Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Dec 1964, p. 7

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um EXAM IAMDAY ECEMBEB mun1 Conlimed from page one Olhm wre ml to klnd And Iho dlmlnulln wnnun who It Hun live ml lull buten Ind alrurk on but with rlfln sh Illa member pm nlm whm hm young lokflm minty lb Mun whm my wen be hnld nwy unlzd In lul uu Illlm becqu In army Imtk hnl been blown up an on lhc mud and 51min am am blamed lha prlnll Indlhulum mnermm lylM on lhc mnllrm when IM ywnnu mldlrr Ilrurk her on Ihl mm with lb In at In tumm Sawml nilMi hlu flmm Mood In lell Illh mu hlmlnfl her lurnwr WMn med um my right 1911 mm Theda dc mm ad 01 um wm vuud mm knew Ihnl me In In do MIL or may rm mint lo Ill sumf whlth mum llm In mhnl Ilm imam Jungpr mm In Front UN RELATES CONGO EXPERIENCE One of these oversight Is failure to keep in touch wlth old friends This resolution heads my list 11M Decernber muting flu Plulcflol Evening WA SL Paull Anullum lunch Innis hld double mennlng In well the mum muunl lhl mp nlchrnltd lM lcnlh yen tllowahlv Many mrmbou have been lagclhe thrown ha len yuan law Mr moved my Ind um number In damned er0an sum used to be an art Part of every dny His was keeping In constanttouch with friends by correspondence even some friends who lived In the same town but whom one didnt see often Writing desk and cones ondence case were im poriant personal items owne by every weiiedumed adult and most children The local atalioner was one at idhe most important businessmen in the neighbor 00 Taday ml dont have time to keep up to date wlth our correspondenee Correspondence cases are beicoming things of the past seen most often at auction 5a es To Moth it could meén boxlng up all the Chrlst mas gifts that are elther too big or too small for her and getting them ready for the trip bachto the store from whence they came She knows she wlll be one of hundreds of shoppers who will stand in lina or hours returning her plla of presents All mumbm of the family get together for the cleanup when all the paper that can be used next year is carefully folded and stored in large box for next year Th 5an Boxing Day originated in Grént Britain and was celebrated the first weekday after Chrlstmas It begnp as legal holiday on which Christmas boxes were van to postmen mllkmen and other indispgn slhle fiends It isnt bit too early to start thinking about New Years resolutions either New Years Eve will be the time to make all those good resolutions to change thus things about ourselves which need improve men The speed of modern 1115 has caused many of the oversights that result in making resoluuons for the New Year The mode of correspondence 100 has changed Many notepapera are small and delicate glvlng space only to write brief notes Onu of tho quickest we oi keeping in touch in through cards mainly Chr tmaa cards think most people add noie with Christmas card know do and Im always disappointed when open card from friend whom havent no for long time and find nothing but signature Now Friendship Cards can be bought for keeping in touch between regular cardsending scasonx am at your rnolutlonl like mine is to write to old friends more alien in 65 guess the first lul iillment oi the promise in ourselves is to send New Years cards or short note to wish friendsInd loved ones Happy New Year To Fathu it could mean boxing up all the tles and locks he received and stowlng them awaxwith the others In the jampacked bottom drawer Let fancifully consider what Boxing Day cnuld mean in the light of what may have happened at you houaé today Boxing bay in Johnny could mean he got hi can boxed for leaving his mm min parked in the middle of the living room and mother put her aplka heel through the caboose Tonno1hor um boy Boxing Day could mean he put his new boxing gloves Into practice and just took round out of his little brother out in the back porch And now he must pay The vcnm began run dn lltlm lurker dinner carved IM Aflurmon WA Today ls Boxing Day and most people ucept newSpaper repeltenure enjoying the long holiday weekend In fact this is what Boxlng Daymenns to most people just another hallday Paulettes Of Innisfil Mark Tenth Amfiversary At Banquet in am no my II Mid up um mm Ill mun SKIRHNG FTHEJBAY By mum nncou MI Mri rer rnm Mm Frank Gmn Honnrury pruldA ml md Mn Onkky Mlor dinner ha lull lnx wan held wlUI Mrl Eul W5plupfuld5nl UI ugh um lmm In mu Ihldu dr 117 Iunvund hi Innu ml Ilnn Many at the Ioldlm mm mm nomlder Gun 11 nun Hm Ihc mm Jaw all down lho mm wldlm Mr Mar mnt rend lh mlplun man Mn 01km Impaw on the plane or In MM mmmn cmll NEW BXTMVE of omeerl lor Ilaler umber lhll W0 Ibo mlulun Um hum 5nd normal ImUl Oct when alryxjhfiggrflyeq 11g Elmlwlrflwd 11w molllnl Embed had mm llhllvlllo Ibo NIHanAI Army ol the Conn 111 51qu immodlnw mm III whllu pumm un rhwnmn Mambo Allowed IN ma meolu mm and um um unlolm ILI ln la n1 on Ier work at Iha mlulon ammonia sum nwtlo do Mnm nu Oonnbu filler and will in bold II mlalnu Thu win Ibo IL to min at luau rm aim to Yumnu nun Mat ii E1 1M modm of tho mule mm had mind at Ih mmlau that ran cum mm hunduda ml mum mmnammmuumi Head lib Ach aunt Mm 101 nine Lacey mm win her mald of honor brldumnld wu Ml sndru Dem Se brixm Mk Debonh Lucay Toronto the hrldal cousin wu junior bridesmld The junior bridesmnld won mll length pink own IncaAnd the back with Im bow with Amman Illinl to ma skirt hemth All the mendnu 1er cu udo bouquet white camadm and Ivy streamers mm 1er year wu Mid And nwmvzd They an allow HonorI17 president Mn Funk Green Pmident Mn Donllu Frllldt Vice Pruidenll NH 701 Pull and Mn flay An mx recording Imam Mn Norman Richardnm Common Inx Semury Mn Kenneth Fellow 1mm Mn Ra at Green Ilvlnl mule MrL George Smnden Dorcu Mn Peter Randl um eh Mn Arthur nflcn Educ Mlon 5mm Mn Pour mm 50ml Secrellry Mrl Earl Wlmlcn ECD Mu lvnn Ken cudl Mn June MIdle Nurury Mrl Willim BIIO Tho bride dauumr at ML And Mn 0de mm Blyflflfl Smut Mr And Mn Edmond Lguznp Cmplgell Av Curyinl through the MM theme the maid of bananwm snrphira bluI lull lamh own ugh med with fitted bodln thh hlxh necklinn and Um Quarter deem Th lull Lkln mum kiln mum to Hue henAline Her headdm wu planted weddln ring wifll circ ular Velllnz In almllnr um in her um Th0 bfldwnlldl damned on Una Itmllnr Co the maid of hmorl In unwberry pink shade with Inth head maucrlp Nuun hamh allowed tho martin MI GIflMujufle Puma Ind Larry Edmond hum In Gen United Chumb Mild condumd humnoon comm Doe flll wlolll Donald Lllnlon myth Woddlnl PnyAr ml Parlor lanncompmlod bythorzum Mn Hamburg mm but the bride chm awn al 33 3° Emmi 13 Ly In pliqm of ion and 11¢ pulled the tilted bodice which inland willy unwed neck line and chm quarter len sleeve trimmed with much lace piique TM lqor lenluu lull lkl ml in wit 3ng apd named wflh mildMhnporled French Appliquel or nowu Ind lace peau as sole plll be wilh Ippllque held the brldnl veil of llluslou tulle brldo canled cucuda bouquet ol pink mus mlnlnlun whil cur mllmu IndJuphlnolls with lvy fireman Autumn The best man my link Moig un cl ML Burla Dr Jnhn McDowell of mu John Bur crofl ul Banis Ind flu brldal cmuln Jlmen Rulllcy Tov oma mended when HISTORY RELATED Mn Funk 0m nu an hum of lha 1r nmnx lhI pm cull mums Ion mm be mncluunn ol the meal lIIl tho Put Pmldanc cut do cormd himy uh and um eflllanll prunflvlmuouo in nu Mllnl wlll on Jan It 515 lhl 011 call wlll b0 Illlflnd by pa mm ollml maker mm hy dm wlll bu mutnl All lth welcome GUESII RECEIVED recepum allowed fin Conllnenm Inn briden mo ther melved wealIn met length gown ol hm ornnn wIUI hoe uwllm Mulch 1c cessorlu mlnk 101 Ind wr the bridegroom 119111110 qowri when any molvod word lhn Imbln T0RESIDEIJNMONTREAL assau 11F¢11cswsfj BdfiiefWéddifigi AM ha menu It Yulnu lhm Canndlm Ilalm Ind flu mm mm mlulan um Ahn In aummllk Ind mtg Mn firm to Home W0 armdin llama mu wuflnl our mm mum and Dun lhu ulnar IN my on no In m1 hlblll We rdumd In Cand wurlu our law hblu Ind thou and mod Inn Ill mumn Nil MI do Mule hm hm Album In IIUI Mr llnlly dim Ah hlrwd pmor homo Hy Mm ml in MI no plum run In no 0mm hr um 53 nawlll In allow on my nu you IIIVIMMQI Ihmllm be jdlho mun Her plum or lmmdlnla lulu IIIth Vllll In an Unl 5qu who uh Imhd lot lyunmnnd my Sn pun MM mum In Im 92 In an Ind my lot Rev Bell dellvmd Glrlmllu mun VDovotlom were taken by Mm Mc ggrley Ind Mm Jun McFad Mn warnlu preunled the 11le ollicerl or was Ind luv Mr Bell in alalled the olflurl put pm Mn Jl Mmley Pm Mn Auuln Jenklnl vlwprem Mu mllnndMlullelen Webb lecy Mn Earl chr as 1mm my Mn Sunley Burke Iran Mn Claram omnlnz mum tun Mn Clurles Church planlsl Mn Mlle Walker uslllant Mn Bl Wanda lupply ucyl ucy Mn Stanley Burke Mn Vldor Gmrch lllenlm Glad ndlnp ncy Mrl Alber ln McQuay Home llelpen Mn Herbert Yaunl Ind Mn Clar ence mmmlnu llla member nhlg becyu Mm Jun Mdld denl an and un 06 wells flu cl hnby pkg Mun om oomplunenlerl her gown The hrldegmvmn mother wore ntreet length gown 91 old mo Ink mm with lace bodluA blink hm and min 010 wll mugs of while mum emu muons menl¢d hgr magnum 11M Womanlwulnury clety and Prubyten kn Gnu11 heldmelr mug mu md Huck mpgE mmfiw flu mum Welcome Ind welln Mu Vnmlul And Mn Auslln Janklnl mlll enmmiltte Mn Dalton While Ind Ml Helen Webb nomlnallnx munmlllzo Mn Sarah Cochrlu Ind Mn Clarence ounmlnn lull Mn llnwlhame mar finvelllnftn Much the bride donned French blua wool um will legthergdA hath pm mum nul nlwulume Min den Webb Mu llllllm WM Ind Mn Wmlca PRINT EAST WOOY Soth Mrlu IANSchulan lhuy hlVI ldenllmd mum on rock Iound born 0049mm cl primlllvv man who lived mom yem no Mumla Counenny Lather dlmlnr HM Em Won muuum Illo Id lhc mt dul loolpflllll blrdu and filler Ind whit nppurl lo In tho hoolrnlrh olnn mly hum Church Women Elect Offiéers mlm nlnm won Imp hm om And 1le in In mum 1h mmmu tho Whom UCW mod Glllotd Unkod 0mm wul MAUM at III mmmlp In on UCW Mn Mllly Mn Mu Pu mm Mn Mun mud lhI mum on Mn wlyl lunlly Mn Im uld Jam In hut oul IMM had mud 0mm churdl IllNull And la muny mn sh mag II dmrtnny Ind mum WMHWLW fillrm Wumml Min 50 Gilford UCW Honom Member um lilomahu Ill ucw Ind mu nu mm mm MR AND MRS LARRY MUZON 0n raturgn from Bahunu the newlywed will mnke their home at Sahberrg Terrace mon mum Montiell Outback1 On oldty mm mended from Tomln Sudhuy Mum Mammal Onkvlllc mu Hemquevdmd Ohlo Mun III rlimitimfiflinmfm as L310 ii 555553 HERES HATS PHBRICS HATS FABRICS HIITS HERES DOORS OPEN MONDAY DEC 28 AT 915 EVERY HAT ANDL EVERY mm IN THE STORE FABRIC 22m BONANZA TABLE FABRICS Reg tomesya 25700 lb Colliers Jack Imcuvmd mu lllrly Mnkmwo cupo of Ihlloéuuct Ind Idd wallbomn all yolklud an Impound km juice Cook moment then ldd mumcom pepper And 311m cup mud diced eur kzy Hen Ihomuahly Som on Jon mnln putry thlb Ono Ihlrd molbllnched pfl Il mondl mum mly Addition Howvnboill 11m flu lun hy muffler To on cup of mid mlmd why 1ch cup of not mad cnnnbl laupoon n1 ml dub pepper and uyeum nnd two flblupoonl mum Next add two wellbemn eu yoln Fold In two nuny bum on whlm and um hlo mmd mould Cover with mud paper xtum over gently bolllnl er or 4050 mlnuha IIan and um Turkey King In ampl wa serving lemm poultry lb two tablespoon of melted butter add lb ml math Chopped mm my be nub fluted In your 1mm rulm which cull or him chicken at Wm Hem ll Ample turkey nood le anemia Cool an bounce puckau oi noodlu folloth package direction drlin Gom bim 16 cups ui chapped cook ed turkey and 56 mp oi grated cheese Arrnnze Illnmnie layer oi noodles and turkey mixture in greased onaquln cluerole Mix one can oi cream oi mush room qup Ind cup of milk Ind pour our noodlel Sprinkle Lopwith VI cup oi cheese and do with butler Bake in moder Ale ovenm deme mlnutel 31 com it upon 3m IMMflWHII Am ywnhmlknuhanmdeli of how to gemIdloverturkayt no henre law Iner Qarupnu mummy lie39V SuggfistiOns LAIOIT ROCK 0E MIMCI IN SIMSOI COUNW PllIS ADDITIONAL SAVINGS BARRIE or nutbtni dufioqummw Bdrrlo Hum boar Ami hndmxIlm zirlruvyurlold My mother I1 ycm old Everyfldni do upwind ntZMy film We beaumul unflldwn year In whln my baby Tarolher Ihowed up Im don 1m mm with my and but my mothcr yelLy ma urmry limo min In un mornlnl lhcyelll ma bo uuu am 11w Ind the unld will bu In for uhuol nigh Ihayolll at ho uuloI wntchtao much TV Sometimes an hear her yell in my mama Do you think LII ham lor Iwhllq Indwbn llvviylth my um my mother would Ip preclm m1 would lhls Just mun lhlt my flluuhrvlher would nilll th gltmtlon In nud ml per cent which he mun now100 OLD 10 BE IOVED bur Too on Dont pack Stay when you Your um brotherh mun the nm at lantlonyou 19 when you were You an bl lirl now And you dont Med thI kind cl mugtlonand he don Alk your dud lo tunes lo your mathu lhlt she get phyalulflrhedwp Shel at In us when um thing 11km munold boy can at on her nerves Doctor hm mne new medl gnaw which can be very helplul commune ANSWER W= WW He not nlwny um with you like your column un con fused howeyer about one bit ol advice In parllcnlnr wish youd let mo malght Why do you tell nml women who luvotrouhle wllh lhelr husband to throw the bum nut Ind mm nun he and luppofl duck In ha man whlla olher wlvu an Idvlud to lUd with the lame Ind makc the but of 1H0 Lb Hdl who ANNIANDERS T660 dFof Afiéntion Why he cohfllctlnz Idvlcfl 13 Den Wllhhp when tell woman to throw the bum out you can be me her Idler infl cnuduha had tried evzrythlnl cIergymanphy 1L ensedmarrlaga muflullor 1th whole dillbut it was no hopgr ponder lanzand hard Vbelorl Ilrecommend gemnu Ml dint pwple who cInIM lolenll each other In better oll apart Oniilaoiher hand when man ill raving eyo and mi lichy not but In good lather and husband in mm wnyu Idviu iha wife to mud by and wait lorhirn in rennin com Icihusness and conscience WISER NOW Dau Ann laden Til cone Iidenillll hryour column indV nan ma Snmeiimu try lu inn oui what tin iciur wn about When the ndvicn is 90 dilly cryptic Im irrilaied Last week you published confidential the hll me tween he eyes In one sentence you expressed world wk dam You wrote Quit looking nr looks or you will wind up with another loser This In been the story of my 1110 tried to compensatq at my owulack of flood look by lecfinz beautiful women mlr xizd hm such ornaments and all three murme ended In d1 vom The woman Am loin wllh now ll zlrl could have Ind mould have mauled when not out college but couldnt nee her or dual Her husband used Away In ynr Ind now ll 1m lucky sh wlll In yet When ware you 11 yam llo Ann when nndod youz WISER NOW Den Noun Twenty um you no wu In ovum AM wasnt zlvlngodvleo min ll wag 95 73 Skiwch

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