Township Receiver that romance anoe tnntaiil Police Association turned over portlonoi the moneyuraceived rem dance held tell to the Towmhip Weitlre oliieer Gordon Manon be uaed tor Christmna wel are The Anodatton which handle the social functions or the groan has aponeored mm worthw program the moat poprriarbeingithe annual bail Secretary Roy Bridge and Pre Itdeht Ron Crone handed the cheque over to the wetlare ot line while Reeve Cochrahe who in member oi the Police Oom mlaalon looked on The Reeve added lotheIl donation with cash contribution UNDAY SKATING The following letter was re eeived regarding the matter at Sunday akatlng at the proud rink which was the aublectot delegation to Councils laat meeting During the delegationa presartatton no mention was made oi the sagebhour thebillnk wan ropoecd open ng the when the Presbyterian eunuch was to be open thla only came to light when one the mernhera oi that church mentioned the tactthat the church door would he ope to all who came when asked what would he the alternative or the young people to do it the rink wan ciqaed The letter follows in refer ence to ahntlng on Sunday please accept the following my view on this aubtect Plea sure skating to my estimation Ia one at the cleanut and health trst sporta that young person could indulgein and see ab solutely no reason wiry young ï¬eopia should he denied thla prIvl egel There in time on Sunday lor the young people to attend church but whet must they do the balance oi the dayt Surely the member of that delegation are not an natva as to think the young People are going to alt in the house all day and read the Bible la their youth to tar behind They are very eager to mention that romeone will have to work cherinkkopmMay point out that we all work on the eeventh day oi the week Sat uï¬lay and that the day of rest it we are going to forbid these young people lrorn airatlng two hour on Sunday then We close inniaiil Park the Police Department the Bell Telephone aervtce tionl atom and all other placea that operate on Sunday so that we people may live normal lite it any at theae la were to got atuck in the ud or snow on Sunday they would not her itate to call tow truck and no doubt they enjoy taievlaion on Sunday Peroonally would rug gun that ii the heads oi the Church want the people to at tend the rervites they must re alize that they serve in the com munity and that they do not rule There are iot worae glaceo theae young people could than skating nria delegat ion remind me oi the oetrich lh hia head In the sand and about time they got it out May also mention that the most amount oi money collect ed on Smdly la in the arurchrn and how many people have to work to carry out the ururch acrvicoa The minister oema tr wages that day the caretak rs works the organist the tea chera etc teta advise than to atay home too and root All the larger towna and citlea have Sunday moviel hockey and manyothe iorma ot use rnent Are the people inthere pincerit doomed tor Hell in my oathnation the minlatere atrouid go thernaelm to the akatg ing rink on Sunday teran and let the young know they are the name an em and in thatvwey tool the peogie would he more pt to at ten church services George urton POLICE onrca Boya in Blue wiahtor you holiday too he people we have In charge we are taw 50 dont let the tire drunk driving charge tell on you To extra time the boyaaay hp5° dont get too much mixcnught upintheitx Foryouknowi well the tlringa that wont mix Police Chlet Brown aaya wiah to extend happy holiday greeting to all resident at in nialll Township andraalr for co operation during the reatoi the year This ardewtth rhyme nt take dr ce whlle dr grm andahouldbe ionaoa sum Lloyd Pridlram reeveot alani dale mmmuory atlved oitfa bid by deputy reeva Witt Downer tojrnrseatmlnn Inaper CE Lawrence the only de taated candidate running for council waa Burton Lawn enoe The tight for reeve was fought over the iaeue oi annexation Wilillowner ed mention 243° it it Be clean allowed to leave home ihe area school board wry claimed previourly and the membera are Margaret Inpder ttiien Munberoon and Bill Pat rm your car Dont ttay tooiong at the IOClIrhliqu you drink then leave your car Juat dont take chance on escaping the local constahular You are neede ed at home on uuirtmaamorn So leave the rude inrthoee who dont care Your antennaewill he fuller than their MATESMARTIN LTD FUEL OIL DISTRIBUTOR ISO VESPRA ST CHARLES DERSON INSURANCE INCY 7166085 ri qu or Qnehec pruaingritaflinveatigatim Into ra steeringand in internal onaleonoectionr Phoneyhnnimrptctea are cort ing creditor mllliooa ot dollar yearly inQuehec and racket materntiodevarouid todeal in anon smuggling andblack mail as well vency The Quebee governments int veatlgation opened Novella followup to tear publielnedini quirleethat have been sincevale The alleged ranketa are laid to heriinked with such crime Indicates er the Maï¬a but several ringr ith operation Imder way in pa an South America are renorted hehlndiheQuebee develop m3 our lotilcial he an otter oi cooperation haa been received irom Ontarioaattoru FOR neyqanerat and that close on now Ia re ality between inverttgatorn here and that looking into atmiiar racireta in the United Staten POur blunt Job to iar ha been the organizing otgevi deneeeoitectton and the poordh noting thewerk otyari woman rWhere previously ouch some urtheRthlP and the Quebec Provincial Pollen rerelygot to gether ondnverttgattona In thla field now they are poolingtheir resourcee to Impreeedented extent he said ed byrhttorne Gen ctauda Wagner to lead the Quebec tnvutikation war LII den MGmflHfl in being na tlated by Gerard Lageniere permanent Crown prosecutor Quebeee revenue department lay there couldbe coinciden tal Iinkl betwear the rowel rruur oerf READY CHRISTMAS GEESE DUCKS CAPONS CHICKENS AND BllEEET STYLE HAMS AII Attractiver Priced Aoooosurcnou or MoritaPorno SAUSAGE 59° BEEF 69 FRESH KILLED BARRIE NO REAMERY rurrrn sscrruurs WHITE GRANULATED rasr WEEKSS women or room MR mas row TELLINO 69 JOHN ST BARRIE corporation charter all in earlier vocation are deoigoed aa move against corporation that have ng require ments at he Quebec ammonia Acttor tweyeare or more The rename department aid ita work haa hem throne and more eonrpiicatedbytheinoor porationvoi great amber oi mmpanieawhoae goal itto tool the inoorne tax deparhnent and tinmesh FEEL Mil mhrm lore one and SouthAmarica andinvolve the internationaly smuggling ot goidyiewels and other The oredilorsnatemeathelr goods agatn and vine recond wmvmionrna new link in the chain ct holed bank rupteler IJEIgii HENS 1016 lBSL 45c that III MANIA OPtJ apect Garmenaoonunittce has ommended to the government drtrgmanuiacturere and drill diatributore be laced on gcr form at ted on the reglrtrntion jot drug tlrrreahmrld he momletedaa loonat ponein In the cone oi new unpanlel registration rhouldbe remalredlbeiom they piaoeprodm on the market The oonunittoe Ieporti tn hï¬Wmm are or arrirtmaa lay registration would be ieeacomplicated than licensing but could he madeaa etiedive through penaltiestor nonmnpilance the matter OI It urge that the diredorates pro mary leveltbe In matdr ate ioduN trylnd thater ctorate be atlowedJo do direot hiring in emergenclernlte him now in done through the comminyinn proeeer STORE tEAtI 15qu surom WW5 490 Starts 79k HouRstf MON To para rues T0 porn Awan To THURS 16 no we swrrrirlcruo corn ROSE BRAND SWEET MIXED rrooucr or USA no no EMPEROR GRAPES LBS to or an $l 7c LB BAG 296 STE 12 octane srarrr BNRRIEL