WM mum mm mm rub my Amium mm rm by gang churnu 1m mulla rm wanna In mm In ma II an4 mu mm van mu MIm uumn Whirl an llnu Wm mum in luv will IN Hl mm mum cl mum Mm yammuna um pm It pm hnlm um lnlvrlw Al mm min umm Wm mm ï¬lm Barrie Examiner 21 1939 lila nr Gordon longmnn announced that Headquarter Company Grey and Stmcoo Foresters would start recruiting at once to war xtrength Applicants received It Barrie Armoury must be between age 2035 minimum height five feet nine with not more than three dependent and pass rtrlct medical exam From Victoria BC came box ol holly from Fred Grant who said it was just 55 gem ago today 1685 when ho started work printers Ipprentico at Barrie Examiner tor $150 per week Wu den Walter Dawney reported llnnnees Simon County in iavonblo position nil lovles being collected without delay for first time tn some years Christmas moss givon by Rev Earlston Doe Burton Avenue United Church on hehall oi Barrio Ministeriul Association Town Council lollowing complaints docidod to limit time If location of puk ing by livestock tnielu Deputy Reeve Murray liliilr presented molu tion of thanks to Mayor llorhort Rob ertson or lino year at ctvlc ldmlnlstrl tion Ovenden Colieyie was host to par out of students nnd rlenrll rt nnnunl Christmas entertainment Miss El nod llth ingrnm Ind Milo Sho of we com od gueru Progum Include The Tum ing The Show with Illgirl mt lliort beautiful Christmas troo in town in II the homo Mn lnnk Cirillo lo lilnple Ava Chin Aumulua mm rm oum Ilamun ma mum and 7mm IVM Autumn nnnxm run run mmn II VIIVIUN Mrunlon Iuvm mm Mlluu nun um um m1qu nonmu umnm um uulml lm only rmIu lL Now underway in the United States is twoyear program to cut personal in come taxes from range of mum per cent to range of ldto70 cent Cor poration taxes are being re uced from 30 per cent to 23 per cent for small firm and from 52 per cent to 48 per cent for companies earning $25000 or moraper year Company executives and tax au thorities report that some US firm al ready have decided to expand at home rather than here because of the fact that qur topltax rate on business earnings re mains at 52 er cent Ottawa course is not unaware of this problem In his March budget the Minister of Finance went to considerable 0n persona taxes are further inducement lorable and ambitious Canadians to emigrate 0n corporation income lower American lax es not only give us firms competitive price advantage inmarkeisln Canada and elsewhere but there can be little doubt of the decision when us firm has choice of expanding its plants in Canada orrai home is form of economic suicide or Canada to maintain higher rates of tax atibn on personal and co oration Income than the sametoms soutr of the border WARE A69 IN TOWN So saysJohn Getlner writin in the current issue ofQuestS ght on Education official ubiica on of The Canadian Home and heel and Parent Teacher Federation His article sprang from muchpubiicized decisiunotihe federation at its annual meeting in Char lottetown to abandon pianforaWorld Conference of Parents and Teachers in 1967 This decision was hkenghe says because of foreign determination taboy cott the meeting if Canadian Home and School did not agree to restricted in vitation list that would have excluded representatives parent and teachers Ironi irpnpirtain countries hcaflf are intigbehdent all rightfrom mndog and from Washing form OfWEconomic Suicide In the economiccultural and social heres we are becomln mon and more United States apï¬ age unto gpiritual colony If has on occasion uï¬favorabla consequences bath material pnd psfhological weltave only ourselv es to tune Canudtmun£ortunately nre apt to be treated with high hand because they have opened themselves to such treatment nuaww i113 The Barrié Examiner Tllérs ls alsn that an mm Automobm prank will 10th In lho lllflllmu um um Nuxl Mnndn Clmdll Hm lllllllfll lnum mu MI roll on the no It Dm tnoulhl now Mnrlumn CAM Umtled III II wlll be rodIdler dly for Nov ollan lmlmlry for lhn mw lint wlll be lln tlral In tumult lo proum bolh nlumlnum Ind lln cumom 100 million Juana ml ngxl 12 month NOVA SCOTIA SCORES AGAIN SI Calharlnu Standard lndualry Ia beaman In Nova Seoul pruvlncn whlch or too many yam ha been pracllcnlly Ignored by lndualry lha cause In changed vlowpolnl about lha dlalanco from markcla Irelghl mu ale Today all oyu an on In davalopmanl belng carried out In Nova Scam Whon Swedlah car manufacturlnx Flam doclded loopen plan In Canada aoloclod Nova Malia llndlng advanI axoa rather than dlaadvnnla ea In an AIIanIIc location Moro recon 1y ll haa boon announced Clalrlonu Sound Con craIIdn lel Is In clung Ila Iamlon Imm Iho lomnlo area In Nova Scolll lho Sflnmllllon dollar plan MI llaI gwwln manulaclnrur aound equlp men II located In Hclou Counly la iah 0n guud duty the count LII Bailey was Illacked wit roomhandlo prisoner Dr Allan Gny wn called to mt Bliley and also the bmcrk inmate who was subdued limlly by five men Harry Brother leit or Ambn Dutch West indies to join crew at British oil tanker wirelm operator William Bradley opened 5111 Place in one Wlltcr Sujcnntl mm SEW stores corner Muy Ind Eliuinth OTHER EDITORS vmws mu dra have enjoyed it starring such oldlimo Dumbells Ross Hamilton Pat Rafferty Ind Red Newmln Jolly party It home oi Mm Corbett Duckwarth Street raised funds for Orange Childrenl Home Highwa 11 near Ric mond Hill Town re echoed memories of World War One In Red Cross Auxiiinry nsored dlnca Bob Powells Orchesirl omied services Music pupils of St Josephs Convent Fave deiighlixi recital at St higryl PI mu Canadian wmlma muslcnl revue pick ing tn In at Tomnlog Royal Alenan 4n It is probable that both hla economic and politlcal advisers are urging the Min lster to hold back on tax reductions for Canada the latter on the basis that re ductions would be volecatcher in the event of 1985 election and the former on the basis that reductions mlght best he tlmed to give the economy legup tn the event of slowdown tn buslness actlvlty In the meantime however It appears that the government ls taking to in more mone than it expected or needs and it undoubtedly true that Canada is lnfllctlng sellinjury by maln glnllngstax rates that hlgher than in lengths to argue that Canadians would not face serious in disadvantdges be cause of the US tax reductions The Min ister could hardly have argued otherwise since at that time he was Iorecastin budget deficit of nearly half billion ol lars However avar Gordon has recent ly admitted thus far in the ï¬scal year his revenues have been much higher than anticipated The Minister himself has said only that he ndw expects consid erable reduction in the amount of his forecast deficit butunofflcial sources state that the government could end its year wltlua considerable surplus It all Imounls not to health rejec tion of exaggerated nationalism Can adians but ton sony lackor nltional pride and sellconï¬dence knuckling down to keep in ste whatever we price And the price is This trend in our economy which ap pears inexorable is sustained by the do piorabioCanadiu indifference 10 our own national requirements We buy more more by mileforeign gooda or capita than the nation of any er country What is worse all too many Can ldians buy merchandise because it in iorei made but magazines die on the vine ecause Canadians prefer to reada and Canadian firms prefer to advertise in +American publications To have been performed on Broadway makes play to be bestseller in theUnited States makes book for Canadians ants well Nltional policy with III 111 reglrd otcpum foxmu fléswith Cane Idas allies gnd friends is definitely made ln Othwn But in spheres below the highest level our sellylmposed dependZ em on the Us is growing every day Two numm 7H0 lira hn II mulllm loll mm mm prfllm Igrlnlmmn Hl nnyun rt mm to Inn bu um Ill inlr mlu mm ol nhlch Ilmlln pmd um In Mind Inn Kwa 91 Inmmjlkl ho M1 Mm 511 mm toy ha yumod tor at manly luvunhnvdmlhm Mdlngjn otnwnmll but mm In MI drum PM In Ma mull hom ho Imam wont be 1h middlrmd mm on Mu mm hand In bad on Gamma wllh lull lollom human about flu ll II About lo mm mm will hlvu no nu tor Bun Mum Mm llw mld nibnod man mm on nla ldu mm mm In In conï¬rm1 Mmm M0 WIIMul mm mt hajmn ll my will On amulmu tha mm mm law hnvyllddnd lup whh mind lullnnl mm II fnlvbghm he vim the Inmul vim ho buy old SM ml liderNc mart mhgm DI mlm mm In NEW YORK AHA middli god mu Mllovgl In SIM gm uuu much n1th rlmrl hu hum Kim dldnm pool burlnl But 11 Just ponich Mr Ro bnrll may hIVI Iomeihinl Ami he pool of fund lmm petulant will live him In of lb many My peed Then hhn Keen thn unu alon cl anything 01 um um 1h main rum anIq IA un of Quebec mulled Ms own penxlnn plan In or pur pose intends la boast an econ omy of his province by Iulktlnx insult develnpmgnt To day thy way ha mm to do It will nquln of WW One inliiï¬tinz though that he might luv In mind biLdevclqpmcn wgznn And thin sald isnt good engulh fotMrrRoblfll There mm be eondmon the hunt But it were his own program heor whoever me ceedr him Onurlnl premler wauld luv the full ny The question in wlul could he want this for In nallonnl pronm ha would have tha of is money mywny Bu MA would bu In the onn nl loll from Ottawa WRONToTha Iii mmmi hare these day is that Premier Robnru wanis In run hi1 own pension program he roaiiy does so Is In hnve luii lay over the hi1 fund which will be built by contributions DON DHEARN mum WSOEWE MIME mains smawmme camera arm PeACEmn M9151 PREVML THE LIGHT TOUCH MiddleAged Wonder About Yule Gifts By HAL BOYLE QUEENS PARK Says Robafls Wants To Opéiate Pension POLITICAL WEATHER REPORT town Mill handkerchief rqrnhlhf wrlgnenl hum rinldideuu who will mum M11 mum 10 Ml nl Into Ilu in mm alnm min but 1mm flu Second Wurld Wm waver Hr Jahnllvn In political mod bull Mu nun And loudly known through ha north Ho Ihouldnl urn out to ho conirovmhl 131k Imnu tht recent Irmd ch hu been to bring Sn oull men lo avernment co corvenllonl He hu been acting chairman III ONE or name time new mumed um ha deny in conï¬rm him ha been reluctaan to name poll fldan ht head thin bll public wrponllon THE BEATLES Mi Jnhmion II on ha Mann the house having Min lint deï¬ed In 1m WV Alllxter Juhnslnn RC member or Furry Sound hu ï¬nally been conï¬rmed chain man of flu Damlo Nnnhllnd IEmspoftydon Commluion Anyvhm mm In lull BOY WHO CAUGHT CHOW Mr Hobart has said Ihai eventually in will make 0n inrioa uvenll position on pew Lib clear but um in he munlima he cell it is better not In discus it piecean 11 lo expected um on mnl linemen wont come unlil thencxt xuslon and thlx Lsnt duo In am until January hemI we pmbably wont know or least menu ye nnd pramny longer Ilgqlllhll llxje up gleeve upma mum 0r then again In could be just playint his cards very dose as usual and Mmqu be up flan HAND JAYS NIEHT m1 TIMES 100 TM Rm II lorwm Tum Wut Thum TWO FEATURES AND IN dam dudinl nodllu kwnbwm only 0qu nde mm aimm GM mar uh man do lha lmooulble but He do IX pï¬i him to da mmnku pop For by rm Ind ya been and mum mm nu mu mulm III ol GotMocha III In the IInlIon uw ALI but look plum Ind hand pll ed AuId Lung Sync In In pulled out VIII boy In the back coach nvInz back Corporll FInIIy wu 1tu wounded and never IImat to weekl bond ll 0mm public Ichool my Inch wn Corporal PInInyl Ileer luv Mr FIan wn IheIr It her the Iamlly mldinl on BnyIiald sum Ildng Iho nld mllI mad when Mn Hm VII 1le II III rm Polnu when Ilve lhou BArrIo vohm Itm relurnod In INI 1mm lho Boer War Ihey 17de It AI Inndnk SIIIIon Ind mod om Io Bmh Idol II band Ind rqumI an mm Ihem ml mlcoml harm Your null wur onunv BIBLE THOUGHT These six men Id Dune on the IJIL min or main lhc nulmnld bind all Sixmoo Forester marched down Bu ield amt with ether munbm to hue Ill volunteer or to 50th Alden the Gflnd Trunk Station torn down Colonel Ward nva well Iddreu with lame and Imma tlom and aweM In the boy to Illck mm ulwnyl nm was um loo Ipec ROE WAR VOW Mics be Ho won his mlmulwdory not on pmmises or on past per We EeL Examiner unduly formnnco during his 11 nponlh and oflen dip Items 1mm Dawn ofï¬ce but largely Meme Memry Laneva whlch voter were lured if Bar remember from any back ry Goldwllnr in early km dun Johnson vmn ha rupee but One mum you mum not are captured the love was about the boy who mm llAnï¬eencanmpcopIie mind the mhfleglmnl mm ml 1an seve Burrie at me no 50 won min Landal dc vlmry Africa 109w You mnfloned In 19 but nmmwy magnu live cpl Harry Bluksgt fMCangress And public by llarry Calllmn SKI Harry du ythe Suprgma Court Blnzhm 121 Jame maywh hu Iwom eea and sandman meg Hand Johnsonde this esson um Well there was number End Pllns l0 mm very CorvorI mom 110ml Mm abmd The LETTERS TO THE EDITOR P0 133101 lam mm In Dir ry Goldwllnr Johnson mm ha rupee but published not yet captured mm Jury evAmerican people dmlrm ml hem Franklin Roosevelt 50 on slmflar landallde yimry mwa cue on campun chm Johnson Ihook bind with Inlnmdiflomunw min And Md them YIll coma and my Ila White 80mm Nun month new moi of than lake him It hit word and come In Wishmmnjor Iha Mien ammonia Jan this lesson Ind pllns to 1mm very nu liouxly at home And abmd The Great Society will hnva to come fradually Ind LBJ accept um will not be maimed during his pusbdmcy He Is trying to shed III rapullllan the rut ut pcmader Irm4wimr And hickhum who aver ruled lha U5 smu Johns ml Il He talked loudIlngly of dur lnglhe tannin ï¬rm when tho min labor and ha null bounty will be shard But was naver loo Ipec Ho won his mlmulvidory not on pmmises or on past per forming during his 11 nponlhs ofï¬ce but largely Meme valanygre and if Bar For week now workmen hnve been hummerIna Mom has Iund Irman 1h White House Indrflueapltolzwidlnu don the route In beinl scrubbed Ind painted Ind lha city braced or Tensdud cele rbratlon fro mm an even nightly with conudon my hu ammhheu drunfl$ Iradl on Ind It pant Ind wear business wit IM the wearing in ceremony at llu capital and dinnerjacket grasliiead ol bill flu mumII Thin caused vm run in lullrental clrclesr Ind peevzd Vice President elm when Humphrey who had Mlvordered cutaway ML the ong or the Ill WFV TEMM WMRIVfSMMIWEUSANR wmmmn HIGOHWN WALDSDN Follawlng inThe hIIarIous funsteps ofMister Roberts TODAY Nlng inthe Ioua funsteps ister Roberts WWWms ma mox omcr mm In ADDED FEATURE WhatlqhnsaanDc WAsiimCrON cmiNG SPECIAL HOLIDAY ATTRACTION WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY MATINEES approaches Inaugura lion daY lha President has one New Yearl renludon will not sun by than my walnu around 1n Whlle House is drused or Christmasan IHool Hr In the blue roomH pixiafaml Mulun minimum eminent on tho pordl and An lathcentury Ilflhn creche In he ml room NOW SHOWING Abroad he pin to ah things lowly He will no exltnd Ihe uerilln war In South vm nam by llhddnz North Viet Mm He will not push we ban for creation mulï¬lntenl an den lam missileahlps mm the NATO alliu plh la unin the Western alllam which DWI mm in be eating It apayt Americle alemenlery ml himnook bedlyneed lederel lid lo improve their Ilemlenil of leaching Ind Ieoomlmdnilnn Eu lww lo give them ledernl money wilhout also slipping some la lhe Catholic parochial lclloolsl ihll nine the hoary principle of line leparelilm of church Ind male on whirl the use we lounle Yet Johnson who rants lï¬dbelmm ll leec ewre an wen Elrlovlde Newbie education foe Next President will hm to tilt up host prejudice ll be is in liberalize us lmmi gallon law lo edmll newcom er on he basis of skill relhet than lbe unidead national quote Helm gressura mallard md Iavxellllfnl GrenISocllylo Comm MEDICARE vyill begln with mun1 can plan to prwlda lintlled hospllal can for overï¬s out Social Semilylmga nmhu llllld relation to madlcara II It in undenlood In Canada will not aver doclon bllll yet mavAmerican Medical In wciatlon lurioualy denounce It as he beginnlnu wanna mzdidne 11m comuanmher Instal mem ln Johnlonl war on pov erly plan to mlom lun down Elly areal wipe on rural alum and min he chronically unemployed to at them or place ha ha mummy Alter Ihat he wllIJIN emotional bales likely to gen eral almost as much heal Illala dabale In Canada way my lucceuful pun men lesder Now ha out nl the Pu mem mlla IWIYI Penn ylvgnil A11 rul nueLandVhe must hnnze Ml little more will he no mun SHOWN AI no 700 NIL