The sludcnla plan adopt the chlldrcn being rand or by Iain Gardner who has been looking nlm unfortunau oungstm hare or years contributing um and money lo help Min Gardner IElunenlary student at ï¬lm brouke school started the ball rolling when they decided to Chrlslmal humper of and clothing to Mlsl Gnrd Min Gnrdnu happlly Ac cc In lhu Iludcnu oflcr to nnd laid ahod be yafllcu hry lrllelul or Any unlu nncc In looking um her chum and mlntnlnmz Mr prom home or KhanL chncsdny the am donullon 160640 Ind momy wax made nt Gnrdncrn homo Tm 511mm undem pm and mi baking um and drlm lo rnlso momy and neg the luxgestion of Mn Var Jarvis Grade teacher the junlur hlgh Ind elementary Mudenu decided to allow up His hamper by adopting Mlu Gardner dam on perm aqoht basil Jlnls pnsidcnl of 010 um cmmcu said the lluden body II 100 per cent behind the project and parents enthusiastic m1mm minimum H65 WEI not nil mums are bad no Ialrl gtudgnh recently rllml £130 bu 1500 femur admol mm fludmu 1n Mnlnwl QEDMOMDN 0P ChrisL Inn is bringing an unuxnal gm hr diiidren some at them Hudicawed or rounded being taxed or by Wearold Ed monlm woman inle youngster will get 450 new pareanlhe Mndenls Smirmoke Elementary and Ju qlar High Sdlool mamn1me sm kg inflnclpnl ynr Students In Wést gfAdopt Children um mm EXAMINER mm YNddng Tmchlng And Wm bounty MERE CHRISTMAS hmumummmï¬mmq Illu IvyDurban was Compliments Of The Season From Blll Gethons and Stuff There are Emu than 15000 000 vchranx in In us who saw urvleo during the Second World War baby nilng and he km Imm some young mm in changing storm why down and ï¬xing leaky faucets Money nkeudy coming In One group of Grade girl and 86 in night of euro high And donatad to the clothing They will also enwur axe Miss Gardners older chi dm parlldpau in spam gm the wool For the younger ones Huero will be pafllex and help In flooding backyml skaUng rink Axgd7 Maï¬adun can lIMITED 33 Dunlap Eu 7235531 mungI mm WRIGHT CLEANERS murmur Drycleaner THORNTON ONT me council plans maï¬a wide pmgram oi education of citizens enforcement of regula tions and engineering of later vehidcs wads sins and sig nal in older to reduce the death loll by 500 nexgyeu mommau up Pollen and safely oflldnll admllM Wednesday hey are powerlua to cope wllh Girlslmuweek death toll In Quebec provlune that has shady claimed 19 llvta can wa du uld D1 nctor Jawphnt Bruneto he pmvlnclal police It ha been our experience that nonmal what we do people wlll continue 01 lhamelvgx on the Mg way1o pmpcrly mp6 with the siluallon wod need mall In every car travelling nn our Ngllwqys Slx persqu have died In Em nines Monday and 13 on the highway In Quebec my Dr Armand Manx chairman of Manila provincial government body concemodwilh highway salely aggressor nq alum at llgq toll mini mmm ml gone leVllAWA OHThe Cana dlnn Highway Safely Council 1mm Wedmdny that 4800 Canadlanx will lose thelr llvu on the comcrya hlghwayl nu yum400 more than ln 1964 with 140000 injured and In eco nomlc loss or $500000000 Although ligum lax19 are still Incomplete the council es timales thnl 4000 Canadlnn wlll ba kllled and more um 130000 injured on the road by Ihoend ol the year men now an more than 1000000 licensed driven in Canada Ardz Bryce we counull executive diredm re ported and more than 300000 new teenage drivers will Ip IEa in 1961 En Eireéï¬ig the Emmy 3t alristrnu auv LI 90mm nuedlfg UmAWA ummmMm ler1Penrsan In Chihum memzanto Canadian ya that he were named one wish fldeould be it th each of us andallol us in Canada mdlvldunuyand cogethen might rm aboveour dlvlslm and our Mexem £119 undamandln and hmflugr hood might jrepaea emotion whichdlvide Gods flrnlly and nutrive Even 1n dividewr na Dll Mr Penmm 01mm mu ugo has rhea recorded or bmadcast and colon on Christmasrmmulng He xaidlhh would he par glcularly happy mm for Police Powerless 4800 To Die NEWS ROUNDUP semflflméfa navy wm ln flight Wednedny and crashed into qulot residential streel with mxendmuvm cusslon and ball of tire dual destmyedtwo bonus and dam aged Inhmlmndrnd of 9661 may The pilot om Comdlux Noll Jr fame dz pau dwted out low lelel and was Idllod The bombndlernavi gum UeuL Paul Sam 35 snflered bad Injury in the lamina balmy But only one perm the home was hurtAnoflner was badly burned when flaming Incl from the shattered plane en quEd rat he crew ml with It lo the mlnuh ovclenr the houses um lhe union lee offlicer ll Sanford Naval Air Stamp where the plane was based Ha said ho mum ex of Dec 21 he laid meal for the Eskllm will um and wall be allowed by dandng Following the dance the In habitants U19 cgnymnlty will mgumm Some 360 mflhemolfluebée Olly at mime Que 11mm wlfl be nelebratedh mm Kriï¬nguk whlch bulbs El dialect Imam you messed it Mqrz mum Marcel Gaxne winks ap entor at mlmo dc cflhed In telephone interview Wchesday the way inwhldu this lonely outport will 1e brats thelmlquyA spend the rest the 3M5 visiting each other Bomber Exblodes Kriï¬ngok no my ERNIE swarm VMADG mm ROSEMARY mm cwmtoN ST mnla om mos dCluMqCltuhbnad BENTLEY CO Chew Imhbrm greeting to you and your family May the spirit of this joyousl season remain with you throughout the New Year mm WMree the as dulgnated mu In which industries qlmlilyh lpednl ledml tax bmemawlll be re moved hvm the 1M beau improved economic condiqu it was announced Wednuday inint unmoule by La bor Mink Maflanhen glnd Industri mister Dmy sald °mxï¬v¢ser3u° one ymen oo Branded and Pembrdmland St Johns Qua will mlpnm qlgllly designglcd mu flle Areas of low eaonmnlc gth were dulmled 1n Sop um 1m Industries loom lngip was um quality or such beneï¬ts as thinyear holiday 4mm mlporallon Lax andsaccelemed depreciation al Iowancu mm AP Soft Iwken 3mm Oolller In hLI second yen Olevalnd Bmwm coach has been glued to new hm year contract Art Modell club president In nounml today Collier leads the anl mu Municipal stadium Sunday or the Naflonalx Football League clmrplonship unlnll Balli llloreColle Comer 56 ym lened tom lhree year conlrac early ln 196 when Modell and Paul gmanEE has cqnh 11m 20 nchesofv=5n°w mymiï¬uewl an Inches Amhu Allen on the 3551151 notion mm my lhpSdflrk Mmllihl ppmu have Luaryludnnlved in mm weary nd Mamawed literg 1441m Th1 bonded charmed bush Cal Skywk wax the IécBnd womï¬ln Ibo clubl history Ionmyad limping km 52me onm Collier Sign Néw Pm Designafed WIIataver our program Is am deteWnequ doeyery hing In my power Wm um uwme way pmlecflnz Imam Md mamas mm The minkler was comment big on resolution the deputa tion painted lorvdiscusslon It and that health Insurance pun bl £5181th fnr tho un lemployed flu the Onurlnï¬al pilalVSexulcel Gommluion waivo paymenl nl pramlunu during unemMenI and flu the waiting period or Rimme ment to the hospital mgrm may return In work In clunky Bled MRONKO GP Unem ployed persons will be protected it the leduï¬alzmmmenl Intro dnma health inmmce plan Heallhr mister Matthew Dymand of Ontario 0141 in ulallon lromthp 01qu Wel maCoundl 1mm Dr Dymond 31d hww wTaat linden ol debfcan do to up the mm mm 0mm Ont OPT More thin hall the estimated 56000 mm bunk rubbery hero Sept 18 has been ound by our Ingersoll area boy and re mmcdï¬oï¬leihanu Police Reycover Stolen Mpney ProtgctiWofllegg In InSuiance Plan mm William rallmaderJolm Auk Labadzehr whom Provmclul PollmSupf 7266583 LAST moms PARTY Ayen uld Msdny night the boy Immdahgutï¬amo in hoflow 1m in vamp near Ingemllduring um weekend and seriALnumbera indicate it was the money taken Irha Royal Bank Canadn holdup The mam hm eight mflex southwest of woodptock 11 when Ernest Cam of Mammal was bummed almost two days um thobank was mbbld He later pleadgdzuiltym thnrobe bevy and wa minced to 12 year lnzpenltenflary left 10 mam puny or Momma at mmvwxmm mm Tho In more If unimm voun momma mvncli 11th billingMM immanentdo mannamm BYRONGRAHAM MOTORS Flivhurod vnnm Im in ma IOmIIIIII my mom um TRY WEE WANT AM mom mun Mwlheldedumd twoolmethanmowhon Santnllmeulor my Wkwhm mm EXCWSIVE banal mm mm am enum 5L HEAD AND HART MaiAL SKIS Chrhlmu Speck aampuu mm mm sin wmnamn mod SKIERS VBARRIE