma1 Inn Ind can bet Parkllde mm and Dunlap smsuudm nllhno 114054 CHARTEE BANK ROUND whll 1th Inside ï¬n um 111 err vi IO HELP WANTED uolmn medium 1m wan mu and brown mum elmted mu mmn to Sun Im an nn mumy no mum bu sum number In human muss vexAUTOMOTIVE um Wmua Namn an mmumm In Burn My FLOST cum MALE EMAL PERSONALS FEMALE HE mom mm luau Telephone GIRLS MALE Hm MOBILE HOMES BOYS CASHIER WW and for nun mad with lilver revolver nabbed handful cl bills and ran tram In amend branch of he Ca Suler Suzanne told how L3 priesu Ind nun wen held for more hm hour In men foatqqum MEAN hostages surrmd mm nLuvaflon Ind Ind 01 walex because they thought radio uammlllu was hidden me However she feels the tube wergjcluully umwm Bel galn paratmops would take over Slmleyvulo or mod soyglm DRUGGED They beat us hard and alien she said the xnldiers were druggedthat is why lhby weresa gruel Holds Up Bank me Suzanne nurse In hospital 200 mJlu mm am Ieyctill linefï¬elfgpila in an Interview here she luld flm Congolese disagree lmonl themselves and 11h chil dren They are not ready hr Indo pegdence aha said held captive by Donznlua reb els in Stanleyvifle uld Mayday the not gnlng back la Alrch unul Ihinxx mm utlledf She arrived in Cnnada Dec heid LJ hum Anne do Not Dame nun of ch Daunhlep pr Wisdgm 9m Sealed mama any supplied bylha Departme for Lhenbova Contract wfll be recenved by he Dmdd Enulneer Department Hlxhwm Box 520 1450 701va Eut Owen Sound Ontario until 1200 oclock noon 1181 TUESDAY JANUARY 1221 1365 Speciï¬c Information On BMWTender Farm And En velopes my mum by pawn It or by mall nddmaed to the Disgmt insurer at the nbovnngnnuonedrï¬yddtmfla We 701 any MI DECO VIN Aamrganwus NEWS ROUNDUP nAnnmExAICnNER TUESDAY DECEMBER lmn My up Bank 01 Oommuco Mon muggy wsmer Sui 12615Nniizs wom Ram T6 Congo uï¬ up guzzmuzï¬roimaï¬mvs omrmi 1mm 10 EUWLIEMOF CEDAR 20m FUPPLnYfponAmcr NosAus11vf man WAVum GP Mrllm Grecn Eula pioneer Western Clnndn Journnflst who died here Nov 19 12 In eslale 1125830 Her will was fled for probate here 111 week The 1450member bud last week wax affered IuIanomy by he Indian affairs branch the deparlmenl of citizenship Ind Immigration present by law passed by council mus re ceive approval by the ledernl Iomnmmt branch $125830 Estate Va mu St Clair Igreeabie led eral xqvemment ofier of corn pieie autonamy but it wank the changeover to be naduai one Council members indicated fourhour apecini meeting Mmdu night that it appre hensive oi the iinandni Aspect complain ministration of ii aimln WALPOUE ISLAND om OHInn hand council of this lmslaqg IInqlan Rescue on Lake think heuwm has been unfairly healed cannot Mr MACDODBHI Mr Planck Progressive Con servative mutter the lam Ilture for Oxford County said in InVInLervlm the ND lead era Ialzmenl is personal smear campaign mu mocked timid be Ilrlylcormmledfl Agree To Offer In the first 11 month the year employment had run 11 per cent ahead or the compar wle 1961 period and the No vember unemploymenk rule wu th lawn Ivr that month lines 1956 UIMWA OHLabor MIMI Macmchen pointed with lai siacllon Mondny lo impmve menu in the employment pic ture in 1961 and said there ll reason to believe there will be greater security and promeriiy or workers in 1965 In New Yearl manage in Canadian the labor minister laid the years most signiï¬cant nped ms the decrease in un employmeni which ommd lime when the labor om ii aellf was expanding Naomi as but in la let Ill no unit by milling the lot ll lndlvlduallirzï¬r prom IIon require discipllm then Ind way or doin the d11 dguqlng MacEachen Sees Greater Prosperity Mr Doyle sa 1964 hasvbeen vintage yen Iar critics of the new media He cited the War ren commlsslan rgporum he usudnulon of president John mummy and subsequent en en The commlulon helium that part ha rcsponsiblllly or the unfortunate dmm stances followlu the presidents death mus be home by the new media The commLsIon claimed he crowd newsmen filled to obey the demands of ndofliclah Over 4000000 newspaper am Ialdmh day In Canada We are constantly ueklnl and ltndinz new production tech niques which will reduce the economic hunk which have hcenobvious so km an constantly peeking new mnlhodn by which we will be able to place ourproduqt in the hands of4zur endemu HAMILTON CHThrall dlan dnlLy nnwlpaper but In maxed Ju cfrecliveneu in he mmmuqitxand hu no 19 on lobradlo and television Doyle editor of Ihe Toronto Globe and Mail told the Innull mnventian theCanadIIn Unl veralty night un my The newspaper today It the prlmary mum for public Informlion nld Mr Doyla honorary dent ol CUR Increases EfleCtivezieSS um wnl hm ï¬fth lanls behal Sun day It belonged to general The gallery reserved IL loud eal awllune on that occuion or Bobby Hull wlien Illa Hawks Golden Jet cloud out the scar lng wllh bl mm gun Jusly yak wu The Hawk deemed to enm inlo the Ipirlt 01 things when the turns met again In Tor onto Saturday outbumphu the leaf dechlvely on their my to vicinry Nollhlt all the customer were unsafldied The gals lent Chicago cmwd hame happy on Chrian night when they blew twogoal lead and settled for tie with Rho Bllck Hnwh the hottest learn 1n Lha Nalhmll Hockey beam 10Ron GP It hasnt been unel holiday or To ama Maple um And the tu mult Ind shouting hnsnl ex actly Added up to seasonal anthem In praiseol ha Stung ley Cup champion Changes InThe Wind For Stumbling Leafs Weld com motor1m used to the nully white llufl ï¬nding that liluayelghe WEIGHT ms Toï¬Oim vmcotjvnn And rwnrd lines were revamped lo Ipprnxlmm the lineup that won the Stanley Cup last spring Bob Pulrord tented nan Stewart and Eddla Shack last year Carl Drawer and Bobby Bum Tim Horton Ind Allan Stanleywere Ile with Brewer and Harlan Iwnch Ewen umuuvuulll nhlde observer of the Icrlmmnge that follmd mled drastic tea menu of paym have deplored their occasional exclusion from the unclum at Maple Lea Garden had MBround or complaint Lhk lime Imlach was clearly audiblg mn Ildmbla distance as be dealt with the Lean thormmInui nxum N9 comm ngér Punch Imladl who lum moned his plnyen from their belated Dinsum Ieallvilies at an ofl day workout and pre ceded wikh what was osten sibly prlvnle meellux in their drum mom vn the ten andbflps 14 the mowlvo mumm mn urendbflps lalo plied the welth or cir MM macawImp Inchlnl up Fender mu near MM Am the Euurn Divlslon leadsspin Rochemr Sunday night In just dwppinl In an their way to Bullalo where they play the Elwm Wednesday MAY PUT ON SKATES Tth wm report that Im lach might penmade lhcm to put on their thin or Th1 Mme the mum at Rochester Americans hafs lap arm dub and leader of lhe American Hockey Leagual Western Divmon The Amul canl who dobbered Quebec Am the Euurn Divlslon lad Rocheslty ngdny The reshulfled uh had Hemmer receptlnn Monday when 01501nln0r hockey play mom of large grocery ï¬rm watched their warm and meered them In ha echo Bu mum my be Mom to dnyv mwmn George Mummy and Dan Mcv Kenney And rookie Ron E1113 replacing he lnjumd vAndy Balhxate was on rlghl wlng with Red Kelly Ind Frank boyudl car VldorySqume In Vancouvu near Wirephoto Thu commission in dwiqu to begin irering in Winnipu Jan and mnan through Ynni The commission nits in NakinI Ont and of the dis puiad mlhrouzh palm Feb Im in Saskatoon Feb 1547 Federal IN Inquiry Scheduled ForIeb EDMONN CB11m fed eral commission inquiry km 18 CNR proposed chum nmlhmm will In Edmu wn Feb 19 And 23 mm chance to meet Manuel Canadian whan the 11m plm club come to call It the Gar dens Wedqladay nlm And It would zlva tho Bumla look at Iwo deflated Stan lriendly salon with the lamb pm Lem And um was fur ther npam that one or two of themdefeneeman Duane Ru uni an Inn um and centre Peu Siamkwufl were among the moat promin ently mentioned might be talked Into pralnnxiu their stay Fe